Sniper Elite 4

Sniper Elite 4

86 Achievements


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The Best of the Best of the Best

The Best of the Best of the Best

Complete the entire main campaign on Authentic difficulty with no manual saves


How to unlock the The Best of the Best of the Best achievement in Sniper Elite 4 - Definitive Guide

My game clips have been removed as they must of expired. I’ll get them relisted as soon as possible

This sounds harder then it actually is.
Unlike Sniper Elite 3 , where if you died on authentic you were put back right to the start of the mission.

Sniper Elite 4 has automatic checkpoints on authentic so there really isn't any need to manual save, and you don't have to play the missions in order, I played mission 2 first then 8, 7 etc.

Skill bonuses are not applied on Authentic difficulty

I'll try post some useful clips of some of the tips and tricks you can use to make it easier for yourself.


Cover glitch:

Didn't really know what to call this method so I will call it a glitch. Watch this clip then Il try my best to explain in text.

Basically you can change the camera angle from left shoulder to right shoulder by holding down cn_LB and pressing cn_Y. (at the beginning of the the clip I'm just moving the camera angle left and right for demonstration) You can then use this to your advantage while moving around cover, going through doorways etc to take out troops with ease, the cover glitch is basically butting up against a wall before going around a corner, then just before you go around the corner , aim your gun so that your crosshair goes into the next room and you should be able to take aim and kill troops without getting damaged. Summary is that you can shoot them but they can't shoot you. The clip should just give it away on what to do.

Stopping the enemy flanking:

Enemy's are ruthless, if you stay in one spot for too long they will always find a way to get behind you or catch you off guard! I always got it when I was looting bodies or holding out while under fire, getting them coming up behind me and shutting me down quick. But all problems can be resolved with traps! To stop those pesky buggers coming up behind you, place any trap somewhere were you think they will try get behind you, whether it be a narrow door way or somewhere in the middle of a footpath. Here is a clip for example.

Bait kills:

This could be the most heartless thing you could do to someone, the term bait kill means incapacitating a enemy by shooting him around the leg/foot area and downing him so that he can't move, then he becomes the bait to draw out camping infantry. Once someone goes in to save private Ryan you shut that down quickly by taking out the saviour while he tries to save him. This is a great tactic for authentic as most infantry like to camp it out making it annoying for the impatient player. Here is an example clip of bait kills.

The only difficult thing that can make authentic a pain is not having a hud so it doesn't tell you where the primary objectives are, I'd recommend playing on a different difficulty first to get to know the missions before tackling authentic.

I'd also recommend hitting at least rank 30 before starting authentic as you can get perks to make things a lot easier like , stabilising heart rate faster, more ammo, carry more of the same item.

As for equipment I would recommend taking 1-2 rifle suppression ammo. These can help in tricky situations like taking out spotters and snipers that are in your way! I find the rifle suppression ammo works better then the welrod or suppression pistol ammo due to the fact for some reason if you kill an enemy close by to another enemy with a silenced pistol they still here the shot?! Still the welrod is always a very effective weapon!

I would say for the rest of the equipment it's up to you, as I always found looting dead bodies, I'd always find bandages or medkits from them. Mines are also very useful to stop you getting flanked because no matter what you do you'll always have some annoying twot come up behind you and shoot you down!

Missions 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 either have light tanks, heavy tanks and pill box machine gun posts. So having a mine/s mine handy will make your life easier.

I always took , 2 bandages, 1 medkit and 2 rifle suppression ammo.

I'm not saying the authentic difficulty itself is a cake walk, it can be done with a bit of patience and knowledge of the missions. It's just the way the checkpoints make it easier then the previous game. toast

Some missions you can even rush it for a checkpoint further in the mission and go from there! Or even complete it! The enemies will always flank you too so watch you're back!

For example here is mission 2 speed run authentic difficulty, we completed the mission in under 2 minutes.

Mission 2

Most the time if we had trouble getting through a section in the mission we would hold out somewhere and just kill them off until all the enemies in that area were dead. As you can see from the clip, we had to use brute force to push up.

Thanks to my good friend who I beat authentic with
xCEL7IC ZOMBIEx for speed running it with me. smile

Mission 5

In my opinion the hardest mission due to how open the map is. Their are only 2 objectives, take castle hill and kill the capo. Sounds easy but just making it to the castle is insane! I have made some clips while helping a friend beat mission 5 on authentic. This honestly your best route to getting this mission done with ease.

When you get to this point, you have 2 options, You can either hold out in the building, killing all infantry which will take a while. Or you can straight up rush to the tower!

Once you make inside castle hill, I would recommend hiding up on the upper level of the castle, killing all remaining troops in the courtyard and on the outside. Once they are all dead and the objective is complete you will then move on to kill the capo, he will be hiding in his villa somewhere. He will never be in the same place so have a good look around for him, then when you kill him you must loot him and take his necklace to prove you killed him. Here is a clip showing you the back way in going straight from castle hill to the villa.

Once inside do as you wish, guns blazing or stealth. Kill the capo, loot him, then escape! The end of the mission is right next to the back way into the villa on the ground level on the edge by the big artillery gun at the back.

Mission 7

On mission 7 there are 3 objectives, one of them can be completed right at the start of the mission which requires you to kill Rothbauer. If you were to do this normally you would have to storm his mansion which is heavily guarded and can be a pain in some instances. With the trick you can shoot him from the spawn through a window at his mansion saving you the brutal trip, hard shot to pull off but very satisfying if done. The shot can only be done with the Mosin-Nagant M91/30 . If you haven't unlocked it, it can be picked up before the mission starts in the interrogation room on the table.

At the start of mission 7, run up the stairs and left of the building that you come up too is the spot where you can shoot him. take out all enemies in the area, there isn't many, if you get spotted you'll want to restart checkpoint. He paces up and down his room so you'll just have to wait until you get a glimpse of him walking past and take the shot. The clip shows you where to position the shot. Just aim slightly above the lamp post. You'll know you've got the shot correct when you hear Karl say "There's RothBauer"

Mission 8

Mission 8 is a ball ache from the start The first part you'll want to stealth to make your life easier, then once you make it into the fortress you'll want to go guns blazing! Try find somewhere to camp it out for a good while as troops will keep coming! Me and my coop partner camped it out on the upper level of the fortress until we suspected all troops to be dead, then made our way to competing the primary objectives. The last objective before you call in the bombing run we be full of nasty lmg troops, you can either take them on by rushing straight at them or luring them into the previous objective area. Last part after calling the bombers is pretty straight forward.

Here is a clip on how to get into the Fortress undetected. I would recommend using this route as it totally eliminates the fight outside, you would be saving yourself some pain and rage as the troops outside shouldn't follow you in.

First off I would like to point out that the patrols won't always be in the same place shown in this clip but this is by far the easiest route in!
You'll want to watch out for the patrolling Jegar on the bridge and the Spotter by the lake, they patrol up and down but shouldn't be too hard to pass. Once passed them you'll then want to watch out for the guy in the bunker. If you have the minerals you can shoot him but I wouldn't recommend it. After passing him you'll want to hug the wall on the right until you get to the stairs, if you get spotted beyond this point you can always make a dash for the inside of the fortress. If you get spotted before then you can try your luck running or reload checkpoint.

The final boss will be escaping via a massive jet, what you'll want to do is wait for the jet to turn around on the run way so it's front is facing you, then shoot both engines before it takes off. If you are playing in coop you can always get your partner to shoot one engine and you shoot the other.

If you think the guide isn't very clear or something needs altering, or even a question related to the missions, please let me know. smile

25 Feb 2017 09:18

"Most the time if we had trouble getting through a section in the mission we would hold out somewhere and just kill them off until all the enimies in that area were dead"

Heh heh, that's basically how my friend and I beat authentic. Forget surgical precision, things inevitably went T's up and we'd just go loud and hole up in defensive position and just let the enemies come to us. We started doing that intentionally rather than try to be stealthy. Like mission 6, we holed up in the first house on the right, he went prone up top and watched for people coming up the stairs and I sat in the other stairwell watching the first floor with the trench gun. By the time we were done the floor of the 1st floor was just covered with bodies haha.
By Casyle on 26 Feb 2017 10:54
laugh !! You should of seen the pile of bodies I had on mission 4 and 8 ! Some missions like 2 and 7 we just ran and gunned but it definitely is an 85% chance you'll be detected within the first minute! Congrats on beating it though! smile
By M I K 3 ID on 26 Feb 2017 15:50
The checkpoints are definitely nice in this but no HUD was brutal. Sometimes I couldn't remember where the extraction points were and had to pull up youtube.
By Bar6arian on 03 Mar 2017 21:52
I done the exact same thing with mission 5! Couldn't find the dam extraction and had to pull up YouTube laugh very silly thing of me to play the missons on authentic straight away and not know where to go!
Not having the hud was a killer, was forever getting flanked when I thought they were all dead facepalm
By M I K 3 ID on 03 Mar 2017 23:20
Worst for lack of HUD is the odd couple times you needed to search bodies and accidentally mined them off of cliff edges to other accessible places roads! No hope of finding them then!
By dale smeegle on 13 Mar 2017 12:00
If I had a manual save on easy will it mess this up?
By Kyotic GBaby on 15 Mar 2017 22:37
It shouldn't do as long as you're using the mission select.
For example I played mission 2 on Authentic then after I loaded up the target Führer DLC and used manual saves to get some achievements, then after that I loaded mission 7 on authentic.
As long as you don't manual save during a mission on authentic you should be good.
By M I K 3 ID on 15 Mar 2017 22:55
Ok cool thank you
By Kyotic GBaby on 16 Mar 2017 12:11
Perks/skills are disabled on Authentic.
By JieXY on 08 Apr 2017 09:24
Are they ??! Must of been a new update or something. I will go on the game tonight and have a look for myself then update the solution. But when I did authentic I definitely had perks and skills enabled.
By M I K 3 ID on 08 Apr 2017 11:09
If you set the difficulty to Authentic, in the Loadout selection screen, you should see the game telling you "Skill Trees are prohibited."
By JieXY on 08 Apr 2017 23:27
Solution has been updated, many thanks to 'JieXY' smile
By M I K 3 ID on 09 Apr 2017 14:12
By Heraizen on 25 Apr 2017 13:44
Very helpful Heraizen! I was planning on posting my own screenshots of the map layouts for the missions, then give a brief description on a decent route to take smile
Still that's an awesome link! Wish I had it for when I was doing Authentic laugh
By M I K 3 ID on 26 Apr 2017 22:25
FYI, your game clips are shown as removed
By sjpsjpsjp on 01 Jul 2018 19:48
Thanks for the heads up, il get them relisted
By M I K 3 ID on 09 Jul 2018 07:39
Is there a way to confirm a level has been completed without manual saves? Like does it show up anywhere? I have one manual save on a different difficulty but I'm not sure if I used mission select for the Authentic attempt I started.
By TDA Danroush on 27 Nov 2020 13:21
I never did my authentic missions in order. I did mission 2,7 first, then the rest.
By M I K 3 ID on 07 Dec 2020 12:41
It seems they've added a section under campaign stats for tracking no manual save missions.
By Freedumb0612 on 20 Feb 2021 06:12
I remember doing all these solo without ever watching a guide, and it was very tough, but i challenged myself, im assuming playing co-op and watching guides on the best plan of action would of made it more simple, however i wasnt to be beaten.
By WChalk83 on 17 Feb 2024 14:10
I think as long as you haven’t made a manual save on the authentic difficulty then you should be good. No way to check unfortunately:( I’ve had friends make manual saves on cadet then do their authentic playthroughs and had no problems. But I’m not sure on making manual saves on other difficulties while doing your authentic run.
By M I K 3 ID on 07 Dec 2020 12:38
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It looks like there may be another way to get this achievement, without too much difficulty -

Unfortunately it looks like it only works 2 player co-op -

Decide which player is going to get the achievement we'll call them player B

The other player - Player A is the host

Player A hosts the game and saves the game as required - Player B plays as normal but makes no saves at all

I was playing 2 player co-op this way and when we completed the game it popped for me in the cutscene - but not the coop partner

EDIT - Confirmed - it works just run it again and Player B got the achievement

31 Jan 2021 17:30

1 Comment
3/30/22 Still works
By StillFreeLife on 31 Mar 2022 04:39
This sounds daunting, but actually isn't that bad - the game autosaves frequently on Authentic mode as long as you're out of combat - I made it through the game never losing more than five or ten minutes of progress after a death.

12 Feb 2017 09:06

As the description says make sure you do not make any manual saves whatsoever during your authentic run. There is a checkpoint system (which is far more generous than Sniper Elite III because there wasn't any), so when it reaches the checkpoints the game auto-saves. This is fine.

The difference between authentic and cadet are as follows:
  • No mini-map
  • No aim assist
  • Wind
  • Realistic ballistics
  • The AI take much more damage
  • You take much more damage
  • Enemy snipers one hit kill you
  • You can tag enemies but the tagged enemy won't show

It is highly advised to just go for the main objectives on this and as ever stealth where possible. To gain more suppressed ammo for your sniper rifle, you can purchase two slots (three if you have the skill edited in the skill tree - level 30 needed) in the player loadout area (do this before you start your run).

Along with completing the game on Authentic difficulty, for this achievement you are not allowed to create any manual saves at any time. This might prove difficult but when you die (and you will), you can select to restart your checkpoint or load an auto-save. Restarting your checkpoint affords you another opportunity to try a different strategy for completing the current task at hand. As long as you remember to not create any manual saves during your Authentic playthrough this will unlock when you’ve completed the game.

Refer to “Are You Insane?” for more information and tips on completing the game on this difficulty.