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Jason Schmason

Jason Schmason

Get six S-ranks in Survival Arena mode.


How to unlock the Jason Schmason achievement in Splatterhouse - Definitive Guide

Shadow of the Wickerman: S Rank strategy

Firstly, a lot of this was based on Carnage's tips on x360a, the guides on here and some trLOLphies threads but other things I found elsewhere and I came up with one tip myself. I thought this was looking fairly impossible until this all came together.

I'm assuming you've S-ranked the first four stages. One big bit of advice is don't try to do six until afterwards because once you've beaten Wickerman, it's really nice to sail through that stage in a couple of attempts.

General tips

There are twenty waves and you have 26 minutes to beat them all. In a shocking display of bellendness, the devs don't pause the clock during mid-wave loading. HOWEVER! You can pause the game. So pause the game once you see the loading icon in the bottom left. Let it spin five times and unpause. One more spin (unavoidable) and you'll be into the next wave saving you at least a minute across the entire stage.

Have every upgrade unlocked.

Use your weapons (apart from chainsaws and shotguns) right away to clear out anything small. It'll save you a ton of time and when the big guys show up, those weapons aren't much help. Use them from wave 3 onwards.

Save worm crates until the later levels. Necro energy is crucial on waves 18 and 20.

The only two splatter moves worth using are the splattersmashes (LT + Y and jumping LT + Y). Jumping smashes are worth two big hits if done close enough to an enemy. A standard smash is quicker and easier to pull off. Great for crowd control. More enemies mean more health will regenerate for you as well.

Do not underestimate the small enemies. Yeah, they don't do much damage but they can eat up time which is just as important.

If you've got a full Necro bar early on, use it. You can easily regain it.

Your best standard attacks are the grab/arm rip (B + B) and the jumping Y attack with a weapon. Hitting things with a severed arm is worth plenty of Necro so use that to build up.

Splatterkills (B on a red outlined, weakened enemy) use up valuable time but maybe be essential. If you have one enemy left on a stage, and no Necro left, splatterkill it. The next wave will always be harder.

Don't heal (LT + B). Splatter attacks will heal you just fine.

Don't use Beserk (LB). It's a little harder to control your Necrometer in this form and you can run out, leaving you pretty much screwed.

Never run (unless you have a squid to deal with and no Necro). It's imprecise and weak. You need to always be in control.

When near enemies, use RB to move about. You be invulnerable to most attacks and it dodges the big anus monkeys.

You need at least four minutes to finish the final wave. So aim for 1 stage per minute.


Standard enemies: use B + B for safety, use jumping Y strikes for crowd control, use weapons to speed things up a bit. Arms aren't great weapons but are good for Necro boosts.

Those annoying pricks that jump away from you: back them up against a wall and use X punch combos or any weapon. These guys eat time and that's as important as health.

Quick, slashy enemies: Jens and those blue things. Bladed weapons work great. Jump with blunt weapons (or no weapon) and smash with Y. These guys can easily wreck an attempt. B + B works great if you are in a crowd with other small enemies and will kill these things but it is risky when you are one on one with them.

Red burning guys: these will hurt you if you get too close. Jumping Y strikes are your best option or any weapon attacks. Worth a splattersmash (LT + Y) if they are grouped. They are that dangerous.

Whip arm guys: Jump/LT/Y close up to hit them twice for an instant kill. Always group them together (USE RB to stay safe during this) for better Necro value. In a big crowd these guys are deadly so stay away until you are ready to deal with them.

Club arm guys: Jump/LT/Y also. These can take more damage though so this will just get them down to the red outline. Worth a splatterkill if they are the last one on the screen and you have no Necro to carry onto the next wave.

Aegis squids: your number on priority when you see them is to wipe them out. They make everyone else immune to damage (splatters still work though). LT + Y is your only option as the jumping version is too slow. If you have no Necro, you'll have to run at them (RT + Y) but this isn't too accurate so try to always carry some Necro into a new wave.

Anus monkeys: the biggest thing you'll face. You'll get these in numbers on 18 and 20. They heal if you don't finish them off. Jumping splattersmashes are effective on them (takes at least two close ones though). When they charge at you, they stun themselves when they hit a wall. Attacking the ass bit will do more damage (and earn Necro). They are horrible to deal with. However, as I'll explain in the wave 20 tips, these guys are also very useful at times to have around.


Arms, clubs and bats: Useful against anything small but will require two hits on some enemies (the red guys mainly). Good as a jumping attack (jump, hold Y) and will earn good Necro. Useful during B + B attacks, as they are quicker than if the unarmed version.

Bladed weapons: Great on red and blue enemies but also great for crowd control. Watch out though. If you kill the last enemy of a wave with one, he might crawl about a bit (wasting precious seconds) so finish his corpse with a jumping attack.

(the above two weapon types break on larger enemies)

Chainsaws: these are good for crowd control but that would be a waste. Their best wave is 19. No anus things to worry about, just charge about with RT taking out small enemies and whip/club larger enemies. Save it for that wave to get lots of Necro for the final wave. I never used the X or Y attacks. These suck in wave 20 because you need to be able to roll from the anus things.

Shotguns: if you see one save it for level 20. If you see two, use the other for wave 18. Details below.

Wave 20

So you've got four minutes left (at least, hopefully) and hopefully some Necro. No Necro means you're going to die (unless you are good). Wave 19 had no anus things so splattersmashes aren't too essential. Use a splatter kill on the final enemy in wave 19, just to be sure. A chainsaw will definitely get you some Necro.

When wave 20 starts, start rolling with RB. The anus things will start charging you. Don't think about them, just avoid until the first squid shows up. Kill him with LT + Y. The jumping version is too slow.

By now some smaller enemies and medium ones (whip/club guys) will show up. You want these guys near you (not too near). Let an anus thing chase you. He'll knock them over for some damage. Move with RB so that you don't get knocked over too.

If there are no enemies near you, punch that anus thing with combos and Y attacks. You'll earn Necro and will hurt the creature. Watch out for other ones though although they can hurt the creature near you with their charging attack.

Let the big guys do the damage, and engage when possible but concentrate on safety first. Roll and attack until another squid shows up. LT + Y again. Don't wait for a grouping of enemies, it's nice if the attack hits more than just the squid but he's your priority.

More rolling, more bad guy friendly fire from the anus things. By now the anus things on the screen will be damaging each other hopefully. If you have lots of necro, jumping splattersmashes are worth a go. Standard ones (LT + Y) are worth it to finish off red outlines enemies. Anus things have a long splatterkill cutscene, so use them with caution.

Repeat again until the third squid. Kill that tentacled bastard and pick up the shotgun (this is risky as you can be rammed and cannot RB dodge). By now there will be a few anus things, bigger enemies and small things. Spam that shotgun, kill what you can. Finish off the biggest guys first if possible but don't chase them. It's not too easy to aim and don't waste time trying too hard.

Expect one more (the fourth) squid. Kill him, mop up the anus guys. You'll need to do a splatterkill possibly. If you have enough Necro, take out any medium enemies and try to guide the big guys into each other. Splatter attack if you can. Punch their arses off, if you can't.


My time was 25:38. Not amazing. Other people have better times and may use other strategies but this is what worked for me and until it came together, I wasn't anywhere near beating this.

13 Jan 2011 00:55

Thanks for the solution! You definitely have to kill those anus monkeys quick, or they will screw you over!
By N33dleInTheHay on 15 Feb 2011 03:50
great guide man thanks , i make it in 21:20 :)
By ZiMba 4 LiFE II on 29 Nov 2014 01:32
Great guide. Only thing to add to it is this: Use RT + LT + X to splatter dash when there's an aegis. If you do it right it's much better than trying to charge them. Sure it costs a splatter attack, but it saves so much time and can often kill more than just one enemy.
By QuixoticRocket on 14 Nov 2016 10:01
I'm not sure what problems everyone else is having with this one. I clocked in at 22:34 with 7 of 10 secret missions completed. Weapon usage was key for me, like saving the shotgun until the end to quickly fill Necro and using blades against Red Undead. Other than that I pretty much did what I do on every level. Good luck everyone.
By Zacry072 on 05 Mar 2012 17:30
Great guide and I add this only because it worked for me. This guide says to NOT use splatter kills but they were actually my saving grace. Toward the end of the waves, (certainly wave 20 on wickerman), there is so much going on and so many enemies that it becomes difficult to see with the screwed up camera angles let alone aim and target enemies. The first thing to do is take out the Aegis, (squid thing making others invulnerable), but after that Splattersmash. If you see a red outline on anything, (especially an ass monkey), splatterkill it! The reasoning is that not only will you be invulnerable and taking out one of the many enemies while getting Necro power, All the monsters will also swarm your area and damage each other!
Many times after the lengthy QTE splatterkill of an ass monkey, I would come back to the game and many smaller enemies would be dead and other bigger ones, (including ass monkeys), would be outlined in red ready for splattersmash or another splatterkill. I wouldn't over do it, but bunching them together and using this method to make them kill each other worked great for me!
By FIASCOcomedy on 17 Aug 2013 20:36
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Time required in each arena to S rank. (less)

West Mansion - 12:00
Slaughter House - 16:00
West Observation - 23:00
Death Coaster - 25:00
Shadow of the Wickerman - 26:00
West Manor - 20:00

27 Jan 2011 19:57

And as Peace Squid says below, don't forget to pause the game during the load time between waves...
By BadBoyBungle on 14 May 2011 06:15
very nice. short and too the point. I like guides like this.
By AnnieGoesRawr on 29 Jul 2011 07:52
Death Coaster - I did 25:00 clean. A rank. f**k
By DjKillaBlast on 20 Sep 2012 10:12
did wicker man in 22:40 first try. get an arm and RT Y. The arm will not break and it fills your bars very quickly. on the small guys always grab and slam them with X. Save weapons for red zombies. LT AND Y for the squids its one hit kill and you can do it from quite a distance.
By AKfoy0face on 22 Oct 2013 20:58
No man, the arm an RT Y does cause it to break eventually
By Veeteck3 on 18 May 2022 22:22
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I got S rank for all these levels with the below times
West mansion - 11:13
slaughterhouse - 10.48
West observation - 17:11
Death coaster - 23:58
shadow wickerman - 25.41
west manor - 18:13

Most of the levels are simple to get the S rank. The only level that gave me trouble was the 5 (wickerman) one. The best tips that I can give you is
1/ use your splatter smash as much as you can but use it wisely. Make sure they are bunch together.
2/ Rip off arms and use them as weapons to build up your mask meter, when its full, use your splatter smash or something else because you will constantly be fighting enemies. No need to waste it right and plus you are on a timer.
3/ Kill the squid things right away, they are a pain because they make everything invincible. The best way to kill them is a well aimed splatter smash. Most of the time, its instant kill. But dont get too close or they will dissappear. Hit them from a good distance.
4/ Try your best NOT to do splatter kills as some of them are long and your timer still keeps going.
5/ Kill those glowing blue enemies/clowns with the long nails as they can rip your arm off and cause a headache
6/ Use your Beserker mode wisely. There will be a few times in the game when the big enemies crowd together.
7/ Dont waste powerful weapons on small simple enemies. Leave them for the big guys.
8/ There is a type of enemy where if you touch them, you bounce back. Grab a sword or knife and take care of them fast. They can be a time waster and a pain.
9/ There are many chest with worms in them. Use them only when needed/emergency. If you don't need them.. Don't smash the chests. You mask meter is always being replenished as your fight on.
I had trouble on the Shadow Wickerman level, mainly the last few waves with those Aegis tentacle enemies making everyone invincible.
I know its recommended to ram the Aegis then splatterslash them, kills them, yes, but sometimes they just moved or couldn't reach them due to the amount of enemies on screen.
So I tried using the running splatter smash 9 out of 10 times killed them instantly, even when they appeared to teleport, added advantage of damaging others with the running smash too.
S Ranked this level on my first go after trying this move.
Hopefully it might help someone too.

04 Dec 2010 14:54

These are the times I got S ranking for

west mansion- 10:48
West observation-17:21
Death coaster-24:11
shadow wickerman-25:15
west manor-17:22

The only good tip that I can give is when the things with the whip arm and the big "meaty" arm come out dont kill them first kill the lil annoying thing because there is more than likely the bigger ones are waiting to spawn. I had the ground smash upgraded to the strongest and it took 2 pounds to get the big "things" into red then I just finished them off quickly.Splatter kills do keep the time going so dont even bother doing them.The secret missions dont help in the ranking cause I only got 4/10.And I didnt go into the beast mode I used the LT+Y when I faced the things with the whip arm and the big arm. And listen to you music that you have on you xbox it makes it a lot more enjoyable and less like you are grinding through for achievements. Good hunting

25 Nov 2010 22:28

The above solutions are all great! But I have an excellent tip that I didnt happen to see mentioned above. On the 5th survival level "shadow of the wickerman", you may feel pretty overwhelmed on the last wave. But not many people realize that while you are in bezerk mode, you can go nuts with your regular bezerk skills. I strongly advise that you trigger this and use RT + Y and destroy everything as quick as you please. The butthole creatures take about 4 hits and the octopie take 1 hit to die. And it has a great radius so you'll destroy most everything at once. This does not cause your meter to deplete any faster. By doing this, I was able to defeat the last wave in 1 minute and 37 seconds. Finishing with a total time of 20:13 from the allowable 26 minutes. I hope this helps :)

30 Aug 2012 02:39

Getting an S-Rank in the arenas is all about finishing the challenge in the fastest amount of time possible; the ranking is entirely time-dependent. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Spamming and will get you nowhere. Rather, weapons are your best friend.
  2. If you're using a Cleaver, make sure you cut every enemy 2-3 times so they don't dilly dally. If they're still on screen running like headless chickens, the next wave won't start, wasting a lot of time.
  3. Whenever a Chainsaw/Shotgun is present, don't use it right away! Wait till you're in the last few waves before thinking of using it, as the final waves tend to be where a lot of mid-bosses spawn. They are useful as they don't break with one use.
  4. Whenever you get your arms severed, leave those on the battlefield! They are one of the strongest weapons in the game. Not only can they dish out many hits before breaking, but they can take down mid-bosses in 2-3 swings! They are VERY useful for the Giant Baboons (ape like demons with the red butt) on Shadow of the Wickerman (Arena 5).
  5. If at any time you don't have a weapon in hand, make one! Rip one off the mid-sized enemy's limbs off so you can use them as weapons. With the "Weaponized Grab" upgrade purchased combined with the severed limb, you can one hit kill enemies. "Weaponized Grab" will also refill one full slot of your Necro Meter. Limbs themselves are very powerful weapons, so make use of them!
  6. Splatter Smash > Splatter Slash. For some reason, Splatter Slash doesn't always connect, so at times you'll end up wasting a Necro Bar only to find out you didn't do any damage to a mid-boss. Splatter Smash has a much further range and radius, not to mention does more damage.
  7. Never let your Necro Meter fill to the top, as that's just a waste. Whenever you can, put in a Splatter Smash whenever a bunch of enemies are grouped together. Not only does this save you, but it makes for some easy kills saving a lot of time.
  8. If you find yourself getting hit, immediately stun everything with Splatter Siphon or roll away. Most of the time it's almost impossible to counter back since the AI does such a good job stringing combos.
  9. When you're faced with mid-bosses (ones with health bars), don't bother beating on them. Instead, slip in a few Splatter Slashes/Smashes to end it quick. Unless you really have to, don't bother using Splatterkills, as that wastes a lot of time.
  10. When you're faced with an Aegis (the Squid like demon), spam the Ram move! This not only knocks them down, but it gives you the opportunity for a Splatter Slash, giving you an instant kill.
  11. When you're facing the Imps (ones that dodge and jump all over the place). Don't bother chasing them. Rather, grab a weapon and use + to dash towards them. This usually one hit kills them. If not, just finish them off with another swing of your weapon.
  12. Those enemies that glow red, in which I shall name them as Brutes, are immune to your punches. To make quick work of them, grab a weapon and use Slams + to kill them in one hit.
  13. If your Necro Bar is running low, two words: "Weaponized Grab". For every grab you successfully perform, you will regain one full slot of your Necro Meter.

Different chests contain different content:

Red Chests - Contains Items
Brown Chests - Contains Boreworms
Green Chests - Contains Photo Pieces, appear every 5th wave

The times you need to beat each arena are:

  • West Mansion Lobby - 12 mins or less
  • Slaughterhouse - 16 mins or less
  • West Observation Room - 25 mins or less
  • The Death Coaster - 25 mins or less
  • Shadow of The Wicker Man - 26 mins or less
  • West Manor Chapel - 20 mins or less

Combine all this with the tips I provided and also with a little bit of practice and you should have no problem S-Ranking each arena.

Okay, so I know that there are other guides for this achievement and it's been way over ten years, but I don't care. I had some trouble with this achievement and found what appears to be the optimal strat to pull it off, so I've decided to write my own guide in case someone else is going through Splatterhouse right now. So this is how I did it. I'll post each level below and their time limit, along with my personal record and strat for the level.

West Mansion - 12:00 (PAR: ~9min)
As soon as this level starts, grab a blunt weapon and approach the area between the stairs. Some monsters will spawn there. Hold RT+X and smash them away. You should insta-kill them. In fact, you should insta-kill them with RT+X even if you're unarmed, but I'd go for the weapon just in case. The next waves will begin and you should be able to dispatch the bigger zombies easily with RT+X. If everything goes according to plan, you should beat waves 1-3 within the first minute of gameplay. From now on, you should be able to beat around two waves per minute. When large groups of monsters start spawning, try to pool them together and use LT+X to cut them all down at once. After wave 5 or so, the game will start spawning the whip guys and the hammer guys. If there are too many of them, transform and take them out quickly, or line them up and make good use of LT+Y. Avoid splatterkills in general, because they're too time consuming to use every time, but don't be afraid of using it if you need to refill your necro, as it should give you at least one bar back once you do it, sometimes even more. Be careful with the timer on this level as well. In my experience, it didn't stop counting the time until the results screen appeared, which is some bullshit, as that alone took like 20 seconds to happen, between messages telling me I had completed the level and all, so you really better be careful with your timing.

Slaughter House - 16:00 (PAR: ~14min)
Same strat as last level. This one has butchers instead of zombies, which should give you plenty of bladed weapons. Save those for when you need to eat a chunk of health off of some big monster, as cutting butchers sometimes puts them in that stupid long death animation state, which can and will lengthen wave durations. This level will also spawn your first Aegis enemies, which you should instantly kill with LT+Y (try to line up other enemies as well once the Aegis goes between them for extra damage), as well as climbers, which are a pain in the ass to deal with.

West Observation - 23:00 (PAR: ~19min)
This level is pretty much like the last one as well. It should give you a chainsaw, which you can save for the final wave, or to deal with fire zombies, which are your new threat in this level. It'll also spawn a lot of climbers, which are a pain in the fucking ass to deal with. My strat is to hold RT to run towards them and press X right before Rick stops running. There's a sweet spot between dodges where you can hit them with almost 100% accuracy once you figure it out. It's after their first dodge but before the next, but you really gotta nail down the right timing with your strikes. Also have a blunt weapon when you do this, not only for the extra reach but also because it should kill them off in one hit. Be careful with the Aegis enemies in this level as well. Again: LT+Y on them as soon as they appear and you should be golden.

Death Coaster - 25:00 (PAR: ~20min)
This is the first hard level, in my opinion. Here you'll have to deal with fire-breathing clowns, lots of Jens/blue guys, and less weapons than earlier waves. In this level, it pays to do the secret missions. Tear off arms and use them on grabs to kill a few monsters, step on boreworms and try to avoid getting hit to spawn extra weapons for you. Don't worry about completing this on your first try either. Repeat the first few waves a couple of times if you need it so you can nail down monster spawns and position yourself better in the arena. Then, keep an eye on the timer. You should be able to complete about one wave per minute, spamming RT+X on most enemies, LT+Y on bigger monsters and using B+B to produce weapons when you run out. The last wave will spawn a bunch of butt monkeys, hammers and whip guys, so be mindful of necro management. Transform, kill off butt monkeys and leave one of the whip guys dying so you can transform back, splatterkill them and transform again to continue on. This is also the first level where loading takes some more time than it should. The timer doesn't pause while the game is loading between waves, so press Start once you see the loading icon, let it revolve a few times then unpause to save a few seconds.

Shadow of the Wickerman - 26:00 (PAR: ~20min)
This is the famed hardest level. After reading about it here and in other sites, I was worried that I'd spend an entire day grinding out this level, but it turns out that Death Coaster actually managed to kill me more than this. In fact, I beat this level on my first try. Strategy is the same as last level: pause when the game is loading to save a few seconds, prioritize the Aegis, dodge blue guys and transform whenever the level gets populated by big monsters, being careful to leave at least one monster dying so you can splatterkill and refill your necro bars. Also, do secret missions to get weapons and if you're lucky and get a shotgun or a chainsaw, save it for the last wave. The last wave alone took me about two minutes of doing the aforementioned process of transforming, killing butt monkeys, splatterkilling a whip guy, transforming again, and so on. Be extra careful with blue guys and fire zombies on this level as well, and avoid running out of Necro between waves in case you need it for the Aegis, and you should be fine.

West Manor Chapel - 20:00 (PAR: ~18min)
Just like the final level of this game feels unfinished, so does this challenge. It's a tight arena, with badly optimized assets that will tank the performance of the game once enemies start spawning in. This level was my first S-rank, before I figured out all the strategies of the earlier levels, and it was also on my first try, so I believe this one is unbalanced towards being too easy. In fact, I'm pretty sure it can be beaten in under 15 minutes if you do all of the above and manage your time effectively. The best tip I can give you here is to try to stay on the corridor instead of the altar area, as the performance there is a little better and there is less space for the monsters to maneuver around you.

As you can see, the game gives you about five minutes of extra time for each level, so this achievement isn't as hard as it looks. The problem is that the game doesn't teach you to kill fast, then asks you to do it in these challenges, so you have to kind of relearn how to play it. It's all a matter of managing your blunt weapons, bladed weapons and the necro bar, avoiding unnecessary splatterkills, prioritizing certain monsters and having a little luck with the weapon spawns.

26 Dec 2022 09:16

I might as well add my 2 cents since it took me forever to finally get through the Shadow of the Wickerman. Part of my problem was I was always trying to conserve weapons and necro. I finally got it by starting out with some arm rips, and charging a lot of enemies with the arm. Don't be afraid to waste a little necro splattering groups or annoying enemies. Grabbing regular weapons and charging the small enemies is usually quick too. Be mindful of your necro as each wave starts. If it's less than half, you want to grab an arm. If it's higher, use a regular weapon to wipe things out faster. Always use LT+Y and NOT LT+X (Jumping LT+Y for the big enemies). If you find yourself stuck with big guys and have no necro charge/smack them with an arm. Your necro will shoot right up enough to smash their ass. If you hit half health or less, charge the necro and use your berserk. Even if you shut it off quickly you still get full health for it. Another thing to note is that if you get an anus monster to turn red, you can grab him for the finisher but NOT hit the button and you still get enough necro to splatter smash him again. Abuse your berserk and any shotguns you have lying around for the final wave, and you should be ok. After finally completing this, I did West Manor Chapel in something like 15:36. :)
I recommend taking on completing the arenas with full leveling up of your skills, since the enemies that will appear in the last waves in each of the arenas will be very strong and there will be a lot of them! The tactics for all arenas are approximately the same, there are different classes of enemies that need to be killed in different ways, let’s get started in order.

At the beginning, enemies with spikes on their bodies will appear, just zombies and small jumping creatures that will easily tear off your hand if you are hesitant, I advise you to use a grab on them all and then press (if you wish, you can tear off your opponent’s hand ), Not only will Rick smear the enemy on the floor with one blow, plus he will also cause damage to nearby standing enemies (at first glance it seems that this is a long way to kill enemies, but in fact the first waves using this technique can be passed very quickly) grab the next one, etc., plus, enemies will not cause you damage in this position; this technique also includes clowns and creatures that jump and spit in the air. If the enemy is standing far away, you can grab a nearby monster and holding point it at another creature, this will give you an advantage in speed, you will have time to run to the stunned enemy and make the next grab. When breaking chests, leave machetes and axes on opponents who look like monkeys, they are very nimble and running after them takes a lot of time, so we do combination + in the direction of the enemy and Rick will overtake the enemy with a high-speed movement and chop off one of his body parts, which will significantly save you time. If you don’t have a machete, then tear off the hand of an enemy who is easy to grab (zombies, spiky creatures, jumpers, clowns) and do the same combination, but not forget to finish off the enemy after he falls! Also try to save the machete or ax for zombies that cannot be grabbed, it takes a long time to beat them and using the power of the mask on them is very wasteful because while they gather in a heap you will lose precious seconds. The next mutants are horned ones creatures with a whip, the fastest way to kill (and it doesn’t matter how long two or three stand next to each other, they will all die at once) is to jump into the air (preferably in the center of the enemies) and press + , this attack will allow you to easily defeat everyone around you (tested personally ) On healthy monsters that have a big turd instead of a hand, the same tactics are applicable as on horned ones with a whip, plus you can add an attack + .On very large monsters, the same tactics are used, I do not recommend using machetes and axes on large opponents since they disappear after the first blow and the damage is minimal for these bastards, it is better to use the opponents’ hands (or the hands that are in the boxes) by pinching the damage will be greater. Another very nasty creature that looks like an octopus, not only does it take a long time to chase after it, plus it restores life and creates a shield for other monsters. The tactic is as soon as an octopus appears, we head towards it (just not too close, otherwise it will disappear and appear in the other direction, which will again lead to loss of time) and press + this attack will kill him the first time. You can also use a weapon, press the combination + towards the octopus and after it is knocked down we use + , But the first option is much faster. I also don’t recommend using bloody kills, since they don’t stop time, unless the creature is on edge and killing it this way will be faster than hitting it when there are a lot of enemies around who are ready to tear you apart) Bersek is also not effective on the last arenas, since blood consumption is maximum damage is minimum.

Now everything is simpler. We accumulate blood on enemies that can be captured (in circumstances, if there are enemies in a heap, you can use + if enemies are rushing at you and are ready to chop off your hand, you can use + attack on the leading ones) On large enemies we use the technique in the center of the cluster + When an octopus eats, first of all we kill it by pressing + and only then we bring down everyone else. We use edged weapons to quickly approach opponents such as monkeys + and also for zombies that cannot be captured. Do not forget to drink blood using + to nourish life.

Arena times:

1-12 min

2-16 min

3-25 min

4-25 min

5-26 min

6-20 min

PS All of the above techniques are best performed with fully upgraded skills.

11 Jan 2011 13:14

1 Comment
Video hint (en) Splatterhouse Survival Arena S-Ranks.
By TiamaTiK on 27 Dec 2018 21:55
Here are a couple more tips to help make it easier to get an S rank:

1. You don't have to complete secret missions to get an S rank. The only thing that matters is the time spent.

2. Use bloody murders as little as possible. (The exception is the largest creatures). The time counter does not stop during a bloody murder, and they eat up a fair amount of time.

3.Usage + And + not only quickly destroys the monster, but also heals.

4. Save weapons from crates for later waves. Also, try to save at least one blood cell when moving to the next wave.

5. Waves 5 - 10 -15 and respectively 20 are critical (green chests with parts of photographs also fall).

6. Berserk mode is very wasteful in blood + not effective against large monsters. (If you still use berserker, do not forget that deactivation eats up 1 blood cell.)

7. Starting from the 2nd arena, each wave is accompanied by loading (load in the lower left corner.) During loading, the timer does not stop. In order not to waste precious time on loading, as soon as the load icon appears, press start (enter menu mode) and wait 3-4 seconds. Pausing stops the timer, but does not stop loading. Please note that the load icon will not disappear until you unpause it. This way you can save +/- 1 min.

8. Before the last arenas, cross your fingers, the appearance of a shotgun in the arena in the last waves will make your life much easier.

25 Jan 2011 21:30