Stories Untold

Stories Untold

12 Achievements


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A Warm Place

A Warm Place

Finish episode 3.


How to unlock the A Warm Place achievement in Stories Untold - Definitive Guide

This guide will help you go through the game quicker for those who are stuck, just copy the code said on here. There are 2 other achievements u can unlock in this Episode called “Correct Response” & “Stretch Those Legs”, but don’t worry, both are story based achievements.

Act 1:
Input the code as shown on the sticky note using the cn_LB - “0 3 0 3 1 9 6 8 ENTER”

Turn on the Radio Box on your right, change it to FM with the button, and dial it up to the frequency given “1930 KHZ”

You will be given the code “13 0 14 14 9 3”, input it into the Input Brodcast on the screen.

Frequency 1:

Afterwards, press cn_Y to check the documents and look for one with the title “ABACUS”, you can move between papers using the cn_LB & cn_RB , Pan around with cn_LS , Zoom In or Out with cn_RS , and Focus In with cn_up & out with cn_down .

After finding the document, look at the 3 lines of code above the word EXECUTE, and input them onto the computer screen. Try to look for spaces within the given code as it is Case Sensitive. In case u have bad memory the codes are -
Line 1:Run.Exe
Line 2:All 202
Line 3:Out -False

Frequency 2:

Change the transmission to USB and dial it up to 3500 KHZ. You will receive the code “20 6 14 0 1 2”, input it on the Input Signal with cn_LB. Afterwards, look for the title CHEVERON on the document monitor. Input the 3 lines of code given(make sure to press SHIFT to select the full uppercase words in the grey boxes), which are-
Line 1:Ref.INIT -1
Line 2:Proc BEGIN
Line 3:Act Proc 612

Frequency 3:

Change the Frequency to AM and dial it up to 11320 KHZ. You will receive the code in Morse Code which can be translated on the document screen, but to save you some time, the code is “097730”. Afterwards, look for the title KANSAS on the document screen and copy the codes-
Line 1:Rot POINT 9
Line 2:Rot POINT 0
Line 3:Loc SYS 4

Frequency 4:

Change the Frequency to FM and dial it down to 8250. After the cutscene, change the Frequency to LSB and dial it down to 6970. You will receive an alphabet code which can be decoded on the document screen. To go faster, the code is “152211047” Look for the title CENTAUR on the document screen. The codes are-
Line 1:Out.STATUS
Line 3:Proc TIMER -TRUE

Frequency 5:

Change the Frequency to USB and dial it up to 8150. You will be given the code “189045”. Look for the title SACRAFICE and input the codes-
Line 1:Run.EXE 189
Line 2:Act IMPORT 045
Line 3:POINT 1 - 9

Act 2:

Walk down the path and you will find a signal tower control box with 2 wires protruding from its left. Follow the wires to find 2 generators that must be turned on by pressing cn_A on the Red Button. Afterwards, go back to the terminal, open it (check that the 2 lights on the left are green) and flick the 3 switches on the right. After turning on the signal tower, go back to your cabin the same way you came. Go inside and

The End

09 Jan 2021 23:33

LINE 2 Freq4 I think should be "Cmd" instead of Cad
By Tandar1 on 21 Feb 2021 19:16
Didn't receive achievement after completion of episode :/

Edit: Played through it again, unlocked just fine. headspin
By Tandar1 on 21 Feb 2021 19:35
Excellent thank you.
By Har Miggido on 16 Aug 2021 11:46
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For This Episode, Access The Computer With LB. Access The Microfiche With Y, But You Shouldn't Need To, Since I'm Providing All The Answers Here.

1. LB - 03031968 (Cutscene)
2. LB - 130141493

3. Type In The Following Commands Exactly, Including Dots, Dashes, And Spaces (Spaces Denoted by ˽ ). Sometimes You'll Need To Click The Shift Button – That Will Give You Access To The Smaller Grey Commands. If You Make A Mistake, “Clear” Will Clear The Last Thing You Typed In. Make Sure To Choose “Enter” After You Finish Each Line.

4. LINE 1 (Run.Exe)
5. LINE 2 (All ˽ 202)
6. LINE 3 (Out ˽ -False)
7. Execute

If A Cutscene Doesn't Happen, You've Messed Up An Entry Somewhere. The Text Entry Screen Gives You The Option To Move To A Specific Line If Needed. This Is Basically The Entire Episode, You'll Be Doing This A Few Times.

8. LB - 20614012
9. LINE 1 (Ref.Init ˽ -1)
10. LINE 2 (Proc ˽ Begin)
11. LINE 3 (Act ˽ Proc ˽ 612)
12. Execute

13. LB – 097730
14. LINE 1 (Rot ˽ Point ˽ 9)
15. LINE 2 (Rot ˽ Point ˽ 0)
16. LINE 3 (Loc ˽ Sys ˽ 4)
17. Execute

18. Turn On The Radio.
19. Click FM.
20. Move The Dial Until The Readout Says 8250 (It's Generous Here, Anywhere In The 50s Should Work)

21. LB - 152211047
22. LINE 1 (Out.Status)
23. LINE 2 (Cmd ˽ -Data)
24. LINE 3 (Proc ˽ Timer ˽ -True)
25. Execute

26. LB – 189045
27. LINE 1 (Run.Exe ˽ 189)
28. LINE 2 (Act ˽ Import ˽ 045)
29. LINE 3 (Point ˽ 1 ˽ – ˽ 9) (((Achievement – CORRECT RESPONSE)))
30. Execute

31. After a Cutscene, You'll Be Outside. Notice That Your Station Is W4.
32. There's Only One Path You Can Follow, So Follow It Until You See Some Stairs On The Left That You Can Climb.
33. Climb Them, Continue Until You Go Down More Stairs, Then Continue Forward Until You Hit A Shipping Container.
34. Walk Left And Forward From The Shipping Container Until You Reach a Control Panel With Wires Coming From The Bottom.
35. From This Control Panel, Follow The Wires To Two Different Generators And Turn Them ON. You'll Know You've Turned Them ON Because If You Move The Flashlight Away From The Generator Button, The Button Will Be Lit Up.
36. When Both Generators Are ON, Go Back To The Control Panel, Click It To Open It, And Click All Three Knobs So The Lights Turn Green (((Achievement – STRETCH THOSE LEGS)))

37. Backtrack To Station W4 And Go Back Inside (((Achievement – A WARM PLACE)))

20 Feb 2022 22:20

Story-related, can’t be missed

You get this for completing the third episode.