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69 Achievements


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Lot Monopolist

Lot Monopolist

Own all of the lots


How to unlock the Lot Monopolist achievement in Skate 3 - Definitive Guide

For this achievement you will need to do all the challenges in every lot, not to be confused with normal challenges. Lot challenges can only be enter when you sign up to any lot. There are 11 lots in total:
Campus Entrance:

*Campus calamity
Score 8000 points in 90 seconds.

*Round the rosey
Two minutes for 5000 points.

*Grass 'n grind
Left grass gap
Right gap into the bank
Grind the stair set

*Sheddin' skin
A minute to gap the middle pane. Not hard at all.

*Spin out
Just 360 any grab over the gap within the 45 seconds and you are go.

*The super kinker
You need to clear the stairs with a 1000 point grind and it's giving you 45 seconds to do so. No problem. You'd have to try hard to not get 1000.

*Glass walls
Two minutes for this... just grind the glass wall and get 500 points. Flip in and/or out and done.

*Campus bridge list
Do a late flip
Handplant the bowl
Gap the north stairset
Gap the south stairset
Do a nosegrind
Grass gap between the trees
500 point grind
500 point grab
Footplant to grind
Grind the top edge of the bowl

You've got five minutes for all these objectives. The only thing you need to know is to roll from the top of the hill to easily get to the top of the bowl.

Carverton Memorial Park:

*Monumental points
15000 in two minutes. The best things I found to trick off are the two flower beds. Flip in and out of grinds with them and you're good.

*Grinds n' roses
Grind the planter
Grind around the memorial wall
Gap and grind from plaque to planter

You're given a minute to these. Again, you don't need to grind all the way around the memorial. However for the dumb gap to planter you need to grind all the way to the arrow for it to count.

*Paved homage
Gap the short stair
Gap the long stair
Grind the high ledge
Grind under the archway

One minute to complete these line of sorts.

*War memory gaps
Gap the rail into the rolling bank
Grind stone to gap stairs

Thirty seconds to complete this simple task. Get to it.

Grind the stone hubba
Gap the stairs
Manual or grind off the final ledge

45 seconds for a one try task.

*Stone cemetery tag
There's a dozen spots you need to hit within the three minutes. If you have issues, drop-in off of them.

*Divide and grinder
Five spots you need to net 500 points on within 90 seconds. Once you do the first you'll have a multiplier keep and it'll be easy.

*Memorial manual mile
Manual the course
Manual to grind the stair ledge

A minute to manny down the hill and then ollie from that to a grind.

*Drop and roll
Method the archway within 30 seconds. Just roll down the hill and take the speed for air and done done done.

*Tricks of tribute
Do a 180 tail grab
Grind the backside ledge
540 tweak grab
Grind the top ledge
Handplant the top ledge
Gap the backside ledge
Gap under the left wreath
Gap under the right wreath
Gap the centre insert
Air into the arms of the soldier

Only four minutes this time. Probably because of the simplicity. The only difficulty should be gaping that centre ledge. I did that from the top drop. Simply drop the right and start going left, ollie big and done.

Chan Center:

*Grind session
Score 2000 points or more on the rails inside of two minutes

*Simple grind
Do a grind to clear the stairs within the 90 seconds time limit.

*Rainbow Grind tag
Grind six benches within the given two minutes.

*Curves and grind
You've got two minutes to grind the four planters. They're arranged in a circle for you.

*Stair counters rejoice
Either gap or grind the stairway. You've got 90 seconds. Get some speed for a simple gap.

*Trick list trial
Do any fliptrick down the ramp
Grind the rail
Do a grab down the ramp
200 point trick down the ramp
Grind the inside ledge
Grind the outside ledge
Trick out of the grind down the ramp
400 point trick down the ramp

You've got three minutes to complete these simple goals.


*Count the cargo
You've got three minutes thirty to score 9000 points. The box rail right in front of you is the best obstacle here in my opinion. Hit it, then the slanted rail on the right, turn around and repeat.

*Can you cope?
You need grind a distance of 70 meters within the given three minute time limit. Best bet in my opinion is just two three pushes, grinding and resetting instead of pushing in the bowl and hitting the coping.

*I'm on a boat
Just do the gap between the two pipes on the boat and you're golden. You even get two minutes thirty to try.

*Scrap metal
Manual on and off the propeller
Transfer between the quarter pipes
Gap from scrap metal to bank

Two minutes for very easy goals. Get to it and land it in one go.

*Boat launch
You get a bunch of time, three minutes, to rocket air into the boat. Very simple with so much air time. Just know that the on screen combo is to be done in order, not at once.

*Titanic transfer

I'd recommend switching to easy for this gap. You've got three minutes to hit it, but you'll be going at quite some speed and you have to adjust your course as soon as you land. There's a simple movie embedded to the right. The first cam is for an overview, the other is the game cam so you can see what I did.

You have to grind all eight ledges within the three minutes. If you're having issues hitting them, just caveman them or drop in. still counts sadly.

*Just tricks
360 spin over the grass
Do a 8 metre grind
Gap to the rail
Step-up over the stairs
Do a gymnast plant
Grind the high ledge
Grind the ledge in the corner
Grind either high rail
750 point trick
No comply on the pad

Five minutes for a few easy objectives. You can easily combine a few of these. For instance the high ledge and the 8 metre grind. The 750 can be done nearly anywhere. Easy stuff.

*Bricklynn Style
Ollie over the block
Grind barrier, drop into the bank
Do a slide on the spine
360 over the left crane's base
Manual down the stairs
500 points on the rail
Grind the right crane's base
Trick over the post
Grind the back of the block
Gap down the sideways stairs

Five minutes to beat them all. The hardest part is orientating yourself, the rest is a piece of cake.

New Factory:

*Getting whipped
You've got a 30000 point target and three minutes thirty to get it.

*Roof gap
Make the roof gap. You've got three minutes. As long as you crouch long enough before hand you shouldn't have any issues making the gap.

*Pipe bomb
Make the pipe transfer within the given three minutes. Basically there's a gap in the pipe and you want to transfer up and over the closed bit into the other open one.

*Transfer party
There are eight transfers and you've got to make all of them within four minutes.

*Loading bay
Seven ledges to hit within two minutes thirty. I'd recommend doing this on normal difficulty. Easy you can overshoot the grind, hard it's difficult to hit because the bank magnet is stronger than the grind magnet.

*Concrete grinder
You've got three minutes to hit all eight ledges.

Grind all seven stair rails inside of the three minutes. You'll have to caveman on. Very annoying.

*Bring your own grind
800 point grind in three minutes. Three rails to choose from. Flip in, grind all the way and flip out.

*Sick list
Grind the fence on the bank
Slide on a pole jam
Nose manual the wide ledge
Lateflip over the couch
1500 point trick
Footplant on any ledge
360 flip to a ledge
Manny flip manny on the slate
Hippy jump the rail
Grind the low fence

Five minutes to get them all. None of these are very hard and you've got plenty of time to navigate the ghetto spot. To get the 1500 just build up a multiplier.


*Parking Points
Garner 10000 points in 90 seconds. Personally I like going immediately right and hitting the long ledge in the middle. Just to build my my multiplier up to 3x, after that, even flat can get then 10k in that time.

*Triple stair tricks
Fliptrick the first stairs
Lateflip the second stairs
Fingerflip the third stairs

You've got three minutes to these, the last being the hardest, however, you can do any form of grab flip variation. It doesn't need to be a real fingerflip (nosegrab fingerflip), it can even be a varial. Just do a grab and move the stick about circular after and you are bound to land something.

*Tollbooth gap
500 point gap tollbooth platform
700 point gap the access ramp

One minute to do these two gaps. They're pretty easy, just add some body spin. You should have all the speed you need from the drop.

*Drop, gap and grind it!
500 points off the ledge
Gap the access ramp
Grind the ledge

Three minutes for three objectives. That first drop almost nets you 500 with an advanced flip trick. With the speed you've got the gap is no issue and a light ollie should get you up to that ledge no issue.

*No exit? No problem!
500 point gap across pathway
1500 point gap over ledge

You've got three minutes even though you should only require one attempt. These gaps are worth more than the points required, so a simple ollie will do.

*Lamp hoppin'
90 seconds to trick around all five lamp posts. Shouldn't be difficult.

*Parallel parking
Three minutes to do a 5-0 grind on a ledge either side of the path. Even that low orang ledge. Just grind all the way to the bottom.

*Ride the wave
Do a grind worth 500 points on the "wave" within three minutes and you're golden. Again, even the curbs count. Just flip in and you should be good.

*Rooftop riot
Gap to grind the access ramp ledge
Grind down the sloped planter
Gap up any stairs
Score a 600 point grind
Gap the two parked cars
Trick around a lower lamppost
Grind a white barrier
Do a grab grind
Do a 18 meter grind
Grind the high corner ledge

There's ten goals and you've got five minutes. Right away you can combine the gap to grind and 600 point grind objective. From here head left to gap the lamppost then left again and up the hill. Gap up the steps to the right here. Set a marker up here, then gap the two cars. Reset and this time head for the planter. Grab while grinding and you should also being doing the 18 metres as long as you didn't ollie too far. Reset again and hit up the barrier behind you and finally the high ledge. If you launch over it, just use it for a drop in.


*The long way down
You need to score 25000 points total within the three minutes. You're going down the quarry. Best advise is to build up your speed and air that first gap. You should get your multiplier easy. Keep it steady and simple to keep it alive. Maintain your speed and you should have the 25k by the time you reach the last gap.

*Rusty dishes
You've got three minutes to attempt this. Basically you need drop down into these dishes and hop across to the next and over the truck at the end. I can only recommend switching to easy mode and even then, it's a PITA. If you can't make that gap to the last dish, you can try footplanting or even getting off your deck.

*Roof drop
Drop off the roof into the bank
Make the first gap
Make the second gap

Three easy goals within 90 seconds. They're all in one line, the only thing you need to be aware of is the relatively sharp turn after the bank.

*Flat blaster
Gap to the flatbed
Air over the dumpster

Three minutes for this one. The hardest part here is actually getting to the flatbed gap. Once you've tried it and see how to get there it's easy though. Just be sure to time the ollies right.

*Barrier Kult
Hit up the five barriers within the 105 seconds... I'd tell you to do it Deerman style, but you can't in the game. They cheated and put these on massive banks to make it possible. Fix the physics instead.

*Bank job
There are four bank to bank transfers you need to clear within three minutes. Just hit them one way, then the other.

*Where is stairbank?
A ridiculous three minutes to net a mere 250 points on the bank or stairs. Just roll up to the bank and do a tre flip.

*Hucking rocks
540 spin any gap
720 spin any transfer
Grind across the first or second gap
Lateflip + fingerflip any transfer
Manual across the first or second gap
Tweak two grabs on any transfer
9000 points on the second gap
Underflip across any gap
Back or frontflip any transfer

Five minutes for all these goals. The way I do it is roll up to the first and slow so I can do the grind. Then I attempt the 720 or lateflip+fingerflip at the transfer, but rarely get it, probably too slow. Slow down for the second gap and manny across. Do the two tweaks at this transfer and the 540 at the gap. If I managed the lateflip+fingerflip or 720, then I'll add in the underflip here. Now I reset back to the top. Do the underflip across the gap, then the lateflip+fingerflip at the transfer. Get the 9k across the next gap, with multiplier you only need to spin a one foot grab. Then I try and get the 720 off the transfer. Reset one last time for the bodyflip and you're done. One important thing to remember is to not ollie the transfers, especially for the 720 it is exceptionally detrimental.

Rippon Towers:

*Rippon tower points
Within three minutes you need to score 10000 points. Best thing you can do is head for the rail right in front of you and then hit the one right after. That way you'll net some decent points and often end up with x3 multiplier.

*Streetside ledge points
Another ten thousand within three minutes. This one's easy. You've got a bunch of ledges in front of you. Hit them up, get your multiplier, ride to the end and repeat.

*Grind-2-grind gaps
Upper grind-2-grind gap
Lower grind-2-grind gap

I definitely recommend easy mode for this. You've got three minutes for the two gaps and that is more than enough time. In hardcore mode you need luck more than skill in easy it's simple.

*Plaza path perfection
Grind the ledge
Grind around the water
600 point gap into the plaza

Three minutes for all the goals. The ledge is right in front of you, that planter up top and from there you can roll straight to the 600 point gap. You don't need to do the complete grind around the water, so just ollie off to the left when you think you're going to fall off.

*Rippon Run
250 points over the first stair
500 points over the second stair
800 points over the third stair

Three minutes for this one. As long as you do it all in one line, it should be a simple job. Just watch out for the last, if you gap too far you'll bail because of the top frame.

*Ribbon plaza tag
There's a total of fifteen spots you need to hit within the given three minutes. Try and fine lines that work for you, else you'll be wasting time just rolling around. The game doesn't mention it, but for a lot of these your character needs to go through the blue arrow, else whatever you do won't count. Annoying as hell.

*Arch decko
You need to grind and flip out within three minutes. No difficulty here.

*Triple ledge alley
A simple 500 point grind within the minute on any of ledges will do. You need to land on those arrows at the end for it to count.

*Plaza patio gap
Just do a 360 across the gap within the three minutes and you're fine. Ridiculous how much time you get for this simple objective.

*Ribbon Tricks
500 point trick
Do a 540
Nosegrab off the centre ribbon
Transfer to the left ribbon
Transfer to wall ride the right ribbon
Tweak a 360 grab
Make the back to back ribbon transfer
Grind the top of the back wall ribbon
Grab grind under the ribbon
1000 point trick

Five minutes like all the other trick lists. If you do it right, you can easily get the speed required to do the 540, nosegrab and points right off the bat. The gaps should be doable easy. Grinding the top of the back wall ribbon is a challenge... however I just grinded the bottom right, on the inside and it counted. The 1000 points are easy off that first air where you needed to do the nosegrab.

Super Ultra Megapark:

*The mega bowl
Thirty grand in three minutes. The multiplier is more important than the speed, however if you lose it, reset.

*El quadro
800 point grind the long ledge
Manual across the blue pad
Gap from the hump into channel
Tweak a handplant on the end wall

They're giving you three minutes and as such, you shouldn't have a problem.

*Quarters and gaps
1500 point trick off the wall
3000 point trick off the high gap
4000 point trick off the low gap

Keep your speed and you've got this in the bag, don't throw it away with a bail. It's a sixty second countdown of anxiety.

*Western Gaps
Transfer into the steep drop
Air over the small spine
Air over the big spine
Transfer over the arch

Three minutes for a few simple tasks. Keep your speed and stay on course and you'll do fine.

*Spin to win
There are five spots you need to 540 spin inside of 90 seconds. Remember, don't ollie.

*Flip it, flip it good
You've got 90 seconds to do a body flip worth a grand through the gap. Christ Air should do the trick.

*Team park list
2500 point tweak grab
Do a body flip
720 one foot off the half wall
Gap into the mega drop
Do a 360 christ air
540 the gap
Transfer over the cut-out
Do a rocket air
Dark-catch for 1.5 seconds
Full loop the half-pipe

Ten whole minutes for this one. For the most part these are easy, you just have to know where to go. You've got so much time, so don't worry. Gap to the mega drop first, then go the other route Then go the other way again. Then a final time to loop the pipe.

The 'Burb-a-tron:

*Dude, wash your feet
Here's one with a twist. Only tricks that are one or no footed count. Meanwhile you've got to collect ten thousand points within two minutes. Easy seeing as one and no foot grabs net you the most points anyway. As long as you know how to pump, it's easy. Though personally I prefer the pool off to the left. If you're having difficulty hit up easy mode for the top speeds.

*To the streets
Gap the grass to the street
Grass gap to sidewalk
Land the final grass gap

An entire 90 seconds for something easily done in a third of that time.

*Sidewalk steps
Three stair sets to gap across in 90 seconds. You've got so much time, take it easy and set up properly.

*Six sick stoops
You need to either grind or manny each of the six stoops within 90 seconds to beat this goal.

*Crusin' in manual
Manual through the gates
Manual for 152 metres

The challenge gives you a minute which is roughly the time you need. Just watch for the cars and hold your manny and you should be fine. Don't worry, you can bail out at that first lane switch and still get the distance.

*Hippy tournament
90 seconds to hippy jump (X+A) the eleven hurdles. Just crouch long enough and it should be easy.

*Hedge hop

You need to do any sort of one foot air over the hedge inside of 45 seconds. Ollie north for major style though.

*Carvatron list
Handplant the top of the corner
Grind the wavy ledge
Gap the hip
360 flip a boob
Manual between the arrows
Transfer the tall spine
600 point trick down the short stairs
1500 point trick in the pocket
Grind the ledge
Footplant the kinked rail

I'd recommend not wasting time, you've only got five, so switch to easy to kill the pumping. Once that's out of the way it's easy.

*Pool of tricks
Tweak a 540 grab
Get on the roof
One-foot air trick off the small hip
Handplant the loveseat channel
Grind over the light
Gap love seat channel
2500 point air trick
Handplant the roof
Do a 720 spin
Transfer the large hip

Don't even try it. Switch to easy mode. You've got five minutes and that isn't enough in hardcore unless you're pro. Some people have issues handplanting the roof. As long as you get there with speed and hold RB just as you're leaving the bowl, you should plant it. As for transferring the large hip. Don't ollie. For the 720, spin as much as you can and try adding some more by letting go of your grab and holding the right stick in the same direction as the left. If you have issues with the points, just build up a x3 multiplier first.

Maloof Money Cup:

This actually needs to be unlocked by beating the Maloof contests first.

*Money on the bank
You need to get ten thousand points within two minutes. You can only trick on the bank and weird tile pyramid grind thing.

*The mooney loop
Gap the doorway
Make the box gap
Clear the stairs

Ninety seconds for a very simple task. Don't worry, it's a piece of cake.

*The cup circuit
Gap the doorway
Manual the square pad
Trick onto the fun box
Hippy jump the rail into the bank

This doesn't have to be done in a line and I'd advise not to. You've got ninety seconds, so don't worry. I did everything except the manny pad, I just completely miss it every time and just go back.

*More than a gap
Gap to the brick bank
Gap the red picnic table

A minute for this one is forty seconds wasted. There is absolutely no difficulty to this.

*Bank in black
Sixty seconds to hit six black spots. They're arranged in a line, more or less, so you shouldn't have any difficulties.

*Red is dead
Sixty seconds to hit six bred spots. Again, a line. No difficulties here.

*Yes, you can grind it
Three minutes for a 450 point grind. Now this is the actual grind points, so flipping in and out doesn't count. A ten metre tailslide should do it.

*Maloof money tweak
You've got ninety seconds to clear the air with a tweaked grab and land in a grind on the rail. First try stuff.

*Maloof vert list
Grind the rail
Do a body flip
Do a one-foot 540
Handplant a rail
Air over the arch
Fingerflip 180 the gap
Grind across the arch
Grind the red extension
Do a 540 Christ air
5000 point trick

Four minutes for this list. Most of these are easy and can be done at once. For instance a 540 one foot to the rail. If you have issues handplanting the rails, move them close to the edge. You don't need to fully grind the arch, just about half way and stick it. For the 5000 point trick I recommend resetting, then doing some sort of trick before the roll of the ramp so you get at least an x2 multiplier. From there, body spin and flip to grab and land in a grind possibly flipping out for it.

I don't take credit for the lot's descriptions. All credit goes to:

26 Jul 2011 01:40

Is there anyway for 'Maloof Money Cup' of just doing the Trick List/Own The Lot instead of going through the whole Cup?
By Jafooolie on 02 Apr 2012 02:10
By LiamBaxt on 17 Sep 2012 23:01
I agree with the above comment, the pedestrians only purpose is to piss you off and it's even worse when you suck at the game angry
By GsO Light on 23 Jun 2020 08:20
Does anyone play this game anymore? I’m stuck on Burb-a-from, Pool of Tricks to be specific. This and two DLC-related OTLs are all that’s left for me in terms of that activity.
By JestemWojtek on 14 Nov 2022 16:13
FYI guys I am currently only doing the tricklist online and it counts as completed when I sign up to the lot challenges in singleplayer. Doing the tricklist with multiple people really helps.
By Strykerz911 on 21 Jun 2018 21:59
I hope to God if ever a Skate 4 comes along they give us an option to play without pedestrians wandering around. I’m trying to do the accumulation challenge for Carverton Memorial Park and the amount of times i’m grinding a planter and a pedestrian just walks into my board and sends me flying and killing my multiplier. And for me and my skill level, I need a completely clean run to hit this score and the pedestrians make it IMPOSSIBLE. It’s infuriating, just let me turn them off. They add literally nothing to the experience.
By CptShort97 on 29 Apr 2020 21:45
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The other guide gives you a great rundown of the components for this achievement, but doesn't add that it is much easier with someone else's help, especially for the tricklists. I recommend searching for a game at a peak time (e.g. Friday night) and hope you get matched up with a pro. The rest of the components are generally best done alone, as with some mini-challenges in coop everyone has to finish the activity, which can be hard if you get matched with bad players. As always with skate games: practice makes perfect.

04 Sep 2012 23:46

1 Comment
Yeah some of them can be quire tricky. Keep at it though, they are all doable, the hardest parts are the tricklists, where you should definitely get someone else's help if you're stuck.
By pezza888 on 05 Apr 2015 11:17

To "own" a lot you must complete all the objectives/challenges found in that lot. Once you have completed all the challenges that means you owned the lot. There is a total of 11 "Own the Lot" challenges.

  • Black Box Park
  • Campus Entrance
  • Carverton Memorial Park
  • Chan Center
  • Harborside
  • New Factory
  • Park'n'Play
  • Quarry
  • Rippon Towers
  • Super Ultra Megapark
  • The 'Burb-a-tron
  • Maloof Money Cup
These unlock as you progress through the game.In order to "own" a lot you must complete all the objectives or challenges found in that lot. Just complete all the challenges to own it. There are 11 total Lots to own, and when you own the final one, the trophy will pop.

Black Box Park
Campus Entrance
Carverton Memorial Park
Chan Center
New Factory
Rippon Towers
Super Ultra Megapark
The 'Burb-a-tron
Maloof Money Cup
Complete all tasks alone, and in the tricklist call a friend for help if necessary

26 Sep 2010 20:53

In most tasks there are places where you need to grind around the edge. There is one glitch that will save time and nerves for some players who cannot do Grind the first time.

In order to make Grind without problems and without even riding around the edge, you need to do the following.

1 - Remove the board from under your feet with the button .

2 - On foot we approach the edge along which you need to make a Grind (it is marked in blue).

3 - Press again (the skater must place the board on the edge and roll off it).

If done correctly, the objective will be completed immediately after jumping off the edge.

23 Nov 2013 16:43