Saints Row: The Third Remastered

Saints Row: The Third Remastered

79 Achievements


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You're My Hero!

You're My Hero!

Complete ALL Challenges.


How to unlock the You're My Hero! achievement in Saints Row: The Third Remastered - Definitive Guide

Original guide here: - Solution for You're My Hero! In Saints Row: The Third
this original solution is made by @ll sider inc ll
with some slight modifications done by myself and by very helpful people in the comments. feel free to comment easier methods and theyll be added on!

01. Nut Shots - 25
use a pistol for more precise shots, aim for the lower intestine not dead on the balls the hitboxes are strange. between the nuts n lower intestine. (obviously shooting female gang members dont count)

02. Grenade Kills - 50
You'll get this over time.

03. Cars Destroyed - 300
You'll get this over time.

04. Helicopters Destroyed - 60
get high gang notoriety and they'll bring out the specialists in the choppers. blow up the helicopters and you're killing 2 birds with one RPG

05. Boats Destroyed - 25
There is one mission, The Ho Boat, where you can get them but if you fail to get a few go to the top right of the map, there are some docks there with boats. Or get a police chase going and jump in the water when you have at least 3 badges.

06. Tanks Destroyed - 25
Attract high police notoriety getting to 5 stars means the military become involved and they'll bring out the tanks. or make your way to the military base in Sierra Point and attract some attention

07. Carjackings - 250
run up and down the highway strips and slowly make your way through them. you can also do hostage diversions if they're people in the cars.

08. Mascots Killed - 200
Once progressing through the game you will get a phone call saying that certain gangs are attacking certain places, the one to look out for is when a woman is on the phone saying there is a sale at Let's Pretend it will only be mascots that spawn it will definitely boost it by 75-100. also killing mascots in instances of Professor Genkis Super Ethical Reality Climax also count towards this

09. Hoods Explored - 18
You'll get this over time impossible to miss when you play the story.

10. Hostages Taken - 50
When you get a car with two or more people in it, take the driver out. When you get in the car the game will ask if you want to take a hostage, press Y to do it. You don't have to complete the mini game for it to count!

11. Stores Robbed - 15
Go in a store and have the store clerk at gunpoint. For a fast way look at the maps for to stores that are very close and have your way.

12. Streaking Time - 600 seconds
Go in a clothing store and take all your clothes off. Then go outside and press d-pad down to stark streaking. Do this for 600 seconds.

13. Big Air Distance - 1524
Later on when they raise the bridges there is an easy way to make jumps and on the airport there are easy ways to makes jumps.

14. Gang Members Taunted - 50
Do this as soon as you can. It should be possible after your done with the game but it takes a lot longer. To taunt press dpad left. Police does not count. TRY AND GET THIS BEFORE YOU FINISH THE GAME AS ITS PROVEN DIFFICULT TO TAUNT A LARGE NUMBER OF PEOPLE ONCE THE MAIN STORY IS COMPLETED

15. Vehicle Surfing Time - 600 seconds
Jump on top of a car and when it starts driving press Y. Keep this up for 600 seconds. Should be easier with a co-op partner. Doesn't matter if you do a handstand but does make it harder.

16. Windshield Cannon Distance – 305 Meters
You can do this in the normal game but to do it faster and easier; Start an insurance fraud activity and crash into oncoming traffic.

17. People Run Over – 500
Drive on pavements in the city centre use a tank to tackle more surface area

18. Oncoming Lane Distance – 30480 Meters
drive into oncoming traffic. follow the lanes and youll get this in no time.

19. Wheelie Distance – 3048 Meters
Get a motorcycle and while driving hold you left stick down.

20. Powerslide Time – 300 Seconds
Press A to power slide

21. Deckers Specialists Killed - 50
Kill 50 of the blue fast moving chicks. Can be done after you defeated all the gangs because you still get them with the survival missions.

22. Luchadore Specialists Killed - 50
Kill 50 of the green grenade shooting thugs. Can be done after you defeated all the gangs because you still get them with the survival missions.

23. Morningstar Specialists Killed - 50
Kill 50 of the red bald sniper guys that shoot from helicopters. Can be done after you defeated all the gangs because you still get them with the survival missions.

24. Near Misses – 500
You'll get this over time.

25. Car Torpedo Total Damage – 2000
While driving in a car press and hold Y. For some reason it doesn't always count towards the total.

26. Vehicle Mod Spending - 20000
Go to a Rim Jobs and upgrade your car to the max and do that with a few extra cars.

27. Human Shields Used – 150
Get close to a human and press Y, or run towards one and press Y.

28. Multi-Kills – 500
kill 3 enemies in quick instances and youll get this eventually. survivals and making your way through the campaign should get you there

29. Two-Wheel Distance – 763 Meters
You'll get this over time.

30. Base Jumps Nailed – 15
simply jumping off a building and skydiving won't count towards the progress it will earn you respect but not progress, thanks to neeker75 you can only make progress by jumping from a helicopter! head to the airport and get some elevation then jump out so you have alot of flat surface on the runway to land on

31. Stoppie Distance – 305 Meters
Get a motorcycle and while braking hold left stick up.

32. Shortcuts found – 50
drive through alleyways, dirt roads, and grassy areas.

33. Gang Ops Defeated – 32
Gang Ops ( Gang Operations ) can be found all over the map the icon is a fist in a pink box. if your missing some look on rooftops in the centre of the city

34. Survival Completed – 26
Sometimes your crew will call you with a mission. Press y to accept the call and go to the target destination.

35. Headshots – 500
simply aim for the head. unsure if NPCs count torwards this

36. No-Weapons Kills 25
Easy just select your normal fists and kill 25 people.

37. STAG commandos Killed - 25
GET THIS WHILE YOU CAN DURING THE MAIN STORY as its pretty much impossible after the game is completed

38. Compliments
Press D-Pad right to make a compliment. Can be done on everyone.

39. Distance Travelled - 762000
You'll get this over time and everything counts, walking, flying and driving.

40. Emu's Destroy 50
find one they spawn all over the map, sitting near a busy main road or blocking a road emus should start spawning. Put it in your garage then keep taking it out and destroying it. < Thanks to MeetTheCynic for the tip.

41. Kill Brutes - 30
When your wanted level for the gangs go up to 4 stars they will come out use rockets or a tank to kill them quick but you should get it over time. Also with the Professor Genki activity they will spawn during the end.

14 Jun 2020 21:14

You can also get the 200 mascots killed during a survival challenge as one will come up where they're attacking a lets pretend store and there are more than enough mascots to accomplish that challenge
By darkrealmslord on 20 Jun 2020 21:43
If you have a methods feel free to write them and send them over to me and i can re publish it because it seems like you know more than me
By Wwau on 08 Jul 2020 11:34
Thanks to everyone who commented with tips all edits are made!
By Wwau on 24 Jul 2020 12:15
Is it necessary to get all the barnstorming and stunt jumps?
By Tainted Spudz on 14 Aug 2020 16:44
By Wwau on 14 Aug 2020 18:29
Those count even though there isn't a specific challenge for them in that part of Saints Book? Crap. Ok.
By Tainted Spudz on 15 Aug 2020 11:47
You don't need all barnstorms or stunt jumps. Just the challenges that are in the saints book
By Fear The People on 17 Aug 2020 13:44
Agreed, you don't need the barnstorms or stunt jumps - I got it without ever even attempting a barnstorm.

Also, the survival challenge with the mascots mentioned above is a good place to farm the Emus, as about half of the mascots will drive up in one. Especially easy if you've unlocked unlimited rocket launcher ammo.
By JKSullivan on 18 Aug 2020 02:46
Ok. Really glad I don't have to get those. Thanks for clarifying.
By Tainted Spudz on 18 Aug 2020 19:43
For the emus best way to farm them is by the chop shop challenges just use the saints tank to destroy them before delivering the vehicle
By WeighingBrute on 19 Aug 2020 06:56
I'm kinda confused. When I taunt gang members the progress bar doesn't go up. I've taunted at least 20 gang members and it's stuck at 1.

Edit: I think I've figured it out. If you're in combat it doesn't seem to count. You need to find gang members on the street in a calm state. Only then it seems to count (at least on my end.)
By TSMiller97 on 18 Oct 2020 21:08
@TSMiller97 it's definitely possible to taunt them while fighting them, but it's super finicky I've found. Some gang members I just can't get to count no matter what I do, and I usually have to try 2 or 3 times before it registers on others. Basically have to keep trying until the little respect circle for taunting shows up. Very annoying.
By Lyco499 on 08 Nov 2020 08:10
The base jump info is wrong. Head to saints tower (or another helI pad crib) jump off, hit y, hit y again and guide yourself to the purple ring, as this will count. Saints tower is the easiest jump(jump off the left or right side of the pad) and it's the quickest to head back up and jump.
By DarkKnightKefka on 06 Dec 2020 12:19
has anyone else got to 25/26 survival and no matter how many they complete it wont tick up? Edit: I don't know if this is what fixed it but exiting to main menu then doing it again got it to tick up and make the achievement pop.
By TheNextMadKing on 03 Nov 2021 06:57
Anyone had issue getting the melee kills to track?
(I am playing the 360 one, but other issues are the same on both games so wondeeed if missing something on it.)
Does it have to be gang members. Can it be cops, STAG or pedestrians?
Does it have to be that LT quick time like thing with on screen prompts. Or just bashing RT works..?
Any ideas?
Sometimes a headshot seemed not to track either on the numbers.
Maybe everything is just buggy..
By Drazer76 on 27 Jun 2022 09:53
Anyone had issue getting the melee kills to track?
(I am playing the 360 one, but other issues are the same on both games so wondeeed if missing something on it.)
Does it have to be gang members. Can it be cops, STAG or pedestrians?
Does it have to be that LT quick time like thing with on screen prompts. Or just bashing RT works..?
Any ideas?
Sometimes a headshot seemed not to track either on the numbers.
Maybe everything is just buggy..
By Drazer76 on 27 Jun 2022 09:59
I can't get Gang Members Taunted to track. I hit left on the D-pad in their direction and nothing.

Edit: I was able to get it to work by taunting repeatedly until Taunting appeared on screen, then I grabbed them for that challenge. Furthermore, I was unable to get the counter to go up when taunting the Saints, even if they reacted, so I don't think it counts.
By Apostle92627 on 28 Jun 2022 01:50
One more tip: For the zombie survival, enter Arapice Island, then call a tank. I used the Saints Crusader for this. Anyway, RECRUIT THE SAINT who drops it off. Any kill your followers make counts towards the total kills, and they man the laser cannon.
By Apostle92627 on 30 Jun 2022 03:44
Tauntings just bugged, you can get the little taunting bubble immediately after killing then taunting. Loading the game and going immediately behind Angels Casino always spawn Luchadores for the post-game crowd.
By thiccEIite on 09 Jul 2022 06:55
This is copy and paste from someone else's guide on the 360 version, did you get their permission for this before stealing their work?
By on 01 Aug 2022 22:14
how can I steal work? it’s simply reposted for people to see I never claimed the work as my own.
By Wwau on 02 Aug 2022 18:22
Well, you didn't credit them for their work. That's the least you can do, even if you couldn't get a hold of them for permission.
By on 02 Aug 2022 18:31
I have only 30 challenges in Saints book. Where is another 11 from the list?
By lab0kup on 12 Aug 2022 09:52
Comes after a point in the story, I think after Act 1. The last challenge doesn't show up until later in the game.
By on 12 Aug 2022 11:10
40. Emus will happen easily when you get the mascot survival mission, as more than half of them drive up in an Emu. A LOT faster than the garage method.
By Like A Bob Ross on 01 Sep 2022 19:01
most of the ones "you get over time" you wont have nearly completed by the time the game is 100% complete
By LaTrickster2 on 27 Mar 2023 03:54
which ones do you not unlock through natural progression? car jacking and running people over happen through general playthrough. if you were a bit more specific I could help you out.
By Wwau on 27 Mar 2023 09:35
The windshield cannon just resets when I fail the insurance fraud
By I2xINCHxTONGUE on 22 May 2023 21:03
Heads up for anyone after the Gang Members Taunted challenge. If you've 100% completed the game and are struggling to find gang members to taunt, try taunting them on a Survival mission. This method worked for me.
By mvxzzz on 05 Jul 2023 14:36
For those who completed the game, gang members will still appear right after loading a game. Depending on the location, for example on Shaundi's place, when you load the game and leave the building, there will be Deckers walking on the road, you hold one with Y and then a lot will come. If not, just exit the game on the Pause menu and load it again. Save on other location for other gangs. (And if you are having a hard time, make them pursuit you to the front of a store, then let them gather, when it is too dangerous, enter the store to clear the stars, then exit the store and taunt them, and make them angry again for more to come, etc.)
By Tatl360 on 21 Sep 2023 21:28
Does anyone have a save file with stag commandos😩
By TheGreatNoman on 03 Feb 2024 02:43
Basejumps Nailed (15 times) - Jump off the helipad at the Saints HQ and hit Y to deploy parachute. Then hit Y again to create a basejumping target to land in. Land in the target, run back to the elevator to the top of the Saints HQ and repeat.
It appears that this method doesn't work for this version of the game. I've done this several times, and even though the game showed me that I've successfully done a base jump (top right corner - earned respect, etc.), it doesn't add to the count for the challenge. The only jumps that added to the challenge for me are jumps from helicopters.

Also, for Tanks Destroyed, I didn't get any tanks despite being on five-star notoriety for several minutes. They can be farmed in the mission "Stag Party". You'll get 5-7 of them. Do them, save in mid-mission, quit mission. Then restart mission.
By neeker75 on 08 Jul 2020 06:47
For the Emus destroyed, the first one I found I stored in my garage so I had could just keep spawning them and destroying them. Much easier than searching for them smile
By MeetTheCynic on 23 Jul 2020 23:16
For Emus and STAG Commandos, I found the Tank Mayhem - Hard in Rosen Oaks to be a good farming spot for both. Emus are some of your high profile targets, and the Commandos pilot the hover carriers (which require your Police notoriety to be 4 or 5). HOWEVER, if you fail the activity, do NOT Retry - you'll lose your progress. I found this out the hard way).

As for the Base Jumping, I got them from jumping off the Saints Penthouse just fine. Go figure.
By Robster80 on 17 Oct 2020 14:55
Gang Member taunts are a bit finnicky as ever, doing them post-story isn't recommended but you can taunt your own Gang Members, as well as the Zombies if I remember correctly (They count as Gang Members for the Fart in a Jar/Penetrator achievement). Taunts DO track in combat, but you need to mess around with how close you are to them and where you're aiming your reticle/head when you taunt. You'll see it pop up in the XP notifications in the top right when it's successful. If you haven't yet done the Assassinations and the Chop Shop lists there are a few opportunities to get Gang wanted levels from some of those, like the Chop Shop mission to steal a Luchadore truck.

Another option people forget is the Diversions since they're infinitely replayable on the map, a non-timer Diversion like Trafficking for Zimos has the Morningstar coming after you endlessly. If you already have the invincibility upgrades you can just farm it in there with no worry about dying and can freely revive Zimos with no issue.

Car torpedoes will track based on how far the car travels from when it starts causing damage to when it stops. Hurling a fast car through a crowd & some Newspaper vendors on the sidewalk with cruise control on can see it hit 1000% easily.

Survivals take a lot of idling on foot to spawn and you have to be somewhat near the locations.

Base jumping can be done with parachuting from anywhere so long as you pull the chute with enough of a descent left. The Penthouse crib is plenty high enough.
By Whiteythereaper on 21 Apr 2021 05:23
Sorry for the double post, but the game counts bailing out of an aircraft as base jumping for some reason.

Edit: Actually, I took the Saints Vtol to the airport and repeatedly jumped out of it until I couldn't find it, then called the helicopter homie and jumped out of that for the last one.
By Apostle92627 on 28 Jun 2022 09:30
For anyone actually trying for this achievement some of these you will not "get over time" as it says. You should be working on things like carjackings, powerslide, and oncoming lane whenever you can. Also, i dont know if this was fixed after this was written or the description is just wrong, but base jumps can totally be done off of buildings. The saints HQ helipad is where I grind mine out. They don't take long 10-15 minutes being done like this.
By roastbeefxx on 02 Jul 2023 12:12
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There are a total of 41 challenges to be completed. To check your challenges, bring up your cell phone by pressing tp.png, navigate to your ‘Saints book’ and open the challenges. Every challenge has a counter. Completed challenges will be grayed out at the bottom of the list.

Before completing these, try to obtain every other trophy first, since you’ll easily complete most of them, or at least gain a huge progress.
  • The challenge in red should be obtained before completing every story mission.
  • The challenges in orange can still easily be obtained after completing the main story. However, you might want to complete these before taking over every district, as it might become a bit tougher to complete. If you've already taken over every district:
    • Replay activities.
    • Some of the Survival calls.
    • Some of the Assassinations.
    • Some of the Vehicle Thefts.
    • There are still a few gang members walking the streets at random places.
  • The challenges in green you should keep till last. Most of them should unlock naturally, while others can be done whenever you want.
Please see the forum guide here for details on all challenges.
There are 41 challenges in total. Each challenge is relatively easy, but doing them all will take some time.
One of the hardest trophies in the game. I recommend fulfilling the conditions of the subtasks when they appear, completing the story quest and side missions. Among the most difficult ones, I will describe my tactics in the addition below :

1) Destroy 60 helicopters (After completing the story there will be about 40-50, destroy the rest during clashes with gangs and police - you need three stars of interest. It is possible to spam during a mission to hijack a civilian helicopter, blowing it up, selecting the same task again in your mobile - the helicopter will respawn before our eyes).

2) Destroy 25 boats (After completing the story, there will be about twenty. The rest can be blown up in hijacking missions, repeating the steps in point No. 1).

3) Kill 200 talismans (A talisman is an NPC in an animal costume. Most often you meet them at Professor Jenka).

4) Find 50 shortcuts (Look at the behavior of your GPS often, as it draws a path according to the rules of movement, and shorten it).

5) 50 hostages (Looks for a car with a passenger and click + , looking straight into the windshield. Otherwise, you can push out both npcs. As soon as you press triangle to take a hostage, you can safely get out of the car).

6) Rob 15 stores (Aim at the seller behind the cash register for a few seconds until a message about a successful robbery appears. It doesn’t matter whether you bought this store or not yet).

7) Surf the car for a total of 600 seconds (I had a maximum of 60 seconds in one go).

8) Fly 1524 meters by car (In the third act, when the bridges between the islands are raised).

9) Tease 50 gang members (Important: do this before capturing the entire territory. See Love/Hate Relationship trophy).

10) Fly 304 meters after a head-on departure (Important: only cars are counted. No motorcycles).

11) Powerslide time 300 seconds (Accelerate and press the handbrake . Important: before braking, try to turn the vehicle 90 degrees and then release the gas while continuing to hold the handbrake. With this tactic, 4 to 6 seconds of sliding were gained at a time).

12) Kill 50 specialist deckers/luchadores/morningstars each (Girl with axes, Bandit with a minigun/flamethrower, Sniper. A specialist is a bandit with a special weapon. On the map he is indicated by a red ring. During the showdown, from one to three specialists).

13) Use 150 human shields (Important: police are not counted).

14) Overcome 762,000 meters (Achieve after 30 hours of gameplay. For 100% completion you will have to overcome even more).

15) Complete 26 survivals (Important: survival is given after a telephone conversation. A telephone call can only be received on foot, without completing third-party missions. On average, the time between each telephone call is 5-10 minutes. I had a glitch, and they stopped adding completed stages to statistics. Reboot cured).

16) Destroy 50 EMU (EMU is a miniature lady's car. As soon as you meet it, immediately drive it to the nearest garage. Then take it => blow it up => take it => blow it up, etc.).

17) Run naked for 600 seconds (Important: only the time of the mini-game is taken into account. To do this, press down on the d-pad twice in a row).

18) Perform 15 Base Jumping parachute jumps (Base Jumping is a landing with a parachute in a precisely selected area. I recommend opening the parachute and pressing for a target when there are 200 - 250 meters left to the ground. This increases the chance of an accurate hit).

19) Inflict 2000 torpedo damage (Car Torpedo Total Damage is an uncontrollable car that continues to move without a driver. Press at full speed . The easiest way is to make a torpedo into a crowd of npcs or a police barricade with a bad reputation. Buy endless nitro in the store for all cars to increase your score. Important: some players experience glitches, which can be cured either by rebooting the system or by throwing a torpedo into the wall).

25 Nov 2011 15:17

The first tip is good, I just complement the tips given in it:

4) Short paths, look on the map for alleys between houses, there are much more than 50 of them.

5) You don’t have to jump into a car to take hostages + , you just need to push the driver out with a simple press , the more people in the car, the better, I think they counted 2 hostages at once.

6) It’s better to rob your stores, as soon as the robbery is completed and when you exit you have a wanted level of 3 - return to your robbed store and the wanted list will disappear. The easiest way to rob armories is where the seller is motionless.

11) I did a controlled drift for 60 seconds. Drive to the airport, to the intersection of runways, accelerate a little , clamp and turn to the maximum in one direction while holding + , when the car turns 80-90 degrees, turn sharply to the maximum in the other direction and the car slides... When it starts to level out or twist, turn again in the other direction, etc.

12) The luchadores’ specialist wasn’t a bruiser with a minigun/flamethrower, but a guy with a stupid grenade launcher. They arrive at wanted level 3 (3 stars) and over time there are a lot of them. Just attack the members of the desired gang, anger them and vo la la. It is better to perform with excellent health or complete invulnerability from bullets/explosions, etc. (can be done in Co-op! if you have already captured the entire city, the main thing is that your partner has them and your partner is not a cheater)

16) The EMU from the garage, personally for me and my friend, was invulnerable to explosions from RPGs while he or I had this task active. A lot of EMU comes to “survive” at the store, let’s pretend, against the mascots. At survival level 5, cars come in an endless stream, respawning right before our eyes! Without good health, survival is very difficult.

19) Well, here’s a hellish glitch, everything that was written in the tooltip did not work, it was counted ONLY when hitting a flat wall at 90 degrees.
By Alleks on 05 Dec 2011 14:37
The simplest option for “raiding” 304 meters from the windshield of a car exists!
You just need to launch the “Insurance fraud” mode and perform all the same actions that you did in order to fly out of the car: running into oncoming traffic while nitro, kissing poles and other obscenities. In 90% of cases, the character will fly through the windshield; the chance of flying out is noticeably much higher than the standard mode.
By dionixus on 19 Nov 2012 18:06
The call for the last 26th survival will come after completing the story. You will have to fight off the zombies.
By sn00m on 17 Dec 2011 18:39
Everything is written very well below, but I wanted to add about 500 headshots.

If at the end of the game you have as few of them as I had, then we go to the zombie area, where they run at you in packs. I ended up getting 200 headshots in 10-15 minutes
By clearskyman on 14 Jan 2012 21:32
11) At the Airport, put the car in reverse and turn the steering wheel for 5 minutes and everything is normal
By evi712 on 01 Jun 2012 07:05
3) do not worry about this task, because in one of the survival missions you will need to kill them + these animals will arrive in EMU vehicles, with the help of which you can complete another task to destroy 50 of these machines
By petr22 on 02 Jul 2012 13:53
It is not necessary that the last zombie survival call should be 26, I personally had it on 14
By soap32 on 10 Aug 2012 09:29
Complete 26 Survivals
The trophy is glitched, at around 25 out of 26 it was no longer updated until the game was restarted.
By MadWulff on 03 Dec 2012 00:10
about taking hostages. It’s enough just to steal a car, even if the hostage escapes before committing hooliganism, it still counts
By cheeck7best on 05 Feb 2012 17:10
The task of gaining distance from the car through the windshield is easiest to do on a buggy, which will be in the garage after completing the story.
By Partisan on 20 Feb 2012 11:39
"Powerslide" 300 seconds. To make it easier to drift in a car, first break one of the rear wheels of the car, accelerate, press the handbrake, and make turns with the car.
By yanovskiy12 on 17 Mar 2012 13:28
1. 500 pedestrians can be crushed on a zombie island in literally 5-7 minutes
2. Kill the commando of the boar squad: this is a story trophy, don’t worry, it drops towards the end of the game (I killed 59)
By Nelly on 23 Jun 2012 20:14
Regarding ridicule of gang members: if you captured the entire city, and then realized that you only have, say, 25/50 taunts (as I had), then you have to cheat the system. We go to any “Destruction” task, there will definitely be one of the gangs in it, wait until a couple of cars with enemies arrive at you, and then cancel the task. All the enemies who managed to come to you will remain there. We kill them, earn stars, go to some of our stores or houses, and then simply follow the chain: make a taunt, hide, kill, wait for new ones, hide, make a taunt. This is how I did the remaining 25 times.
By Effect67 on 25 Aug 2012 13:48
If you have captured the entire city, and there are no taunts at all (as was the case for me), then just go to any "Defeat" mission and do taunts during the battle. You can kill those who were “laughed at”; nothing goes wrong. The main thing is not to restart the task (you can cancel it, the accumulated ridicule will remain, but it’s “starting again” that throws everything off). Even if you fail, everything will be credited to you.

Doing all of the above is much easier with a fully upgraded character who does not receive damage from bullets, explosions and fire. It took me about 20 minutes to do everything.
By TheGrantik on 08 Apr 2016 22:15
The fastest way to gain parachute jumping: go to the headquarters of the saints in Sunset Park, go into it, save, go out to the helipad and jump left or right, I don’t recommend it directly, since the target will almost always be under the railway tracks and it’s difficult to hit it, after landing exactly on target - we save and load the save we just created, appear again at the headquarters and repeat until we hit 15 landings
By Kar1m0v on 09 May 2023 11:20
Some may have difficulty with specialists.

The tactics are:

We find a tank (any tank, but a Challenger is better, because it didn’t explode in 1-2 hours of shooting, but the ASP exploded in about 10-15 minutes) we go to the Luchador area, 5 stars of interest and almost 3 arrive of 5 cars with a specialist, the same with the Deckers, and the Morning Star

There is a glitch, or something like that, for example, you attacked the Deckers, and killed 50 specialists, and went to the luchadores, as a result, when you arrive there, you will be attacked not by the luchadores, but by the Deckers.

Luchadores are soldiers with a grenade launcher.
Deckers are girls who move VERY fast.
Morningstars are snipers who can either stand at a checkpoint or be in a helicopter.
By GwO_OzT on 22 Jan 2012 10:41
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There are only 41 tasks in the game.
All of them will open by the middle of the second chapter.


1) Distance on the front wheels.
You need to drive 305 meters on the front wheels of the motorcycle. We accelerate on the motorcycle and smoothly press and balance with the left stick L3 .

2) Robbery of stores.
You need to rob 15 stores. Enter the store and go straight to the salesperson standing near the cash register. Take out the gun and aim at him/her (No need to shoot!) after a few seconds the seller will give you cash.

3) Distance on the rear wheels.
You need to travel 3048 meters on the back wheel of a motorcycle.
Take any motorcycle and go to the airfield. At the airport, drive along the runway on your rear wheels. Accelerate and smoothly pull the left L3 stick towards you.

4) Controlled drift time.
You need to drive the car in a skid for 300 seconds.
Take any car and go to the airfield. On the runway, accelerate with the button . Then press and hold the buttons + and with the left stick control the drift.

5) Hostages were taken.
You need to take 50 hostages. Stand at intersections or bridges and look for cars with passengers. When you find the car you want, throw out the driver and get behind the wheel. The button will immediately light up in the car press it and after a few seconds leave the car (You don’t have to hold the Hostage until the end of time) and look for a new car with a passenger.

6) Running time without clothes .
You need to run naked for 600 seconds.
First you need to take off all your clothes. Then press 2 times and run.

7) Arrests during base jumping.
Go to your shelter and go up to the helipad. Jump from it and open the parachute. Soon you will see the message “Select a target for base jumping” click on while you're flying on a parachute. You will immediately see a circle on the ground or in the air. You need to land perfectly in this circle 15 times. As soon as you get too cold or get wet, immediately return to the helipad.

8) Taunting gang members.
You need to find or lure any gang and taunt them. Get close to the bandit and press the button .

9) Distance traveled.
You need to walk, drive, spill, etc. 762,000 meters in total.

10) Headshots.
Everything is simple here, just shoot and kill enemies with a headshot. If during the passage you have not accumulated 500 heads. Then just lure or make a mess, police or bandits and finish off the heads.

11) Millimeter.
You need to drive close to other cars. You need to do this 500 times.

12) Compliments given.
You need to give compliments 50 times. Approach your people or passers-by and press the button so 50 times and that’s it.

13) The car was destroyed.
Just destroy 300 cars.

14) The boats were destroyed.
Buy yourself a pier and get on the boat. When you get on the boat, there will be two boats at your pier. Destroy them and sail away from your pier and return back to that same place. Those two boats will again be at the pier (they will constantly respawn). You can also lure the cops and destroy their boats and helicopters.

15) EMU destroyed.
EMU is a small mini car. Find such a car and take it to your garage. Then just take this car from the garage and drive a little away from the garage and destroy it 50 times. The car will still be in your garage, so just go back to the garage and take this car again and destroy it.

16) Car surfing time.
Just climb onto the roof of the car with the driver. And when he starts moving you will see Click on it and use the left stick to keep your balance. You need to drive like this for 600 seconds.

17) The hoods were blown up.
Destroy 18 roadside signs.

18) Total damage from ramming.
To begin with, I advise you to purchase “ Nitrous Oxide ” for your car, accelerate with the help of nitrous oxide and direct the car into oncoming traffic and press the button out of the car This way the car will hit several oncoming cars and you will receive damage. But you need to score a total of 2000 damage.

19) Morgenstern specialists were killed.
Morgenstern specialists are bald snipers. They always fly in helicopters. You need to kill 50 specialists.

20) Luchador specialists were killed.
The " Luchadore " specialists wear green clothes with a wrestling mask with an eroke and carry a grenade launcher. You need to kill 50 of these specialists.

21) The Decker specialists were killed.
The Decker specialists are girls who constantly teleport. They are dressed in blue clothes with skirts. You need to kill 50 of these specialists.

22) Distance in oncoming traffic.
Just drive in the oncoming lane and gain a total of 30,480 meters.

23) Murder without a weapon.
Take 25 enemies hostage with the button and turn off their head with the R3 button.

24) Talismans killed.
You need to kill a total of 200 people in cornel costumes. It's easier to do this by replaying the " Professor Jenky " missions.

25) Kill the Boar Squad Commando.
You need to kill 25 boar commandos. They are in the flying transport " CONDOR ". I destroyed them on a military island with a pumped-up RPG.

26) Distance of the gun on the front.
You need to pour out of the windshield of a car (Motorcycles are not suitable) for a total of 304 meters.
I advise you to get the necessary flight meters on the " Insurance Fraud " missions on easy or medium difficulty. I spent the first minute casting glass and then went to complete this mission. In order for the accumulated flight meters to be preserved.

27) Shots in the groin.
You need to kill 25 enemies with groin shots. To kill an enemy with a groin shot, aim just below the stomach.

28) Killed by grenades.
Everything is clear here with the name of this task. You need to kill 50 enemies with grenades. As you progress through the game, you will sooner or later complete this task.

29) Helicopters destroyed.
You need to destroy 60 enemy helicopters. There will be enough places in the game where you will meet opponents in helicopters. If you don’t get enough helicopters during the game, or you simply don’t want to look for these moments in the game where there will be helicopters. You can come to the territory of Morgenstern and kill a couple of his bandits. By killing them, you will create panic in his ranks and attract crowds of bandits and, of course, helicopters. You can destroy them.

30) Tanks destroyed.
You need to destroy 25 enemy tanks.
There will be enough missions in the game where tanks will be encountered.
But if you don't fill enough tanks. You can come to the military island and loot everything there. Tanks will immediately come to you. And you will destroy them.

31) Cars stolen.
You need to steal 250 cars.
Only those cars in which drivers are seated are counted.

32) Shortest routes found.
You need to find 50 shortest routes.
The GPS will show you where to go. Don't pay attention to the path line. Just try to drive through yards and find new paths that will be less than the indicated GPS data.

33) Distance in the air.
You need to fly 1524 meters while in the air.
Always accelerate and hit the jumps. It's better to accelerate with nitrous oxide.

34) Pedestrians run over.
You need to move over 500 pedestrians.
Just sometimes drive your car at ordinary passers-by and beat them up. It’s better, of course, to beat up passers-by in the park. There are 30-40 peaceful passers-by there.

35) Spent on tuning.
You need to spend $20,000 in repair shops.
Change the characteristics of your car and that’s it. This task is cumulative, so you don’t need to spend all 20K on tuning one car.

36) Used people as a shield.
You need to take ordinary passers-by, brothers, policemen or bandits as ashmen 150 times. Just go to any bot and click and immediately release it and move on to another.

37) Distance on two wheels.
You need to drive a car on two wheels (motorcycles are not suitable) 762 meters.
This task is certainly not easy, but not difficult either.
While driving the car, opponents or ordinary drivers will crash into you from the side. From the impact, your car will just roll for several meters on two wheels. Or you yourself will tilt your car on two wheels on sharp turns.

38) Mass murder.
You need to complete 500 mass kills.
Mass killing means if you killed 3-4 enemies at a time.
You can also farm these kills by luring bandits or police and military to you.

39) Enemy gangs destroyed.
There are only 32 gangs in the game. They control individual territories on the map and are identified by their fist. If on the map in some of the territories there is no indicated fist. Then just try to find bandits in empty areas on the map. Bandits often visit the courtyards of shops or houses. But in the central part of the city, there is one gang that is located on one of the skyscrapers. Take a helicopter and look for them.

40) Survival.
You need to complete 26 survivals.
In the game, sometimes you will receive a call on your mobile phone.
And when the conversation with you ends, a blue marker will appear on the map. You must go to that zone and kill all the bandits and wait for the end of all the waves. If they don't call you anymore. Go to your shelter and go up to the helipad. Jump from it perfectly by performing “ Base Jumping ” from 3 to 7 perfect jumps and your phone will ring again and a new blue mark will appear on the map.

41) Kill the thug.
You need to kill 30 thugs. The thugs are pumped up healthy guys without weapons, with a machine gun or flamethrower.

07 Aug 2013 12:06