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Beat the Bowhemoth in 10 deaths or 20 min

100 XP


How to unlock the Indegestible achievement in Runbow - Definitive Guide

Welcome to another difficult achievement that is completed directly through muscle memory and memorization! Ok so if you're very good at platformers this shouldnt be too difficult, but at first it will seem impossible. This took me 4 attempts, and should take the average "platformer gamer" around 3-10 tries. The video at the bottom is a no death run from youtube and should be all you need, but i included some tips.

The first tip I have for this is on the section with the spiked balls going up and down where there are floating platforms. Jump on the platform and then jump kind of in place to land on the second colors platform. Now you will be high up and have plenty of time to fall and land on the next platform. ( im sorry if my explanations a bit off, re read when in the section practicing and it will make more sense lol)

On the color coded spike section where there are 4 colors, memorize where the spikes will land for each color. For example, red is the last spike, purple is the 3rd, etc.

Finally the hardest spot that will take the most practice is the section where you have to jump between colors (Around 10 minutes into video) The best tip I can give is to make sure to double jump when you can as opposed to using the upwards strike attack. This attack has landing lag making it difficult to recover from it. Always try to be one step ahead of the game. make sure to use the least time possible when jumping.

You will be aiming for the sub 20 minute run instead of 10 or less death side of the achievement. I ended this with 13 deaths in 19 minutes 45 seconds.

LAST TIP: Dont be afraid to do a practice run where you keep doing each area and dying at the end until you get it down 100 percent of the time or close. This will especially help in the color coded jumping section with the spikes.


20 Jul 2017 17:55

Secret level is doable for all, but beating it in under 30 was the real challenge.
By EpiphanyFart on 02 Jan 2021 23:31
@ Inferno118: I'm not good at these types of games and it took me around 8 hours to get a smooth run.

@ditisem: mimicking this video does work, but requires a hell of a lot of practice and patience. Also, taking a break helps when you get into a rut.
By trevzuk0 on 23 Jul 2017 14:31
I gave up, but yes it's possible to do. Just not my thing also the guide is solid so good luck everyone!
By ditisem on 24 Jul 2017 10:58
Yeah i'm really struggling with the section at 10:43 of the video. It's so frustrating!
By British Legends on 30 Jul 2017 14:59
Studying the video and learning the path they take in the trickier areas really helps. This took me about 20 attempts, countless restarts, but eventually I managed to get it :D
By British Legends on 08 Aug 2017 08:01
Still no glitches for this? lmao Not even gonna try the normal way again
By ditisem on 21 Nov 2017 20:18
Excellent guide, just a small tip to anyone still struggling:
What got me extra stressed (and thus resulted in many failures) was the time limit at the top right of the screen. How I fixed that was to put a post-it over it. After that all my runs were quicker and cleaner because I could focus solely on the jumps without the distraction of time slowly ticking away.
By I Sanral I on 29 May 2018 19:48
Got this in my 7th attempt. Keep practicing! My first attempt was over an hour and I had 190 deaths. By my 4th attempt I was consistently under 30 minutes and improving slightly each time. My final run was in exactly 20:00 with 23 deaths. Good luck to anyone else attempting this!
By dmils13 on 11 Sep 2018 03:17
Thanks for posting the video really helped out! Got this after about a week and a half of giving it a run or two a night. First run was well over an hour next 45 next 28 then minimal improvements until last night 22 then 19:45 23 deaths. Those 4 color pillar sections were zero fun especially the 4th one with the colored spikes between them. Those levels were the reason it took me so long. Not saying everything else was easy but by comparison they were a cake walk.
By Pynnokyr on 17 Jan 2019 22:07
The worst part about the awful section at 10 minutes is the landing platforms, you don't land right in the middle and you're fucked. It'd be so much better if they got rid of that curve in the platforms that just fucks you when you hit it.
By Seitzz on 05 Oct 2019 19:07
It really would help if the collision system wasn't so shitty either. This achievement is obviously very difficult, but shitty game mechanics make it even worse.
By Seitzz on 05 Oct 2019 19:35
I’ve done this achievement three times now, and it never took me over 2 hours to get it down. But I was consistent and got no death runs during the hard sections a few times. It’s really about getting the feel
By Inferno118 on 05 Oct 2019 21:46
Yeah it's just not there for me. Did a practice run, and on the first run through I was in at 41:15. The main sections that killed me are the hard part around 10 mins and the last section. The other ones I have down or pretty close. Still losing time on some of them.
By Seitzz on 05 Oct 2019 22:08
Just gonna need to sit down and practice those sections more before going after it again. Just so frustrating for now.
By Seitzz on 05 Oct 2019 22:09
Lol poor guy
By Silver Salvo on 17 Oct 2019 04:22
ok guys, this is FAR from impossible.
i have a few tipps that helped me.
1. cover the timer and death counter.
2.stay cool, you dont need 0 death to beat the 20 mins i died 12 times and still had more then 3 minutes to spare.
3.take extra rotations, at the part where the platforms circles around the spike balls dont force yourself to jump on the next platform because the clock is ticking. extra rotations are way better then dieing.
By kugelblitz22 on 28 Jan 2020 20:19
There was a boss in a game called teslapunk named Herr kugelblitz. That was the first thing that popped in my head when I read your gamertag. Lmao
By Silver Salvo on 14 Oct 2020 22:11
OMG F... this, I'm not going to waste my time in this. I'm done. See ya, and recieve all my hate bowhemoth! angryangryangry
By Sonic2903 on 22 Oct 2020 16:31
I finally got this done today! It’s very doable but a lot of practice is needed. On my run that got me the achievement I done it in 19:09 minutes with 23 deaths. The part I struggled with the most is the part were you have to jump between the spike things going up and down as well as the coloured blocks changing while moving up and down. That bit sucks!
By JonoTheLad on 01 Jan 2021 18:07
Is this harder than Chariot? Or Limbo? I completed both of those, so I want to know where this falls in comparison.
By EpiphanyFart on 02 Jan 2021 22:50
It’s definitely not as hard as chariot, it’s definitely much harder than limbo. Those 2 are basically stark contrasts of the easiest platformer vs the hardest haha. This ones a 7/10 in difficulty I’d say, if chariot is a 10. Though it’s all personal preference of course
By Inferno118 on 02 Jan 2021 23:01
Would you say that Chariot is the most difficult platformer? And okay, thanks for the information.
By EpiphanyFart on 02 Jan 2021 23:19
There’s more less popular platformers that are tougher but chariots secret level achievement is up there.
By Inferno118 on 02 Jan 2021 23:28
Nice achievement. Had fun and stress doing it.
By Malboa77 on 13 Dec 2021 21:16
Cloudberry kingdom is definitely harder than Chariot.
By Silver Salvo on 11 Sep 2022 01:14
Just did this 5 years after I unlocked my last achievement in this game, lol. Randomly went back and got it after 6 or 7 tries. Takes a ton of practice but each run you get better and better. I went from 200+ deaths and 60 minutes yesterday to 17:52 with only 9 deaths (and some were stupid easily avoidable deaths) today.

TL;DR: Practice an hour or two each day and you can do it.
By regret on 10 Jan 2023 16:41
I just tried for 11 hours straight, i'm done.
By ditisem on 21 Jul 2017 17:14
Which part u having trouble with? Shouldn't take more than 2-3 hours
By Inferno118 on 21 Jul 2017 17:19
At first only the spikey parts but now i keep dying everywhere. Can't make a single jump simply because it mentally f'd me up lmao. it just seems impossible to me really.

Worst part is i got every other achievement, so why is this one so hard, probs because it has a time limit, i'm terrible with stuff like that..
By ditisem on 21 Jul 2017 18:51
Secret level is doable for all, but beating it in under 30 was the real challenge.
By EpiphanyFart on 02 Jan 2021 23:43
As far as hardest platformer achievements i think cloudberry kingdom holds that title for its beating level 319 or 320 achievement. I forget which.
By Pynnokyr on 05 Nov 2021 06:35
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