Sonic the Hedgehog 2

Sonic the Hedgehog 2

12 Achievements


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Conquering Time

Conquering Time

Beat the game in under an hour.


How to unlock the Conquering Time achievement in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Definitive Guide

Special thanks to Adiash73 for the idea from Sonic 1.

I've seen many nice guides to get this done, but an idea of how long to take per level hasn't really been shown on here, so I thought I'd throw it down, so that others can benefit:

Emerald Hill Zone 1- 34 seconds
Emerald Hill Zone 2- 68 seconds
Chemical Plant Zone 1- 30 seconds
Chemical Plant Zone 2- 89 seconds
Aquatic Ruin Zone 1- 41 seconds
Aquatic Ruin Zone 2- 85 seconds
Casino Night Zone 1- 46 seconds
Casino Night Zone 2- 106 seconds
Hill Top Zone 1- 81 seconds
Hill Top Zone 2- 105 seconds
Mystic Cave Zone 1- 56 seconds
Mystic Cave Zone 2- 72 seconds
Oil Ocean Zone 1- 139 seconds
Oil Ocean Zone 2- 135 seconds
Metropolis Zone 1- 116 seconds
Metropolis Zone 2- 122 seconds
Metropolis Zone 3- 211 seconds
Sky Chase Zone- 126 seconds
Wing Fortress Zone- 172 seconds
Death Egg Zone- 101 seconds

This totaled out to 1,935 seconds (32:15) leaving plenty of time leftover. Happy hunting.

05 Aug 2011 21:32

If anyone needs help trying to guide through the levels, I have found a website that contains maps for all the levels. You might have to copy the images and paste them into MS paint and use the brush tool to guide yourself a pathway through the troublesome levels like Oil Ocean and Metropolis near the end of the game. (Archive link just in case the website goes down due to digital age)
By RCM on 20 Jul 2023 06:17
Exactly the guide I was looking for- thanks dude. It's much more reassuring to have a frame of reference for how long each level SHOULD be taking than to just assume there's plenty of time from start to finish.
By Salty Old Dog on 04 Aug 2014 14:35
Chemical Plant Zone 1- 30 seconds ? Thats fast..
By draiba on 14 Nov 2014 23:38
I hate speed running
By Friggin Grease on 30 Jul 2021 13:39
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I think the record for completing Sonic 2 is around 20 minutes - therefore doing this in under an hour is definitely possible and not as hard as it sounds.

The trick is to avoid distractions, only take out enemies that need to be taken out, keep enough rings to stay alive but don't go out of your way to get them and most of all - avoid the special stages!

It is also a wise idea to make use of the save anywhere feature - save after every level that you deem to be of a considerable time limit, maybe make use of all three save slots to make sure you don't need to revert back to a very old save or from the beginning.

If you are that paranoid about how long it's taken you, make a mental note of the time taken after each level and add them up in your head.

Also, you only need to do this as one of the characters - either Sonic or Tails (or Sonic and Tails together if you wish)

09 Sep 2008 02:26

thanks, great advice :)
By AdamRawrr on 11 Jun 2009 04:15
I personally recommend to play and to check those videos at the same time:
By Nodiflo on 21 Feb 2010 18:50
I will write down my times as a "normal" playthrough. I used the link of the comment above me, to know, what path I should take.
Emerald Hill 1: 0:35 // EH2: 1:09 // Chemical Plant 1: 0:30 //CP2: 1:49 // Aquatic Ruin 1: 0:40 // AR2: 1:49 // Casino 1: 1:23 // C2: 2:26 // Hill Top 1: 1:33 // HT2: 2:02 // Mystic Cave 1: 1:14 // MC2: 1:18 // Oil 1: 2:21 // O2: 2:16 // Metropolis 1: 2:28 // M2: 2:18 // M3: 3:36 // Sky Chase: 2:07 // Wing Fortress: 3:05 // Death Egg: 2:31
By Rusty Nail zh on 18 Mar 2010 02:30
I'm workin on this currently and trying to get my scores between the speed run and the "normal" times but to see how much boo-boo room I had I added together all the times of Rusty Nail zh's times and got 37:10. So even if you are going over Rusty's time you still have plenty of time before the hour mark.
By Case Dang It on 27 May 2011 23:59
Do you have to do this as S&T or can you just do it as Sonic? I only had Sonic and did this in about 52 minutes, but it never popped.
By Stevanno on 03 Mar 2013 19:25
It doesn't matter which character you select, I usually turn Tails off as Sonic since he screws me over in the special stages - when I got this achievement I did do the special stages (but only because I know how to complete them all before Chemical Plant) - you can re-coop your time loss spent doing the special stages as Super Sonic.

However I noticed above that someone tried this and didn't do so well with it so if you do find yourself struggling - or don't have the confidence in knowing that you can do that - skip the special stages!
By x2i on 04 Mar 2013 17:12
Can you save-scum your way to unlocking this?
By TinierRumble449 on 19 May 2016 16:29
I have complete this game twice now (yesterday) under an hour and no Achievement, Anyone have this issue?
By Petrolium Bear on 22 Aug 2017 02:04
Also, if you want to do the special stages, use Super Sonic the rest of the way through the game to breeze through the zones.
By Octobot Super on 17 Jun 2009 11:42
Tried to do what ego orb said(My first playthrough, nonetheless), and it didn't work unfortunatly. I got less than three minutes on each level before the chaos emeralds, and even then, I got 1-2 minutes. Not enough time. So just stick to the guide, and AVOID THE SPECIAL STAGES!!!
By ShonicTH on 09 Aug 2009 05:03
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The best way to achieve this is to try to beat most of the levels in under 2 minutes.

If you get to the Metropolis Zone's and have beaten every level in 2 minutes or less you'll have 32 minutes to finish Metropolis Zone 1,2,3 Sky Chase, Wing Fortress and The Death Egg Zone.

Make liberal use of the save feature, save after every level or frustrating parts that you don't want to do again if you die. Also, make sure you save before each boss fight and if you don't have any rings, save after each hit.

Even the casual gamer should be able to get this achievement with a little persistence and a lot of smart save points.

The first video is a full achievement guide.
The second video is the quickest way to get through The Death Egg zone.

02 Mar 2010 21:48

the first video is gone now
By Ashs2Dust on 11 Nov 2015 22:29
first video is dead.
By count023 on 04 Jul 2018 10:28
Still haven’t changed the video?
By on 04 May 2021 09:41
I just got this, figured I'd try for it on my first play through, and all I have to say is save often and reload often. You die, reload, you didn't beat the easy levels in the quickest way, reload. WIthout speed running it, I think I finished Metropolis act 3 with 4 something minutes, The wing fortress with around the same, and death egg zone under two minutes. For everything else, if you just go through it with out hitting special stages and just reloading when you die or thought it took too much time. I was planning on running through this with a stop watch, but if your going through for the first time and follow those rules you should be able to get both.
By corpulentchris on 17 Nov 2010 06:38
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All the other solutions have good tips and videos to help you though but for those of you who want to keep track of what you have done more accurately than just a mental note or pen and paper, and want know exactly what you need to get on your remaining levels (so you don't have to go at breakneck speeds though the whole game and hope you did it fast enough) I made a spreadsheet to keep track and calculate what the bare minimum that needs to be done. (When I finish it will have my times on there for your reference) using simple math 1 hr = 60 min = 3600 seconds divide this by the number of levels (20) and you need to finish with an average time of 3:00 (180 seconds) in every level to meet your goal. Some you can do much less but if you always beat 3:00 you will get done in time. Note:There were a few levels I finished in upwards of around 3 minuets. This is OK as long as you even it out with some runs under 1:30. My spreadsheet should help you see if you can afford to keep your 3 minuet run or not.

General strategy its a good rule of thumb to use all 3 of your save slots for each level. I usually saved the top one at the levels title screen so I always had a 0:00 starting point for that level in case things went south. then take a short burst and get as far as you can in 20-30 seconds and save. If you think you can get farther then exit and reload your first save and try to beat your last time. Just keep "lunging" though the levels hard parts and alternate your saves in the 2nd and 3rd slots whenever you come to a safe area

I took the time to build this little spreadsheet to help pace myself but now you can use it too. simply put the time you completed the level in column C for the corresponding level and it will calculate the average time you need to complete each remaining level. so if you are really slow on one part but want to know how it will affect the rest of your run you can enter a high time or the time you got. The only annoying this is you have to enter the time in hh:mm:ss format so you have to type out 00:00:35 for a 35 second run. if you have any other questions just let me know.

Here is what the blank sheet looks like:
External image

Here is what it will look like as you go along and update with your times. Notice how the time remaining per level recalculates based on what you have done and what you need to do.
External image

Final Run Times
External image

As you can see with these times that really are not that hard to get. most were done with very little practice and on the first run

Final note: I'm not sure if the chaos emeralds count against your time but as there is no timer on those special stages its hard to tell. Also collecting 50 rings and finding the checkpoints takes away valuable time so unlike Sonic 1 I would suggest making this a separate run from your emerald hunting run.

Good Luck!!

23 Apr 2012 12:17

x2i4eva and XxTime's solutions are great and their advice works.

I would just like to share these videos from youtube that gave me a rough idea of where to go in each stage as i wanted to knock out this achievement as well as this one at the same time:
Sonic The Hedgehog 2WinThe Win achievement in Sonic The Hedgehog 2 worth 65 pointsBeat the game.

Save often! But really milk it for all its worth at any time in a stage!

Beating the game in an hour is really not that tough, i would quickly watch the fastest route in the video and then try to copy. Even though i would fail most jumps and shortcuts i still managed to unlock the achievement despite some poor looking times. Main reason being was that i would save often and if i made any stupid mistakes i would instantly reload, especially if i had run out of rings too!

So realistically any deaths should mean an instant reload, bonus zones are always a no go during a speed run and any hits that knock Sonic/Tails down a floor or any mistakes that make you need to backtrack should also result in an instant reload!

When using the Save/Load dont be afraid to try out risky paths or shortcuts, obviously if it results in a fail you can just reload. In levels with lava or spike paths abuse the 2 or 3 seconds invinciblity you will have when damaged by possibly skipping swinging platforms or longer paths.

All together there are 20 Zones:

Emeral Hill Zone 1 & 2
Chemical Plant Zone 1 & 2
Aquatic Ruin Zone 1 & 2
Casino Night Zone 1 & 2
Hill Top Zone 1 & 2
Mystic Cave Zone 1 & 2
Oil Ocean Zone 1 & 2
Metropolis Zone 1, 2 & 3
Sky Chase Zone
Wing Fortress Zone
Death Egg Zone

As XxTime said you should easily be able to beat all the zones upto Metropolis withing 30 Mins, this leaves you plenty of time to finish the rest of the game with the time you have remaining.

Good luck.

(Credit to SpeedDemosArchiveSDA/Joe Stanski for the amazing videos)

10 Nov 2010 14:53

here were my times, i just got this one today, and it was really easy. this guide should give you some room for error, i think its around 45 minutes. my suggestion is just to save as much as possible. hope this helps have fun!!!

:39, 1:12
:45, 2:05
:43, 2:07
1:39, 2:55
1:33, 2:15
1:26, 2:08
2:30, 3:00
2:39, 4:09, 4:27

19 Sep 2011 10:52

Hello and welcome to my guide since all the videos in the above solutions are not available anymore i searched youtube and i found this one its very hard to copy the movement in the video you just need to memorize the best path you need to take and how to beat the bosses fast and save often to make things easier if you screwed up, enjoy


02 Apr 2019 02:28

I found this website helpful for looking at level maps and planning my route through the levels. Just click on the right hand side of the page to change zone.

Also these were my times, I got these times after studying the level maps.

Emerald Hill Act 1: 0.29
Emerald Hill Act 2: 0.59
Chemical Plant Act 1: 0.44
Chemical Plant Act 2: 1.50
Aquatic Ruin Act 1: 0.50
Aquatic Ruin Act 2: 1.25
Casino Night Act 1: 1.18
Casino Night Act 2: 2.12
Hill Top Zone Act 1: 1.53
Hill Top Zone Act 2: 2.11
Mystic Cave Act 1: 1.20
Mystic Cave Act 2: 1.35
Oil Ocean Zone Act 1: 2.21
Oil Ocean Zone Act 2: 1.48
Metropolis Zone Act 1: 2.27
Metropolis Zone Act 2: 2.38
Metropolis Zone Act 3: 3.32
Sky Chase Zone: 2.07
Wing Fortress Zone: 4.05 - including the time taken to get into space.
Death Egg Zone: 4.22 - timed up until Sonic jumps off the Death Egg.
Total: 40.06

Allow a bit more time for the 10-15 secs used at the end of each level to display the score. Only 17 levels have results, the last 3 don't have results. 17 x 15 secs = 4 mins 15 secs.

13 Oct 2014 04:47

1 Comment
Thank you Flopsy64 that was really helpful (even though your times are way better than mine!!).

I didn't use maps for the first few stages but after I got super lost in Metropolis Zone that site you linked is amazing, not only for the maps and diagrams but also the written guides... especially since almost all video guides for this trophy have disappeared over the years, it's amazing that site is still available in all its glory.

So thanks for sharing and I hope future players can enjoy this gem too. I'm going to email that guy to tell him thanks also.
By Prem-aka-Prince on 20 Jun 2016 22:18

Follow this video to do this achievement. The video finishes in 33 minutes, so you should have plenty of time.


Just focus on trying to get under 2 minutes for each level up to the Metropolis Zone. It's ok if for a couple of levels you get more than 2 minutes (ie - in Casino I usually got 2 min and 5 seconds, or 2 min and 30), but if you aim for the 2 minute mark, you leave yourself room to breathe for the last 3 Metropolis levels, the Sky Chase, the Fortress Zone, and then the final Death Egg zone. I usually got under 2 minutes for most levels, and then from Metropolis I got about 3 and a half minutes for each of those 3, and about the same for the remainder.

Remember, while annoying, you can save almost at any point, so make use of those 3 save slots (A, B, and C). I usually used A for the beginning of each level, B for any midpoint "hard parts" where I was progressing real well, and C for just past parts that could've easily killed me (in case something hard came afterwards and killed me, I wouldn't have to repeat everything).
1 Comment
It really isn't that hard. I just reached Metropolis Act 1 at 31 minutes. That's well over half the game done so as long as you're quick and know the best way to finish off the bosses, and abuse saves, this will be pretty simple.
By boldfox85 on 07 Oct 2014 00:39
The achievement can be obtained without any problems on your first playthrough, if you are not distracted by obtaining Chaos Emeralds. The main thing is to save often. It will be more convenient to obtain Chaos Emeralds later, at the first 2 levels - Emerald Hill Zone 1 and 2, starting the game again.

20 Jul 2011 19:22