Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions

Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions

43 Achievements


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Defeat Deadpool on any difficulty level


How to unlock the Canceled! achievement in Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions - Definitive Guide

It may be just me and the difficulty (Hard) but I found Deadpool's stage to be looooong. Yes, I died many many times which racked my time up to 5 total hours spent on this stage. But even without the many retries, this stage is just a very convoluted piece of work.

First Oil Rig

The main drag is that you have to scavenger hunt for the various cameras that Deadpool's installed around this massive oil rig he uses as a base. Just finding the peeping toms isn't so much of a hassle. Using your Spider Sense will help tremendously. But the enemies Deadpool sends against you will often need tending to and that can be majorly irritating. The game only saves after you dust off a group of cameras so any Spider Emblems you've collected and challenges you've worked towards (unless you've finished said challenges) would be reset to the last checkpoint if you die before bashing in some equipment. I learned that the hard way.

Not only that but it turns out Deadpool will have a total of two oil rigs, each with at least two sets of its own bugger cameras!

The second set of cameras is most noteworthy for the first oil rig. Initially, all the cameras are planted ground-based annoyances, some with machine gun riggings. After dusting those off, some additional passageways and rooms will open to reveal the second set. These will require some more cleverness to dispatch.

One room will sport a retractable camera that is shy enough to retreat any time you come close but can't see beyond an inch from its nose it seems. You can take it out from a distance with a thrown object.

A flying camera will appear for the first time here and for some reason I could not target these. Which means you have to get lucky by web-flying yourself up to above or beside this little bird and take it out classic flying kick or brawl style. It can be frustrating but it can be done! Once the first hit lands, the next immediate attack usually flies straight and true as well.

The flamethrower camera is the most annoying as it flares up immediate once you're in range of its sights. And a wire mesh grill protects it from any objects you may throw at it. This means a frontal attack is out of the question.

Wall climb (remember you can do that? ;p) to the left of the grill along the side of the rig where you'll see quite soon a white painted arrow pointing you to an opening leading to the flamethrower's little hidey hole. Swipe it from behind and you'll get rid of this firebug.

The fourth camera is easy to destroy but entails your first fight with a Big Fan who wields an evil-looking mace. A commercial break will come first where you can choose to go for the challenge of 15 fanboys taken down before commercial end, but I recommend (at least on Hard) you just keep yourself alive.

The Big Fan himself, you can beat as long as you're patient. Remember your Spider Sense. Whenever you or the Big Fan shows a tingle, jump out of range. Then come back in with a quick punch or two. Use a Y attack after a large attack of his own as the Big Fan will rest a bit. Once he's fatigued enough a B will appear above his head. Take that chance quickly (it does wear off) and you'll pull off a cool finishing move, earning Deadpools ire and frustration at needing find more. ;>

You'll be meeting more of these types of big mace/hammer-wielding lugs in future stages so you'll get plenty of practice. ;) (Oh, right, I played Ultimate first. If you're playing in strict order, you'll meet up with these guys beforehand.)

Once you've contended with the first oil rig, Deadpool will treat you to a nice little respite, a energizing boss battle!

First Boss Battle

First Deadpool fight is rather cheap of the sadistic chatterbox. At certain life bar depletion points, Deadpool will teleport out and call in reinforcements from his fans. You can ignore them, but only at your own peril since some actually chase after you and the gunwielders can get in many lucky shots if you're not careful. Luckily there are quite a number of Spider Emblems lying around so at least you have some support. I'll go more into the fanbase for this battle later.

Deadpool himself will have three different attacks. A gunfu (his words not mine ;p) move that barrages you if you don't dodge quickly enough. Look for his telltale crouch with gun arms outstretched and that's your cue. A series of three mean sword strikes that you can evasive stance out and dodge if you're limber enough. Evade stance the first two and jump out of the third. And grenades that plant themselve around you and try to blow you to kingdom come. Keep in mind where they land and leap out of their blast range and you should be fine.

The annoyance is with all this dodging when can you get a shot in?

There will be Deadpool bop dolls around you can touch to set off an explosive timer. See if you can trick enemies and 'Pool into their blast ranges. Throwing objects also helps bring damage in.

Additionally, though this rarely happens, Deadpool will get in the mood for juggling his own grenades (thankfully he didn't call them balls). If you're fast enough, you can hit him and make him drop his payload onto himself, netting you a major hit to his life bar!

But the best way is some good old-fashioned brawling. After each attack by 'Pool close in for a few good hits (2-3 is best but I've gotten 4 or 5 in before) with X and Y. Sometimes Deadpool would stop to reload (and often announces it to you). Go for the jugular at those times with a few strong Y attacks.

After each retreat and call for reinforcement though, Deadpool will go into what I call phase mode. He'll teleport around the rig at odd intervals and be impervious to any hits you dish. A big B will be the clue how to proceed which will net you a big throw of 'Pool to the ground and a return to fisticuffs mode and the strategy from the previous paragraph.

Keep repeating this strategy and you'll whittle him down slowly but surely.

The enemies around Deadpool may need contending with during the battle though. Deadpool will end up calling for a total of 3 waves of reinforcements which means the rig can get pretty busy. Use some smarts and some well strategized Rage Modes can help take out most of the annoyances.

The bat-wielding fans are the worst as they chase you all around the rig. See if you can wait until they all (about 5 or 6 of them) converge on you and then hit them with Rage. A few swipes should be all it takes to put them down and then you can concentrate a bit more.

Gun-wielding fans are easier to take down but have bullets on their side. Using the disarm skill is too slow since while you're disarming one the others can get their potshots in. Just quick hit a few then switch to a few others and that should keep them from getting beads on you and you'll make quick work of them. Rage mode then for gun fans is actually unnecessary.

The Big Fans stay in the center and don't move towards you unless you attack them. So I would ignore them completely unless you want to go for the 3 Big Fans takedown challenge.

And one last environmental note:
Choppers and air banners' rotors hurt you! Be careful where you're jumping!
And this first boss battle's rig is shorter than the others, so when you fall off, you fall to your death! Good luck!

Second Oil Rig!

After you give Deadpool his first smackdown, ol' 'Pool will turn tail and speed(boat) away to... a second oil rig. groan

As mentioned before, the second oil rig will come with its own set of cameras. This time placed artfully in a series of obstacle courses. Be careful in avoiding the obstacles as they shoot bullets and flames at you, remembering the tricks you've learned from the first oil rig, and you should be fine. And be mindful of the two air bugs flying around as well.

The two cameras worth noting here are the lone pedestal and another hidey-hole cam. On the second set of cameras, there will be a hidey-hole cam that requires another sneak in. This time the passageway is covered requiring you to use your Spider Sense to see the yellow outline of the vent cover that you use B to pull it off its moorings.

The lone pedestal comes at the third set, making it seem an easy kill. Remember the Kraven intro? Something that looks too easy...? Right, a trap will be triggered by the lone camera's destruction, prompting four more cameras to surround you and catch you in a harrowing crossfire. Use the crossfire to your advantage. Jump immediately to one side behind that side's set of cameras and have the other side take them out for you, saving you some bulletholes. Then jump safely behind the last two and take them out!

Once you finish with this rig, Deadpool will treat you to some refreshments. Remember Ocean Spray and its logo? How about Ocean Wave? Put your webswinging skills to the test as 'Pool calls upon a tidal wave thanks to the wonders of explosives to wash you out literally! (Deadpool and Spidey are rubbing themselves off on me!)

Swing for all your worth towards the white up arrow in the distance and get to the top platform (just the rock wall of it is fine) before the wave hits! You won't have time to climb up the fence at the end so try to gain height by releasing from your swing at the top of your swing arcs with a well placed A. Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it.

And then you can repeat it two more times!

On the third successive and successful race against the tide (ha!), you'll come across a diving board. Jump and zipline (tap of RT) off it onto a large schooner and keep zipping to the last rig of the day.

Deadpool hands you the fragment as a prize for being such a good sport and then (psych!) promptly divides into three in front of you for the final battle! (Yes, the fragment you got turns out to be a lousy prop! Props, man!)

Ready! Fight!

Final Boss Battle

Not only does Deadpool split into three but he was nice enough to specialize each copy. Introducing Gun Deadpool, Sword Deadpool, and Grenade Deadpool! Ganging up for your viewing and beating pleasure!

Now, there's a reason why the game gave the challenge in the order of Gun, Sword, Grenade. Gun Deadpool is the most obnoxious of the three whose bullets' attacks are the hardest to dodge.

Just like the first boss encounter with him, start dodging when Gun Deadpool crouches down, gun arms outstretched. He'll start leaping and shoot two barrages of gunfire before stopping. Same as before he will also take time to reload at times, use that interval to lay on him a few punches.

Be constantly aware of Grenade Deadpool's grenades as he likes to throw a triple array to surround you. If you're caught in the blast, you'll suffer major damage. Unfortunately, unlike before, the Deadpools are not affected by their own grenades exploding on them, so you lose that possible advantage.

Be also ready to press B like crazy because with three Deadpools they can gang up on you. One Deadpool (usually Sword for some reason) would grab you in a chokehold as another Deadpool comes to ask a random inane question and hit Spidey with his microphone. If your B hits are enough, Spidey will struggle out before the microphone comes down, saving you some more hit points.

This is one battle I wish had some Spider Emblems because once you die in this battle you have to start over with all three Deadpools coming at you again. So be careful. Or at least prepare for many retries. ;)

Usually before you finish off Gun Deadpool, the arena will clear and about four groups of bop dolls will fall down to encircle you, hoping to catch you in their blast range. Though you can jump onto the fence, I recommend staying in the arena and jumping out of range when you need to. The bops will try again later a second time in which they would prevent you from using the fence unharmed. Learning to stay in the middle will save your life.

If you haven't finished off Gun Deadpool, do so now, and switch to Sword Deadpool. Sword Deadpool for the most part just stalks you. When he does attack, go into defensive stance and you'll dodge most of his sword strikes (don't forget to evasive jump for full effectiveness and grenade avoidance ;) ).

Again be ready with the B button to get you out of chokeholds. (Won't save you from the questions though. ;p)

Land a few quick X punches in and jump away. Priority is to keep alive so be patient and avoid the grenades as you go. The second set of bop dolls will attack while you battle Sword so be aware.

Once Sword Deadpool is down, then just focus on avoiding Grenade Deadpool's grenades. Don't panic if your life bar is extremely low. Grenade is actually the easiest of the three 'Pools. As far as I know, Grenade Deadpool doesn't use any other attack besides his grenade throws. Occasionally he'll do his juggling act which you can interrupt but if his own dropped grenades do himself any damage it's minimal at best.

Hit when in between his grenade throws, careful of grenade distance, and you'll soon take Deadpool down for the count and get Cancelled! (The achievement not actually, you know. ;p)

P.S. zarmartiaux said Rage Mode helps a lot in this battle. Since the Deadpools jump around and teleport themselves a lot, I don't recommend Rage Mode unless you've learned to control the use of it by the LB on and off switch, which in the heat of battle can be daunting to master. Also, the sudden change in scene color can be disorienting. I'd say get a lot of practice earlier before attempting this. But yes, Rage Mode will earn you extra damage to foes so definitely study that option for your combat skills.

Another note, don't keep Defensive Stance on throughout this last battle. Defensive Stance acts as a lock on and with Deadpool teleporting, you'll get disoriented fast. And focusing defense on one Deadpool also leaves you open to the other two. So use your Defensive Stance wisely!

Good luck!

12 Sep 2010 22:57

This is the "Cancelled!" Achievement.

You win this by defeating Deadpool for the last time on the power plant with Ultimate Spider-Man in Act II.

Well actually, it's three deadpool. One with guns, one with knives and another one with grenades. If you're going after the Web of Destiny Challenges, you should take out the Guns, Knives & Grenades in that order.

Each time you defeat one in close combat, the rest will disapear & bombs will drop from the sky, they are fairly easy to dodge. Once that's done, you can fight again.

Rinse & Repeat and this will be your in no time.

PS : Rage mode helps a great deal.

10 Sep 2010 10:00

This will be in the Ultimate dimension.

There are a total of two fights against Deadpool. The first time you'll be on a new platform fighting him. Regularly dodge him with and . Then when you see an opening, just beat him silly. You're going to have to fight his fanboys, but that's fine because they're easy enough to beat. The harder part is when you have to fight 2 huge goons.

The second fight there will be 3 different Deadpools. One will have only guns, one will have only swords, and the last will have only grenades. I'd suggest going after the grenade guy first (unless you're doing the challenge) mainly because he is the one that causes the most damage with his weapon. Guns next because the the sword guy doesn't do much and then finally sword (unless you're doing the challenge, in which case it's 1 - guns, 2 - swords, 3 - grenades). He's pretty simple. Just wait for him to not attack and then attack him yourself. Really simple boss.