Rock Band 2

Rock Band 2

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Platinum Artist

Platinum Artist

Finished the Endless Setlist 2 in World Tour on Expert


How to unlock the Platinum Artist achievement in Rock Band 2 - Definitive Guide

The likes of Visions make this incredibly difficult for some on Guitar, Drums and even Bass.

My advice to those falling under this category would be to go for vocals. Expert Vocals is surprisingly easy. Anyone can get through any song on vocals, all it takes is working out the correct pitch. Everyone can hit it and once you have it, it's a breeze.
Don't be put off if you fail a song quickly. Just retry until you know what it needs.

If you find yourself struggling to hit low notes, sing really high. And vice versa if you struggle with high notes, try going low. Having to match 'Pitch' is quite a misleading way to word it, as you do not have to follow the scale in terms of low - > high to hit the notes represented on there. I hope that all makes sense.

Vocals is also a strange one in that the difficulties of the songs are not accurate for everyone and so it is difficult to warn of songs that may cause problems. Just go with it and you'll soon pick it up.

Have fun!

26 Jul 2009 00:48

I have not tried the endless setlist with vocals, but I have found that whistling the melody is easier than trying to sing the lyrics. If you are decently accurate with whistling, try it out.
By Rengrave on 27 Jun 2010 15:32
if you fail can you abandon the gig then come back to it and continue another time?
By conmacca on 30 Oct 2010 18:09
Nope, it has to be done in one session - without backing out/turning off or anything!
By ButterflyxEdge on 30 Oct 2010 18:10
vocals is definitely doable by anyone. I'm a terrible singer (couldn't carry a tune in a bag), but I managed to do expert vocals and finish it. only 4 songs gave me trouble (Beck, Billy Idol, Guns 'N Roses, and Spoonman).

Oddly I had no trouble with the so called "hard" vocal songs that most mention.
Thanks for the approach on this though, took 2 years and 2 months, but now the game is complete.
By Wannabe Actuary on 21 Dec 2010 14:05
I did this on vocals, and apparently, Chakaal Starr and I have very similar voices. Paramore failed me out three or four times, while Soundgarden failed me out five or six times. I didn't have a problem with Alanis, and I did finish both Rush and Guns 'N Roses first try (though they were by no means 4 or 5 star performances).

It's fitting that the last song in the setlist is Painkiller, and the last word you get to scream when wrapping this up is "PAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!"
By MMMDI on 05 May 2012 18:25
This solution worked for me. I don't have any craving to sing 6 hours of songs again anytime soon though.

Keep a glass of water near you. I found that the song that gave me the most trouble were That's what you get by Paramore. Next hardest were Alanis Morisette song, Trees by Rush, and Spoonman.
By Chakaal Starr on 15 Mar 2010 20:51
I agree with the difficulties being inaccurate. I think they rate the songs on the assumption that you're going to try to sing EXACTLY LIKE THE VOCALIST. But when you start doing whatever it takes to hit the notes (going up / down in octaves, humming, whistling, etc.), the so called difficult songs might just become really easy.

However, I just sing everything in falsetto, and even though it sounds horrible and makes everyone else in the house want to kill me, it's much easier to hit the notes this way than in my regular singing voice.
By Octobot Super on 13 Jul 2012 12:48
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Playing the Endless Setlist 2 on Expert bass rather than guitar makes this a hell of a lot easier. Visions is by FAR the hardest song on bass so practice that, a lot. All other 83 songs are pretty easy - Panic Attack is probably the only other song that will give you any trouble if any.

02 Mar 2009 01:10

Finally was able to beat the Endless Setlist on Expert Bass. Only failed Visions, but I ended up failing it like 10 times. Just never could get that final star power.
By D347H7124P on 10 Apr 2009 14:57
Does anyone know if you have No Fail on if you can just let the setlist go and not try at all?
By That GNARLY Guy on 10 Jun 2009 20:18
No Fail disables achievements. Even when you activate it, the game tells you this... Would have been a much easier achievement... ;)
By XBU Philippe on 25 Jul 2009 21:58
Can you stop and save mid way?
By Arno Vicidorian on 05 Aug 2009 02:19
"Can you stop and save mid way?"
- No, you have to complete all 84 songs in one sitting. If you are not going for the 'bladder of steel' then you are able to pause in between songs for breaks but if you quit out or turn your xbox off, then you will have to restart the entire thing!
By Mr Kryten on 24 Aug 2009 00:29
If two players, each logged in with their own unique Xbox Live Gold membership are playing on the same console, will they both get the achievement? Just want to be certain before we waste that much time on an achievement.
By Roland de Vaux on 08 Jan 2010 05:45
Personally I find Chop Suey harder than Visions, but I guess that's just me. Panic Attack is still the hardest.
By Pedle Zelnip on 22 Jan 2010 22:23
Visions is kicking my butt. This "song", if you can even call it that is terrible.
By FlavorMcNubs on 03 May 2012 01:58
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This is achieved by beating the Endless Setlist 2 on Expert. You are required to have 900 stars and have completed the Rolling Stone Rock Immortals "Hall of Fame" set to select it. The Endless Setlist is located in the same venue as the Rock Immortal set.

06 Nov 2008 22:55

I'll add to the last comment... vocals can be a lot easier. A lot of people seem to be afraid to even try vocals. (I actually used to sing semi-professionally, so I'm ok with it, but I know a lot of my friends are afraid to even try.) Some pointers:

The game can't tell if you're singing the words or not, just the pitch of your voice. Even if you're not used to singing, you can practice moving your voice to follow the pitch without the lyrics.

Also, don't sing too loudly; that will push off your pitch. Instead, sing right into the microphone at a normal level. (Don't do it too quietly, either. The game can't pick it up.)

Like the last comment said, each person will have difficulties with different songs. The problem is when a song is over your "break." In those cases, you can switch octaves in the middle of the song, singing higher or lower depending on the song. Falsetto works too, and I found myself switching to falsetto during some songs because the whole song was right on my break. The game doesn't care, again it's all about pitch.

Good luck with it!

04 Mar 2010 17:04

Excellent advice here. I was very shy about vocals until I realized that the game doesn't care about how you sound, or if you know the words. After getting my Gold Artist acheivement on Drums, I now wish I had just gone straight to Vocals. Once you get the hang of the techniques that Sasha is talking about, Vox become easy, and often very enjoyable. Give it a shot - it is without a doubt the easiest path to Platinum.
By Sid Kafizz on 14 Aug 2010 16:07
This is so much easier on vocals. The only song I had to play more then once was that guns'n'roses song. Thanks Sasha!
By NastyMastaDaddy on 14 Jul 2013 03:19
I achieved this on Bass, but I've never tried to learn any of the songs. That's a mistake because Visions and Panick Attack (songs 82 and 83 out of 84) are considerably more difficult than anything else in the game for bass guitar.

So after 6.5 hours of playing I had to spend the next hour mashing my way through these two, when your arms are already tired and your fingers are sore. You can bodge through visions if you pick up full overdrive at the start, get through the hammer on scales (over strumming is the enemy, just strum the start of each three note section and then you should make it through). Then I used overdrive, because the next section has some really awkward changes of strumming pace. It's pretty much essential to get a full overdrive again in the slow section, but this time use the overdrive in the hammer-on scales at the end to make sure you can get through it.

Personally I found Panick Attack harder to learn because it's going a bit to quick to learn the correct hammer on/pull up sequence *however* you can just hold down the green button (or brown depending on the section) whilst hitting the hammer/pull notes and you won't lose that much energy, it's a bit like trying dragon force through the fire and flames on expert. Most important part of this song is consitent up/down strumming - get that right and you will get through. Visions I got through on 73%, Panick I got through on about 88% even though I found it harder to get right.

Two tips:

1. Tenacious D and Master Exploder is about track 60 - you can have a little break here as it takes well over a minute to get to the bass guitar section, more like a minute 30. (If you are going for bladder of steel).

2. From about track 70 onwards save your overdrives, don't use them for scoring points. On some of the harder tracks with tired fingers you can easily go awry and then you'll be thanking overdrive.

22 Apr 2010 15:59

i find that vocals is the most easiest except tangled in blue cause you can hum (i dont do this) but ultimatly helps most people but if you dont want to sing for 6 and a half hours pick expert bass only pick expert guitar if you can pass the last 12 songs with ease (last tier for guitar not band) if you want to do bass keep in mind visions should be your only trouble because of the bizare strumming patterns (bass is a bit faster in places and gets a couple of breaks then guitar) if you want to do it on drums (definite it the hardest) the last 12 songs are brutal from peace sells double bass outro to painkillers drum solos and visions two handed pounding you will need alot of practice with these songs

i strongly erge you to practice on the instrument your really good and if your even really good or not some praticing wouldnt hurt either i mean i didnt play visions in 2 months before the setlist and i got thrown off at times and i can five star every song to on bass

to unlock the esl2(endless setlist 2) you must finish the rolling stones setlist and then have 900 stars as your carrer total if you play you career through out on expert you should have more then enough fans required

EDIT* if you are not going for the bladder of steel achievement then you cant pause or fail anysong vocals helps here because you always have one hand use the other hand anyway you want. do watcha want,tesitfy and give it away are talkies so you can put it in front of you fan. for the other instruments i know the middle on bass ends a couple of seconds before the rest of the band, and master exploder's drums and bass dont show up for a minute the bass comes after the big drum intro

23 Aug 2010 20:26

So all the other guides are great, but I wanted to chime in with a bit of a different take. I did ES2 on expert vocals, which, back in the day when I played RB2 I couldn't do at all. But now with Rock Band 4 I've become actually pretty good (at least by the game's standard: people around me still say I sound like garbage, LOL), so I wanted to give some tips based on my experience going from RB4 vocals to RB2.

To give a sense: when I started RB4 vocals a couple years ago I could barely do any songs on expert. Now I'm a 984 skill vocalist in the game. The big trick to having success as a vocalist is learning to be able to switch octaves mid song. I can't do falsetto, but I do often switch octaves, particularly when the pitch line goes from quite high in the range to quite low. Mastering this trick is key, once you do, vocals suddenly become Almost Easy. For me, the trick to learning this was playing songs like My Own Worst Enemy, where the verses tend to be low (so I go to a "whiny/nasaly" octave) but the chorus is more along my own natural singing voice. Finding songs like this, and practicing them will pay off. If you have it, songs from Green Day (particularly the songs on Dookie) are really good for teaching you how to sing in that whiny/nasaly octave.

Moving more to RB2 specifically, contrasted with RB4 for those going from the latter to the former: firstly, vocals are a fair bit harder in RB2 than in RB4. In RB4 you have freestyle vocals which can be a bit of a crutch in that there are times where you haven't quite hit the pitch correctly and still are able to maintain a multiplier. Those are gone in RB2. Also, the vocal indicator in RB4 is a bit better of a "coach" in that in RB4 the pitch arrow doesn't point upward or downward to indicate you should go higher or lower, but rather remains horizontal. I found switching from RB4 to RB2, this threw me off a lot. If you come from RB4, this will be an adjustment. Lastly, No Fail mode is not an option in RB2 (or at least isn't if you want to unlock achievements) so you actually do need to avoid failing.

When I decided to go for Platinum Artist in RB2, I started off by just playing some of the "harder" (by in-game song difficulty) songs in Quickplay to get a sense for the differences between RB4 & RB2 on vocals. I'd especially recommend doing this for songs in the last quarter of the endless setlist as it'd suck to get to the end of ES2 only to hit a wall (TBF: the last "hard" song I think in the ES2 for a vocalist is Spoonman, which comes as song #71 of 84.

I never failed any songs on my ES2 run, but these ones I came close to failing on (and others have indicated that they can be on the tougher side):

* Soundgarden - Spoonman (song 71)
* Guns N' Roses - "Shackler's Revenge" (song 60)
* Alanis Morissette - "You Oughta Know" (song 49)
* Bob Dylan - "Tangled Up in Blue" (song 46)

Some people also mention:

* Rush - "The Trees" (song 62)
* Judas Priest - "Painkiller" (song 84, the last song)

as being problematic (I didn't find either bad, but I'd played both a bunch of times previously in RB4). Difficulty on vocals is very relative, but I'd recommend trying those in quickplay before trying the ES2. In all fairness, I had never tried Shackler's Revenge before attempting ES2 and that was a mistake.

Aside from that, expect to spend a good amount of time on this. I wouldn't recommend trying Bladder of Steel at the same time as this, it's much easier (though more time consuming) to do BoS on medium bass. I had already unlocked BoS before attempting ES2, so I split it up over two days, leaving my Xbox paused overnight (if you do this, make sure you turn off auto-shutoff on your 360 - it'd suck to get a good ways in, leave it for the night and wake up the next day to find your 360 turned off & progress lost). All in all the full setlist is ballpark 7 hours. For reference, here's the full setlist in order:

Survivor - "Eye of the Tiger"
Lit - "My Own Worst Enemy"
Social Distortion - "I Was Wrong"
Beastie Boys - "So Whatcha Want"
Beck - "E-Pro"
Duran Duran - "Hungry Like the Wolf"
L7 - "Pretend We're Dead"
Bikini Kill - "Rebel Girl"
Panic at the Disco - "Nine in the Afternoon"
Modest Mouse - "Float On"
Nirvana - "Drain You"
Interpol - "PDA"
Alice in Chains - "Man in the Box"
Squeeze - "Cool for Cats"
Cheap Trick - "Hello There"
Smashing Pumpkins - "Today"
Paramore - "That's What You Get"
Norman Greenbaum - "Spirit in the Sky"
The Go-Gos - "We Got the Beat"
The Donnas - "New Kid in School"
Dinosaur Jr. - "Feel the Pain"
Elvis Costello - "Pump It Up"
Linkin Park - "One Step Closer"
The Libyans - "Welcome to the Neighborhood"
Billy Idol - "White Wedding Pt. 1"
Talking Heads - "Psycho Killer"
Presidents of the USA - "Lump"
Speck - "Conventional Lover"
Lush - "De-luxe"
Bad Company - "Shooting Star"
Red Hot Chili Peppers - "Give it Away"
Jimmy Eat World - "The Middle"
The Guess Who - "American Woman"
Bon Jovi - "Livin' on a Prayer"
Blondie - "One Way or Another"
The Main Drag - "A Jagged Gorgeous Winter"
Fleetwood Mac - "Go Your Own Way"
The Muffs - "Kids in America"
AFI - "Girls Not Grey"
Silverspun - "Lazy Eye"
The Offspring - "Come Out & Play (Keep 'em Separated)"
Jane's Addiction - "Mountain Song"
Mighty Mighty Bosstones - "Where'd You Go"
The Replacements - "Alex Chilton"
Steve Miller Band - "Rock'n Me"
Bob Dylan - "Tangled Up in Blue"
Pearl Jam - "Alive"
Ratt - "Round & Round"
Alanis Morissette - "You Oughta Know"
The Grateful Dead - "Alabama Getaway"
Rage Against the Machine - "Testify"
The Sterns - "Supreme Girl"
The Who - "Pinball Wizard"
Lucana Coil - "Our Truth"
Devo - "Uncontrollable Urge"
Joan Jett - "Bad Reputation"
Bang Camaro - "Night Lies"
Journey - "Any Way You Want It"
Sonic Youth - "Teenage Riot"
Guns N' Roses - "Shackler's Revenge"
ACDC - "Let There Be Rock"
Rush - "The Trees"
Jethro Tull - "Aqualung"
Disturbed - "Down with the Sickness"
System of a Down - "Chop Suey"
Foo Fighters - "Everlong"
Tenacious D - "Master Exploder"
Rise Against - "Give it All"
Kansas - "Carry On Wayward Son"
That Handsome Devil - "Rob the Prez-O-Dent"
Soundgarden - "Spoonman"
Motorhead - "Ace of Spades"
Avenged Sevenfold - "Almost Easy"
Allman Brothers - "Ramblin' Man"
Anarchy Club - "Get Clean"
Megadeth - "Peace Sells"
Mastodon - "Colony of Birchmen"
Testament - "Souls of Black"
Steely Day - "Bodhisattva"
Breaking Wheel - "Shoulder to the Plow"
Metallica - "Battery"
Abnormality - "Visions"
Dream Theater - "Panic Attack"
Judas Priest - "Painkiller"

24 May 2021 01:45

Here we go. With 84 songs, this will take around 7 hours of playing on expert. Remember that if you are NOT going for The Bladder of Steel Award, you can pause and take a break. Just make sure that none of you accidentally quits out, disconnects the 360 etc. because you will have to start all over. First and foremost, don't hurt yourself doing this, especially the drummers and guitarists, even singers can hurt their vocal chords. So if you need to take a break, take a break. Each of you can fail twice, then be saved by a band member. The third time you fail, you will not be able to get saved. If two of you fail at the same time, someone can also save you at the same time, requiring only the overdrive for saving one person. When you fail, you will see a red bar on the crowd meter slowly go down. If that hits the bottom before you are saved, you will fail. The higher the other band mates are on the band meter, the higher that red bar will start. Watch that red bar, because if you fail near the end of a song, you might be able to complete it. Remember that this can be done in solo play, so quickplay through the toughest songs and make sure you are ready before you start it, obviously having someone with you will help.

Alright now this makes you have to master an instrument and be able to beat every song with that particular instrument. Definitely practice the hardest songs for the instrument your using. Drummers, Guitarists and Bassists PRACTICE VISIONS!!!! Make sure you can beat this song this is a hard song and can cause a lot of trouble and guess what its the third to last song so if you cant beat it you just wasted about 7 hours right there. Vocalists practice songs like Tangled Up In Blue and Psycho Killer as they have some pretty tricky vocal parts.