STAR WARS Battlefront

STAR WARS Battlefront

63 Achievements


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You have your moments

You have your moments

Get 5000 Objective Score while playing as any Hero (Multiplayer)



How to unlock the You have your moments achievement in STAR WARS Battlefront - Definitive Guide

The 5000 score is CUMULATIVE. Meaning, it can be done over multiple matches.

This one is extremely luck based if you choose not to boost it, due to the fact many people like to camp at token spawn points. You can get this on any mode that offers Hero Tokens and you don't need to own the Bespin DLC to get it. Supremacy, Walker Assault, or Sabotage work best for this imo.

The way I got it was choosing the Sabotage game mode. If the game put me on the Imperial side, I would keep backing out until it put me on the Rebel side. Now once you're on the Rebels side and the game starts, there are four opportunities to get a Hero Token....however, they appear very early on in random places around each map. I found them easiest to locate on Carbon Freeze Chamber and Administrator's Facility. Once you do locate a Token, find a generator that hasn't been armed, and ARM IT. DON'T DEFEND IT. JUST ARM IT. Run around from generator to generator arming them, this helps you rack up Objective points.

Since the Tokens spawn randomly, you have to be quick. Run around the map looking for one, ignoring the objectives. If you don't get one within the first minute or two of the match and you see four Heroes on the screen, just back out and restart the process. Could take a couple hours or it could take for me. =-/

or, alternatively, you could just boost this. Load up Extraction on the Outer Rim DLC, gather a group of 4, choose the Asia server, find the Hero token, and take turns stopping and starting the cargo. Everyone in the party should get it within 15-20 minutes.

If you guys have any other more efficient methods, please suggest them in the comments .

23 Jun 2016 03:54

Does anyone know if the falcon/slave 1 work? I'm thinking it would be pretty easy to get a hero token in fighter squadron then blow up the transports
By Muljo07 on 27 Jun 2016 19:50
Doesn't look like it does, I just tried it.
By SNMOneshot on 30 Jun 2016 00:23
My mate just got this earlier and says it's cumulative. He's on this site, GT is Holodrone. I can't confirm as don't have the dlc but he's got no reason to lie.
By Roose91 on 03 Jul 2016 23:20
It is cumulative. It unlocked for me in a boosting session after 4k points
By Yazite on 06 Jul 2016 08:28
Wait, can we do server selection now? Asking for boosting purposes.
By Bastiaen on 17 Jul 2016 00:40
@Bastiaen, yes you can. You can change it in settings I think
By Yazite on 19 Jul 2016 19:35
So by cumulative you mean across multiple play matches?
By Fiction0713 on 24 Jul 2016 22:05
@Fiction yes, this doesn't all have to be in one match....that would be damn near impossible lol.
By The SCHWARTZ 00 on 24 Jul 2016 22:13
Can you not get objective score when using Imperial heroes during the extraction phase of Sabotage?
By hunterIV on 12 Aug 2016 20:13
Nope, Imperials don't count.
By The SCHWARTZ 00 on 12 Aug 2016 20:14
I'm so relieved this is cumulative! I saw the ratio and assumed it wasn't
By St3phosaurus on 17 Aug 2016 14:35
Map rotation is really messed up. You get a blast almost every time after a sabotage game.. and if you managed to get into a sabotage game on the rebel's side, it's already started so tokens are gone.. then you wait for the switching sides, play as imperials, and get yet another game of blaster. Just the once I managed to play on rebels side from the moment the match started :/
By el tuaya arg on 19 Nov 2016 20:12
Need 2 more for this achievement if interested message xaxmikeyxax please
By altra bot on 19 Nov 2016 22:45
I've been struggling with sabotage and got to 54% complete - going have to try extraction or supremacy though as it takes forever to get at the start of a sabotage game on the rebel side :(
By metallicafan459 on 18 Feb 2017 20:45
Looking to boost this. Please send me a message
By MootSweat on 16 Jun 2017 17:14
looking to boost this achievement message RedWolfCrusader
By RedWolfCrusader on 11 Jul 2017 00:06
Looking to boost this achievement, message me on Xbox.
By Muddy Grundy on 28 Aug 2017 06:01
I'm down to boost as well
By IceIceFadey on 13 Sep 2017 23:18
Looking to boost this achievement. Message me on XBL - BayBossTycoon
By BayBossTycoon on 18 Sep 2017 02:13
Also looking to boost this
By JefeGator on 27 Nov 2017 02:38
Looking to Boost the harder achievements.
GT: MajorLoseGaming

Sep. 2021
By Thai Scopes on 28 Sep 2021 22:29
Yep, just added you!
By damianjp on 25 Jan 2022 11:28
Looking to boost. Send me a message!
By Carbonitex on 04 May 2022 22:25
Looking to boost, if anyone sees this lol
By aliasBushido on 03 Jul 2022 06:02
Looking for people willing to boost. GT Silyolmehee
By Silyolmehee on 16 Dec 2022 04:25
Looking to boost. GT: Yoshi Fail
By Yoshi Fail on 26 Mar 2024 16:22
this is really doin my head in,any game u go into people literally sit at spawn points doin nothin but waitin for hero tokens.
Gonna have to resort to boostin thisangry
By xCEL7IC ZOMBIEx on 30 Jul 2016 22:27
I had best luck on extraction on outer rim dlc. It comes up often in a smaller playlist than bespin sabotage. Learn the hero spawns. Camp them out. Wait about 60 seconds from start of the game for the first herp pick up spawns. Then with hero just stand behind the extraction waiting for somebody to stop it then reactivate when it happens. Watch out for grenades. After 2 or so good runs the achievement will come easily.
By Noble Royale on 17 Feb 2017 11:53
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The achievement is way easier and less luck based then it sounds.

While the spawn time of the hero tokens is random, the locations do not change (at least on the new maps).

The quickest way for me was to play sabotage on Administrators Palace. As mentioned in the other guide back out if you start as imperial. On this map the rebels get 4 hero token spawns at the beginning before all generators are destroyed. Each token spawns on one of the four possible locations.

When the round starts just run to one of the spots and camp there until you get the token. I used the first location shown in the video and was able to get a hero in each round.

The tokens only spawn once per location so the rebels get exactly 4 heroes per round.

Thx to RivaThames:

The video is not 100% accurate on the spawns but once you have seen the token in game you know exactly where to camp.

27 Jun 2016 06:46

That Achievement isnt so hard how it looks.
On every Map there is one Point u can conquer really easy and fast.
For this Achievement you just must conquer 10 Control Points in Supremacy.
1 Control Point= 9%
If you are playing on Rebel Side Choose Nien Nunb he is perfect for this with his special Attacks.On Imperial Side i choose Greedo to do it.With his Grenades and his Scan its perfect to conquer Points in Basements.Choose a Hero u can handle and look for Points u can get it easy.Dont choose Dart Vader or Luke if u want get a point outside.Look at the current situation and choose the best for it, not the best hero u think.If it goes good u can get 1-2 Points in 1 Round.On this Achievement there is no luck.Be smart look around the battlefield and go for the best Point.Dont Rush with the hero like Rambo for this.
I did it on 2 days and the achievement was mine.

11 Jul 2016 11:59

Any objective-based game mode which also features heroes will contribute to the overall 5,000 score required to unlock the achievement. It's cumulative so can be done over many games or boosted in one if you can get players together (see the end of this solution).

The key to earning this in regular games is to know where the Hero Tokens will appear. For either side, they will start to appear any time between 30 seconds and a few minutes into a match. For some game modes, they will appear when certain checkpoints are reached (this is certainly the case for Extraction and Walker Assault). Learn where the tokens will pop up and camp that area until they do.

Patience is your biggest enemy as the tokens will spawn after a random amount of time. Hold your nerve and sit in a location where you know the token will eventually appear. Nowadays you won't find too many players doing the same so it should be easy enough. Once you have selected a hero just focus on scoring points from the particular objective and you'll make steady progress.

There are some great videos on YouTube showing the locations - just search based on the game mode or map(s) you are playing on. Once you have the token, make sure to pick out a hero well suited to the map you are on. For example, Luke or Vader are good on smaller, tighter maps as they are well suited to close combat. I have always found Leia to be good for objective games, as her shield is very handy.

Sabotage is a good game mode for scoring points. When starting the game as the Rebels, grab a token as soon as you can and then arm generators as often as possible to score points. You can't score points as an Imperial hero in this mode, however. Walker Assault is better for this as you can enable or disable the uplinks, depending which side you are on, and score points that way.

I've tried Supremacy but found it can get a bit frantic. Walker Assault seemed to be easier for moving between the uplinks and not getting overwhelmed so much with enemies, but it really depends on the teams, of course.

Finally, this can be boosted with just 4 players. All 4 search for an Extraction game (you'll need the Outer Rim DLC) in a very quiet region (I've done this on the Asian servers) and you'll be put together. Each team then grabs a Hero token as soon as they can (the Imperial tokens will not spawn until the cargo has passed the first checkpoint) and then stop/start the cargo repeatedly to score points.

24 Aug 2017 16:05