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Budding Artist

Budding Artist

Collect a Painted Item

5 XP


How to unlock the Budding Artist achievement in Rocket League - Definitive Guide

You can only unlock painted items online.

I simply played 5 matches of Standard 3v3 online (the game mode does not matter) and unlocked a Painted Top Hat at the end of the fifth game.

It may take longer for you though since it is down to luck and will unlock at random.

Note: There is apparently a 10 hour weekly limit to earning rewards, if you find you are no longer earning items simply wait until the following week.

* With the last update trading was introduced into the game. You can now receive Painted and Certified items via another player. The achievement has been reported to be rather glitchy when unlocking via trading.

However, according to user MacWhyte after recieving your painted item from a friend, switching profiles at the main menu and then switching back to your profile unlocks the achievement immediately. If not then waiting 24 hours after you received the painted item works as well according to many users.

21 Jun 2016 13:58

According to this exhibition/private matches do not count.
By BIGB EC on 21 Jun 2016 14:44
Does anybody know if there is any rhyme or reason to how you get the items? I got an item drop five matches in a row and then didn't get an item for seven straight matches.
By vXTotalChaosXv on 21 Jun 2016 14:50
Cheers big, will update so people don't waste time in exhibition

@chaos, there were a couple of games where I didn't get anything aswell. Not sure why, but I did get items again soon afterwards.
By White Wyvern on 21 Jun 2016 15:01
You talking wins or games?
By PSYCHO POOCH on 21 Jun 2016 16:33
I played 5 games in a row 3v3 online and didn't get anything at all at the end of the games.
By azGRIMES on 21 Jun 2016 16:35
It's pretty freaking random. I've played around 20 matches the last two days since the DLC went live. Probably won 13 with 5 MVPs. Including 5 in a row at least once.

I've only got 1 painted item and no certified. The painted came when I gained a player level but that might have been coincidence.
By bigbear XBA on 21 Jun 2016 18:16
Opposite for me. Played 4 hours worth of games without a break and got a certified on my 5th game and then nothing for the rest of the 3 n half hours. Not even kidding. This new DLC is awful. Just a huge luck based grind
By ScorchPSO on 21 Jun 2016 19:00
I got a gray painted wizard hat my second game but the achievement didn't pop.
By v Sparq on 21 Jun 2016 19:43
Anyone know why I'm not getting any items at all when playing ONLINE matches?
By marklynx on 21 Jun 2016 20:28
After 4 hours, I haven't unlocked a single painted or certified item. I've play public and ranked matches online. Won and lost. Nothing. RNGesus hates me on every game with random drops.
By DropDeadArtemus on 21 Jun 2016 21:38
Yeah I have only got a couple rares but no painted or certified. Lucky it's actually a really fun game because I probably wouldn't keep trying.
By vXTotalChaosXv on 21 Jun 2016 22:35
How do you guys tell what you have unlocked? I don't get any popups after the games have finished or anything...
By marklynx on 21 Jun 2016 22:54
How do you guys tell what you have unlocked? I don't get any popups after the games have finished or anything...

Then, you didn't get anything. I've only gotten 5 items since the update total.
By PangoBara on 22 Jun 2016 02:41
Are these items in the Inventory? Or is that not "painted"?
By qwxx on 22 Jun 2016 05:06
Do you have to be playing with certain items already equipped, or does it not matter what you have on your car? I like to change things up occasionally with toppers, flags, and rocket trails.
By MizerisMoney on 22 Jun 2016 07:10
I've played 20 games on pro. Seems to me like you only get stuff when you win and are MVP...
By GREGO McGEE on 22 Jun 2016 07:55
@Grego McGee I'm not so sure that's true to be honest. I was winning (and losing) games without being MVP (because I stay in goal) and was getting items although it was very rare and very random when they came.

The drop rate just seems to have dropped drastically without explanation. I'm hoping it gets patched and isn't intentional.
By FiveWizz on 22 Jun 2016 09:01
I got some orange painted uncommon wheels but the achievement didn't pop.
By on 22 Jun 2016 19:17
It doesn't have to be competitive. I got mine during a normal online game. mine took 3 weeks of playing practically every night to get one to drop.
By FiveWizz on 05 Jul 2016 09:35
8 hours of matches later and still nothing... This is horrible. :'(
By ScorchPSO on 22 Jun 2016 21:39
I've got some orange painted uncommon wheels but the achievement didn't pop.
By on 22 Jun 2016 21:40
Same here, I got painted wheels but the achievement didn't unlock.
By wrog on 22 Jun 2016 23:14
Finally popped after around 17 hours of matches. I know it's tough but stick it out and you'll get one eventually =/
By ScorchPSO on 23 Jun 2016 04:33
God, last achievement I need. I think I`m about to reach 10 hours and nothing. Why do devs keep ruining perfectly fine games with such horrible dlcs?
By SiegfriedX on 23 Jun 2016 12:48
Yep, fuck this game!

60+ matches later & when I got my "Painted Purple Hardhat," no achieve popped angry
By CIutch Corey on 23 Jun 2016 13:50
I played 78 matches yesterday and today, NOTHING facepalm
By AKA SilverN1nja on 23 Jun 2016 14:51
It is my understanding you can get painted items by trading in your inventory too...
By qwxx on 23 Jun 2016 17:51
Fuck this game. Over 15 items and not a single painted one!!!
By SiegfriedX on 24 Jun 2016 01:06
I pulled two uncommon painted toppers and no achievement popped.This is BS!!
By trollmeimasian on 24 Jun 2016 18:00
I played 30+ matches, all full time, and even all different game types. But I even didn't get anything, no stickers, no tires etc.
By Rotcat on 26 Jun 2016 07:18
I already got 2 painted items, but didn't get an achievement. angry
By Rusty Nail zh on 26 Jun 2016 19:23
This achievement is sort of glitched. Well the achievement pops up right, but the game glitches the item gift. Before I popped the achievement, I got 2 painted items on the main menu screen, which didn't seem to trigger the achievement. As soon as I got the painted item at the end of a match, at the team/player screen, the achievement popped normally.
By Rusty Nail zh on 27 Jun 2016 08:33
Fuck this achievement - I've played 60+ matches and have gotten 0 painted items.
By Ya Big Goof on 29 Jun 2016 13:30
Anyone know when the week resets for the items?
By trollmeimasian on 29 Jun 2016 20:08
Im not getting any items at all after 2v2 or 3v3 games. Also, how does the trade ins work?
By DunderMifflin83 on 29 Jun 2016 22:28
Played every night since the update on the 20th and have received no painted items. Pretty obtuse achievement as it is pretty clear the drop rate has been severely reduced just so we play it more. Saying that; all the rest were really easy and I do have tons of fun playing.
By FiveWizz on 30 Jun 2016 00:09
This is bull@$@#. I've played probably a dozen or so matches in a row and gotten nothing at all. Am so done with this game.
By Pedle Zelnip on 30 Jun 2016 05:42
Pedle stop whining. Myself and others are 15 hours of games + with nothing
By AKA SilverN1nja on 01 Jul 2016 00:14
^^ what he said! nothing after almost 20 hours with of games....lucky its a lot of fun to play, but seriously!!
By jacky rooster on 01 Jul 2016 00:53
just found out this is glitched. I unlocked a painted item, through a proper online game, and no achievement. cry
By AKA SilverN1nja on 02 Jul 2016 15:47
Unlocked another painted item, no achievement. That makes 3 painted items collected so far
By trollmeimasian on 03 Jul 2016 01:24
I got my first painted item last night and got the achievement with it too so the glitch must be random. Sorry to those that it didn't work for. I earned it via matches rather than a trade. Has taken hours and hours of playing games. Painted item I got was crap too some wheels where the colour difference was so slight that I couldn't even tell the difference.
By FiveWizz on 03 Jul 2016 18:31
Got a painted item and no achievement unlocked. It was a black witch hat and it was collected after an online 3v3 match.
By Unmet Player on 03 Jul 2016 23:37
Same here, grey mariachi hat and no cheevo. Hard closed the game and reopened and nothing. Very frustrating.
By vXTotalChaosXv on 05 Jul 2016 04:46
Does it have to competitive online or any online?

I know its luck based but i've played for a while now
By NoHeroes94 on 05 Jul 2016 09:30
Don't get me wrong love this game but over 20 hours and painted item this is ridiculous
By disturbedone47 on 09 Jul 2016 20:19
I now have gotten 2 certified items with over 25 plus hours on this ach and not a single painted item
By disturbedone47 on 09 Jul 2016 23:27
anyone know which 5 items you have to trade in for a painted one?

one of the solutions says crafting doesnt work, but the comments under that all say that it does work.
By pukem0nn on 11 Jul 2016 14:00
You should put in the solution you can only unlock new items for 10 hours a week I looked into it cause I wasn't unlocking nothing for several hours and found out you only unlock the new online items for 10 hours a week
By disturbedone47 on 12 Jul 2016 16:37
Is that really true? That'd be stupidly lame.
By danlher360 on 13 Jul 2016 02:44

This is the article I found hope it's not true but it definitely would explain alot
By disturbedone47 on 13 Jul 2016 03:24
Yeah, I found that out going for the certified item but I couldn't find an official article explaining the 10 hour system.
By White Wyvern on 13 Jul 2016 08:08
This is the craziest thing I've ever heard. Well, not the craziest but that can't be true because according to that it is to compete with individuals idling to a full inventory but you can't even idle or cheat the game because you'd be kicked from the matches (within about 20 seconds). I genuinely don't understand what "they" are getting at. But I do know the drop rate is absolutely brutal. If this was even made public officially it would just encourage people to actually stop playing the game which is the opposite of what they'd want.
By FiveWizz on 13 Jul 2016 16:08
Yeah I'm getting pretty close to that point of not wanting to play anymore really like the game but damn this ach is brutal I'm over 30 hours trying for this 1 ach at least I might just take a break from it
By disturbedone47 on 13 Jul 2016 16:45
I got lucky last night and got the item and the freaking achievement. And so the grinding for the certified item begins.

I've played a lot this last couple weeks trying to get this achievement, easily over 10 hours. But after the last update I can safely say I played well under 10 hours. Just my 2 cents.
By danlher360 on 13 Jul 2016 18:52
Apparently the 10 hour limit is real, I read this in Psyonyx Forum:

Psyonix-Kyle wrote:
Hey, everyone. The weekly 10-hour limit of online play resets every Friday or after you get an online item drop. As you play more online matches it increases your chances for an item to drop. I am not seeing widespread issues with this and we've looked at it internally and it's working fine. I will keep my eye on this, but the main thing to know is that items can take some time to drop and you have to play online to count towards that 10-hour mark each week.
By danlher360 on 13 Jul 2016 20:39
Cheers Dan I added it in the solution wink
By White Wyvern on 13 Jul 2016 20:56
I have been just idling overnight once per week. I get my ten hours of items and don't have to play. I have just given up on this game and waiting for a fairly easy certified item so that I can finally complete this
By Unmet Player on 13 Jul 2016 21:10
Idling for ten hours overnight has net me 16 items over the past 2 weeks (8 both weeks). I have gotten 1 certified, 3 painted, 1 very rare, and 11 uncommon. Once you have your items you can trade them in for another chance at something good.
By Unmet Player on 13 Jul 2016 21:13
Thanks for confirming this man now I can focus on another game until Friday
By disturbedone47 on 13 Jul 2016 22:13
How about a method to fix this glitched achievement?
By trollmeimasian on 14 Jul 2016 01:16
I Was like the 3rd person in the world to get both certified achievements, and now, after getting like 5 other certified items, I can never get this painted item. I get an item every 10-15 matches, which means I don't get anything ever. Fix the fucking drop rate psyonix, because before this update I actually liked this game.
By the JeffreyTM on 14 Jul 2016 14:53
3 weeks of playing and I finally got a painted item. Good job this game is so much fun to play
By Grazer J on 15 Jul 2016 06:46
I'm not convinced of the 10 hour limit, I stepped away from the game for awhile, came back played 2 matches and finally got an item (not painted or certified, was a common topper). Since then I've played another 5-10 matches and not gotten anything.

What I *did* notice though was right around the time I got that item I had levelled up, so I'm wondering if you always get an item if you jump a level.
By Pedle Zelnip on 17 Jul 2016 18:27
i played 2 matches got rewards, then i stopped giving rewards. first time i played it in two weeks. these last 3achievements making me sad
By xDaddy Cake on 15 Sep 2016 18:37
finally!!! got the damned painted item after getting my 5th certified one.
By pukem0nn on 18 Jul 2016 19:54
I can confirm the 10 hour limit, as I have done consecutive afk grinding sessions overnight. You will not get items after playing for ten hours. The reset is some time Friday. so I usually get my 10 hours during the weekend.
By Unmet Player on 24 Jul 2016 05:00
To add further weight to the 10 hour theory resetting on Friday: I've been playing a few matches a day all week and got nothing until yesterday (Saturday) when I got a painted item, and an uncommon topper. Today (Sunday) I got my certified item.
By Pedle Zelnip on 24 Jul 2016 22:15
How do you AFK grind in this game? Doesn't it boot you from matches if you are idle?
By hunterIV on 26 Jul 2016 05:41
Got a painted item but no achievement. Can see this has happened to a few others. Anybody know how to fix it? Do I just need to get another one and hope it pops?
By Lord Agrius on 26 Jul 2016 08:30
I've played 1 game every day for 2 weeks and haven't gotten an item yet. It's bad enough it's random, but to put a damn item cap after 10 hours of play is completely ridiculous.
By capicawl on 29 Jul 2016 05:24
Ive played a lot of Rocket League since this update came out... Did they take the painted items out? Is there a specific playlist to get this in? Did they even add painted items into the game?
By Un Fetty Wap on 30 Jul 2016 13:15
Just got my 2nd painted item. Still no achievement... Force quit the game, power cycled the Xbox. This is just plain frustrating now.
By ARM BM on 30 Jul 2016 20:22
Not sure what to say anymore dude, at this point I'd say that the achievement should have a flag for being bugged.
By White Wyvern on 31 Jul 2016 16:32
I've had three painted items with hard resets and force quits in between and no achievement. Pretty crappy.
By ManuFlops on 01 Aug 2016 01:06
I started playing again yesterday played over 50 matches got only 1 item and it wasnt painte. My nfriend that i played with got one in his 5th match.
By 愛野 美奈子 on 05 Aug 2016 12:02
Items drop after around 1 hour in an match made game. This happens 10 times a week. So to get one item it takes around 1 hour in between items.
By BB rocker on 11 Aug 2016 12:07
5 certified items, one is now Veteran and I'm working on my second, but still no painted item. Starting to think they don't exist.
By BlinkFandangoII on 25 Aug 2016 04:48
It finally popped, I have been playing almost every day for two months and it just popped randomly after a match. I guess the only advice is to keep playing and hope it eventually comes up.
By BlinkFandangoII on 07 Sep 2016 21:14
Now that we can trade items in game, I wonder if this achievement will unlock when receiving a painted item via trade. It's definitely one way to 'Collect a Painted Item'
By D3LTA on 08 Sep 2016 22:09
Did they patch this yet with the new update?
By trollmeimasian on 09 Sep 2016 00:35
Yeah so with Trading it'd be great if someone with a painted item would be willing to trade it to me.i can then give it back or pass it on so we can make this easier. Assuming it works of course
By J2B9 on 09 Sep 2016 07:45
That would be helpful, wondering if that could be possible with certified times also, or is that too much ?

I have a feeling that you will stilll have to collect them through playing matches though.
By White Wyvern on 09 Sep 2016 08:52
I don't see how either wouldn't work. Though a certified item would still require leveling it up but at least you'd have it. I have a certified item for saves.
By J2B9 on 09 Sep 2016 10:17
I tested this last night. Certs work. Didn't have any luck with the painted one though. Will hopefully try again soon.
By D3LTA on 09 Sep 2016 15:17
Just got another painted item via a trade and can confirm this works. Achievement unlocked.
By D3LTA on 09 Sep 2016 22:52
Great! I was playing yesterday and unlocked a painted item but got no achievement so i didn't know, but it popped when I loaded it up today. They've added 7 items with the painted feature so better chance of earning one.
By J2B9 on 10 Sep 2016 00:15
Traded multiple painted items and I haven't gotten the achievement yet.
By ParticleDuality on 10 Sep 2016 03:23
I have received multiple items and still no achievement, this is bugged. stupid achievement.
if anyone can trade me one it would be great.
By El Luigi on 10 Sep 2016 04:37
Did they patch this yet with the new update?
By trollmeimasian on 10 Sep 2016 22:45
Traded painted item with a friend and he didn't get the achievement :(
By TangerineGamer on 11 Sep 2016 14:31
My friend gave me his painted item and still no achievement. Fuck this shit is glitched
By trollmeimasian on 14 Sep 2016 21:57
My mates didn't pop when I traded mine to him, it didn't pop when he got his own drop (he got two in fact) but it did pop when we traded painted items ...
By TangerineGamer on 14 Sep 2016 22:03
My friend and i traded paint items. Still nothing for this fuckboy achievement to pop
By trollmeimasian on 17 Sep 2016 22:14
I just traded with someone that had the achievement and a painted. Worked perfect.
By Vein 666 on 20 Sep 2016 00:43
I have a certified item for saves and would like to trade it for a painted item if possible.
By Joust on 21 Sep 2016 02:16
I feel like there should be a thread for this at this point. To avoid further commentary on the solution.
By FiveWizz on 21 Sep 2016 08:07
traded a painted with someone earlier, didnt pop right away but did after i equipped and won a match
By xDaddy Cake on 08 Oct 2016 21:27
According to Rocket League, I have spent 30 hours in-game. Still no painted item. Amazing.
By AAXB on 15 Oct 2016 00:36
Got one in trade, equipped it, played two games, won one lost one, no achievement. :(
By erod550 on 18 Oct 2016 05:24
100+ games now, still no painted item. Sigh.
By NegativeCreep08 on 09 Nov 2016 19:40
I unlocked a painted item and nothing popped. Had a friend with the achievement to trade me an item
And it worked
By Efford on 17 Nov 2016 03:18
I unlocked a painted item and nothing happened. Weeks I later unlocked a second painted item and then the achievement popped, so looks like it may have been fixed or it is just buggy.
By Mr Gimpson on 01 Dec 2016 09:41
I have a cert item I will trade for a painted..
By xUNDEAD CHIEFx on 05 Dec 2016 01:43
Still buggy finally unlocked painted item after over 250 matches after achievement got added & no cheevo RIP completion
By 愛野 美奈子 on 11 Jan 2017 23:14
Okay i got 2 painted items on same day xD 2nd one unlocked cheevo
By 愛野 美奈子 on 11 Jan 2017 23:32
I have a cert item that I will trade for painted
By Matty Heals on 24 Jan 2017 07:08
Have 2 painted items. Need a cert item for centers scorer wins or something. Message me
By acX I3lizzard on 08 Feb 2017 13:17
Have a painted item that will not pop the achievement, so need someone willing to help out. I also certified item for elite saves, super easy to get 25 on 1v1. Message me.
By brent1221 on 11 Feb 2017 01:09
Anyone willing to trade a certified and painted item to me? Message me on xbl if you can help. Tag is Rowin Ocampo
By Rowin Ocampo on 18 Feb 2017 05:53
Got my achievement about 24 hours after I received a painted item from a friend. Didn't unlock after the trade or completing several matches. However, switching profiles at the main menu and then switching back to my profile unlocked it immediately.

Hope this helps anyone else experiencing this frustrating glitch.
By MacWhyte on 19 Feb 2017 19:19
Downvote because you do not get the achievement if you receive the painted item via trading. it must be earned post match.
By el tuaya arg on 19 Feb 2017 23:48
I have not traded, just earned items from playing. Must have had about 5-6 painted items...still not unlocked. Will try equipping one later see if that works
By Tia1989II on 07 Mar 2017 08:29
MacWhyte thanks for the tip! Worked perfectly.
By Nickwassup on 09 Mar 2017 00:54
MacWhyte ill add that in cheers.
By White Wyvern on 09 Mar 2017 09:07
Thanks MacWhyte, it worked for me!
By cooorpse on 25 Mar 2017 12:30
Only these last three achievements left. Have nearly two days played with neither a painted nor a certified. If you can and are willing to help...

GT: Drostyy
By Drostyy on 27 Mar 2017 17:59
Ugh. I made it a point to unlock all the regular stuff in bot matches, played a few dozen matches online and never once got any certified or painted items. This is ridiculous. Only things I've gotten from the games I've played today were Bunny Ears and an Easter Egg topper.
By TopherXPwns on 08 Apr 2017 07:46
If anyone has a certified and or painted time please can you trade it with me?
By NoahMLP on 10 Jul 2017 09:11
Need a painted item if anyone can help please?? Have a couple of certified and plenty of very rare items so happy to trade

GT = The Adsman
By The Adsman on 25 Jul 2017 08:01
Xbox: NicFlairWoo

Need painted item, certified item & trade achievement.

I have 4 crates to trade, hmu on xbox
By NickFlairWoo on 21 Sep 2017 17:42
I’ve put in nearly 70 hours now, still no painted or certified. Convinced this is bugged for me.
By Sukotto on 02 Oct 2017 17:04
162 hours played and no painted items. Pretty sure I'm one of the unluckiest people for this one..
By Magicking610 on 19 Nov 2017 05:02
I'll say a prayer for you later magicking. cry
By White Wyvern on 19 Nov 2017 10:16
Id say find a boosting partner and finish the backwards goals. Its not too bad compared to some of the others.
By Unmet Player on 09 Jul 2018 01:26
Hey, if anyone could spare ten minutes to trade then trade back a painted item so I could get this achievement I would really appreciate it. pm me on here or xbox.
By ColdCutter on 04 Aug 2018 04:26
Last two weeks got me only 6 matches (combined) dropping items. What happened with the weekly 10 hour limit?
By el tuaya arg on 27 Aug 2018 17:35
I haven't played for a year so I've no idea what's going on with updates and so forth
By White Wyvern on 29 Aug 2018 09:24
Anyone happy to trade a few items? Will trade back straight away :)
By DanPalf1991 on 27 Mar 2019 21:55
Several hours played and no painted item, anyone who can help me out with a trade?
By Crooked Cracker on 17 Sep 2019 13:15
3rd game woo hoo lol
By noobbeater4 on 31 Dec 2019 22:37
Can someone help me out with the halo?

GT: TheEvolutionizt
By TheEvolutionizt on 21 Jan 2021 09:06
I can confirm you can get the achievement if a friend is trading you a painted item.
Because I played Rocket League before via Steam I already had many painted items so I traded one painted item from me for one painted item from my mate. Achievement unlocked straight after it.
By JanSH4DOW on 18 Apr 2021 14:25
Should I get these as a drop in game? I have blueprints for a painted item, but not got the item without paying mody to make the blueprint. TA says I've been playing 15 hours so far :)
By GJChester on 19 Apr 2021 07:30
Had issues getting a painted item. Turned out that painted items are not granted as a random rewards after a match anymore. Only through cup rewards and objectives.
I finally got mine by completing 22/24 free objectives. As a rewards I got three drop boxes and all of them contained a painted item.
By magiccigam on 27 May 2024 10:42
@Deathwing I've had a lot of problems with cheevos not unlocking this past year. What I do sometimes is power cycle my Xbox and the achievement usually pops when I sign back in to XBL.
By White Wyvern on 22 Jun 2016 20:47
i found a certified item my first match into the dlc. its the plunger and requires wins. i leveled it up at ten wins. 17 wins deep and 25 plus matches and no painted item and only one other item drop after the plunger.
By MaybeSomeDayX on 24 Jun 2016 02:19
I am all about achievements do not get me wrong, but lets just stop and think about this for a second...."Not everything is going to be patterned just for our convenience and our need for things to fall in to place etc, these are not designed to be guaranteed after x amount of matches etc". Honestly...I think the game should just be enjoyed, and once you do finally get the item you require you may well find yourself not so negative about the game. I find too many people take this level of impatience to a whole new level and then they start blaming the game on how it has bad mechanics and that the game is rubbish blah-de-blah. I've put 4-5 hours in and still not got a painted item, but the game is seriously fun, so when I get it, I will get it.
By TuKraZe on 24 Jun 2016 11:21
I guess I've collected all the items in the game because I stopped receiving items; however, I do not have a single painted item.
By Unky Ky on 08 Jul 2016 05:36
I have read a few articles saying that it is true and was mentioned in the update I looked around cause I couldn't get one for like 10 hours plus so I looked into it and that's what I read I'm not 100 percent sure if that's true but it would explain alot
By disturbedone47 on 13 Jul 2016 03:18
Apparently the 10 hour limit is real, I read this in Psyonyx Forum:

Psyonix-Kyle wrote:
Hey, everyone. The weekly 10-hour limit of online play resets every Friday or after you get an online item drop. As you play more online matches it increases your chances for an item to drop. I am not seeing widespread issues with this and we've looked at it internally and it's working fine. I will keep my eye on this, but the main thing to know is that items can take some time to drop and you have to play online to count towards that 10-hour mark each week.
By danlher360 on 13 Jul 2016 19:50
^ I thought Pedle Zelnip was onto something with getting items when you level up as I'd hardly been getting any drops until I just got a painted 'Derby' topper. I was Level 23 & 1 bar away from Levelling up so I think this is just random I'm afraid.

+1 for the solution anyway
By LFC NEMESIS on 17 Jul 2016 20:23
If you've unlocked all the standard stuff, toppers, decals, antennas etc. you probably won't get a drop after each game anymore
Just got to keep grinding it out
By TangerineGamer on 15 Sep 2016 20:18
Finally got a painted item: No achievement. FML.

This means, the 3 achievements I need for this game I have actually completed all of the requirements but they won't unlock! angry
By AAXB on 19 Oct 2016 12:10
Anyone fancy trading then trading back would be highly appreciated 👍 although I am enjoying the game a lot and bust most the achievements out within 5 hours so don’t mind it being boosted or just regular play 😊 GT: King of kingsjc
By Juicy Plumbs on 26 Aug 2018 22:12
Yup, I think it is random. After the last item pop nothing, and I got about 2/3rds of the way through level 22 when my painted item finally popped.

Looks like it is just random and a really, really, really low drop rate. Horrible achievement.
By Pedle Zelnip on 23 Jul 2016 20:13

Hey All,

I was struggling with this achievement for ages but believe i've finally cracked it through a combination of all solutions posted on the internet and seeing so many comments about people unlocking after they had a second painted item - Try this out!

Potential Solution To Bug:
Note: You will need someone else with 10 minutes and 2 painted items for this method to work

Firstly, Get your achievement hunting sidekick to trade you one painted item without you trading anything back in return. Then, equip the item and head into any online game. If it doesn't unlock immediately after the trade, or after completing the game with the equipped item, hard reset your Xbox (Press and hold the X on the console down for 10 seconds) with the item still equipped.

Restart your Xbox and grab hold of your achievement hunting sidekick again so they can trade you their second item; without you trading anything in return. Achievement popped up immediately after I had the second item in my inventory with my painted tires still equipped on my car. If this doesn't work straight away I would recommend repeating the process or just keep trading back and forth until it does pop-up. Always keep one painted item equipped however!

Let me know if this works and I'll spread the word.

By lordieeau on 01 Feb 2017 21:14
This is the last achievement and I've been playing an hour each night for the past few weeks and not unlocked a painted item, 4 Crates and a load of Uncommon toppers, no painted.
By The Batman IRL on 27 Apr 2017 10:17
View all 148 comments Show less comments
I unlocked my painted item online!
As we know, you can only unlock them online!

You simply have to play online games.

- It doesn't matter which typ of matches they are (3v3, 2v2, ...).
(I unlocked mine while playing with a friend 2v2 unranked)

- It also doesn't matter if they are ranked or unranked.

- And it also doesn't matter if you lose or win the game.
(I lost my match 3:5)

It's simply based on luck! You can unlock the painted item after 5 or after 50 matches.
Just keep playing and you will get it.

My Painted Item:
External image

22 Jun 2016 11:46

hello I would like to see the element paint Image pls
By FreeGandja on 22 Jun 2016 14:50
Same. Does it say painted like it does for certified or just a different color? I'm well over 50 matches with 4 certified items and no painted.
By Stig Assassin on 22 Jun 2016 21:38
Does the achievement unlock as soon as you get it or once equipped?
By qwxx on 23 Jun 2016 02:49
The achievement pops as soon as you get the item - end of the match.
By The Crynet on 23 Jun 2016 08:16
Picture added!
By The Crynet on 23 Jun 2016 08:30
Wow! Fuck this game!

Played 60+ matches & when I FINALLY got a "Painted Purple Hardhat" the achieve never popped angry
By CIutch Corey on 23 Jun 2016 13:49
I am no longer unlocking items after completing games and have yet to get a painted item and I've played at least 100 matches since they added these items.
By Psyched Chicken on 23 Jun 2016 23:23
There's apparently a 10 hour limit per-week that you can earn items. It resets a week after your last item drop. This is all from comments in my "Certified" solution so I can't say from experience. It does explain why I'm not getting items either.
By Stig Assassin on 23 Jun 2016 23:42
Can this be obtained in private online matches? That's probably the most important piece of information and it's missing from your solution.
By LordMakanaki on 24 Jun 2016 05:04
Don't understand why people down vote. What they aspect? You simply have to play online matches and it could be a lot of matches. The 10 hour limit could be true coz my friend also doesn't unlock items after matches. And i don't know if you can unlock them in privat matches, i played online 2v2 unranked. It's only based on luck..
By The Crynet on 24 Jun 2016 09:07
so there is a limit to how much i can earn in a week, based on time? yet there is an achievement for RNG based collectibles this trend sucks in the industry right now.... Looks like I'm not gonna play for about a week apparently.
By XGC GunNut on 26 Jun 2016 12:54
I've got a painted topper and no achievement.
By NJStalderXB on 28 Jun 2016 05:39
I was going 10-15 games with no items. They may drop more frequently during that first 10 hours, but it's definitely possible to get it. It took 6 days of playing to finally get my painted item. In the process of looking for it I got all the other achievements.
By Stig Assassin on 29 Jun 2016 16:29
Ok I now have every item unlocked but no painted (or certified). Am I fucked, or will they still drop?
By Comrade Spanner on 02 Sep 2016 00:30
They should still drop. It's just very rare and an annoying grind.
By Stig Assassin on 02 Sep 2016 01:20
I found a blue fez topper, but no achievement. Do only certain painted parts count or something?
By TFoxyBoy on 09 Sep 2016 14:38
i have a black and purple fez and i dont have it
By Young Yeetman on 12 Sep 2016 18:35
I still can't get one and I've played 40+ hours since.
By AAXB on 15 Oct 2016 17:03
I have a painted item to trade for a certified.
By Unmet Player on 18 Oct 2016 05:54
4 years later and this is still a struggle. I've played like 50 games. I haven't gotten painted or certified items. Anyone willing to trade?
By transkyman on 15 May 2020 18:02
The 10 hour limit from a previous patch seems to be gone now. I'm probably around 20 hours within the week and just got my painted item.
By Stig Assassin on 28 Jun 2016 05:50
i didnt get an item for 5 games in a row.

are you sure the 10 hour limit is gone? it seems just about 10 hours since i started playing it again. Got my cerfitifed item to Veteran status already, but no painted items in sight :/
By pukem0nn on 29 Jun 2016 10:56
Hey All,

I was struggling with this achievement for ages but believe i've finally cracked it through a combination of all solutions posted on the internet and seeing so many comments about people unlocking after they had a second painted item - Try this out!

Potential Solution To Bug:
Note: You will need someone else with 10 minutes and 2 painted items for this method to work

Firstly, Get your achievement hunting sidekick to trade you one painted item without you trading anything back in return. Then, equip the item and head into any online game. If it doesn't unlock immediately after the trade, or after completing the game with the equipped item, hard reset your Xbox (Press and hold the X on the console down for 10 seconds) with the item still equipped.

Restart your Xbox and grab hold of your achievement hunting sidekick again so they can trade you their second item; without you trading anything in return. Achievement popped up immediately after I had the second item in my inventory with my painted tires still equipped on my car. If this doesn't work straight away I would recommend repeating the process or just keep trading back and forth until it does pop-up. Always keep one painted item equipped however!

Let me know if this works and I'll spread the word.

By lordieeau on 01 Feb 2017 21:16
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I have a solution for those who have had this achievement glitch on them. Everyone seems to be saying it works.

1. Sign out of your main account
2. Sign into an alt account
3. Start a public online match
4. During the match, press the Xbox button and sign in your main account
5. Go back to Rocket League and you should see a message saying "Primary User has no controller". Select the "Quit" option.
6. You should be taken back to the title screen. Press any button to go to the main menu.
7. You will be signed in on your main account in Rocket League and hopefully the achievement will unlock.

I unlocked a painted item and the achievement did not unlock. So I tried equipping the item and completing an online match and still nothing. Then I tried restarting my console and doing the same thing again and still nothing.

Due to the 10 hour limit on earning items, I farmed items on an alt account, trying to get a painted item but had no luck. So I did exactly what was mentioned in the solution by accident and the achievement finally unlocked.

I hope this solution helps you get your achievement.

19 Feb 2017 11:21

Solution 1 worked great for me! Thanks so much!
By LucioOhsCereal on 20 Feb 2017 01:19
So I just confirmed solution one works when applied through trading. Just trading alone didn't work, so I was referred to solution 1 while having the painted item equipped on my main and it fixed the problem. Thanks for the solution :)
By E1pinko on 23 Feb 2017 01:11
I just confirmed that this does work when painted item is collected through trading and you do not have to have the item equipped to your main account car. Just having the painted item in my inventory was enough. Also I collected my painted item through trade months ago and just gave up until now. So I'm not sure about the 24 hour theory. Anyway. Thanks for the help! This was my last achievement to get.
By Quick Fire P on 23 Feb 2017 10:39
Solution one worked! Thank you
By Capta1nMatt on 25 Mar 2017 02:05
solution works. Thanks man.
By Absohail on 26 Mar 2017 21:13
not working for me... patched ?
By Juif on 21 Jul 2018 21:34
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I cannot find the original guide / comment, so I'm reposting it here.

If for some reason you can't get a painted item yourself, just asking someone who has such an item to trade it with you.
Except you don't even need to complete the actual trade; just have them put the item up in the trade window and the achievement will pop!

This also works with the 'Certifiable' achievement. I can confirm this with multiple instances.

24 Jul 2021 06:06

if you guys need any painted items, add me on xbox - lucaas783 and dm me on xbox. i have over 850 painted items and i'm willing to give anybody one item if they need this achievement. just make sure you're over level 35 and have bought the 500 credits pack to unlock trading. (only if you are a f2p player then you need to buy the pack).

07 Oct 2023 22:19

After Patch 1.22 there are 3 methods to get this trophy.

Method 1:
Play public online casual or ranked games. (I personally had better "luck" in casual 2v2 or 3v3 games) It doesn't matter how many players and long as it is an online game. It also doesn't matter if you are on the winning or losing team. At the completion of some games you will get random goodies, such as toppers, antennas, decals ect. For this trophy, you need to get a painted one. Once you've obtained a painted item at the end of the game, then the trophy will pop. You can view your items in the manage inventory screen.

Method 2:
You can trade 5 uncommon to get a rare or trade 5 rare to get an ultra rare in an attempt to get a painted item.

Method 3: Only available with Patch 1.22
Trade items with a friend. Create a party and have a trading partner join. Scroll down to select their name it will bring up a menu. Scroll to the bottom and select Invite to Trade. This will bring you to the trade screen where you can both select items to trade to each other and either give or receive a painted item.

Use the Trading Thread created by Terminator to find a trading partner.


This achievement is going to require some luck. You can only unlock a painted item at the end of an online match as a reward; this can't be acquired in private matches or exhibition matches. You could get this in two matches or you could get it in a hundred's completely random.

Painted items have an attribute that recolors an existing item. Wheels and Toppers seem to be the items that be acquired as “painted” items. Below is an example of a painted item; you'll notice it'll list the color and say "painted" in the description.

Alternatively, if you know someone that has a painted item, there is now item trading feature in the game. Just have them trade the item to you and once equipping the item this achievement should unlock.

The painted item can only be obtained by playing online (regardless of ranked matches or not). Regardless of winning or losing the match, an item will drop after the match. And then it’s completely random, if you’re lucky, then the desired item will appear. There is no way to speed up the process.

23 Jun 2016 17:11

1 Comment
Sharing with a friend helps
By UnToxa on 23 Oct 2020 08:09
The chance of dropping is very small, it’s easier to find a person who will give the item for the trophy. Forum thread .

19 Jan 2017 10:34