Streets of Rage 2

Streets of Rage 2

12 Achievements


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High Score

High Score

Score 800,000 points in one game -- with Game Settings set to Hardcore.


How to unlock the High Score achievement in Streets of Rage 2 - Definitive Guide

Welcome to the new guide for unlocking “High Score” for Streets of Rage 2. I will be perfectly honest: this achievement isn’t easy to unlock and this guide will not lead to instant success. In fact, it may take you multiple tries to unlock this achievement (for the record, it took me three playthroughs). Before jumping into the action I recommend playing through the game on Normal just to get a feel for the game’s levels and the different enemy types. You can also grasp the game’s controls.

In order for the achievement to unlock, start up a new game and go to “Game Settings.” Select “Hardcore” and you will see that the number of lives you will begin with is set to 1 and the difficulty is on “Hardest.” Fear not, since that is only the second hardest difficulty in the game. Just so you know: if you ever have to continue the game (run out of lives) you will have to restart from your last save. Continuing will reset your points. Now, it is time to select your character. Out of the four, my recommendation would be Axel. It is entirely possible to get this achievement with any of the characters but Axel is probably the most basic character (even if Blaze’s stats tell us otherwise). Max and Skate are probably the worst characters to play as. Max may be the strongest but he’s very slow and has a very large hit-box. Skate is small but barely does any damage.


If I were to use the simplest explanation possible, I would say that in order to acquire points you’ll have to kill enemies. While this is true, some people want some more meta-information. Every time you press the attack button (B with default controls) without a weapon in your hands you will gain 20 points. You will receive more points depending on which weapon you have available (example: Knife = 50 points per hit, Pipe = 70 points per hit). Killing enemies will give you different amounts of points depending on which enemy has been defeated. There isn’t much of a point to explaining which enemies give what-amount of points since the way the game is structure, you will have to kill almost every enemy anyway. There are certain enemies, however, who have unique names but look like standard enemies. They will grant more points that usual.

Killing enemies will be the primary way of unlocking points, but there are other means of adding points to your score. There are two types of collectables which will add points. Money bags will add 1000 points and gold bars will add 5000 points. The health and 1-up items do not grant additional points. At the end of each stage, there will be three bonuses you can unlock: Clear, Time, and Level. The Clear bonus is for completing the level with as few deaths as possible (I believe). The Time bonus is based on what your timer was at when the boss of the stage was defeated. If the time was at 64 seconds, your time bonus will be 6400. The faster you can defeat a boss, the more points you can receive. The Level bonus is straightforward: Beat the level and gain points for doing so.

Given that the game only has 8 stages, it is your goal to hit at least 100,000 per level. The score can be achieved before the end of the game (it unlocked for me halfway through the last level). I do not have a “best” method for getting points but it is always a good idea to not die. While dying in this game will be inevitable, given the difficulty, you will have to do your best to save your lives for the endgame. The last levels get ridiculous when it comes to the amount of enemies on screen. The last thing anyone wants to see if being out of lives and being within 100,000 points of getting the achievement.


Like with most games styled after arcade games, you can gain extra lives by getting more points. The following scores will grant an extra life:
- 20,000 points
- 50,000 points
- Every 100,000 points after 50,000 (150,000, 250,000, etc)

Depending on how many points you’re getting, you’ll get 3 extra lives in the first level and at least 1 other life per level. Fortunately, there are some 1-up pick ups available. They are:
- Stage 1: As soon as you start there is a mailbox in the lower left corner. Walk to it and press attack to pick it up.
- Stage 2: After exiting the truck, it will be hidden in the upper left corner.
- Stage 3: In one of the barrels on the pirate ship
- Stage 3: When fighting the alien head jutting from the wall, it will be in the lower middle of the screen (the foreground will be blocking it)
- Stage 7: It will be in a barrel between two conveyer belts

If you have enough lives on hand you may notice that the number of lives never goes above 9. If you gain an extra life at 9 lives, you will still earn it despite the number not changing. It is a good idea to keep a good number of lives. Running out of time will make you lose a life, so you’ll have to move quickly through each section.


The “One-Punch” Method: By timing your standard, weaponless attacks you can actually stun certain enemies. Pretty much, tap the attack button once every half second or so (don’t button mash; if you’re doing a combo with different attacks you’re doing it wrong). Some enemies will get stuck in a stun and can be defeated like this. This is particularly useful against enemies directly in front of you or one-on-one fights. The only bad part is that you’re vulnerable to being surrounded and punched from different directions. This method will also eat away at your timer

Not losing health with special attacks: This is a particularly risky move, but it is possible to use special attacks without losing health. The down side to this is that your health must be low enough that you’ll die in one punch. I’d avoid using the special attacks (Y button with default controls) altogether.

Luring enemies: Sometimes, enemies will go off screen and stay away from you for a while. If you want to quickly have them return, have your back face them. Enemies tend to move very quickly to you if your back is facing them and this will lure any enemies that are off screen.

Grand-Upper (Axel Only): The Grand-Upper move (Forward, Forward Attack) is the main reason I play as Axel. It is a handy move that deals a fair amount of damage and can knock most enemies in front of you away of you. Each punch within the Grand-Upper grants more points than the standard punch as well. It can hit multiple foes too. (And before anyone corrects me, the move is called Grand-Upper in this game but it is Bare Knuckle in Streets of Rage 3 :P)

Land on your feet: Some enemies have this nasty habit of grabbing you and throwing you. When you’re being thrown, press up and Jump before you land to land on your feet. You will not be damaged from the throw by doing this. If you’re being thrown, you will damage and knockbackany enemy in your path.

Throwing weapons: To throw a weapon, press Jump and Attack at the same time.

Get in the habit of saving: This version of the game has a lovely save state feature. I would recommend using all three slots per level. One spot should be used for the beginning of the level (just in case you need to restart the whole thing). The other two can be used where appropriate. Save often (like after every fight) and don't be too upset if you have to reload a save.

Stay relaxed: The game's AI can be infuriating and certain areas of the game will upset you to no end, but you should take breaks to maintain a clear state of mind. Sometimes being angry makes the game harder for you than it should be.


I have recorded a video of me playing through the first level on the Hardcore setting but I am not pleased with how it turned out. I might get around to making a better version of it this weekend. Basically, the video will illustrate everything I have mentioned above. While it is not in my intention to go through the entire game again to gain 800,000 points (I don’t want people getting ideas that my videos will lead to instant success), if there is a sufficient enough demand for videos I can try making some.

Hopefully this version of the guide provides a bit more information than the last version.
Thanks for the great tips, I have to do this sometime I am 90+ percent done the game. Hopefully I get it soon and thank God for that save feature
By Steve Redman on 31 Jul 2009 15:01
I'm going to try this soon, and save the game after killing every enemy I face lol.
By Losing MVP on 02 Nov 2009 01:45
at the end of that level, when you get awarded with points, afterwards, when it totals all and you 'collect', the achievement unlocked; so, luckily I didn't need to play level 8.
By ComesBrothers on 16 Dec 2009 20:45
Just got this myself! One thing I will say is try to take baby steps whenever you can as this will normally just send one guy in your direction rather than a whole group.

Really comes in handy if you see an enemy waiting for you to approach!

Got mine after finishing level 7.
By TarynCrimson on 29 Jan 2010 00:49
Anyone got any tips on how to score more points?

I did this far enough to get the kill Jet achievement, but my score is lowish so I think I have to start over and get more points somehow (I'd hate to finish the game on 790,000).
By Griefor on 02 Mar 2010 11:06
Nice guide man, its helping me a lot, especially the lives. Just need to get far enough now! lol
By Dat Boi Treezy on 25 Mar 2010 04:20
I finally got this one after a several day effort! This guide was very helpful. It is have to absolutely abuse the save feature and save constantly. I would save after each guy I killed, move fast but only fast enough to bring one guy onto the screen at a time so that I could slow punch him to death. On bosses that I couldn't slow punch, I would save after every time that I knocked them down and reload if I took significant damage. You definitely need many lives when you get to the elevator. I got the achievement when at the end of the 7th stage with bonus points.
By Kirkless on 30 Sep 2010 14:15
The strategies here are useful and should be duly noted, but using the difficulty glitch is the superior method.
By G3n3ralG3n0c1dE on 31 Oct 2010 05:37
bought the game last night and managed to get it this morning, for those concerned about score i had 710k at the start of level 8 and finished on 830k. Use the forward forward attack with axle on the boss at the end to end him quickly and get your time bonus up.

As someone said further up, make sure you have lives going into the last elevator, i had 2 which made it virtually impossible without saving literally every couple of seconds.
By meadylufc on 26 Aug 2011 13:49
I just beat it on "normal" and my final score was 707330. Does anyone know if you get more points while playing with someone?
By BODZ61 on 15 Oct 2011 14:10
This solution is incomplete. It does not explain how to get that amount of points.
By draiba on 19 Oct 2011 21:57
When you said, "the points are not shared", are you talking about time bonus and level clear bonus? Would it help if two people started a game and only one person killed everybody while the other stayed out of the way and or died?
By BODZ61 on 30 Oct 2011 04:57
If having 2 people in a game will spawn more enemies, than I would want another person. Know what I mean?
By BODZ61 on 30 Oct 2011 15:09
Ok, so I was playing with 2 controllers and I got about halfway through level 3 on normal and my score was under 300k. I was going to save, but the option wasn't there! I assume it's because of the 2 player co-op, but when exiting the game, it warned me that I will lose any unsaved data if I don't save! Go figure! I will have to try this again with a real partner on hardcore.
By BODZ61 on 03 Nov 2011 06:17
Awesome, fantastic guide. I hit 810K at the end of level seven and nearly flipped my lid when the achievement didn't pop. Didn't pop the second time either. Luckily, just needed to clear my cache and do it again and it was fine. Word of advice for anyone about to throw their 360 out the window!
By RaySullyPlays on 21 May 2012 22:23
Great guide. I earned 11 achvs back in 2007 and finally did this one yesterday with help from this guide. Thanks, man.
By PeaceSquid on 12 Aug 2012 00:04
I've just done right now. It works! By the way I think that the hardest point is the lift on the Stage 7! Insane part :S

Negative Votes are from haters and jelous gamers! Nice work ; )

Thank you very much indeed :D
By pequenyo Miss on 16 Dec 2012 00:01
How many stages are there in total/ Just so I can try to save my lives as I would also like to get the cheevo for finishing the game without continuing, thanks
By Subliminal Cuts on 31 Jul 2014 12:02
This cheevo may seem glitched, I saw someone else had a problem and clearing their cache worked, for me i wasn't so lucky. If you have this problem use the other solution just before getting your points and it will pop. I'm 100% sure the game was already on hardcore but for some reason using his solution made it pop
By Subliminal Cuts on 31 Jul 2014 13:02
i get around 80,000 pts per level i'm on level 3 after the pirate shit around 200,000 I hope I can do it, have plenty of lives maxed out and stuff.
By Angels Kill Too on 01 Feb 2017 04:53
stage 5 start... 380,000pts -_-
By Angels Kill Too on 01 Feb 2017 07:23
Awesome tips, thanks loads :) Finally got this finished yesterday, was close though, only managed it from the bonus points awarded after finishing the final stage lol
By on 21 Sep 2009 08:17
Thanks for the guide and tips! I also used some bits from the other guide; these proved also helpful.
Especially the "free" extra lives are a 'nice bonus' and indeed, save, save and save. I love that when you can just save at any point, at any time (you 'only' have 3 spots to save, to make some "back-ups"; you can have 3 extra if you have a memory unit).
I managed to unlock the achievement after finishing level 7 (you get to fight the 'boss' at the end, which are 3 [jumping] robots) ...
I didn't have such a good save: I managed to reach these robots with my health less than half, like a quarter or so... my other 2 saves were from the same level, but from a few 'moments' before, but I didn't feel to play them again, so I just tried and once at like the 7th or 8th try, I had a very nice going, so I could save again; and at a moment, destroyed two of them, only 1 left, so it made me feel confident.... my point is: just USE your save!
It's like heaven! It's almost unfair in a way how 'easy' it is to achieve, ... but as always: "somebody has to do it"...
By ComesBrothers on 16 Dec 2009 20:37
I also beat this on normal and I was sitting at around 780,000 points. I made sure to get as much of a time bonus as I could per boss, and I had either thrown or slammed every single enemy as axel, 200 points per attack, rather than using the grand-upper attack.
By RagnarokSOTU on 19 Aug 2019 15:13
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This is a much easier way *but still hard* method to get this achievement.

Settings should be:

Game Settings: Custom
Lives: 8
Difficulty: Hard

You're going to be using the difficulty/save glitch method. Right before you're about to get 800,000 points, Save your game. Quit out. Start up a new game on Hardcore settings. Quit out. Load your last game and when you get 800,000 the achievement should unlock.

Use Axel and spam his Bare Knuckle attack constantly on enemies.

It might be possible to get this on Normal Difficulty if you can get up to 800,000 points.


Credit: LoadedCannon, PnutButrSkippy, & xPSYCHICx
Worked like a charm! Thank you Allan!!
By Bigjimboski80 on 04 Jun 2010 22:53
I thought this achievement is only possible by playing in hardcore
By ragesRemorse on 19 Jun 2010 14:01
Great guide, just got this yesterday and just like colbadiah, I went into the final boss with just under 750k. I weakened him to where one more hit would kill him and then saved, followed your steps, reloaded, and then beat him. It popped after getting the bonus points.

I think all in all I saved 200+ times during the game. Also try to have atleast nine lives when starting level eight. It helps significantly when you have to take the elevator and fight all the old bosses again.
By RVM on 20 Jun 2010 17:23
A big second to all comments here.

Major props to D0ntTaseM3Bro for giving proper credit since I had already seen this method over at x360a.

If you feel it is a helpful addition, feel free to add my "rough" note-taking on my run:

213-217K Level 3-ish
400K Level 5-ish
586K Level 7 START
721K Level 8 START

I didn't bother to record my final score after the achievement popped but it was close! I wouldn't advise using a save file with any less points at the start of level 8 and like already mentioned by other posters, I used all my extra guys in the elevator so be careful. Otherwise a "doable" achievement I'm glad to have nailed.
By G3n3ralG3n0c1dE on 31 Oct 2010 05:34
Is it possible to do this glitch in reverse? I got 800k on hardcore, but I didn't get the achievement, but I play with a friend all the time and we play a whole pile of different difficulties, so this could explain why it didn't pop.

Hopefully I didn't nuke my save, so I might be able to just nab this if I start a hardcore game now.
By Potato Handle on 10 Jan 2011 03:39
Holy crap was this still hard but it was for sure way easier than doing like the description says haha I was on my very last life and beat the end boss to just barely scratch by with 805k using Axel. Kudos to the person who came up with this I never thought I would EVER complete this game.
By Ueki420 on 29 Jan 2011 19:52
I only got around to using this to fix my save and can confirm that this works on "Broken" hardcore saves as well. Thanks a million dude, saved me hours of replaying!
By Potato Handle on 03 Feb 2011 11:42
YES this method is SUREFIRE it works alright, after defeating Mr.X you should have 820K points, phew so glad it popped, thank you!
By LSDintensity on 28 Feb 2011 07:05
awesome guide, thanks alot i was so glad to see the achievement pop - at last
By Hwoting on 12 May 2011 04:30
Zazma pisses me off. I lose like 8 lives to him.
By CabbageWithPie on 14 Jun 2011 14:57
finished with about 813k on the finish. thanks a bunch, this one was really annoying, i mustve saved and loaded 1000 times lol
By Markyshizzle on 17 Jul 2011 05:14
I can verify this method works. I had 833,780 points, with only 760,000 or so when I beat the final boss. I save it in Hard mode right after I delivered my final blow to the boss (before the bonus points took me over 800k), then quit out, then started a new game in Hardcore mode, quit out, then loaded my save and the cheevo popped.
By Xonatron on 14 Aug 2011 20:00
Was never any good at this game, even though I rate it.. got to lv5 on hard before being stripped of my lives.. any bosses Jet onward screw me up.. would it be possible, putting the bosses down to normal?
By Mazrael on 28 Aug 2011 19:21
I just beat it on "normal" and my final score was 707330. Does anyone know if you get more points while playing with someone?
By BODZ61 on 15 Oct 2011 06:27
God damn was this annoying!! Finally got through it though and I never would have if it wasn't for you! Thanks!
By Papa El Loro on 28 Nov 2011 17:37
other than the obviously more difficult enemies, does hardcore increase the value of the stage end bonus as well? I was just wondering if i switched back to hardcore around level 6, I could potentially get 800k before the elevator or final boss fight.
By Das Kuhnen on 14 Dec 2011 14:59
Glad to see this helped you guys out.
By D0ntTaseM3Br0 on 03 Jan 2012 03:08
I just finished! The method does wonders. Save after every hit during a boss and this achievement is yours. I had one life left at the end. It has to be one of the hardest sega achievements, glad it's finally over, now for a drink : )
By JJFinch1987 on 01 Feb 2012 22:29
Can this be done with 2 players? It's the only achievement I need now.
By ZZRsy on 12 Feb 2015 01:05
just in case anyone reads this and was CANNOT be done on Normal. I just went through a run where I only died three times and still ended up with only 725K.
By The SCHWARTZ 00 on 02 Oct 2015 23:51
Just all the way through and tried the glitch and did not work for me unless I did something wrong ??
By WheelieHamster on 10 Jan 2016 16:04
I just finished trying this method a few minutes ago and I can confirm that it does work. I was getting a bit worried because I had about 750,000 points going into the final battle but after the final boss dropped, the end-of-level bonus points put me at about 808,000. Whew! Streets of Rage 2 finally complete! Thank you for posting this solution, Allan Caesar!
By Colbadiah777 on 27 May 2010 18:03
Still pretty tough, but a lot easier than the original way. Stats on my run through for level 8 are as follows. At the start of level 8 I had a score 691k and 4 lives which left me in some rough shape. I conserved all my health up to where you face Nails (the tight space gave him a great advantage)who raped the shit out of me. By the time I got out of the elevator I had 1 life left (full health). Defeated the second to last boss without getting hit, via the abuse of the save feature, difficult but persitance prevails. Only thing that really works is using the grand uppercut, he counters everything else. Entered the battle with Mr X with 1 life (full health bar), had to abuse the save feature again and kept using the grand uppercut. After killing a load of his cronies and defeating Mr X. I had 731k with 17 seconds left on the clock. Did the little hardcore trick and the final bonus scores put my score up to 807k.
By TheBlackDragonX on 18 Jun 2011 18:18
Poor guide, you're just repeating what everyone else says without adding any more information of your own.

What COULD have helped was better ways to get points, as once you're in a group (ESPECIALLY ON THAT PIECE OF SHIT LEVEL, LEVEL 6), you just get raped. But no help for going through each level, what to expect, tips for each boss. Sorry, but this is disappointing :(
By Dwaggienite on 02 Mar 2012 01:08
Found out what I was doing wrong, as from above when you start
game setting custom
Lives 8
Difficulty hard

When you do finally get to the end just before you hit 800k save game.
Quit out
Load a new game -

game setting hardest
It will auto change lives to 1 and difficultly to hardest.

Hit start and pick who you want to be. As soon as it loads up the screen hit start and quit out.
Load up your saved game and as soon as you get 800k it will pop the achievement as I found out today.

I through all you have to do was change difficulty but you have to change game settings to HARDCORE.
By WheelieHamster on 14 Jan 2016 15:45
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For those that have trouble with this even on Hard, there IS another option. It's not easy to pull off, but there is a glitch that can be executed on the first boss that allows one to get an infinite score. Details on how to execute it can be found here:
I have confirmed that it does work on the 360 version of the game, and when coupled with the difficulty glitch, I can also confirm that it unlocked on Very Easy difficulty. Be forewarned that pulling this off is not easy. It took me a solid hour to pull it off the first time, although each subsequent attempt got much easier. I would recommend doing it on as high a difficulty setting as you are comfortable with though, as on Very Easy it was actually pretty tough to manipulate the boss into position at times. But rest assured, it can be done. Also, I averaged around 70 seconds of time per life, netting roughly 70-80K points per life, so you will have to get somewhat proficient at getting the boss stuck. Just make sure you utilize the save slots, in case of errors.

13 May 2017 11:48

I've read the guide twice i don't understand what to do.
By Homunculus Fury on 09 Jul 2017 05:30
One more thing - just to reiterate, DO NOT OVERWRITE THE PRIMARY SAVE UNTIL YOU ARE CERTAIN THE GLITCH TOOK HOLD! I cannot stress that enough. Many times I would be in a position that looked like the glitch took, only to find out I was a pixel or two off the mark. Many times this ended up with the cans breaking. Whatever you do, make sure you use a backup save so that you don't lose a ton of time.
By Tervaskanto on 09 Jul 2017 06:32
Ok, thanks for responding.
By Homunculus Fury on 10 Jul 2017 02:50
No problem. Wish I could be a bit less vague. Best of luck man!
By Tervaskanto on 10 Jul 2017 05:15
Glitching the boss is actually pretty easy, but keeping the glitch alive is pretty challenging in my opinion (or maybe I suck or don't have patience to learn it or both). However, if you use a turbocontroller and to rapid fire X and A, this is a walk in the park.
Once you grabbed the boss PAUSE, hold right and press X and A to start the game again and perform the glitch immediately. Now just keep holding right, X and A until the time runs out and glitch the boss again. You get so many points and lifes by glitching the guy that losing one life through a timeout doesn't matter at all.
By Jimbo LaFleur on 08 Nov 2022 12:45
You're basically trying to get the boss "stuck" in the animation. If the trash cans break, you can't execute the glitch, as they are needed to get him stuck. Basically you are trying to grapple the boss in a pixel-perfect spot so that when you go to execute the move, the boss doesn't move with you, and traps you endlessly in the cycle. It's EXTREMELY difficult to get the hang of, so save once you confirm that you've locked the boss into the glitch, as well as every few thousand points thereafter. It did take me a few hours to execute it properly, and even then it didn't work every time. I watched several different people try to explain it on YouTube, and even then it wasn't until I pulled it off that I really started to understand what they were all trying to say. All I can say is watch the videos, try and execute it, and keep at it. The glitch does work, it's just incredibly tough to explain what exactly to do to execute it.
By Tervaskanto on 09 Jul 2017 06:30
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Streets of RAGE indeed! This requires no small amount of patience.
You are required to get a high score of 800,000 on Hardcore (Mania) with one credit, as your score will be reset to zero if you use a continue.
You can do it in co-op but I find it much easier to do solo so you can make ample use of the save state feature. Just save often and reload if you take too much damage. There are some tricky spots where you cannot avoid losing a life or two, especially when facing multiple ninjas or jetpack flyers, but if you persevere you will eventually pop the trophy before the end of the game.
I popped mine at the end of stage 7 on my last life using Max the wrestler.

Alternate glitched method:
If the first method has you raging hard, try this (courtesy of BakaSensei2011):
Note: Each press of the attack button while mid-air with the boss will earn you points (works well with rapid fire turned on). But as soon as you land, let go of attack or you will have to start over.

08 Jul 2014 05:07

Start a new game with the with the difficulty set to Hardcore but do note that you cannot increase the number of lives. On this difficulty there are more enemies, they are faster and will come to attack you. Be sure to collect all extra lives, some are hidden and some are found in breakable objects. See the list below for the location of all the extra lives:

Stage 1: When you enter the Stage, turn around and it's at the bottom left of the screen. It's out of view but if you press , you will pick it up.
Stage 2: Half way through the Stage you exit a section in front of a truck, turn around and walk behind the truck pressing in the top left area to pick it up.
Stage 3: Hidden within a breakable object during the Stage. Break them all and you will find it.
Stage 3: Half way through this Stage, you will fight a sub-boss and the extra life is in the bottom middle of the screen and directly below the starting position of the boss. It's out of view but if you press , you will pick it up.
Stage 7: Hidden within a breakable object during the level. Break them all and you will find it.

Extra lives also unlock when you reach a certain points milestone but you will easily unlock a few whilst on your way to 800,000 points.

Using the save function is key to obtaining this trophy. It will take longer but it will be worth it in the long run. It can be used after every few enemies when you defeat them without taking much or any damage. I would at least save after every few battles. During boss fights this is especially useful, when you deal some damage to the boss and are in a safe spot save the game. You can then reload each time if you take heavy damage. Be sure to pick up every item you find inside breakable objects as the money all adds to your score. You also receive a time bonus at the end of each level, if you have enough lives you can die just before defeating the boss to reset the time. Then when you defeat the boss the bonus will be much higher. Aim for around 100,000 points per stage, you'll receive slightly more on later stages as well. Also try to build up as many extra lives as you can. You will want at least six lives by the time you reach stage seven. If you've been collecting around 100,000 points per level the trophy will unlock during stage seven, completing the level should put you well over the 800,000 points total.

There is an alternative method to obtain this trophy, please see the thread below for more info but do note that this exploit is extremely temperamental and doesn't always work: LINK


This is no easy feat at all and is probably the hardest achievement to get. Hardcore mode only grants you 1 life at the beginning and your best bet is to play through in Single Player and collect everything whilst beating everyone up. There are at least 5 extra lives hidden around the game and they can be found at:

  • Level 1 - as soon as you walk onto the screen go to the bottom left corner and attack the wall.
  • Level 2 (the Bridge) - After you exit the fight in the truck, go back behind the truck cab and it can be found by attacking the top left of the screen.
  • Level 3 (Pirate Ship) - there are 2 crates in this mini section; 1 has an apple inside, the other has the 1up.
  • Level 3 (Ghost Train) - When you approach the fight with the monster that comes out of the wall but before you trigger him, there is a 1up under his head at the very bottom and in the middle of the screen.
  • Level 7 (Factory) - There is a 1up in a Barrel about half way into this level. Just destroy everyone you find until it appears.

Also, you gain an extra life at 20,000, 50,000 and every multiple of 100,000 from then on.

Plus look out for some different named characters like V-3 etc these guys give you extra points for killing them.

Tips for killing the bosses:

  • Level 1 (Barbon) - If playing as Axel, this guy goes down quite easily to Grand Uppers, just dispatch his cronies before triggering him. Otherwise, he's much more aggressive than you'll be used to, but his throws should be no threat with your recovery ability, and you're still more skilled in a ground fight. Watch for blocks and throw for serious damage when you get a chance.
  • Level 2 (Jet) - Keep the heck away from Jet. His grab attack is nothing to scoff at, and you won't have time to react to his charges if you're close to him. Preferably, stay at the opposite side of the screen and jump kick him whenever he makes a move on you.
  • Level 3 (Zamza) - A really cool character and one I always wished I could play as. Again, if using Axel he goes down easily to Grand Uppers and grab combo's. If not using Axel, your biggest problem is that he is a very mobile target and likes to lunge across the screen quite a lot. Grabs are mostly useless, as he'll follow up with a suplex of his own right off the bat. Jump kick on any attack except his upper lunge and Special finish him if you've got health to spare.
  • Level 4 (Abadede) - You can get owned or lose a lot of lives if you try and get too close to this guy as combo's and grab combo's will only get you hurt. With Axel your best bet is to do quick, high damage moves like Grand Uppers or Tiger Punch. Using anyone else, I found jump kicks especially useful since it's tough to go toe-to-toe with this guy. Always dodge the lunge; he's just too high up to hit with your jump kick. Finally, as with any attempt on this guy, do NOT attempt to grab him unless you are absolutely certain it will work AND that you will throw him immediately afterward.
  • Level 5 (R.Bear) - A serious headache. Make sure as many of his minions are dead before you actually set him off to keep the battlefield clean. Watch out for the lunges and the vicious headbutt grab. Do not hesitate to use specials if he's got you clean and abuse any weapon you have if you happen to have kept it thus far.
  • Level 6 (Souther & Stealth) - Ok this is a very tricky combo to face. Try and focus your attention on Souther as killing him will drop the Jet clone as well. Where as taking out Stealth will still leave you with Souther. Use the same techniques as killing Zamza.
  • Level 7 (Particle & Molecule) - This fight can either be a bit of a break or somewhat annoying. Neither robot's attacks do any deadly amount of damage by themselves, but they have a rather large range on their swing, are always jumping around the screen and are generally trying to distance themselves from you. Make your grabs fast or they'll give you a shock. Also, don't let them hover around low health for too long or they'll blow themselves up near you for a cheap kill.
  • Level 8 (Boss Rush) - The lift is small, so there's not a whole lot of room in your fights. The boss order is the Stage 1 boss, then Stage 3 boss, then Stage 5 boss (Different names, of course). You'll get a solid health boost every section of the elevator, so try not to lose any lives near the end of a fight. Refer to the above strategies, although your biggest problem will likely be the Stage 3 boss combined with an Electra.
  • Level 8 (Shiva) - One of the most unfair fights to be sure; he counters your combo after the first hit lands, blocks whenever he feels like it, and has some seriously damaging options at his discretion. Don't bother with combos, as he'll flame you in the face after the first hit connects. Mind the time limit, don't hover for too long, and take any open opportunity. Specials are the absolute best strategy if you have it to spare.
  • Level 8 (Mr. X) - The final fight could be worse. His machine gun spray is a wide 90 degree angle, but it doesn't do too much damage if you happen to get caught. Your biggest concern is his rifle butt, which does a harsh amount of damage and puts you away from him. Time your grabs, never get surrounded by his minions and avoid the back end of that rifle at all costs -- you're going to be hurting for lives at this point and you cannot continue, no matter what.

The general strategy is to smash everything you can, kill everything you see and save often to avoid a huge headache from failure. The 800,000 comes at the very end of the game, so you may expect yours thereabouts unless you clock faster times. Good luck.

Note: If you just can't complete it on Hardest even with save abuse, there's a good strategy mentioned in the Roadmap. To recap:

Start a game on Hard difficulty with 8 lives. Play with the "kill everything, collect everything" mentality until you're about to hit 800,000 (just short about 5,000 will do). Save your game and exit to the menu. Start a new game on Hardcore, and play for around 30 seconds. Exit, and immediately load your Hard save. Get the rest of the points you need, and it should click. Nice!