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Life Begets Life

Life Begets Life

Gather 500 Organic Resources



How to unlock the Life Begets Life achievement in Starfield - Definitive Guide

This took me about an hour on Jemison. I fast traveled to a random part of the planet that was a "Deciduous Forest" biome.

Just ran around with my scanner out collecting every plant I saw. There was one point where I had actually collected everything in the huge radius I was in so I just fast traveled to another deciduous forest on the planet. Very redundant but also very simple. There's also plenty of rocks you'll come across to harvest for the 500 rocks achievement as well if you're also going for that still. Hope this helps at least a little bit, good luck! toast

Edit: To answer a few questions, you can see your progress for this in your pause menu>cn_Ystatus>crafting

To gather the resources themselves, pull out your scanner, then walk up to a plant and a "harvest" prompt will replace your "scan" prompt on cn_A.

06 Sep 2023 05:37

A couple of notes
1) this achievements only counts the number of times that you harvest, so even if you get two roots from a plant it will still only count as one.
2) If you want to speed this up a little bit, you can use an ability call "Eternal Harvest". This will let you harvest from the same plant again. Combined with using Quantum Essence you can harvest around 20 in a minute.
By Phantom Bias on 09 Sep 2023 15:36
For anyone thinking “oh I’ll just put a point in the botony skill. It should make this much quicker!” Nope. Even though you can obtain double the items from a single plant… the game only counts it as 1. So maybe save the skill point for something else lol
By AFL Kr0niic on 07 Sep 2023 02:52
Is it possible to see the number of organic resources I gathered thus far?
By RanoNL on 07 Sep 2023 11:30
how do you pick up organic stuff?
By Lyrical Yoda on 07 Sep 2023 13:11
To check how many you have (and a bunch of other stats like planets landed on etc), pause the game and hit Y to see your character status. Go down to Crafting to see Organic/Inorganic resources gathered etc
By VOODOO85 on 07 Sep 2023 23:28
Just to add, getting the botanical skill in the skilltree gives you a chance of getting 2 when collecting! Definitely sped the process up for me along with the Eternal Harvest power.
By True Owlcaholic on 11 Sep 2023 00:42
Im not sure I understand how this works… I’m at the end of the main story and I’ve been collecting everything I see but in my stats screen it still says “organic resources collected - 1” there’s no possible way it’s right
By xI Griffinator on 12 Sep 2023 00:24
@phantom bias thanks for that. I started to flip out when i made it to 400 on the status page.
By snake42069 on 12 Sep 2023 06:24
In reply to what True Owlaholic said above, i found that when i collected something and it would say (2) in brackets for instance, the counter on the stats page still only went up by 1
By VOODOO85 on 12 Sep 2023 20:24
A lot of people/guides are saying creature parts count for this, but they 100% don't for me. Only plants. I only had 40 after the story and killing 300 creatures and looting their body parts, tracker didn't go up. Does with the plants.

Only got about 200 after 1 hour on the lush forest. An easy but very boring grind.
By NoHeroes94 on 13 Sep 2023 07:52
An easier method is to find 2 or 3 plants really close to each other and use the power called 'Eternal Harvest' just spam all 3, use power spam all 3 use power etc. Can pop a quantum essence to speed up your recharge time to so you can do it even faster.
By SpacedOutCookie on 13 Sep 2023 09:58
This won't unlock for me. I checked the crafting tab and it says I have over 500 organic resources and over 500 inorganic and it won't unlock.

I think multiple achievements are bugged. The companion achievement won't pop for me either.
By DrewM987 on 14 Sep 2023 02:28
@DrewM987 - this happened for the 20 skill magazines but when I reloaded an older save before hitting 20 and redoing them it unlocked. The cumulative ones can bug.
By NoHeroes94 on 14 Sep 2023 12:52
Best planet for me was Syrma III on Syrma system.
By KAIDO on 14 Sep 2023 14:17
UPDATE: I loaded a really old save and collected organic resources again and it unlocked!!
By DrewM987 on 14 Sep 2023 14:34
Syrma III is indeed the best planet I tested, by far. There are loads of two types of plants - Atlas Weed and Sweet Canas Vine (dun dun dun) and it seemed like there was always one in view, sometimes several. Took me 60-80 mins from 100 to 500.
By NoHeroes94 on 15 Sep 2023 11:05
Shouldn't animal/creature parts count towards this, and not just plants?
By Tiny Panza on 16 Sep 2023 12:27
Logically it should, but animals and creatures don't count for whatever reason
By BoboTheWizzard on 17 Sep 2023 10:38
If you do this with a survey mission for Constellation active, you can get credits and XP, as well as the survey data you can sell. They also offer missions to locate traits on certain planets that work well for this too. Only down side to that is having to go to a specific planet. Also, your scanner does not have to be out to harvest plants
By Streetwalker JB on 17 Sep 2023 18:40
found a place on sparta iv with 7 plants close to each other - used external harvest and ran round took about 35 mins
By UNDEADZ3LD4 on 17 Sep 2023 21:16
Good planet choice thank you
By Carbonitex on 23 Sep 2023 18:42
There is a tooltip on a load screen that says in paraphrasing "organic resources are harvested from flora and fauna." So I think it's supposed to be counting the goop you scoop out of alien carcasses too.
By CorporatePit254 on 25 Sep 2023 11:50
Definitely doesn't count the fauna resources. Ranked up the zoology by collecting over 200 resources from dead fauna. Only had somewhere below 150 total organic resources collected for stats
By SwaRoDia XP on 25 Sep 2023 20:01
Way easier than "have ten ships" or "xp level 100".
By thomaskorat on 02 Oct 2023 21:51
what I don't understand is why animal resources don't count as "organic" - what's up with Bethesda thinking that critters aren't organic?
By THE Mr Fill on 03 Oct 2023 12:24
this was a real boring task, but this location was very helpful, thanks.
By Meridian 4CK on 08 Oct 2023 06:58
Thanks for the tip on tracking it in the status - crafting menu
By ZeBeDee32 on 08 Oct 2023 10:03
It doesn't look like harvesting from animals (already dead or freshly killed) counts.
By Jennawynn on 09 Oct 2023 04:40
If you can find a grouping close together like 4-5 plants, you can use the power called "ETERNAL HARVEST" to restock them and then you can stay in one place to collect them.
By I BINARY I on 13 Oct 2023 00:41
I just need 27 more Organic Resources to get Life Begets Life. I hope everyone else is close to getting it as well
By MSgt Guidos on 13 Oct 2023 19:57
Its worth noting that in order to harvest the materials, you need to get close to the bush and press A, which is different from just scanning the bush... I just found this out after approx. 120 hours playtime...
By Runroy on 17 Oct 2023 23:28
Yeah, I've just been playing normally but thought surely I'd have tripped this one by now, but the reason it's taking longer than expected is because it doesn't count animal resources as organic resources. Like @Wingnut da Cat, I was flabbergasted to realize this.
By Blaine Kyle on 02 Nov 2023 13:29
Very great guide! Was done in an hour.
One extra tip: dont invest in Botany. I did that because you will gather more resources, but that don't count for the "organic resources gatherers". Even if you pick 2 resources at once, it still counts as one.
So if botany is not your thing, don't pick it for this haha
By MisterMarcoo on 27 Jan 2024 21:00
My issue with this one is to begin with I was just scanning plants and not harvesting them. You have to make sure you harvest for it to count.
By RockAngel252 on 13 Feb 2024 20:37
...I can confirm 'gather' doesn't include buying these organic resources from shops (I assume looting doesn't count as gathering either)😿😸👍.
The achi description should say "Harvest", as that's the on-screen prompt when gathering these plant-based organics - or it is when not using the scanner (the scanner just highlights the plants, so makes it easier).
By Goatlips on 12 Jun 2024 13:34
I just did this in 10 min using this way. You just need to build a greenhouse.

Steps are listed in comments!
By Faluken on 13 Jun 2024 09:58
Agreed, I didn't bother too much with plant resources because I figured I'd get it naturally from the creatures I killed.
By Rich swv1 on 03 Oct 2023 15:39
Finally got it last night, but my big mistake was thinking that beasts were, in fact, organic. Aren't they? I mean, they're "living", right? Not in Starfield, apparently. My beast harvests tripled my plant harvests for my "ignorance" of Starfield's conflicts with Merriam-Webster's English dictionary. Love the game, but sometimes the definitions match, and sometimes, don't. (Organic: of, relating to, or derived from living organisms.)
By Wingnut da Cat on 23 Oct 2023 13:41
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get the temple power called eternal harvest (it makes plants regrow) and 6-10 starborn essence

land on any planet with a forest area, find two bushes/plants that are very close to each other

make a quick save, harvest both, use the power, use an essence, then harvest two every time you pop the ability

took me under 15 minutes

15 Sep 2023 08:11

By Leap Of Faith77 on 17 Sep 2023 17:38
This is by far the best method for this achievement and should be the top solution.
By GIPITO1 on 24 Sep 2023 22:49
Great solution :-)
I've made a video guide:
By FayMoon on 28 Sep 2023 09:21
+1 - easy method once you have the power toast
By Drastic Ed xo on 01 Oct 2023 22:17
Also if you acquire the botany under the science tab it will add some extras to your harvest
By AR15 FUZZ on 02 Oct 2023 04:31
Thanks GIP
By TheCOMEBACKxKID on 06 Oct 2023 02:28
Quickest method!! Thanks a lot 🙏🏻
By Oo Sullivan oO on 05 Nov 2023 15:19
FYI: The power locations are randomized. You can't just go to a certain planet to get it. Only powers I ever unlocked were some time dilation and gravity thingies I never used. :/

+1 nonetheless because I would've loved to get this done in 15min!
By Healtti on 20 Sep 2023 06:45
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The fastest endgame way to farm organic resources is with a greenhouse in your outpost and the Eternal Harvest power.

To unlock the greenhouse you will need Botany Skill I and you need to scan a species of flora local to that planet to 100%.

The Eternal Harvest power is found in the Lambda Temple. The temple location is random for every playthrough, but you can found new temples by talking to Vladimir at the Eye or following the Power from Beyond quests.

Now simple enter in the greenhouse, use your power and harvast all plants (there are about 25 plants only in the ground floor). Rinse and repeat until you get 500 organic resources.

You will get the achievement in about 15 minutes.

Thanks to samsaBEAR for an alternative without the need of build a greenhouse:

To add onto this, if you don't want to put the time/points into building a Greenhouse, you can go to the farm used in the Deputized sidequest (Cheyenne - Montara Luna - Waggoner Farm) and farm using their crops.

From where you land you'll see a barn, just to the right of that is a large circular object. Around it's base are 21 Metamaize plants that you can harvest. The circle is split into four rows of crops, I found I had to pop Eternal Harvest after every two rows as the range on it isn't quite enough to cover the whole circle. Pop a Quantum Essence and just run around collecting, took about 10-15 minutes.
Create a greenhouse in an outpost, enter it, use the Eternal Harvest power, collect all plants on the ground floor, rinse and repeat.

04 Oct 2023 23:38

To add onto this, if you don't want to put the time/points into building a Greenhouse, you can go to the farm used in the Deputized sidequest (Cheyenne - Montara Luna - Waggoner Farm) and farm using their crops.

From where you land you'll see a barn, just to the right of that is a large circular object. Around it's base are 21 Metamaize plants that you can harvest. The circle is split into four rows of crops, I found I had to pop Eternal Harvest after every two rows as the range on it isn't quite enough to cover the whole circle. Pop a Quantum Essence and just run around collecting, took about 10-15 minutes.
By samsaBEAR on 15 Oct 2023 21:52
Thanks for the tip, adding it to the solution ;)
By xRino94 on 16 Oct 2023 07:48
Going to the Waggoner Farm with Eternal Harvest is the way. 20 minutes and it was over, with no outpost building or perks.
By MustaPastori on 17 Oct 2023 15:18
If you build the large greenhouse you can get 100 resources every time you harvest, combined with the Eternal Harvest power it is really fast to get to 500. Also, added benefit plants give adhesive and sealant (among other things) which I seem to be constantly short on.
By Rista B on 20 Oct 2023 12:19
This is crazy. It should be the top solution when using either a greenhouse or the Waggoner farm method
By DJ RJester on 28 Oct 2023 15:30
Waggoner farm is the best idea I've found for this. Worked very quickly for me.
By Mr Nardo Polo on 07 Nov 2023 08:45
Another +1 for Waggoner Farm, there are 20 maize plants in that circle so even without Botany skill you'll hit the limit quickly. I didn't need to waste any quantum essence either, and wa able to refresh every plant in the circle. Just make a normal loop, and end at the bottom of the stairs that lead up into the weird sphere thing. Climb the stairs up two levels so you are close to the middle of the structure and use Eternal Harvest from there. Covers the whole area, and since you lose way less you can let it recharge while sprinting around, with enough regenerated after your lap to hit it again with no waiting.
By Grimgolde on 08 Nov 2023 01:18
Waggoner Farm is definitely the way to go, particularly using the method Grimgolde described above. I picked up the last 370 odd I needed in about 15 minutes without using any Quantum Essense.
By Hirsute Dave on 16 Nov 2023 00:45
Just adding on to say that the Waggoner Farm strat is still the way to go. I had a save file of nearly five days, with 48/50 of the other Starfield achievements unlocked and I found I had only apparently picked up 16 organic resources in that time.

Without any skills in Botany, and just only getting the one item from each plant, doing this strat got me to the 500 in about 20-30 minutes!
By MisterPeacher on 14 Jan 2024 19:36
The Waggoner Farm method worked a treat. Thank you.
By Edax 76 on 06 Jun 2024 11:42
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Harvesting plants (flora on scanner) that you can scan for a planet survey counts towards this.

I found that the planet Toliman II in the Toliman System works well for this as there is lots of plants. Just beware of the wildlife. They can be a pain.

You can view your progress in the character menu status screen under the crafting menu.

05 Sep 2023 14:40

While Rock Collection (10G)  covers inorganic material collection (i.e. collecting rocks and the like using the laser cutter), the “Life Begets Life” achievement covers everything organic. Well, plants. So, in short: picking resources off plants and trees is the way to get this achievement.

To speed this up, you might want to unlock the Botany skill in the Science skill tree, which will allow you to harvest more resources from plants.

So, find a planet, bust open your scanner, and just harvest organic resources from plants and trees, and you'll have this in no time whatsoever.

Harvest 500 in total and this achievement is yours. We recommend combining this with Rock Collection (10G) and completing planet survey bars, as you can make some pretty decent coin by selling the data surveys for credits to either Phil Hill (found in Cydonia and the Den, amongst other places), Vlad or any other trader.