Sonic Unleashed

Sonic Unleashed

51 Achievements


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Cleared the Louie Montaine missions in Empire City and the Ana missions in Mazuri


How to unlock the Hedgehunk achievement in Sonic Unleashed - Definitive Guide

Note: This is not as long as it looks when doing it but there are 2 parts!

-PART 1-
To obtain this you will need to Mazuri in the daytime and talk to Ana there - she will go on about her prince and then ask you to help her find him - talk to everyone in the village and then go back to her. She will say that her prince must be elsewhere and head to Spagonia - follow her there.

When you get to Spagonia head to the fountain and she will ask you to help her look there too, do the same as last time and talk to everyone before heading back to her. She will then explain that she is going to Shamar instead to look for her prince - so follow her again.

Once in Shamar talk to her and she will ask you the same again -so look for a tourist guide near the entrance stage and he will ask if there are any newcomer's into the town that he could help - tell him of Ana and he will meet up with her. She gets so infatuated with him that she wants him to move to Mazuri with her and quit his job, but he is a little apprehensive about losing his job - so you must find a replacement.

Look around for a small boy that wishes he could be a Tourist Guide and he will offer to take the job. Head back to Ana and tell her of the new wannabe tour guide. Her and her 'prince' will head back to Mazuri and so must you. Once there talk to her again and she will be upset that her father has refused to bless the two so you must convince her father to do so (he is opposite Ana). Tell him that he should trust Ana and that her lover should undergo a test to prove himself.

Come back at night which is when Ana's father said the ritual will begin and talk to Ana, she will be worried about the trial that her lover is going to be put through and will ask you to do it instead - agree and finish the test mission and your done for part 1.

-PART 2-
Head to Empire City in the daytime and find Louie near the entrance stage (he will have freaky blonde hair). He will offer to teach you his mastery in love techniques - in other words just finish the mission he gives you.

Once you have done this come back at night and finish the other two missions he gives you and after doing so you should unlock the achievement.

11 Dec 2008 02:49

it dosnt work when i get to shamar all ana says is im glad i left the tourist doesnt know wats going on and the boy is just saying the tourist words and messing it up
By WiltedFlower#270 on 14 Jun 2012 19:35
ok ive got passed that part but were the hell is ana when she moves back to mazuri
By WiltedFlower#270 on 17 Jun 2012 19:09
Louie just keeps talking about Eggman and its robots, why ?
By Hmizzz on 07 Nov 2014 08:58
I was having the same issue as zRaijin. It turns out you have to complete Jungle Joyride Night Act 1 first. I'm posting this because I haven't seen it anywhere else I've looked.
By Electifried on 26 Jan 2016 16:30
I saw a Sun medal on the final trial which i skipped - and it doesn't show up. Am I going paranoid? I don't want to replay the entire game again after this just for one lost Sun medal.
By FarmYardGaming1 on 27 Aug 2022 19:31
You need to talk to Ana and Misaid at night in Shamar to be able to continue the quest, then the little boy wants to become the new Tour Guide, I had to talk to them twice before they disappeared however they still werent in Mazuri.

Turns out this doesnt matter, just talk to Kwami who is a tall dude on the right by the stairs and he gives you a god awful challenge to do. Upon completion, I had to talk to Kwami again, he said come back at night, which I did, only for him to tell me to come back in the morning, *sigh* Talked to Kwami again and he made me do another mission, upon completion you clear the "Spooky Shadows" mission.

Then I did Part 2 as per the guide (Louie in Empire City - get ready for some terrible shit), after which Ana and Musaid finally appeared in Mazuri (daytime). Speak to Kwami, picke the option to trust Ana, then picke the option to test them, do another mission then the achievement finally unlocked. I really hate this game.
By illdizzog on 25 Sep 2017 21:22
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Please note you must have unlocked the Mazuri, Shamar & Empire City hubs AND have completed Skyscraper Scamper Day and Night mainstream levels before attempting to get this trophy. It will take a long time to get this trophy. You can do the Louie Missions or the Ana missions first. Your choice, you will get the trophy either way. But you MUST do them both.

Ana's Missions

  • From the World Map, enter the Shamar hub and talk to Ana. She will ask you to find her Prince Charming. She'll also then wander off to look for her Prince Charming herself.
  • Travel to Spagonia and talk to Ana there. She'll then travel again to Shamar.
  • Travel to Shamar and find Sumaid the tour guide (he is located just outside the entrance stage gate). Talk to him and Sonic will make Sumaid meet Ana. Ana then found her Prince Charming. However Sumaid gets worried on who would take his place as his tour guide.
  • Find Sadiq who is near one of the bridges in the corner of the hub. He will gladly take over Sumaid's spot.
  • Talk to Ana and Sumaid again and they will leave Shamar.
  • Travel to Mazuri and talk to the father, Kwami, and he will want you to complete some missions. (If you haven't done any of his missions - transform to the Werehog and talk to him to begin the first of his missions.)
  • Eventually, Ana and Sumaid will appear in Mazuri (at night at first), and they are in trouble. Kwami won't bless their love, so Ana will send you to convince him. Tell him that he is wrong, he needs to trust Ana, then request to test them. After doing so, talk to Ana for another mission. Kwami will be convinced.

Louie Montaine's Missions
REMINDER: You must have completed the Skyscraper Scamper Day & Night mainstream levels first in order to do his missions.

  • First, meet Louie Montaine in the Empire City Hub.
  • Make sure you talk to him during the day and a mission will begin.
  • After completing that mission, fast forward to night time. Talk to Louie and a night mission will begin.
  • Complete that night mission, then switch to day, then switch to night. One more mission to go. Complete it and all Louie Montaine's missions are complete.

When you have completed all Louie Montaine's and Ana's missions the trophy will unlock.

You will need to complete Ana and Louie's side missions to unlock this.

Ana's missions:
- Go to Mazuri (day) and talk to Ana. She will have a mission for you to talk to everyone in town so she can find her "prince". She will find out that who she is looking for isn't there and she will move on.
- Afterward she will appear at Spagonia near the fountain. Do the same and talk to everyone in town. Soon talk to her again and she will find out he is not there.
- Go to Shamar and you'll find her once again. Talk to the guy who is the tourist guide (he should be near the stage entrance) talk to him and go back to the girl.
- Talk to them again and they will need a replacement guide. If you can remember there is that kid who wants to be a guide, if not he is on the east bridge area. Go back to the couple and they will leave to Mazuri.
- You will then need to talk to her dad back in Mazuri (first you need to finish all the missions with him) and you'll need to choose the dialog says that you will do a test.
-Talk to Ana and answer yes. Finish the test and you're done.

Louie's missions:
Go to Empire City during the Day and talk to Louie (the guy with the weird blond hair) and he will train you how to be a love master. Finish the mission and come back at night. He will have you do two more missions. Once finished you will get the achievement.
Task "Ana":
  • During the day, go to Mazuri and talk to Ana. She will ask you to talk to everyone in the city so she can find her "prince". After you talk to everyone, she will say that her prince is not here and will leave.
  • You will later meet her near the fountain in Spagonia. Talk to her, after searching, it will again turn out that the prince is not here, and she will leave again.
  • Go to "Shamar" here you will find her again. Talk to her and go to the tourist guide (he is standing near the entrance to the missions), talk to him and return to the girl.
  • After conversations, it turns out that a replacement guide is needed. If you read the dialogues, you should remember that you met a guy who also wants to be a guide. He can be found near the eastern bridge. After you talk to him and the company, they will go to Mazuri.
  • In “Mazuri” you will need to talk to the girl’s dad (before that you will have to complete all the tasks for him) and in the dialogue agree to take the test.
  • Talk to "Ana" and take "Yes" to the offer. Complete the test and this mission is completed.

Louie's Mission:
During the day, go to "Empire City" and talk to "Louie" (the blond guy with strange hair) there, he will offer to teach you how to be a master of love. Complete the task and return at night. He will have two more missions. After you complete them the trophy will open.

23 Sep 2011 19:41