Red Dead Redemption

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52 Achievements


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Manifest Destiny

Manifest Destiny

Kill the last buffalo in the Great Plains.


How to unlock the Manifest Destiny achievement in Red Dead Redemption - Definitive Guide

This achievement is called
"Manifest Destiny"
Kill the last buffalo on the great plains in single player

Yes pretty sad achievement, but on to info.
Number of Buffalo = 20
Location Great plains, if you hit the farm or tree lines you have gone too far.
They seem to appear in the middle of 4 different areas if you are looking for them;
The lower case h in beecher;
around r in great plain;
the middle buffalo on the map (close to blackwater);
close to wreck of serendipty (where coyote or fox pic is on the map - southern part.)
(if anyone finds any other locations i will update and give credit)

Jonnyb0b stated that he has
"I've seen buffalo northwest of Blackwater in the little corner the river makes with the open water a couple of times, don't know if that is enough to qualify it for the list."

You only need to kill them you dont need to skin.
Range with a sniper is best as you can get the furthest ones away and then the closest ones. If any of them get out of your line of site you are going to go hunt for them.

I also suggest if you loss site of them use your campfire to savegame, nothing worse than being pounced.
You could also save once in a while, while searching for them, once you find them if you miss some, you could reload and try again, or just go searching.

Rastabikerman - This player has mentioned that he got this achievement by killing someone's buffalo mount from within multiplayer. This is the first time i had heard of this happening so if someone could confirm that would be awesome
(Even though this says single player it seems quite a few people are unlocking it in MP)

Leon Kowalski - This player said the following and 2 others have confirmed it worked for them.
"For Purely Scientific Purposes" mission mentioned above. I rode all the way out with Nastas and the Professor to Bear Claw Camp, and never saw any buffalo nor did anyone comment on any, as may have occurred for Fire Hawk D. The only encounter was the scripted one with the bear. So once I got to the camp, I just kept riding, and once I got too far from Nastas, I "failed" the mission, and cancelled out. Then once I was back as Jack, I rode to the big buffalo drawing on the map and there was a herd of at least ten buffalo there; certainly more than the five that should only have been left. Maybe by (partially) replaying an old mission it respawned the herd. I did not try to reproduce this after burning so much time riding around Great Plains and encountering a ridiculous number of people and very few buffalo, but maybe it will help the next person.

23 May 2010 12:29

why do people post solutions for achievements that already have solutions?
By on 23 May 2010 14:46
because i added a lot more information into it.
By Onsidic on 23 May 2010 15:57
Because the more information, the better off people using the solution will be. Many solutions offer different ways to achieve the same goal. Again, more info is better than less info. It's a pretty simple concept when you get right down to it.
By Shinerbock88 on 23 May 2010 19:20
tanks ons, good info. I didn't do this in one go, took my time to get the pelts, but they keep roaming in the areas you mention with their numbers down by whatever you killed before.
By splicegraph on 24 May 2010 02:55
more info is not always better than less as i hate seeing loads of writing for a simple achievement as it can just over complicate things, this guide is gd nice and helpful thanks very much =]
By II TITCH II on 24 May 2010 08:08
So there are only a total of 20 Buffalo in the game and they don't respawn?
By DeafAtheist on 26 May 2010 23:36
By Onsidic on 27 May 2010 09:18
Ironically, heiwaboke, you posted a solution after I had a complete one you hypocrite.
By MantraPolo on 29 May 2010 15:11
where is a good place to check if you have 13 buffalo killed and they dont seem to be in your locations (i believe i scared them away from one)
By GunnVsTheWorld on 30 May 2010 06:38
those 3 places i listed seem to be the best(if you find another location that isnt on there then, ill add it in) but i believe those are the only spots,-- try going into town and saving a couple of times, then going and searching those spots again.
By Onsidic on 30 May 2010 09:09
So I don't have to kill them all at one time? I could say, kill 10, lost sight of the rest, save my game and then look for the remaining ones later?
By on 01 Jun 2010 21:15
Yes, McDurbin, that is correct.
By Toddard on 02 Jun 2010 00:57
Just as an FYI, during the Act III mission "For Purely Scientific Purposes", you, Nasada, and the Professor pass the herd of buffalo while riding to the mission point. I'm not sure if it's random or not, but I did and the Professor even commented on it, so I figured it wasn't. And, since I only had one buffalo left at the time...well, a couple shots later and I had the achievement. ^_^
By Fire Hawk D on 02 Jun 2010 04:04
Not sure if anyone else noticed this, but it seemed for me that buffaloes came out at around 5 and 6 pm.
By Doctor Caligari on 02 Jun 2010 04:31
I've seen buffalo northwest of Blackwater in the little corner the river makes with the open water a couple of times, don't know if that is enough to qualify it for the list.
By jonnyb0b on 03 Jun 2010 17:57
I still had about 6 buffalo left when i got the achievement LOL I have saved the buffalo!!! YAYYY ME! :)
By JediJohnny7 on 08 Jul 2010 22:50
i've read on that if you chase the buffalos into the water and they drown they won't re-spawn therefore glitching the achievement so make sure not to chase near places where they can die. If this happens you have to start a new game.
By See u in helll on 24 Apr 2011 20:09
I got 1 initially playing through just getting animal kills. When I was going for this after everything, I got about 14 in the main area where the picture of the buffalo were, and after getting frustrated looking for the last 5, I found them south of the two roads leading into Blackwater just below the "a" in Great Plains. The game's clock was approximately 3:00PM, and I had looked through all of the locations after saving a few times.
By Wanderer128 on 11 Jan 2012 06:13
Also, it might work for someone else, but I tried Leon Kowalski's possible method in his comment above to no avail.
By Wanderer128 on 11 Jan 2012 06:14
Got 18 in the area enclosed by roads east of Broken Tree and got the last 2 near the R in Great Plains. I felt so bad v_v
By blee92 on 12 Feb 2012 21:09
I got 18 of them but 2 escaped when I was doing this. I saved/loaded over 10 times, fast travelled to Mexico, reloaded a mission, lit up a candle to the entities below and after all that I roamed for a few minutes around the Great Plains and found the remaining two in the very same place the big herd had been. Not sure what did the trick.
By DeceivedHornet5 on 15 Mar 2012 05:17
i had four left, fast travel to mexico then back which did the trick
By BedWettingMonk on 15 Jul 2012 13:28
I found a bunch south of the text Beecher's Hope, just near the road
By Scrowjob on 05 Nov 2012 05:21
i got this in multiplayer by killing someones buffalo.
By rastabikerman on 19 Jan 2013 21:09
Found my last buffalo above the text "Great Plains". Specifically, above the "P" (not zoomed in). Not too far from the water.
By on 20 Jan 2013 08:34
After wasting many, many hours in single player (no buffalo) I finally gave multiplayer killing a chance and got it in a minute or two. :)
By another D on 02 Mar 2013 14:00
I finally found my remaining three south of Blackwater, just slightly northwest of the pig pictures on the map.
By Dr Eldarion on 07 Jul 2013 06:02
Might be a little bit late but I can confirm that killing buffalo in multiplayer counts. Actually, they can be killed anywhere, doesn't have to be done in Great Plains (I killed mine right in front of Tesoro Azul).
By MangaPowerZero on 14 Aug 2015 13:41
As someone else stated, travel to mexico than come back (I did it via the cab service) and they will appear again
By MAJIN BOOSH on 18 Dec 2015 06:23
Initially found them slightly above the ‘Post’ in Manzanita Post. Killed a few of them, fast traveled away, then returned and found them where the buffalo are located on the map (below ‘Great Plains’). Finished them off there.
By Ethigy on 19 Dec 2017 02:04
I saw a water buffalo the other year, so i think this achievement isn't accurate.
By InfinityOnH1gh on 07 Aug 2018 18:02
The other year? It accurate and been confirm by numerous people, if you have a different location to add - i can add that one. The starting position may not be the same when you find them as they are buffalo and they do roam. (Cows/Buffalo arent stationary targets)
By Onsidic on 07 Aug 2018 21:36
I tried replaying the Science mission as suggested by Leon & it kind of worked... Cancelled out after failing mission, went to middle of The Plains & found the last 2 I needed. Not sure if just coincidence as there were no extra buffalos.
By Sensei Neo on 19 Sep 2018 20:43
I can confirm that the remaining buffalo do respawn in the middle of the plains after redoing "For Purely Scientific Purposes" mission. they did for me every time
By AGGT002 on 06 Apr 2019 19:26
Went towards the great plains at around 5-6 pm and all of the buffalo where in one big herd and I shot all of them and got the achievement.
By PredaKing88 on 31 Jan 2020 18:04
Do they respond?
By OdderrOtterr72 on 26 Jun 2020 16:11
if you lose the herd try going to your property in blackwater and saving there instead of saving at your temp campsite. worked for me
By brat trash on 20 Nov 2021 16:20
if you lose the herd try going to your property in blackwater and saving there instead of saving at your temp campsite. worked for me
By brat trash on 20 Nov 2021 16:28
Finally found my last one (after a couple of hours) near the bigger intersection between manzanita post and pacific union r.r. camp. Thought it was a boar and first and shot it out of annoyance-then I realized the truth! Very glad it's over with.
By DuelinDonuts on 29 Apr 2022 22:21
By KarlaSouzaRJ on 09 Feb 2023 19:46
Deluded means deceived in context, and to cite an over saturation of unnecessary achievement solutions is idiotic, as this site has been developed for the public to give simple solutions to ALL achievements. If one person gets help from the solution, who cares if the masses never had to bother with it. If you don't need the info, don't click the guide, it's there for those who aren't as "clever" as heiwaboke.

Sucks to be them, few as they are. Good guide, I'm sure it clarified for someone nicely.
By TsuyoAvenger on 24 May 2010 11:38
I have killed 19 Buffalo so i only need to find another one,but i cant!I tried it many times,i searched everywhere in the area,but there is nothing ? What can i do ? do you think starting a new game would solve it ?
By pg88 on 19 Jul 2010 19:18
try doing a loop if u see none, pick a spot that you have seen them before and camp for a while (sleep).. then do the loop again.
Other than that.. doing a new game might give you the same issues.. (unsure whether it keeps the number of kills you have done before).. but playing through it a second time is really quick, just skip all the side missions/quests etc..
By Onsidic on 19 Apr 2011 04:25
Regarding the buffalo not respawning -- this may be defeatable. I was grinding on this with Jack for a couple hours last night. My stats said I had killed 15 and I was getting tired of riding around, killing time at campfires to give the last 5 time to appear. Out of curiosity I restarted the "For Purely Scientific Purposes" mission mentioned above. I rode all the way out with Nastas and the Professor to Bear Claw Camp, and never saw any buffalo nor did anyone comment on any, as may have occurred for Fire Hawk D. The only encounter was the scripted one with the bear. So once I got to the camp, I just kept riding, and once I got too far from Nastas, I "failed" the mission, and cancelled out. Then once I was back as Jack, I rode to the big buffalo drawing on the map and there was a herd of at least ten buffalo there; certainly more than the five that should only have been left. Maybe by (partially) replaying an old mission it respawned the herd. I did not try to reproduce this after burning so much time riding around Great Plains and encountering a ridiculous number of people and very few buffalo, but maybe it will help the next person.
By Leon Kowalski on 03 Jul 2010 15:39
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There are 20 buffalo that don't respawn so once you kill them they are dead.. mostly found in the great plains. I personally tried to complete this achievement before completeting the mission "For Purely Scientific Purposes" and i managed to kill 18 buffalo but couldn't find anymore even using bait .. so i gave up and continued with the story .. when i got to the mission "For Purely Scientific Purposes" at the beggining you are riding with mc and and nasada . You come across what i guess is supposed to be a heard of buffalo they comment on it.. but in my case there was only two running i popped them both that was it.

Hope this helps. in short you need to complete that mission before you have access to all the buffalo

04 Jun 2010 14:56

yeah but to save time you should kill how ever many you stumble across then when you do that mission they are all right there to kill.. just trying to help thanks killlllllllllller
By mikeldd2 on 25 Jun 2010 19:35
i know it's probably a glitch but i was up in the mountains near nekoti rock i believe and set some bait to attract bears. instead(and this only happened once) a bunch of buffalo started running down the mountainside. pretty good solutions you guys just figured i'd share an odd story:)
By M3ALLISTER on 11 Nov 2010 21:30
Anyone who has played this game for an extended period knows it tends to be glitchy. I've had random buffalo show up on the Great Plains even -AFTER- I fired the Manifest Destiny achievement; but never more than one at a time and they will be very few and very far apart...
By steveRPGmr on 04 Apr 2014 16:09
This is not the mission “for purely scientific purposes” it’s “at home with Dutch” not sure why people are getting that mixed up… literally on the mission right now and this almost messed me up because I was waiting for purely scientific purposes and this caught me off guard and I almost let the Buffalo get away. Currently missing 1
By ToxicBlaze17 on 24 May 2021 01:54
I've yet to do a mission in Blackwater and yet i was just exploring the area when I came upon the herd. I used Dead Eye as much as possible and only two escaped. Later on i came upon the remaining 2 and killed them, end of story.

You can get this achievement as soon as you gain access to the 3rd part.
By CEREAL KILLAH23 on 25 Jun 2010 16:56
ummm okay .. i wasted 3 hours trying to find them .. so if you guys want to "hunt" them down its up too u... but Like i said in my last solution i couldn't kill them all till that mission but thanks for your help sogeman :(
By mikeldd2 on 06 Jun 2010 16:21
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Credit foes to ShadowWolf810
Steps to Manifest Destiny Achievement

-Get access to the northern part of your map known as the "Great Plains." You will eventually gain access to that region by playing the game!

-Go to the buffalo picture on the map at around 1 am. A huge herd of buffalo should be peacefully grazing there.

-Sneak up quietly and try to take out as many as you can before you spook the herd and they start to stampede.

-Kill as many as you can, you can still come back afterward if you don't get them all and repeat the process.

-Once you've killed all the buffalo, you'll get the achievement.
Man, I couldn't find the last couple buffalo but heading out to that area at night worked the first try. Thanks a lot.
By Wraithtech on 29 Jul 2010 02:05
Those are bison...
By SaltyTON on 30 Oct 2011 15:11
thats bullshit i didnt find anything there.
By cs mester on 14 Sep 2015 15:33
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The best way to get the achievement is being Master Hunter Level 5. When you are level 5 you can buy the buffalo rifle in Blackwater. With this rifle the buffalo's will be dead in one shot.

You might want to come back a few times because it is hard to get them all at once.

The Buffalo's won't respawn.

24 Jun 2010 08:27

This achievement can be unlocked once the player gets to Blackwater. There will be a herd of 20 buffalo wandering the Great Plains area (there is a picture of buffalo on the map in this area). The player must kill all 20 buffalo in the herd to get this achievement.

Since the buffalo run when attacked or if the player approaches too closely, attempt to kill them from a distance, using head shots from a sniper rifle. Done right, few of the buffalo, if any, will run. If they do run, do NOT chase them. Simply leave and return at a later time (1-2 days in game) and repeat the process until all of them are dead. Giving chase could force one or more of them off of a cliff, or into the water, or even onto the train tracks in front of a train. If this happens, the dead buffalo will not re-spawn, and the player will not be able to kill it, making the achievement impossible to unlock in single player until a new game is started.

In this unfortunate situation, there is a way to get the achievement in multiplayer. If you can find someone who has reached Legendary Rank 3, Level 35 in multiplayer (no mean feat, since getting each Legendary Rank requires a player to reset at Level 50 and level up all over again), they will have unlocked the buffalo mount. If this person can meet you in game, they can call for the mount and you can kill it. Do this 20 times and the achievement is yours. The whole process should take no more than about 15 minutes. As far as I know, there are no buffalo otherwise available in multiplayer.

25 Nov 2010 05:54

The way that I did this was to approach the herd by horse, take the Evans Repeater and use some Moonshine and use Dead-Eye to paint all the outside buffalo. After this, go straight back into DeadEye so your gun gets reloaded automatically, and shoot the rest. Do this one more time and then chase the rest of the buffaloes.

It made it pretty simple and I managed to take out the last 15 I needed at the same time.

07 Mar 2011 13:49

Easiest way - get a friend who has unlocked the Buffalo online. Go into a free roam session and get your friend to call in the buffalo and you kill it. Repeat until you unlock achievement.

25 Dec 2010 04:53

The best place I've always seen buffalo is South East of Blackwater. They always travel in a group and it's almost impossible to kill every buffalo without any of them fleeing in one go. Whenever you kill a buffalo every other buffalo will flee from you. Don't sweat it though because once you have killed a buffalo they never respawn as there only are 20 in the whole game. Once you've killed the last buffalo the trophy will unlock. Try not to have a few buffalo left to kill as it is easier to spot a larger group. Should the stray buffalo run in all directions and escape, leave the area to have them respawn in the general vicinity of where you last found them.


This can only be completed in the Great Plains. You will first need to finish Act 2 to gain access to this area. Make your way to the Great Plains and ride around until you find the Buffalo. They are normally roaming around in the open. To unlock the achievement you need to kill all 20 of the herd. Make sure that you pick off the buffalo from a distance, if they run off don't chase them. Save often and come back to this area every once in a while to kill the odd buffalo you see. Once you kill the last buffalo the achievement will unlock.

Attempting this early on with a less powerful gun can take a while. If you have a sniper rifle use that instead it's a one shot kill on any buffalo.

Note: If the buffalo run into the river and kill themselves they sometimes don't re-spawn. If this happens there is no way for you to earn the achievement. Make sure you don't chase them.

You need to immediately kill the entire herd of bison at once, it is advisable to stock up on proaizia so that in the dead eye mode you can kill the maximum and have time to finish off the rest.

21 Dec 2023 05:30

1 Comment
You don’t need to do it at once; you can shoot them one at a time at different intervals.
It happens that bison disappear and cannot be found on the Great Plains; for example, we move to Escalera and back with the help of a camp and the missing number of bison will graze again.
By famitsy_ru on 16 Jan 2024 19:24