Sniper Elite 4

Sniper Elite 4

86 Achievements


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Better than the Best

Better than the Best

Complete the entire campaign on Authentic Plus difficulty with no manual saves


How to unlock the Better than the Best achievement in Sniper Elite 4 - Definitive Guide

The achievement is for clearing Authentic plus difficulty (realistic difficulty with no checkpoints) without any manual saves. Which means; you die, you restart the level.

This is very hard, and you'll need to learn the game mechanics inside out before attempting this. It becomes easier by playing co-op, which will give you "extra lives" by allowing your partner to revive you.

This guide focuses on getting the achievement solo, but the tips are valid for co-op as well.

Differences from Authentic to Authentic Plus:
- No HUD elements.
- Any remaining bullets in clips when reloading are lost (making bolt-action rifles preferable since they don't use clips)
- Enemies will NOT let off once aggroed. The lowest status they will go back to is to keep searching for you, they will never completely de-aggro
- Enemies will fetch backup from nearby parts of the map. This can be used to your advantage if you can camp down in a secure spot and just let the enemies keep coming to you
- While there seems to be a limit to how far off enemies will run for reinforcements, there does NOT seem to be a limit for how far they will keep searching for you. If you make an enemy suspicious at the beginning of the level, they can end up getting you from the back at the very end.
- Suppressed rifle and pistol ammo is just as audible to enemies as regular shots at close to medium range (sound masked shots are still silent, as are melee kills).

Spotting enemies
Take advantage of your camera. Press up against walls and corners and use the camera to peek around. Sometimes the best way to spot enemies is just to keep the camera completely still and scan for any movement.

Audio cues
There are audio cues for most of the in-game actions, some examples:

- Enemies changing status (passive, searching, in combat etc) always have a spoken voice line
- Enemies spotting you has a sound effect
- When nearby enemies are in combat, there's specific battle music
- Before throwing grenades, enemies will shout about "granate"
- Before shooting rockets they'll mention "panzer"
- There's a special "boom" sound effect for when you kill the final nearby aggroed enemy
- Picking up items has specific sounds for each item (healing items sounds like a zipper, ammo sounds like clinks etc)

Solo specific mechanics
- While holding your breath you'll no longer have any of the on-screen tips, but you still enter slow-motion like in other difficulties. This can be abused to let you get your bearings on the current situation and react/take aim before the enemy can.

Co-op specific mechanics
- Your co-op partner mate can revive you when you go down. So stick together and make sure that you always have eachothers backs.
- If your partner can't revive you (and you're not the lobby host), you can quit out and then rejoin the lobby. This can only be done a couple of times before the level auto-fails, but it can be used in a dire situation.
- N.b! Enemy placements are slightly different between co-op and single player, so your single player strats may need some modification!

Recommended equipment
- The rifle and smg you feel most comfortable with
- The Welrod (since you won't need to carry supressed pistol ammo)
- Supressed sniper ammo
- Healing items
- A trap (at least for most levels)

General tips
When camping, always always make sure to booby trap any alternate entrance to your camp site

Since there's no HUD, sound masking is best identified through the controller rumble. Hearing the sound effect is hit or miss if it's actually masked, but the rumble never lies.

You will need to learn to snipe reliably, taking into account gravity, wind, gun differences and differences in suppressed/regular ammo.

Go for the regular authentic achievement first as practice. Go through the levels a couple of times, aiming for a path that doesn't get you killed. You can practice difficult shots or sections by reloading checkpoints until you get them down.

Disregard all optional objectives, just focus on the main ones needed to complete the level.

You will die a lot going for this achievement. While it is difficult, it's not unfair. If you can accept it as a fun challenge rather than just ticking off an achievement it's a lot less frustrating.

Being slightly reckless in the beginning, to learn the auth+ mechanics and finding an optimal safe path to the first few objectives will probably save a lot of time in the long run (there are examples of such reckless-but-not-really paths in the videos below).

Tips for the different levels

I've put together some videos on how to get a quick start on the levels. After this point, things start becoming unpredictable, with randomized enemy AI movements. Due to the nature of the game, there's no surefire tips to make it through the level, but the videos and the general tips should be enough to get you started.

1. San Celini Island:
- All officers can be sniped from a distance. Use explosive crates etc when available, it doesn’t need to be pretty it just needs to get done.
- Make your way counter clockwise around the map rather than through it
- Find and make good use of the lookout towers and the sound masking.
- Clear out the town or at least part of the villa before approaching it, there are a LOT of enemies there if aggro:ed
- On the top floor of the villa there’s a camping spot. If you aggro the enemies, head up the ladders to where the safe is. There will be an infantry in this room but other than that you can stay in this room relatively safe. Just watch out for grenades and soldiers climbing the ladders.
- This is one of the tougher levels, considering there are so many objectives spread out with so many troops guarding each, and no sheltered camping spots. Just take your time with it.

Sniping the first officer in under 2 minutes:

2. Bitanti village:
- If you spook the infantry at the start by killing some of them with an explosion, you should be able to sneak past them to the left and reach the partisan HQ in just a few minutes.
- After that it's just a question of making your way up to satchel the door. Camping the church or bum rushing the radio tower are two options.

Reaching the partisan HQ in under 3 minutes:

3. Regilino viaduct:
- Following the minefield path to the left after the first bridge, you can stealth run your way to the bridge without killing virtually anyone
- Take out the sniper on the bridge and the soldiers on the construction platforms. They will bring friends, so prepare for a long-winded fight!
- or wait for when the sniper is on the move, to run up and stealth/stealth kill your way through to the satchel. Taking this path, it might be easier to just sneak by the soldiers until you reach the actual bridge, those soldiers you will need to take out since they're in your direct path.
- Pay close attention to how the satchel is placed relative to the formation of the hole, so you can snipe it later
- or use a timed TNT explosive to blow up the satchel after placing it. This might be easier for you, depending on your confidence in your throwing skills and your "running like hell" skills
- However you do it, you'll need to be at least by the far edge of the platform next to the platform with the satchel for you to not blow yourself up and fail the level
- Blowing up the satchel completes the level

Reaching the viaduct, lower part in under 3 minutes:
Setting off the satchel with timed TNT:

4. Lorino dockyard:
- Make your way through the first mine field for some much needed traps
- Enemies on this level will sneak up on you, so booby trap well before camping
- Learn the different sound mask areas and use them well
- I have not found a reliable way of clearing the level without clearing off pretty much all enemies. Just take your time and be patient about it
- Aggroing enemies from booby-trapped, elevated positions is a relatively safe way of disposing them. F.e first sound masked roof, the roofs near the first sniper etc
- Setting off the first satchel on the southmost naval gun will spawn a bunch of new enemies and tanks. Rather than dealing with those, clear the rest of the level of objectives and enemies before satcheling the first gun. Then stealth rush to the final radio room to finish the level

Reaching the first sound masked murderzone in under 3 minutes:

5. Abrunza monastery:
- Take the right path around the village and make your way to the top floor of the house overlooking the vineyard
- There's a soundmask right outside the house, but you might want to occasionally aggro the enemies anyways to lure them out of the fort
- You will need to approach the fort and take out the few Jäger next to the artillery gun, these will not aggro
- Approach the monastery from the back and take out the sniper. Remember to take it slow and disable his traps!
- Use traps, stealth and diversions to take out the soldiers in the monastery. You might need to take out quite a lot of them to get to Capo, just be patient.

Reaching the vineyard house in under 2 minutes:

6. Magazzeno facility:
- Take out the radar dish first thing. Once enemies start aggroing around the map, getting to the dish will become hard
- Second make your way back to the first bunker, and snipe the soldiers first through the doors, then from the bridge landings, last from the safe room (or above it).
- The arc reactors can be shot to create explosions
- Intentionally aggro enemies inside the arc reactor rooms as much as you can handle. You want to get rid of those outside forces
- The last objective is just outside and to the right of the northern entrance. Dispose of the outside enemies using traps and diversions, then stealth rush to Dorfmann's room. It's a lot safer to rush the room than attempt any kind of combat, aggroing here will bring the entire level onto you.

Disabling the radar dish in under 3 minutes:

7. Giovi Fiorini mansion:
- You can stealth rush your way inside the mansion through the southmost island and then the basement
- You can camp inside Rothbauer's office and take out the outside soldiers through the windows. Take advantage of the explosions from shooting the cars and trucks outside in the courtyard
- Take the northmost path over to the bunker, and enter through the bunker entrance inside the tunnel. You will only need to deal with 3-4 soldiers this way
- From the tunnel, there are only two soldiers between you and the sniper. These can even be completely ignored if you manage to stealth into the sniper building or snipe the sniper
- If you enter the sniper hideout, remember to disable the traps
- The end of the level is straight out of the sniper building into the plaza below

Killing Rothbauer in under 3 minutes:

8. Allagra fortress:
- Taking out the first spotter, you can stealth rush across the ice to the eastern bunker entrance (deal with the soldiers inside the outside bunker and outside the entrance as stealthily as you can)
- Once inside, keep the entrance booby trapped in case you get flanked. There are more traps to be collected in this room. From the corridor you can clear out the entire missile room (aggro is your friend)
- From here, the missile plans are just above you, and the first valve is across the far side of the room
- The other two valves can be picked off stealthily and can be accessed from the missile room
- When taking out the sniper on the boardwalk over to one of the valves, I'd recommend not entering combat with any soldiers that might investigate. Better to have one or two suspicious soldiers than to fight the whole facility
- From the stairs you use to access one of the valves, you can enter into the final area. Snipe the first sniper, then use the sound mask to stealth kill the last sniper. From there you can sneak your way into the final room and call the radio
- Use your SMG to shoot both of the plane engines and you're done
- If you fail to shoot down the plane (or die), there IS a checkpoint right before the final plane sequence. The only checkpoint in all of auth+

Reaching the bunker entrance in under 3 minutes:
The location of the final objective before the plane sequence (could be hard to find since it isn't marked in any particular way):

Thanks Gram101216 for the tip on different sounds when picking up items
EDIT 1: The xbox GameDVR update deleted most of the clips for some reason, but I've since rerecorded them
EDIT 2: Xbox live has again removed some of these videos, uploaded and linking those clips on YouTube instead
EDIT 3: Seeing how unreliable xbox live is for storing longer clips, I've uploaded all of them to Youtube instead. Let me know if there are still problems with the clips.

05 Aug 2017 13:51

I've heard of some people having issues, but no explanation why. One thing I've heard is that individual levels sometimes for some reason don't count and would need to be replayed. If you're lucky, when you go through the stats the level will tell you that it hasn't been completed on the difficulty, but that might not always be the case and you'll just have to replay all of them to find the bugged one.

That said, I don't think custom difficulties count, you have to use the actual Auth+ difficulty even though the settings are all the same. So my guess would be that you might have a single bugged level, and the second playthrough did nothing due to the custom difficulty used.
By WhyattThrash on 18 Jun 2023 09:13
Looking for a skilled veteran Sniper Elite 4 player to do this with. My gamer tag is the same as my name on here.

Message/friend me on Xbox Live so we can set up a time to start knocking this achievement out.
By AllanTheGreat69 on 22 May 2018 23:41
Is this really host only?
By Ryn0 L on 03 Oct 2018 05:35
If I recall correctly, it was never host only, but progress was bugged for the non-host so not all levels registered as completed in co-op. I believe I read this was fixed in a patch though
By WhyattThrash on 04 Oct 2018 06:44
Coop help gt GYM PL
By BILLION PL on 13 Dec 2018 15:27
Coop idea is the best, I start all 8 ch with buddy who must state for host the game , he keep stay behind, only me play solo whatever strategy I want - fast run - slow run - kill everyone. The point is, when I down, my buddy must quickly kick me before I die, he slow kick me once - game failed (sniper shot me 2 times I completely die) , and inv me back in game again, keep playing until pass the chapter. Confirm coop is great idea.
By D2C KittyFluffy on 30 Dec 2018 06:34
I am just playing now this game with Xbox game pass.
I managed to complete in solo 7 missions, I have just to try the last one.
Mission 4 and 6 are almost a nightmare, but the finish line is so close.
By KawaSimo81 on 11 Jul 2019 15:19
You can do it VIII OLFIO 81 ! I believe in you!
By WhyattThrash on 11 Jul 2019 16:12
Finally made it. Now I am playing the Dlc, after a month in Authentic plus, playing normal is boring😂😂
By KawaSimo81 on 14 Jul 2019 20:02
Completing this achievement was very satisfying, and really does get the most out of the game.
By BEEF SUPREME xl on 07 Dec 2019 03:59
Coop billion pl
By BILLION PL on 05 Apr 2021 15:03
Amazing guide, thanks , will attempt this tonight
By sp4rky1908 on 14 Nov 2021 19:40
I can not recommend Coop with randoms!
Nearly every random joining gets himself killed a dozen of times and stays until he bleeds out!
Do this solo or with a friend, never with a random!!
By tom4444 1 on 29 May 2022 17:27
this shit is so broken did this with a buddy it says in statiscs that we have completed this achievement but not unlocking
By Tyler Haz3 on 08 Jun 2022 11:51
I haven't done all the missions yet. But I realized that doing coop is harder than solo. It seems that the enemies are smarter in coop.
By TrevorPhilipsBR on 28 Jun 2022 09:26
Done authentic plus with no manual saves using the coop trick and no difficulty achievements unlocked any help please guys would be much appreciated
By xXITzMoSSYXx on 28 Oct 2022 07:16
Never again
By N30YRD on 25 Dec 2022 23:37
I’m wondering if anyone can help me out with this issue… For some unknown reason this achievement seems to be bugged for me. I’ve beaten the game on Authentic Plus with no manual saves twice now and it still won’t unlock. I even attempted a custom setting on my second play through, assuring that everything was set to Authentic Plus and that there were no checkpoints, yet the achievement still didn’t unlock. Has anyone else experienced this issue and/or have a potential solution? Lmk, thanks.
By Toni Fontanna on 18 Jun 2023 06:37
Me and buddy just went through auth+ with no manual saves and I got the chevios and he didn’t so woundering if anyone’s got the checkpoints for the mission to help him unlock the chevios to prevent from replaying it again in his game stats says he has all mission completed with no manual saves
By Exp1odingWaff1e on 21 Sep 2023 11:59
Just a note on this co-op or solo: If you enjoy the game, I would definitely give a solo run a try. Figuring out how to beat Auth+ solo was my best experience of the game, arguably ”how the game is meant to be played”, if there is such a thing. Because of how heavily it affects your strategies and every single decision you make:

”Do I take this guard out, or attempt to sneak by? Do I risk missing this shot, or do I have to relocate for a better one? Do I dare relocate, when I could be spotted?” Those decisions already exist in other difficulties, but making the wrong decision having a heavy penalty makes it a completely different experience which is a shame to miss out on.

Co-op does become easier in the sense that deaths might not be final, but it’s harder in the sense that there are more enemies, and their placement are such that it almost forces more fights, where you in solo could go completely stealthy (as long as nothing goes wrong).

As such I’d recommend to give the solo experience at least a try. You might like it!
By WhyattThrash on 13 Jan 2019 22:07
Perso je l'est fait tout seul en solo, certaine mission vaut mieux nettoyer la carte de tout les enemies pour être tranquille comme la 1, la 4 et la 8 en 20 25heure vous avec fini. Et merci pour ces petite vidéo qui aide. Pas. Mal à démarrer la mission.
By ll McBernik ll on 26 May 2021 21:28
Yo everyone! Hope it can help like it helped me. We did legit with my buddy on Authentic plus no manual saves every missions, my buddy got every difficulty-related achievements while I unlocked them all too except no manual saves for Authentic plus and Authentic. So I deleted my saves from everywhere (restarted at level 1 without anything unlocked) and what we did was having my buddy be the host making saves, and me rushing to do the objectives and when being downed I would just quit and join him back. I unlocked the achievements that way, I also told him to make a save at the near end of every missions in case it wouldn't unlock.
Doing that helped us rush the missions very quickly as we were "invincible" with saves and me respawning with full health, ammo and equipment.
By Blackout 4171 on 29 Oct 2022 23:24
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The above solutions are great, but there is a way to make this MUCH easier on yourself and a partner if you're doing it in co-op.

StellateSafe94 and I ran through the campaign on co-op, using a mix of play-throughs on YouTube (
... and
..) and while they're great, we ultimately found that it was incredibly tough to replicate the stealth/speed play-through of CovertStryke and with BrutalBarracuda, the longer you spend on the map, the more issues we ended up encountering because of variations in enemy rotation. Additionally, both of these guys played on solo, and throughout our run, enemy positions and behaviors seemed to differ from what we saw, which we believe were due to the fact that we were in co-op.

What we found that helped us tremendously (we went from doing one mission every 3 days to 3 missions in 1 day at the end) was to have the player who was not the host of the game be the attacker, and the host anchor a safe spawn in a bush or building far-removed from enemies. The attacker would draw out and kill as many enemies as possible, and once the attacker gets downed, dashboard out of the game. Then the host would send out another game invite through the Xbox sidebar, and the player would reconnect, spawning pretty much on top of the host. Attacker would then run from the safe spawn back into the fight. Rinse and repeat.

We did this as many as 8 times in a mission, and we were still able to complete the mission without failing. There are two things to remember, though:
1. DO NOT DASHBOARD BEFORE YOU GO DOWN. The attacker must be downed by enemies before dashboarding. Whenever we dashboarded prior to going down, the host received a message saying "Your partner has left the game" and the mission failed.
2. AS SOON AS YOU’RE DOWN, LEAVE THE GAME. It may be tempting to keep popping enemies with your pistol while your down, but even if you dashboard, your character will continue to bleed out for some time. If your character bleeds out before the game registers that the player disconnected, you will fail the mission.

Using this solution, we were able to complete the campaign much faster than we originally anticipated. Good luck everyone, we hope this helps.

06 Oct 2017 22:30

I used this exploit with my wife's gamertag and second xbox. She was the host and I left her parked at the spawn for most missions. It worked great but I have one note about mission 8. Authentic plus is supposed to have no checkpoints but it does provide one.

Just after you call the bombers at the end before running out to down the plane taking off, both players are put in the room together. I did not expect this and her controller was unattended. I also didn't notice that she had been downed. I just focused on killing the two guys in the room and then running out to the plane. Just as I was approaching the plane the screen went to black because she had bled out. I thought I was going to have to restart the entire mission. I almost did but I noticed the option to "restart from checkpoint" was present. I selected it thinking it would count as a "manual save" but I just wanted to get the Auth Plus achieve first. It replayed just the last sequence from the room with the two guys. (This time I made her duck first so she didn't get downed.) I ran out and took out the plane. At first I was surprised when both Auth Plus and Auth Plus No Manual Saves cheevos unlocked but then I realized I didn't actually make a manual save, it was a game-provided checkpoint.

This long story is really just to point out that if you die for any reason or even fail to shoot down the plane (I assume) after calling in the bombers, you will be allowed to just restart the last bit until you succeed and you will still get Auth Plus No Manual Saves. So no need to stress about shooting down the plane. And don't just restart the mission without thinking if this happens to you.
By BKLortz on 18 Jul 2022 02:36
Hey just wondering if this is still working, one of the other solutions said a player can only quit out a couple of times before it automatically fails. Is this true?
By Hexa Fox on 15 Jan 2019 05:11
What do you mean dashboard? Completely quit the game or just leave the game running while dashboarding and resuming game and accepting the invite from the dashboard?

Do you still get credit if your the person who dashboards or do you need to switch host and do it again
By Alchemist xPTKx on 03 Oct 2018 01:26
Thumbs up man. The dashboard trick is a huge help. Relatively boring for the "anchor", but better safe than sorry!
By Ryn0 L on 08 Oct 2018 17:54
Alchemist xPTKx, when I saw "dashboard," I mean completely quit the game. I can't be sure, as this was a while ago, but to the best of my recollection, whoever was the host was the "anchor." Both players still get credit for completing the mission, as long as the "attacker" rejoin the game before the end of the mission.
By BigOlBilliam on 08 Oct 2018 23:10
Thanks Ryn0 L, appreciate that. Yeah, it was a bit boring and tedious given the lord times, but after how much time we tried to put into doing it legit, this was way better.
By BigOlBilliam on 08 Oct 2018 23:11
I'm irritated. My coop partner is the host of our session, that means I am the client (the non-anchor or the attacker/quitting part). But the stats shows that I finished the same missions on authentic plus, too. Does it means that the stats won't register thhis achievement progress and we have to switch our roles after finishing the campaign?
By Chris Hirschy on 10 Nov 2018 19:37
Chris no worries, it counts. Alchemist and I did the whole thing with myself as the anchor, and he got the achievement just fine. As long as it's showing in your stats that you've completed the level on Authentic Plus, you should be good.

As for quitting the game or not, I don't think we had to do that. Just dashboard to home screen (without quitting game) and accept a new game invite. Worked for us, and skips long load times..
By Ryn0 L on 11 Nov 2018 06:00
Thanks for the tip! Myself and my co-op partner cleared the first two campaign levels no problem at all and then spent a very long time failing the others. Got the other 6 levels done in 2 days, thanks to this guide! Was pretty boring for myself as the anchor but another game maxed out, so I’m very happy.

Only thing I will say is that on level 7, it’s very hard to find a good hiding place at the beginning. A couple of times I had enemies randomly walk down to where I was sat and they spotted me without even moving. Just had to make sure we cleared out all surrounding enemies on every side before the attacker advances.
By x ViridianVixen on 12 Nov 2018 10:37
Yep, it's definitely very boring, but I'm happy to hear it's been working for people. Congrats, all.
By BigOlBilliam on 12 Nov 2018 20:29
Looking for coop partner to do this with message me on shinyPuppy as use that account mostly thanx
By XGreyGoose101X on 20 May 2019 09:29
Does anyone know if this co-op exploit still works?
By Nate1528 on 23 Jul 2021 19:06
@Nate1528 yeah for sure. Already halfway through the campaign using ittoast
By on 25 Jul 2021 05:01
@EL CLELL Awesome! I may be doing this game soon...
By Nate1528 on 27 Jul 2021 18:34
this achievement is broken i did this with a buddy and we have yet to get the achievement
By Tyler Haz3 on 08 Jun 2022 11:38
Im looking for coop friend to do this. Add me aby time. FIFTH0K
By FIFTH0K on 09 Jun 2022 16:00
I've done 6/8 mission, got the last two left and all I can say is whoever decided to add this achievement needs to seek help because doing it solo has been so stressful
By UtdRhys on 17 Jun 2022 11:53
I'd already done 7 missions, but I was stuck at the last one. This guide help me a lot.
By TrevorPhilipsBR on 06 Jul 2022 07:07
This is still working as of February 2020. Just a quick note, the difficulties all stack.
By LEGENDXKILLA#250 on 07 Feb 2020 22:00
Very easily double boxed. Thanks!
You should probably remove the videos and put more emphasis on the co-op method. Highlight the words glitch (or whatever you want to call it). That's what makes this solution great. The rest is useless and distracts from the main focus
By Dr Marty on 02 Mar 2020 23:20
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If you have gone through each mission without manual saves, this will pop during the final scene at the angel. You can pause the game at any time while you play and continue without voiding the trophy (as long as your PS4 doesn't shut itself off). You can also restart a mission as many times as you wish, providing you don't enter the save screen. This trophy is, as you can imagine, no easy feat and you may have to play each mission several times to earn it. See the Walkthrough and accompanying videos for a tactical guide to approaching and completing each mission. Both trophies can be earned solo or by boosting with a friend in Co-Op - if you are looking for a partner please refer to the boosting thread: LINK

To unlock this achievement, you need to complete each mission in the game on Authentic Plus difficulty without creating any manual saves. This might prove more difficult than “The Best of the Best of the Best” as there are also no checkpoints or auto-saves on this difficulty. You might be tempted to save manually, but if you do, it will void the achievement and you will have to restart the mission.

Complete all the main campaign missions on Authentic Plus difficulty, all without creating any manual saves, to unlock this achievement.

Note: If you have yet to unlock "The Best of the Best of the Best," completing the game with no manual saves on Authentic Plus will unlock both achievements.