Sniper Elite V2 Remastered

Sniper Elite V2 Remastered

71 Achievements


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Sniper Elite

Sniper Elite

Complete all missions on Sniper Elite difficulty


How to unlock the Sniper Elite achievement in Sniper Elite V2 Remastered - Definitive Guide

Sniper Elite difficulty is HARD! Luckily if you don't fancy playing through the entire game dealing with bullet drop, more accurate enemies, less health and slower health recharging then there's a way you can cheat this and only have to play the final checkpoint of each level on Sniper Elite difficulty.

Credit goes to HonoraryDecoy and Demon Slayer050 who posted this method for the original release of the game, I just tried it out on the Xbox One Remaster and found it still works.

I'm assuming most people will have already played through the campaign once before attempting this. I'm not sure if it works without having the levels already unlocked.

1: From the main menu go to "Single Player" then "Mission Select" and choose the level you want. I believe they can be done in any order and it will show the difficulty you've beaten each one on down the left hand side. For now choose "Cadet" difficulty.

2: Play through the level as normal until you reach the end, then hit start on your controller and "Exit Game". This takes you back to the main menu.
Note: I usually waited until it triggered the cutscene at the very end of the level before exiting because I wasn't entirely sure in most cases where the level ended. The guides for the 360 version suggest you can wait until the stats screen after the cutscene before exiting but I tried this on a couple of different levels and it didn't work, so I would definitely suggest exiting before then. I'll post more information about the specifics of each level after the method.

3: Go back to "Mission Select", choose the same level you've just played through and this time select "Sniper Elite" difficulty. Let the mission start (I waited until I had control of the character each time) and again hit start on the controller and "Exit Game".

***A couple of people in the comments have said step 4 is unnecessary. I don't want to remove it from the solution completely but feel free to skip straight to step 5 and add in the comments whether or not it still worked for you***

4: This time go to "Single Player" and then "Continue Game". Immediately press the Xbox guide button on your controller and select "Home" from the drop down list. Shut down the game completely (hit start over the icon on the dashboard, scroll down and press "Quit").

5: Reload the game, again go to "Single Player" and "Continue Game". You should notice while you're hovering over "Continue Game" that on the left of the screen it displays the level you've been playing on and shows "Playing As Sniper Elite".

6: If this has all worked correctly then you should be at the final checkpoint of the level but now are playing on Sniper Elite difficulty. Finish off the level and exit back to the main menu after the stats screen. Back on the Mission Select screen it should now display that you've beaten that level on Sniper Elite difficulty.

Level Specifics
Going to post a bit of information about the final checkpoint of each level here. I always waited for the cutscene at the very end before exiting the game but I'm assuming you can exit any time after the final checkpoint activates.

I did this whole level on Sniper Elite, it's very short and easy. You only need to snipe the first guy, kill the next 2 in the courtyard, then you can sneak around the large group on the street, go into the building and just run for the objective marker at the end.

Schöneberg Convoy
Destroy the convoy, kill the target and a lot of other soldiers including a tank. The final checkpoint popped up for me here somewhere while I was still up on the vantage point. You need to go back down to the street and search the target guy's corpse. A few more soldiers will appear during this process, should be pretty easy.

Mittelwerk Facility
The final checkpoint here popped up as I came out of the exploding tunnels. There was a sniper in the tower up on the top of the hill where you start the mission and a car appears with about 6 other soldiers. Again, not too difficult if you play cautiously.

Kaiser-Friedrich Museum
This one was more difficult. I got the checkpoint after the big battle on the museum rooftop, once I was heading back down. There are numerous soldiers on the street between you and the exit as well as an enemy sniper on one of the opposite roofs who switches positions between failed attempts. Best to kill them all from a distance while you're still in the building. Then once you've moved down onto the street and through the destroyed building on the right-hand side it will spawn another handful of soldiers and at least 3 or 4 snipers in the buildings at the end of the street and in windows in a building on the right. Take your time and play it very safe with this one, especially with the snipers at the end who can kill you extremely quickly.

Another difficult one. The last checkpoint here is after meeting Schwaiger and moving back up the upper floor to hold off the assault. Multiple trucks will appear on the other side of the square and tons of soldiers will pour out and start shooting at you while advancing. I tried to snipe as many of them as I could but it's tricky while you're being shot at and they're just about far enough away that you have to account for bullet drop.
The strategy I found most effective was to gather as many land mines and trip wires as possible from the surrounding ammo crates and lay them all in the corridors between the entrance of the building and my position. I then set up and sniped as many enemies as I could. Once the first group got into the building and started setting off the traps I gave up on sniping and moved to the hallway that they would have to come through to reach me. I sat there and shot them as they entered the opposite end until the mission finished.

St. Olibartus Church
This one was much easier. Last checkpoint here popped up after all the sniping from the top of the church, once I'd gotten back down to ground floor. I think there are only 4 more enemies to kill as you leave the church and end the level.

Tiergarten Flak Tower
Also pretty easy. You snipe the target and fight your way back down the tower, then the last checkpoint popped up as I was leaving the building. Again there are only 4 more enemies outside before the end point.

Karlshorst Command Post
This was probably the one I found most difficult. Last checkpoint popped up after killing everybody in the building/bunker and being told to leave. You have to fight your way back through the streets and I think that the level only ends once you've killed all the enemies, most of which are snipers. Some positions seem to be fixed but some definitely move around between attempts. Just take it very very slowly and methodically and try to learn roughly where the snipers spawn. For the most part they only spawn 1 or 2 at a time and don't spawn the next ones until the previous are dead so at least you don't have to deal with being shot from multiple different angles at once.

Kreuzberg Headquarters
The last checkpoint here comes after you've found the map of the launch sites and are being attacked by the elite Russian sniper team. From this position it's only a relatively short run across the rooftops to the exit and it's probably possible to make it but I tried and failed many times. In the end I went very slowly behind cover and killed most of the snipers. They are definitely far enough away that you need to account for significant bullet drop and unlike the previous level it can spawn in 8 of them together and their positions aren't fixed.

Köpenick Launch Site
Oh boy, another level that ends with you holding down a position while tons of enemies come at you. Fortunately the last checkpoint here pops up at the end of the assault, just a few seconds before your objective switches to destroying the rocket. No problem.

Brandenburg Gate
And a nice easy one to finish off the game. The last checkpoint here is once you're on top of the gate so all you have to do is snipe the target. Not quite as easy as it could be as he's moving quickly, far enough away that bullet drop factors in, and there are lots of things obscuring your vision but I think by this point you shouldn't have any trouble with it.

06 Jun 2019 10:18

Hi here is also a video guide for the GLITCH i take no credit enjoy the link below Thank you.
By XSniperNinjaX on 02 Feb 2020 02:57
Can anyone confirm that this can be done on the first run of a mission? I'd rather not have to go through this shit show twice.
By Kongo Dragon on 03 Feb 2020 21:22
i can confirm this works still on 6th April 2020
By Silvano 92 Juve on 06 Apr 2020 06:06
Same work in xbox 360.
By on 07 Apr 2020 18:10
Its also worth noting (at least for me) - this method does not work on the prologue for some reason. I had almost thought this had been patched, but it DOES still work for every other level as of May 28th 2020
By Tomahawk 5K on 29 May 2020 01:35
Can confirm this still works August 2020. For what it's worth you have to just play the prologue on Sniper Elite difficulty, but without tutorials you only have to kill 2 people and can sneak past the rest.
By soundlessb00m on 10 Aug 2020 16:27
Good guide, but step 4 is completely skippable. You can dashboard after quitting the mission on Sniper Elite. Exactly like the 360 solution.
By Skrubits on 02 Sep 2020 09:16
Seriously though - remove step 4 from the guide. It's not needed in the original and it isn't here either.
And it does work without playing through the game beforehand.
By HerrKätzchen on 06 May 2022 16:15
Awesome guide. Thank you!
By rev5150 on 26 May 2022 03:29
Good guide but really doesn't help when you say this levels hard, this is hard, this is harder...
By on 26 Jun 2022 06:40
The Series X seems to load too fast for this work. I had to switch to an original XONE in order to get it work
By Ahziiadal on 05 Sep 2023 07:29
If you are on Series X you need to exit to the main menu during the mission end cut scene, then follow the above steps (no need for step 5).
By L0OSECANN0N62 on 10 Nov 2023 14:37
coop is not counted, in the selection of missions it is indicated at what difficulty the mission was completed, nothing is indicated in the form of coop, so it is considered invalid, on xbox360 coop worked and the achievement jumped for me and a friend, but it does not apply to this remaster version of coop. damage.
By Imothep Czech on 27 Dec 2023 18:24
amazing!! great guide level by level endings :-) THANKS and to think I beat the 1st version without knowing about this :-0
By TREX1979 on 28 Apr 2024 06:18
You can basically just follow HonoraryDecoy's guild from the 360 version nothing changed

1. Beat a mission on Cadet difficulty.
2. Continue to next mission, then immediately Exit to Main Menu
3. Go to Mission Select and pick the same mission you just beat but select Sniper Elite difficulty.
4. Quit to Main Menu after the mission loads.
5. Quit to dashboard (guide button then hit Y) or turn off the Xbox 360.
6. Restart game and hit continue option in Menu.
7. The mission will load from the last checkpoint on Sniper Elite difficulty. Beat the rest of the mission and get credit for the entire mission on Sniper Elite.
By keoskey on 24 Feb 2023 00:39
Played on the Series X, did the same steps as I did on the Xbox 360. No need to exit the game during mission end cutscenes, I did it when on the last checkpoint or whenever I thought I was on it.
By TechnicallyCalm on 03 Jun 2024 01:03
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This is not a solution but a heads up. Even though they brought the feature to play the entire campaign in coop, the achievement doesn't unlock if you complete the campaign on sniper elite difficulty while playing coop. It must be done single player.
I had to find out this the hard way with a friend after completing the campaign in coop.

24 May 2019 05:59

1 Comment
We should be able to report this achievement. It should specify that it's single player only, there should at least be a warning on TA. I just completed the campaign on Sniper Elite difficulty co op (no glitch, sniper elite all the way through) and it doesn't even track. Truly pathetic.
By Whats a Chundy on 17 Jul 2020 00:47
Note: Just like the Xbox 360 version, this achievement will not unlock if you complete the game in co-op. This must be done solo.
To unlock this achievement, you need to complete the game on 'Sniper Elite' difficulty. You cannot use any custom settings.
'Sniper Elite' is the highest difficulty in the game. There are the same number of enemies and they follow the same patterns as on lower difficulties, but they hit harder and take more damage. Also on this difficulty, you cannot tag enemies, and there is considerable bullet drop and crosswinds when aiming through the scope. You need to adjust your vertical and horizontal aiming in order to hit your target.
It is recommended that you play more strategically on this difficulty. The checkpoints are the same as on lower difficulties, but if you do not play wisely, you will die a lot more than necessary.
Here are a few tips to help you while playing on ‘Sniper Elite’ difficulty:
  • Scouting is very helpful while playing on ‘Sniper Elite’ difficulty. To use your binoculars press in :1rs: and use :1up: and :1down: to zoom in and out. Before attacking or walking into an area, scout it out for enemies or to plan your attack/route; it will make things a lot easier for you rather than just guessing where to go.
  • Utilize sound masking whenever possible.
  • Rocks will really come in handy on this playthrough. When faced with a group of enemies, use rocks to guide them away giving you the opportunity to advance, even to split up a group of enemies to take them out one by one.
  • Use cover ALL THE TIME. Enemies will have their eye on you this playthrough and they rarely miss a shot. Just wait until you think you're safe then pop your head up and take out one enemy at a time.
  • Although ammo caches are spread across each level, they do not restock mines or grenades. Make sure you are looting dead bodies as often as possible for those life-saving tools.
  • Set traps when sitting in an open area or a building that the enemy can access. It helps a lot because if you get an enemy behind you while you are concentrating on sniping, without traps set, they will without a doubt kill you.
  • Just take your time; rushing will not help you on this difficulty. Take as much time as you need and be as stealthy as possible. Your silenced pistol will come in handy in tight spots; try for the headshot because it takes a bit to ready your gun between shots. When faced with multiple enemies, use your machine gun.
For those of you that would rather not play the entire game on Sniper Elite difficulty, there is an exploit that allows you to play most of a mission on a lower difficulty then the final checkpoint on Sniper Elite. Refer to THIS POST for the process.
There is a glitch in the game: you can complete most of the missions on the CADET difficulty level, right up to the last checkpoint, and then, if you change the difficulty to ELITE SNIPER and finish the level, you will be recorded in the statistics as ELITE SNIPER.
Full instructions:
1) Get to the last checkpoint, your intuition will tell you + - where it is, and if you collect collectables, then after collecting them, exit the mission to the menu
2) Single game - task selection - choose - difficulty ELITE SNIPER
3) As soon as it appeared in the left corner, hold down the PS button and close the game
4) Go again - Continue.
Video guide (en).

05 Feb 2021 01:29

You can start immediately at the Elite Sniper level
The game is not difficult, there are many checkpoints. If it’s really hard, we cover ourselves with trip wires and mines and calmly clear the area

20 May 2019 11:19

1 Comment
Doing it solo. They don't give it in pairs
By NZT600 on 04 Oct 2019 12:13