Red Dead Redemption

Red Dead Redemption

91 Achievements


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Smoke that Skinwagon

Smoke that Skinwagon

Make it to wave 15 in Undead Overrun Gametype in Multiplayer.


How to unlock the Smoke that Skinwagon achievement in Red Dead Redemption - Definitive Guide

This is a time-limited game. The faster you work, the further you will get. When the coffin appears, everyone should rush to it together. One player opens it while the others provide cover. Kill the hordes as quickly as possible. When a teammate goes down, revive him as soon as you safely can, because you need him/her to be killing zombies instead of laying on the ground. If your goal is to progress as many levels as possible, you have to work as quickly as possible.

Use your dynamite and other thrown weapons. They are very powerful. Dynamite, in particular, is in long supply; there's no reason to save it for a special occasion.

All that being said, the secret to winning this achievement has only two words: casual aim. Go to Options, Config and change your multiplayer targeting mode to casual. This setting causes you to automatically lock on to targets' heads, which is exactly what you need when fighting the undead. You can always change it back to normal or expert after winning the achievement. Get your teammates to do the same, and you should have no problem making it past level 14 and well beyond.

EDIT incorporating some of the comments:
1) You can expect it to take about 10-15 minutes to complete level 14.
2) The Long Shot class works really well.

03 Nov 2010 02:55

Thanks for the casual aim tip, that'll be a life-saver!
By Dixxxxxon on 01 Dec 2010 18:11
Should be worth mentioning that my group just ran out of time about halfway through wave 14, but still managed to get the achievement. Don't know if we killed enough zombies in sudden death to finish the wave or if sudden death itself counts as an extra wave.
By Taco Bob on 22 Jan 2011 09:03
Casual Aim!


Why didn't I think of that - thanks for the tip!
By Hirsute Dave on 30 Jan 2011 16:19
Got this the other night after changing to casual. Made it to wave 21 before anyone in my group of 4 even went down. +1 from me.
By Gryphonskull on 04 Mar 2011 16:21
The casual aim is the key. Got this on my second time playing Undead overrun
By Pirate Pivo on 12 May 2011 10:06
thank you so much, i just got this cheevo 1st try after putting casual aim on. so damn easy. thanks again =]
By iM3RKxYOUx on 31 May 2011 20:44
Got to wave 21 without anyone dieing using the casual aim you might want to add long-shot is the best to go with as you get the bolt action rifle which kills nearly all zombies with one hit.
By LGS I Hitman on 17 Jul 2011 16:15
I couldn't agree more about the Long Shot class. You get the bolt action rifle for distance and the high power pistol for close work. That's all you need. Screw shotguns.
By Lt Davo on 19 Jul 2011 01:09
It's worth noting that this takes 15 minutes. My group was a mixture of longshot and mauler classes, and we got to wave 14 in about 12 minutes. We started running low on ammo around wave 23, then got our asses handed to us in wave 25.

If you're like me and were worrying about getting this done, don't -- it's stupid easy.
By Mobius Evalon on 14 Feb 2012 23:39
4 people...all used long shot class. Made it to level 17 and it took 9 minutes and 58 seconds. Great solution. THUMBS UP!
By forced2change on 02 Jun 2012 04:11
I've done this a few times, never got the achievement.
By Syntr on 08 Sep 2012 12:26
A small trick you can use if you find yourself surrounded by Zombies and near a fence just jump it. The Zombies cannot jump so they will start to run around to the closest opening, giving you time to pick off a lot of them. When they start getting close again jump to the other side and repeat. Just make sure the other side is fairly clear first, no sense in just hopping into another group.
By CrAzEdCaNuCk18 on 03 Aug 2013 16:42
Argh I have sh*itty mates so I can't access to the 13th round... I can't find people who use casual aim...
By GTA 5 Forever on 13 Aug 2013 17:52
When I switch targeting to casual aim it still won't lock onto the zombies heads automatically. Any suggestions?
By Mikey V69 on 04 Jan 2016 16:30
Dynamite on the later levels (10+) is definitely the way to go, you can use an undead bate to group them all together.
By Ethigy on 20 Dec 2017 17:29
Why is this set as online/offline? It even says multiplayer in the achievement text.
By Speedycerv on 20 Apr 2021 20:08
LAN multiplayer, aka "system link."
By Lt Davo on 21 Apr 2021 03:12
I use the deadeye ability with 3-4 players
By Bolgia Demon on 04 Apr 2022 21:49
NOTE (just that everyone sees and does not skip it): There is a aim-option for single and multiplayer. Make sure to select the MP one. If you accidentaly go for the SP-aim, you are gonna have a bad time.
By eV Deadline on 18 Jul 2022 21:54
Me and a buddy went to boost this, we had to go to Free Roam, ask randoms to join a posse. Once they accepted, we pulled them into this game mode. One left around Wave 9, the other stuck it out. We never even needed the dynamite or bait with the super casual aim. We probably could have stopped going for coffins around wave 11 or 12. Our timer was up to like 12 minutes. We never died going for the coffin, even if nobody was covering us, took some damage sure. But we got this first try.

Short story: I think the more people you have, the easier this is, especially with casual aim.
By Friggin Grease on 03 Dec 2022 13:46
I don't remember RDR well, but I do distinctly remember my time on GTA 4 with the auto aim. You have to face an enemy, pull and hold cn_LT to zero in on their head, pop off shots until they die, then release cn_LT and look towards another enemy. Just holding down cn_LT and looking around isn't gonna do it, you have to release it and tap it again to target the next enemy.
By Mobius Evalon on 04 Jan 2016 16:38
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This Achievement can be tricky to obtain since the time limit you have and the further the waves the stronger the Undead are.

The Best bet is to have 4 people in your game, and always run for the coffins straight away since you gain an extra 1 minute and ammo for weapons, you can also obtain either Undead Bait or Holy Water from Coffins so keep them. I suggest using a Shotgun or a good rifle to pick of the Undead. The First 10 waves are easy to pass by just all try to kill as many Undead as possible and fast and go for headshots. Once you reach around Wave 11 or so, it becomes tricky as you will have probably lost alot of time, try and save your undead bait and holy water for later rounds as they are key to success, since around wave 13 there will be hundreds of Undead, simply use a Undead bait to lure them in and Holy Water to strick loads down.
If any teammate gets down don't pick him up straight away unless you know theres no Undead around you, if theres loads simply throw an undead bait and revive your team mate.

Hope this helps anyone.

29 Oct 2010 11:55

One thing that we tried is doing it at Tumbleweed and having two people climb up on buildings and two people open the coffins for ammo until wave 10. Then we all were up on buildings and the only undead that can touch you are the retchers.
By on 29 Oct 2010 22:22
our group got lucky and the cheevo poped at level 13 Nice!!
By BA10K on 05 Nov 2010 18:26
i highly recommend using the long distance class and also changing the targeting to casual as it will automatically aim for the head every time all you have to do is pull the trigger. i was able to get this with four people that didnt even have mics so it shouldnt be too hard.
By x TheJoke x on 25 Dec 2010 21:36
bugged achievement. Popped at lvl 14!! (in my favour that is).
By deutschZuid on 28 Dec 2010 01:04
The achievement pops at the completion of lvl 14 which is making it to the lvl 15. Put your targeting to casual so it auto aims for head shots. This becomes important at the later lvls from 11 on. good luck.
By JCKellner on 14 Jan 2011 04:09
How do start this game mode?
By beastman rules on 23 Sep 2012 11:30
Great solution, thanks! I just did it with two mates and it popped after we missed the first coffin IN round 14. So we finished round 13, and didn't reach the coffin before the timer (10 seconds?) ran out. Popped immediately for all three of us.
By ElSelcho on 15 Oct 2020 21:47
got it at level 14 and i was the last who survived
By Ribeseel on 28 Nov 2010 00:06
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To add on to everything else that was stated;
switch your aim to casual.(go into options and switch multiplayer aim to casual)
trust me. I did it with randoms and i got 250+ kills with 40,000 points myself. Also use dead eye alot. It poped for me at round 14 when i went into sudden death and died. So I can confirm you can get it in round 14

16 Mar 2011 20:13

Yeah i can agree with above comment, casual aim makes it much easier, plus I got it at Level 13 as soon as i entered into sudden death, great guide and advice!
By Graceland BoOya on 06 Aug 2011 19:36
I thought it was a glitch, uff... Thanks, I got it at round 13 when i died (250+ kills, 45.000 points).
By Eclipse GX on 13 Mar 2012 11:09
Glad to help. =]
By End Fuhz on 19 Mar 2012 15:11
How do you start this gametype?
By beastman rules on 23 Sep 2012 11:33
should be in the multiplayer menu..
By End Fuhz on 24 Sep 2012 00:24
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this achievement is very simple
first of all change your multiplayer aiming to casual (that way you will autolock to the head)
i personally suggest using the long shot class and using the rifle that comes with it, because it can kill a zombie with 1 shot to the head
you can easily do this in a public lobby with randoms
i got 100,000+ points and it unlocks once you complete round 14 you do not have to complete round 15

23 Jun 2011 20:46

Get 4 players together, first and foremost. They do not need to be pros, they just need to know how to shoot, and how to not run into zombies.

Always open the Coffin. Use Bait if you have to for the Zombies (Press LB, select Dynamite, move D-pad to the right once or twice). It gives you more ammo + time. If you run out of time, you will go into sudden death, and unless you are a pro at "circling" Call of Duty: Black Ops style, you will die. Of course, my strategy is for people who are complete noobs at this game, so please, just open all coffins.

The first 11 waves are just surviving and clearing. Stay around the periphery of the map (do not stay near the buildings, go run as far outward as you can). If you are near the buildings, the Zombies will spawn in a circular formation and converge in on you. If you are all spread out around the periphery, then the zombies will have to spread out and look for you. Use the Close Range weapons, and blast them away with the pistols, dynamites, and shotguns.

As soon as the 11th wave starts, spread out. Do not go near your team mates. If one of them is down, leave them (this is not harsh, I will explain why soon). Try to kill as many as you can, and then throw bait when you are being overwhelmed. Follow that quickly by 2 dynamites to cover the entire horde that just ran to the bait (you can throw the bait as far as you want, the zombies will all go there). While you are throwing the bait, and before or during you throwing the dynamite, have another team mate go revive anyone that is down. If you have 3 team mates up, use the 3rd one to help kill / bait the zombies too.

Continue this until you complete the 14th wave, and the achievement will pop.

Congratulations, you won.

24 Apr 2012 02:24

The Undead over run game type was made harder with the last title update.

Edit this has now been put back to old settings It is now very easy to obtain the achievement

When you get down to sudden death Either by running out of time or being the last guy standing
The game automatically spawns Retchers These things spew explosive stuff at you and will destroy your team in an instant

They spawn anyway on later waves but are no where near as aggressive or powerful.

So a few tips and some good news.

In undead over run you fight unlimited waves of stronger enemy's Sound familiar ?
Sadly A button cover isn't available here.

As said above set your aim to casual this is a great help as you can often shoot the undead from afar.

I like the long ranger as Bolt rifle head shots are quick kills.

The coffins are key to both ammo and time which = overall survival.

Blackwater ( cant remember the name ) Is a good map for it
As its a nice big open space with fair coffin spawn points.

Holy water is a great friend of yours but its in tiny supply .
Make sure no team mate is near by where you are going to throw it as they will go down with the fireworks too.
Throw it at waves stuck close for a nice display and some easy kills.

Try and guess where the coffin will spawn as on later waves the timer is close to just 30 seconds

Ultimately working as a team is the best way to go.

29 Aug 2011 08:33

Got to wave 33 with 4 people. 2 friends and 1 random. All you have to keep in mind is to save your bait for the run to the coffin each round. Where most people go wrong is ignoring the coffin so they don't get extra time added.
Then using your semi auto shotgun when slugs are loaded will make it much easier.
If it helps, I never ran out of ammo with the Mauler class & we did it on the map in the Blackwater cemetery

07 Jul 2014 00:56

Undead Overrun is a multiplayer mode in which hordes of zombies will keep attacking the player until the player dies, with a maximum party of 4. Each wave has a time limit which may be extended by opening a coffin, which will also give ammo. Any player can heal another player if he/she is down.

Here are some tips:

  • Keep Moving: Don't seek cover.
  • Aim for the Heads: Ammo is rare, and headshots are an instant kill.
  • Team-Up: If you split up it will only get harder, stay close, save your ammo and try to execute if possible.
  • Play with 4 players: Obviously makes it easier, doing it with 2 is hard, 3 is doable and 4 is rather easy.
  • You only have to complete Wave 14, if you die or the time runs out there, the achievement will still unlock.


There are at least 2 glitches that can affect this game mode, which in turn will lock you out of the trophy until you start a new match:

1: Kills not being added to the kill bar.
2: Either no enemies spawn or only one spawns at a time, thus making it impossible to fill the bar in time.

Overrun can be started in a Private lobby by selecting "Overrun" from the main menu and inviting 3 friends to join you. This trophy is impossible with just 2 as you will be unable to get much beyond Wave 8, due to the zombies becoming too hard to kill and you having too little time to fill up the kill bar. Once the match starts, you will have a timer and a bar at the top of the screen that you need to fill before the timer expires. Your objectives are to kill zombies but see below for some tips on how to survive.


  • Use bait and dynamite wisely. Throw some Undead Bait, then lob some dynamite at the horde of zombies that will surround it. This will ensure quick kills.
  • Holy Water - Be very careful with this, because it places a marker for a powerful lightning attack. Very useful in taking out high numbers of zombies, especially if you are being chased by a horde.
  • Stick together but within reason, if you're too close together you and your partner will get swarmed easily and quickly, do not split up, keep a safe distance. If someone goes down, they can be easily revived. Make sure to use bait to lure zombies away from your fallen teammate so you don't go down as well.
  • Try and get to all of the coffins as early as possible as they will add time and ammo but the extra supplies will not carry over to the next round. Each coffin adds 60 seconds to the current round.
  • You do not need to aim for headshots as any body shots will put a zombie down.
  • Be careful of the Bruisers as they will knock you to the ground when you are too close to them, also the Bolters are very fast and can be rather hard to kill if they get too close to you.
  • Use Deadeye to thin out the zombies.

Once you have reached Wave 15, the trophy will unlock.