STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order

STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order

39 Achievements


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Not So Fast

Not So Fast

Defeat 25 enemies while they are under the effect of Empowered Slow



How to unlock the Not So Fast achievement in STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order - Definitive Guide

On the force side which is on your left buy the EMPOWERED SLOW then buy BURST SLOW.

Find some enemies, hold RB and wait until your left and right hands spread to their side making your character look like a T shape once the burst explodes kill those caught in the blast, rinse and repeat do it close to a meditate circle to speed up the process.Hope this helps anyone who might be having problems getting it.

17 Nov 2019 02:19

+1 for Maaarc15's comment and the video he linked. Was able to unlock in meditation training just using basic stormtroopers
By W1ntermuted on 14 Nov 2020 01:50
Definately not glitched (anylonger?) worked perfectly, you just have to wait until he uses his arms, and i think it was insta kills that counted.
By Kanchanaburi on 21 Nov 2020 20:44
thanks reaper worked like a charm once i bought the upgrade to that slow-mo i did what you said and got it thank you my man lol
By WIPES69 on 17 Nov 2019 02:21
Much easier than slogging through them one by one. Additional tip, equip the double-bladed lightsaber and use your Y attack (or Delayed Combo) after the Slow Burst for AoE carnage.
By Pink Freud PhD on 17 Nov 2019 04:55
Ive done this for at least 60 enemies not counting the ones I killed during my playthrough and it hasn't popped.. I always wait till T pose is done and make sure to kill them when they are slowed. wtf?
By Zafatta on 27 Nov 2019 14:26
Same as Zafatta; can't get it to pop. Burst slowed and even tried regular "advanced" slow to no avail.
By Vaciks Ghost on 08 Dec 2019 18:10
i had trouble getting it to pop my first run through. just did it again and it popped. there was a patch recently so try it again.
By SThrillS9 420 on 24 Dec 2019 02:29
I’ve definitely done this well over 25 times and no pop. Are there any other stipulations?
Hey SThrillS9 420, what did you do differently that got it to pop?
By zDrUnKeNMoNkEyz on 05 Jan 2020 07:39
I had killed a ton on enemies using the 2 different versions of “Slow” (tap the bumper & hold the bumper)

My achievement finally unlocked when I HELD the bumper on an enemy, then targeted them, then used the Y power attack to kill them (I killed the giant rat in 1 hit)
I was farming kills in the Tomb of Miktrull, there’s a meditation spot close to a guardian & a giant rat. Kill, meditate/respawn, Kill, meditate/respawn
By ajgoesUNLUCKY on 06 Feb 2020 04:43
Was having issues myself. Upgraded to burst slow. Then on the second time back though Zeffo there’s a spot in the imperial hanger with 4 storm troopers where I farmed it. The key was to use burst slow an make sure the game did it’s little insta kill animation when you hit X. It looks different than just the quick hit animation.
By Graebs on 19 Mar 2020 19:20
You need empowered slow. Hold down RB untill Cal spreads his arms. Then hit with X.
Easy to do in meditation training.
By MonkiP1 on 16 May 2020 12:18
Let me clarify because I was "holding" the RB and thought that was all I had to do. Hold RB for like 3 seconds. He will go from having one hand out in front of him and then he will have two hands out. Then you can go ham on your target and get the achievement. You can't simply just hold it while you attack. You have to hold for a time before you attack.
By Twobby on 21 May 2020 18:42
This achievement is NOT bugged at all. The guides are just not good. Press LB until he makes this T-formation as said above. Then immediately press X to kill your enemie BUT it has to be an stabbing animation, it’s NOT the normal X kill!!! I used this video (, worked on first 25 enemies. No problem.
By Maaarc15 on 17 Aug 2020 22:04
Unlocked today; can confirm the method of making sure Cal's arm moves as part of the animation before killing.

Completed on Zeffo, cheesing one or two troopers and then running back to the meditation circle to respawn
By DoomForetold on 15 May 2021 04:58
In my case you couldn't touch the thumbstick at all. Hold RB until your character does a T pose (puts each arm out to the side) and Hit X ONE TIME. It has to be 1 hit kills. The part I didn't realize is you cannot touch the thumbstick between letting go of RB and hitting X.
By DopamineLoop on 15 Apr 2022 14:41
I got this using Burst Slow after reading this so thanks for the guide!
I farmed it at the base of the Origin Tree in Kashyyyk, just as you enter the area.
There's a meditation circle at the bottom to respond enemies then quite a few of the flying fire-bugs which one-hill kill easily.
There are a few of the bugs on this first area then a few more as you climb a bit and enter the next area.
I just slowed each bug down with Burst Slow and killed them easily. It helped having the upgrade where BD-1's stims fully replenished my force too, this let me take out as many as I could before respawning them again.
By Chip Uchiha on 23 Jan 2023 10:39
DopamineLoop has the tip: Don't touch the left stick. The buttons for the move are hold RB + X, so if you throw the left stick in too, it voids the move and won't do the animation where Cal grabs the enemy and shoves the saber through his chest.

Same thing with the precision evasions, they only work if you don't touch the left stick.
By AllOvaMyself on 18 Nov 2023 07:12
What game are you guys playing? RB is block. LB is slow.
By RobertDirk on 05 May 2024 14:54
Just follow the video but do it in the meditation training. I don't believe this will count if done on certain enemies. Just stick with basic storm troopers.
By DevinMTG on 23 Nov 2020 02:51
An easy way to get this if you didn't get it the first play through, go to Start New Journey+ and you get Meditation Training. You need two skill points to get to Empowered Slow on the Force limb of the Skill Tree. Once you get that, go to Meditation Training then Battle Grid. Create a Battle Grid with a single enemy. (I used the bog rat) Hit it once to damage it, then hold Y until Cal moves his hands (you'll see it when he does it) and then hit to kill and repeat the process.
By Regna85 on 08 Aug 2021 15:53
There is a specific animation that will play. The saber is stabbed through the enemy's chest killing the enemy with one hit, indicating you have killed the enemy as a direct result of Empowered Slow.
By SilverFang0126 on 30 Jul 2023 12:39
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In this video guide I will show you how to defeat 25 enemies while they are under the effect of Empowered Slow. You can farm this achievement pretty much anywhere you want. Also when using this you will need to hold the RB button long enough until you see Cal's arm pull back. That's when you can kill them for progress..

You can also get the ability called Burst Slow to slow all enemies near you. That way if they are all weakened, you can use Burst Slow and, and finish them all of with a move like Whirlwind Throw. Also while using Burst Slow, hold RB until you see Cal move his arms again to know it is active.

Now this can be attempted in a few different ways. First one would be to Empowered Slow an enemy, then kill them while they have full health with a one hit move. Now this should work ideally since they die while being Empower Slowed. If while farming this doesn't;t work try the second method I am about to mention. Weaken the enemy with a hit or few, then use Empowered Slow, and then finish them off. That will guarantee progress for the achievement.

Now for a few areas to start farming. There is a good spot early on in the game on the planet Bogano. The area on this planet is called Great Divide. There will be three rats down there to kill. Just keep trying my methods and resting to re-spawn them. Another good spot would be on the planet Zeffo. The area is called Ice Caves. In this lower part of the map there will be another area with three rats. It will be right next to a lift and a meditation spot. Once you see the small ledge with holes, jump down to have the rats spawn. Just keep using one of the methods I mentioned and the achievement will come pretty quick. Now the reason why I choose these areas is because these enemies are weak. Not to mention there is more than two of them to kill.


24 Nov 2019 06:21

Thumbs up. This is spot on. I would whittle the health down, press the health button down, make sure the enemy was in slo-mo, & then kill with one slash. Nothing popped.

The problem is I was not executing properly. I was playing on Master Jedi difficulty so I was rushing it. The key is, unless you see Cal's left arm snap back as you explain at the 37" mark of the video. Once I saw it, I started executing properly & 25 kills later popped the achievement. So, thank you.
By Allgorhythm on 04 May 2020 23:32
"Weaken the enemy with a hit or few, then use Empowered Slow, and then finish them off. That will guarantee progress for the achievement." You use that method throughout the game, so it obviously doesn't work. I tried it with the achi tracker on and it didn't register any kills. I had it on Easy. I tried finishing them whilst slowed in a few ways, but got nothing.
....I finally got it registering, versus the fat maggots at 0:50! Had it on Easy and was using Burst Slow then Y force kill slashes. Seems glitchy.
By Goatlips on 02 Mar 2023 21:56
The latest update adds a new mode called Meditation Training you can access at mediation spots.

Once you upgrade to Empowered Slow (Burst Slow will make things even easier), go into training, and select the mode called "Battle Grid."

Choose whatever location and size you want, and select and place some easy enemy types. You can do one stormtrooper, a bunch of bog rats, it's up to you. Hold down RB until you see the enemy slowed. then stab or slash 'em with your lightsaber. You can retry the training as much as needed.

14 May 2020 01:17

1 Comment
Great solution, placed them in a 3x3 grid and kept slowing, killing, and retrying. Achievement popped no problem
By Cowlz on 06 Mar 2024 05:01
First off, earn enough skill points to purchase EMPOWERED SLOW from the FORCE section of the skill tree. If you have already purchased this skill and have the next one along (BURST SLOW), that's absolutely fine.

Next, find a meditation point next to a group of, or even just one, low level Storm Trooper(s) (that have blasters, not electric batons, although this method can still work on them too, but it wasn't as consistent as blaster storm troopers for me), so that you can rinse and repeat this method as many times as you need to.

Next, approach the Storm Trooper (you don't have to lock on to them, but can if you want) and when you get close to them (and ideally not being shot/hit by them), hold down the RB button. Cal will hold out his left arm towards the Storm Trooper and dependant on which skill you have unlocked, he will finish the 'slow move' by either lowering his left arm (Empowered Slow), or by spreading his left and right arm out away from his body to form a T shape, and then lowering them (Burst Slow). There will also be an audio cue to let you know you have done the 'move', and you should now see the Storm Trooper under the effect of Empowered / Burst Slow.

Now, your goal from here is to kill the Storm Trooper in ONE HIT (the 'one hit' part is very important). I had set my game difficulty to 'Story Mode’ to guarantee that I would be able to one hit kill an empowered slowed Storm Trooper by simply hitting X when close to them (but the comment below suggests that this isn’t necessary, as difficulty doesn’t affect damage output). Anyway, get close to the Storm Trooper, hit X, and Cal should stab his lightsaber straight though the Storm Trooper's torso, killing them in one hit (from full health). Cal may occasionally kill them with one slash rather than a stab, and I still think this counts?! All I know is that I did the above method 25 times (18 technically, as i must have got 7 trying the other solutions) on a single Storm Trooper, stabbing them through the torso for a one hit kill, and I got the achievement.

I'm pretty sure the key to success here, is the 'one hit' kill part, as you will often find that after empower slowing an enemy, after the first hit from Cal, the enemy goes back to normal speed, and I think this is tripping people up on this achievement (as the achievement says to defeat whilst they are still under the effects of empowered slow)! This method may also work on none Storm Trooper enemies??, but the key will be that you are one hit killing them after you have done the empowered slow, and not killing them in 2 or more hits, as the effect wears off after the first hit.

Good Luck...

12 Dec 2019 01:22

You should unlock the slow skill early on in the game on the Force side (left) of your skill tree.

To use empowered slow hold the RB while looking at an enemy. Once they are slowed make sure their health is low enough to kill them or hack away until they are dead. Do this 25x and the achievement is yours.

**As some have noted in the comments, make sure you HOLD LB for a good amount of time and you’ll see Cal’s posture/stance change and you’ll know it’s an empowered slow. After that, kill the enemy.**

Good luck!

15 Nov 2019 23:49

(The Xbox achievement tracker does NOT work on this.)

An addition to the other guides, i found an area on Zeffo, in the tomb of Miktrull.

Just after Trilla hacks your com's and lets you know her Troopers have found the artifact, you'll enter a room with a few standard troopers, scouts and a scout commander.

This i found was a great area to farm out, since you only have to go up to the left to respawn everything in.

You can also farm the precision blocks, rolls, deflecting enemy fire and the 'look out below' achievement.

11 Jan 2020 15:06

This achievement can be easily acquired after you have beaten the game. When you do so, you unlock meditation training mode, which allows you to spawn in whatever enemies you want, making this achievement quite easy to get.

Note, however, that it seems that some enemies do not trigger the count on this. I would recommend just using normal stormtroopers, as using the ones with electric batons didn't seem to work for me.

12 Feb 2021 00:00

1 Comment
Want to confirm in April 2023 this is still correct. Scout Troopers don't seem to count but Stormtroopers do.
By jim_survak on 20 Apr 2023 18:34
You need to unlock the Empowered Slow ability from the Skill Tree.You then need to keep pressing l1.png until you perform a move with both your hand and then kill you enemy. if you get hit the effect will go away and the kill won't count. Do that 25 times to unlock this trophy.

Stormtroopers and smaller creatures are good enemies to perform this ability as they are most likely to do from one hit.

The skill "Empowered Slow" can be purchased after the first tomb, and requires holding for a few seconds to slow an enemy for an extended period of time. You'll know you succeeded if Cal pulls his arm back to finish the animation. If you get hit and it gets interrupted, it won't count and you'll lose the force you exerted to begin it. Once you fully freeze an enemy, get in close and normally this will be a one-hit kill with a normal attack, though you can use a strong attack to be safe if you'd like.

First you need to unlock the “Enhanced Slowdown” skill. To use it you need to hold it , until the flash occurs, the animation for killing stormtroopers should change.

It is also necessary that the blow under the influence of the skill be fatal.

17 Nov 2019 11:52

I upgraded my skills quite early, but didn’t know what to keep before spreading his arms =) And he hit with a slowdown, but normally - he seemed to be holding , but didn't wait...
By ZwerPSF on 24 Nov 2019 21:35
It's better to do it on attack aircraft-shooters, they just die in one hit
I spent a long time chopping up all sorts of rats and crabs and they didn’t give me a trophy.
By skylark on 18 Nov 2019 11:08
After completing the main storyline, we go into the arena, deploy stormtroopers and knock out the achievement!
By Orphangraph on 13 May 2020 07:54
And to make your life even easier. In training, set the modifier with infinite strength.
By Swordin on 14 Mar 2021 00:57
There is nothing difficult about getting the trophy. Just select training-meditation (appears towards the end of the game) when you meditate. There you place 5 riflemen and boost the trophy on them.
By Zarzon on 19 Feb 2021 15:49
You will need a pumped-up Enhanced Slow skill. Hold down the button until Cal characteristically jerks his hand or a flash flashes. After this, you will kill the enemy with one hit. Video tip .
By wanderu on 17 Nov 2019 18:44
Reading the tips above, I didn’t manage to get the trophy, I spent half an hour picking at the grenade launchers with regular blows.
Need to clamp , as written above, until a flash occurs and Cal spreads his arms to the sides, then run up close to the enemy and press . The animation will be similar to a finishing move, that is, Cal will grab the enemy and pierce him point blank.
I did it in meditation, placed 5 stormtroopers with blasters on the field, maybe it would work with grenade launchers, they take a long time to charge, but I didn’t bother placing them again.
By Yar_92 on 16 Dec 2023 16:58
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The easiest way to knock them out is to use a slowdown on the shooters (they are killed in one hit). And another important point - enhanced deceleration is applied precisely when we press for a long time , then our character spreads his arms to the sides and only after that we press .

18 Nov 2019 05:59