Streets of Rogue

Streets of Rogue

52 Achievements

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Legal Takeover

Legal Takeover

Win Election


How to unlock the Legal Takeover achievement in Streets of Rogue - Definitive Guide

As pointed by EarthboundX in the comments, credit goes to Tleno for his amazing Steam guide!

This is the hardest way to get the hat, I unlock this achievement with the cop.

You are better off starting at the very beginning, even if you ace every floor you won't have sufficient votes if you start in Park or later levels.

Once you get to the Mayor's level, go to the gold building and talk to the clerk at the desk to initiate the voting process.

If you display your current level stats, you'll see indicators showing your total and current level support. Total support starts at negative, and changes at the end of the level. If there are more people who hate you than like you, it decreases by one, if more than like you, it increases by one. Having it at zero leads to no change. You have to make sure your total support is at least at +1 by the time you reach the mayor village.

Everyone hostile, annoyed at, or with a class that automatically hates you (like, crepes always hate blahds, scientists always hate gorillas) don't decrease the vote if they don't encounter you, but killing them increases your support on the floor. Every single character that is aligned, loyal, or friendly to you counts as a positive vote.

Everyone aligned with you by default and of the same class is a secured vote so try to keep them safe.

Everyone you attack or annoy count as a negative vote, that's why it's best to kill them outright unless you already have the vote secured for the floor.

You can secure votes by giving food items or cigarettes to office workers, liberating lab and prison captives (although zombies will be hostile unless you're a zombie yourself), completing optional quests, bribing bouncers.

Using the perfume makes everyone like you and secures their vote unless they are attacked, which immediately makes the item super useful when going for legal takeover.

Playing as a comedian you can kill off everyone who doesn't like your jokes, and keeping those who liked them alive.

You can pay downtown or uptown mafia members to influence elections, increasing your total support by a few points, but this works only once.
I just completed the game with the Shopkeeper, I had +2 Electability and a lot of money so I thought I'd try and unlock both this and Peaceful Takeover.
I bought the hat off the Mayor for just under 1500 coins and then went to the podium. As soon as I started the speech, my achievement for Peaceful Takeover unlocked. I immediately (as soon as the speech started and the achievement unlocked) went to dashboard and fully shut down the game.
Upon loading back up, I found myself at the beginning of floor 6 with my +2 Electability and boat loads of money. So I ran for mayor by approaching the appropriate clerk and immediately unlocked this achievement too. Looks like dashboarding takes you to the beginning of the last floor you were on. Could save some time!
By PHT999 on 10 Nov 2021 01:03
play bartender from 4-1 to the end. I was +1 and got achievement
By LaughinGuo on 11 Dec 2020 12:35
I started from the beginning but the bartender is the way to go for sure!
By IronFistofSnuff on 15 Jan 2021 05:21
Starting at level 4-1 with Bartender also worked for me (+1 electability at the end). If I screwed up a level I quit to dashboard and reloaded the save to avoid starting all over again.

I used the Bartender's hypnotizer item on the Mayor to get the hat, and as PHT999 suggested quit to dashboard after unlocking Peaceful Takeover, then reloaded the save and instead talked to the Clerk to get this achievement.
By Lockie on 10 Nov 2021 14:08
Might wanna give credit to the Steam guide you copy and pasted this from, unless you are Tleno from that guide.
By EarthboundX on 08 Nov 2021 14:18
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As the other guides explain, you need to have more people on each level view you favourably rather than being annoyed or hostile. You can check your character sheet to see your score at any time, and finishing a level with a positive score will increase your city score by one. Your city score needs to be positive when you reach the final level for you to be able to win the election.

I just managed to do this using a custom character. I basically made them a hybrid of the hacker and bartender, with:
-Charismatic trait to start each level with everyone friendly.
-Tech Expert to get access to extra options on computers.
-Laptop as the special ability, to hack from a distance.
-Two points in Endurance, Speed and Melee.

I turned on a bunch of mutators to make things easier:
-Infinite ammo
-Infinite melee durability
-Neutral cannibals
-No disasters
-No limits
-No patrolling cops

I also turned off a lot of traits to give more chance of useful ones turning up at the end of levels. The most useful ones in my run were:
-Friend of the Common Folk, to make some people loyal, which is a step up from friendly and seems to be worth double electability points.
-Nimble Fingers, for faster hacking.
-Random Reverence, to make some people aligned which is the highest level of favour and seems to count for two points towards electability per person.
-Slippery Target, to make enemy bullets miss and increase chance of survival in a fight.
-Sneaky Fingers, so that filling the hacking bar doesn't alert people.

With the hacking ability you can clear a lot of missions from a distance without risking getting into a fight or making people hostile, which counts against your electability. My tactics included:
-Hack a computer and set off gas which would nearly kill anyone affected, making them easy to finish off.
-Hack a clone machine to get a random ally (who counts for +2 electability if they survive). Get them to fight for you if possible.
-Hack the sell-o-matic to increase sale prices and have tons of money. Buy any beer and food so that you can always heal, and upgrade traits at the green machine. Also hack the ATM for free money.
-On Floors 4 and 5, hack the alarm buttons so that you can summon super cops. They join you temporarily and you can order them to attack hard-to-reach targets. But I think you can only summon 3 per level.
-Free any prisoners as they become loyal and are worth more electability points.
-Hack TVs to lure enemies near before exploding then. And hack fridges which can be made to "run" which will break walls and can open easy routes past guards.
-Make sure there aren't cops around when hacking as this will aggro them. Also make sure no-one inside the building will see. If the hacking triggers an alarm they'll come looking, so make sure you have an escape route ready.

This all worked out pretty well for me. It was an easy run and I ended up with a positive electability on every single level.

09 Jul 2020 20:41

I'm trying to make a custom character with the attributes you used and my points are 21/20.
By ClockKingRM on 13 Jul 2020 07:56
Same here, with this setup the total points go up to 21/20. I used the shrimp trait to lose a point as it is a minus 1 trait. Makes the fighting/shooting a bit harder but if you play smart you won't have to fight that much. The solution worked like a charmed.
By Parkman Rules on 09 Oct 2020 22:48
Objective: Win the election
Requirements: Have Positive +1 or Higher (Green Font) Electability (City) status before talking to Clerk and Run for Mayor on Floor 6 Mayor Village
Checking Status: Pressing the double square button will bring up your Stats menu which shows both Electability values at any given time. At the floor completion screen it will also show this menu
Co-Op Note (Online Game): I attempted this with another player 3 separate times and each time if the host or the guest talked to Clerk neither player got the achievement to pop

Each Floor you complete with Positive +1 or higher (Green Font) Electability (Floor) will increase your Electability (City) by +1
Each Floor you complete with Negative -1 or lower (Orange Font) Electability (Floor) will decrease your Electability (City) by -1
Each Floor you complete with Neutral Electability +0 (White Font) will neither increase or decrease your Electability (City)
You may increase Electability (City) +2 a single time by talking to a Mobster on any floor even Mayor Village:
- press cn_A and selecting option: Influence Mayoral Election - $280(this value varies) press cn_A

Electability (City) Start Values
Normal Game no Mutators: Electability (City) -5
- You must complete at least 6 floors with Positive +1 or Higher (Green Font) Electability (Floor) without paying the Mob
Quick Game Mutator: Electability (City) -3
- You must complete at least 4 floors with Positive +1 or Higher (Green Font) Electability (Floor) without paying the Mob

These values do not change based off using Elevator Access to higher Zones: Industrial, Park, Downtown, Uptown
- For the quickest run use Mutator: Quick Game and start on Uptown (5-1). You will play 2 floors before reaching Mayor's Village with a Electability (City) -1. Now (or on one of the previous floors) Pay the Mob and you will be at +1 and able to win the election

Contributors to increasing Electability (Floor)
Neutralizing Rivals: Rivals are automatic hostile NPC's to your current character (red circles around them)
Traits to make NPC's Rivals
- Blahd Basher: Blahds will attack on sight. Extra XP for killing Blahds. +1 Electability (Floor) for each kill
- Crepe Crusher: Crepes will attack on sight. Extra XP for killing Crepes. +1 Electability (Floor) for each kill
- Scientist Slayer: Scientists attack on sight. Extra XP for killing Scientists. +1 Electability (Floor) for each kill

Saving NPC's (Any Action that makes them aligned with you green circle)
- Rescue Slaves
- Rescue Apes
- Rescue non hostile (red circle) NPC's from jails
- Bribe Bouncers or anyone
- Enslave people
- Adding followers
- Have neutralize targets leave game (only possible with certain setups)
- Turning NPC's in to zombies (Trait: Zombiism, Special Ability: Zombie Phlegm (Followers))

Aligning people with you using Traits (Electability (Floor))
Friend of the Family: Mobsters are aligned with you (green circle)
Friend of the Common Folk: Generic denizens of the city are loyal to you. Aligns them (green circle)
No In-Fighting: Can't hit most people you are aligned with (Green Circle) and they can't hit you. The same goes for Loyal and submissive.
- This one is extremely useful if you are going the aligned submissive of follower traits playstyle, which you should be for this achievement though not required

Aligning traits have the potential to start you at each floor with Positive Electability (Floor), however the biggest contributor for this is the following trait:
Charismatic: Most people are initially Friendly toward you. Enter some private property without issue.
- PreBuilt Class Bartender has this trait so if you want to accomplish this achievement without using a custom character he is your guy

Using a custom character with the above traits I have seen Electability (Floor) start as high as +22 (average is around +10), nearly impossible for you to mess it up.

Now that the data is out of the way: Simply play through the floors, kill any rival(s) you see (if you have any) though most likely they will see you first and force a conflict. Save anyone that can be saved, Bribe whoever you can, Enslave whoever you must, turn everyone in to zombies if that's your thing, Cheat if you must by Paying the Mob and complete your missions to unlock the elevator and move on to the next floor as quickly as possible once you have Positive Electability (Floor).

Once you reach Floor 6 Mayor Village
Sometimes the bouncers may get aligned (green circle) with you if they do they will simply let you pass, otherwise leave weapons (you will not need them) or bribe them. If you kill them Robo-Cops will be released and you will have to avoid them; they will attack on sight no questions asked.
- If you are playing zombie you will need item: Translator to talk to the guards/clerk/mayor. Also wise to dismiss your followers so they don't create a apocalypses on this floor.

Once inside the front gate make your way to Clerk (inside the usually big gold/yellow building behind a desk).
Talk to Clerk press cn_A, select option: Run for Mayor press cn_A

He will then proceed to walk to the park and stop on the north eastern corner of the park to the right of the podium.
Talk to Clerk in park after Mayor arrives presscn_A, select option: Gimmie Those Results! press cn_A
Achievement will Pop

At this point you are free to do what you wish however if you wish to see the Legal Takeover speech talk to the mayor.
Talk to the Mayor press cn_A, select option: Gimmie My Hat! press cn_A
Interact with the podium press cn_A, select option: Speech! press cn_A

My Game/Character setup (used in both Xbox and Windows play through)
Mutators Used: Infinite Ammo, Money Rewards, Neutral Cannibals, No Cowards, No Disasters, No Patrolling Cops, Quick Game
Custom Character
Stats: Endurance: 3/4, Speed 1/4, Melee: 1/4, Firearms: 4/4
Traits: Friend of the Family, No In-Fighting, Blahd Basher, Crepe Crusher, Scientist Slayer, Loud, Charismatic, Poor Hand-Eye Coordination
Starting Items: Machinegun, Kill Healthenizer
Floor Start: Uptown (5-1)

09 Nov 2021 16:07

Managed this quite easily with the zombie. Every person you kill becomes another zombie that will raise your electability for that floor. Usually just killing a few people will set off a chain reaction converting nearly the whole level. I was achieving very high electability for some floors with very little effort on my part.

The only hurdle to the run is being able to talk to the clerk in the mayoral village to set up the vote. You need to remove the "fair game" trait which makes most NPCs hostile to you. You also need to be able to communicate, either by removing the "vocally challenged" trait or by finding a translator which can be a quest reward or found in a crate. This costs $1500 + $600 which sounds high but you will find that you will be swimming in money due to the amount of deaths that occur per level.

I would suggest you leave your zombie followers the level before the mayoral village (floor 5-3) as they are liable to cause trouble.

make sure to have the no guns modifier for an even easier time.

29 May 2021 19:17

Mafe72 guide is good and has some good pointers here is how I did this achievement.

Here is a seed that I did mine on
fytgcary and use use these mutators:
Money rewards (optional)
Neutral cannibals
No patrolling cops
Infinite melee durability
Low health for all (melee weapon that has +10 damage will one shot)
No disasters
No Guns

Remove - bomb dropping
Hidden bombs
Police lockdown
Radiation blasts
Shifting status effects
War zone
Killer robot

Traits I used:
Backstabbers (to fill a slot)
Blast survivor (recommend) *
Graceful *
Homesickness killer
Increased crit
Low cost jobs
No in fighting
On the house
Shrewd negotiator
Studious *
Tank like
Trust funder
Wall walloper *
Walls worst nightmare

I have marked with ( *) these are your main go to traits some you may need to unlock via chicken nuggets

On mission 1-1 go forward and you will have a objective take him out and grab his knife then move to the left and you will see a house with two guards. Knock on the door and kill him.
The second guard will rush you open the safe and grab the sledgehammer you will be using this for the rest of the game.

Character I chose was the bartender for his charismatic trait seeing how you start off with everyone liking you so just do quests, save gorilla's to get the electability up as long as you are on +1 for floor it will deduct that from city which is overall electability.

Some levels you may not need to do extra quests or rescues so just concentrate on the main objectives.

On mission 2-2 (industrial) l think you will have a objective in the middle of the map you won't be able to pass the fire on the conveyor belt look underneath you there will be another building with a hacker recruit him and get them to hack the console and deactivate security which will stop the fire on the conveyor belt before you back out of the hacking menu release gas this will poison the guards.

Other tips try and grab a antidote and invincibility syringe which can be found on drug dealers.
What you want to do is use the clone machine and clone both items until you have three of each.

Learn the map it can be frustrating at first but you will get it done eventually I hope this helps you guys out.

27 Jun 2020 17:54

This is probably the hardest achievement in the game, just because it requires practically a full run and constant attention the entire time.

To unlock this achievement, you need to beat the game by becoming mayor by winning an election. To do this, you need to reach the final level, Mayor Village, with the stat 'Electability (City)' positive (a green number). During a run, you can press button-page.png at any time to pull up your stats, and at the bottom of the rightmost pane is the Electability (Floor) and Electability (City) right by each other. Electability (City) is the overall support you have during your entire run, and this needs to be positive by the end. Unfortunately, it always starts negative.

So, what you need to do on this run is, every floor, work on increasing your Electability (Floor) to positive. NOTE that it does NOT matter how positive it goes. As long as your Electability (Floor) is positive at all, your Electability (City) will go up by +1. This means that as soon as you have your Electability (Floor) at +1, you're good to finish the level and leave via the elevator. Getting it up to +7, for example, doesn't give you any extra benefit, so don't waste your time. My experience was that Electability (City) always started around -5 or so, meaning you'll need +1 on at least six floors to win the election, but that's assuming no other floor brings you down. To be safe, you should be targetting at least 0 on each floor so you don't go further into the negative, but obviously you'll need +1 on most floor to get this achievement.

Here are the ways I'm aware of to increase Electability (Floor) and how I got this achievement:
  • Eliminate people who don't like you. This is a very general statement, but under certain NPCs there will be a red ring around them. These NPCs will attack you on sight. Eliminating them improves you Electability (Floor) by +1 for each of these you kill. The problem is that, with many characters, there are many, if any, NPCs like this. To rectify this, you can create a custom character (see Uptown (15G) for an easy and reliable one) and if you use those two Traits I mention there, for Bad Blahd and Bad Crepe, this makes all gang members on both sides hostile toward you. This is good, because it means killing them increasing your Electability (Floor). I turned both on and would routinely have 2-5 of these per floor to help with my numbers.
  • Bribe bouncers or people who have items for you. Often, bigger buildings will have one or two bouncers out front, and if you interact with them, you can either bribe them with a beer or with cash. Whether there is one bouncer standing guard or two, the cost will be the same (one beer or whatever the cash cost it), but what's nice is that you get +1 per person standing there. So, if you can bribe a pair of bouncers with one beer, you get +2 toward Electability (Floor). This is a really quick and easy way to boost your number. Try to save all your beer for this. Likewise, if you have a main mission to Retrieve Item or Neutralize, and that person is blue (not hostile), if you talk to them and end things peacefully (whether that be bribing them to get the item, threatening them to leave town, etc.,) that also improves your Electability (Floor) by +1
  • Lastly, buying stuff from shops gives you +1 per shop that you shop at. So, look around for bartenders, drug dealers, or anyone standing behind a counter, and buy one single thing from them to get their +1 for the floor
A few things to note:
  • Unfortunately, bribing cops doesn't affect your Electability
  • Killing innocents makes your Electability worse, obviously
  • "Bad guys" inside bases end up netting you zero change if they become hostile to you from entering their base. For example, you enter their base, someone sees you and gets a red circle that they're hostile, so you kill them. You trespassing and making them hostile actually makes your Electability worse by -1, but then killing a hostile person gives you +1, so it's a net zero. Therefore, you can't utilize neutral people in hostile territory to improve this. Thankfully, this also applies to police or anyone who spots you doing some wrong and becomes hostile toward you. When they see you and become hostile, you get -1, but then you kill the hostile person and get +1, so it cancels out. This is important to know in case bystanders or cops get involved in your violent or illegal activities
Note: It should go without saying, but on any level, if you really screw things up and tank your Electability (Floor) into the negative, use the save exploit in the roadmap to attempt that level again.

While it's theoretically possible to start on a later floor via the elevator and still do this, it'd be very luck dependent and stressful. I recommend doing a full run with the exact custom character described in Uptown (15G) and obviously use all the usual mutators, such as Full Ammo and No Disasters. On every level, do the main missions first, and try to resolve as many peacefully, where possible. Don't worry about alerting and killing bad guys inside bases, since that nets zero. With the main missions done and the elevator open, now you should go around and find any hostile gang members you can kill, being very careful to only shoot and kill them. If that isn't enough to go to +1 for the level, walk around and check for anyone behind a counter that you can buy stuff from. Buy one item from each and you should easily be able to get to +1 for the floor. As soon as you have +1 for the level, get outside and hold button-y.png to teleport to the exit, and immediately leave before something can go wrong.

Some floors unfortunately don't have many/any gangs members, and sometimes shops are scarce. There were a few floors where I had no options to get from negative to positive for the floor, so I just took the -1 and tried to make up for it later. This is why a full playthrough is recommended. I ended up being around +3 by the time I reached Mayor Village after taking a solid three or four floors with -1, so there is room for error.

Now, once you actually reach Mayor Village with a positive Electability (City), even if it's only +1, you're good to go. Simply leave your weapons with the guards at the start of the level (you won't need them), then head to where the Mayor is on your map. He always starts in his office area. Head inside and talk to the clerk at the desk. Choose the option to run for mayor, and then follow the clerk to the park (the Mayor and his guards will go too, so keep your distance to be safe). Once they're all at the park, talk to the clerk to get the results. As long as your Electability (City) was positive, you'll win and unlock this achievement.
This is probably the hardest achievement in the game, just because it requires practically a full run and constant attention the entire time.

To unlock this achievement, you need to beat the game by becoming mayor by winning an election. To do this, you need to reach the final level, Mayor Village, with the stat 'Electability (City)' positive (a green number). During a run, you can press button-page.png at any time to pull up your stats, and at the bottom of the rightmost pane is the Electability (Floor) and Electability (City) right by each other. Electability (City) is the overall support you have during your entire run, and this needs to be positive by the end. Unfortunately, it always starts negative.

So, what you need to do on this run is, every floor, work on increasing your Electability (Floor) to positive. NOTE that it does NOT matter how positive it goes. As long as your Electability (Floor) is positive at all, your Electability (City) will go up by +1. This means that as soon as you have your Electability (Floor) at +1, you're good to finish the level and leave via the elevator. Getting it up to +7, for example, doesn't give you any extra benefit, so don't waste your time. My experience was that Electability (City) always started around -5 or so, meaning you'll need +1 on at least six floors to win the election, but that's assuming no other floor brings you down. To be safe, you should be targetting at least 0 on each floor so you don't go further into the negative, but obviously you'll need +1 on most floor to get this achievement.

Here are the ways I'm aware of to increase Electability (Floor) and how I got this achievement:
  • Eliminate people who don't like you. This is a very general statement, but under certain NPCs there will be a red ring around them. These NPCs will attack you on sight. Eliminating them improves you Electability (Floor) by +1 for each of these you kill. The problem is that, with many characters, there are many, if any, NPCs like this. To rectify this, you can create a custom character (see Uptown (15G) for an easy and reliable one) and if you use those two Traits I mention there, for Bad Blahd and Bad Crepe, this makes all gang members on both sides hostile toward you. This is good, because it means killing them increasing your Electability (Floor). I turned both on and would routinely have 2-5 of these per floor to help with my numbers
  • Bribe bouncers or people who have items for you. Often, bigger buildings will have one or two bouncers out front, and if you interact with them, you can either bribe them with a beer or with cash. Whether there is one bouncer standing guard or two, the cost will be the same (one beer or whatever the cash cost it), but what's nice is that you get +1 per person standing there. So, if you can bribe a pair of bouncers with one beer, you get +2 toward Electability (Floor). This is a really quick and easy way to boost your number. Try to save all your beer for this. Likewise, if you have a main mission to Retrieve Item or Neutralize, and that person is blue (not hostile), if you talk to them and end things peacefully (whether that be bribing them to get the item, threatening them to leave town, etc.,) that also improves your Electability (Floor) by +1
  • Lastly, buying stuff from shops gives you +1 per shop that you shop at. So, look around for bartenders, drug dealers, or anyone standing behind a counter, and buy one single thing from them to get their +1 for the floor
A few things to note:
  • Unfortunately, bribing cops doesn't affect your Electability
  • Killing innocents makes your Electability worse, obviously
  • "Bad guys" inside bases end up netting you zero change if they become hostile to you from entering their base. For example, you enter their base, someone sees you and gets a red circle that they're hostile, so you kill them. You trespassing and making them hostile actually makes your Electability worse by -1, but then killing a hostile person gives you +1, so it's a net zero. Therefore, you can't utilize neutral people in hostile territory to improve this. Thankfully, this also applies to police or anyone who spots you doing some wrong and becomes hostile toward you. When they see you and become hostile, you get -1, but then you kill the hostile person and get +1, so it cancels out. This is important to know in case bystanders or cops get involved in your violent or illegal activities
Note: It should go without saying, but on any level, if you really screw things up and tank your Electability (Floor) into the negative, use the save exploit in the roadmap to attempt that level again.

While it's theoretically possible to start on a later floor via the elevator and still do this, it'd be very luck dependent and stressful. I recommend doing a full run with the exact custom character described in Uptown (15G) and obviously use all the usual mutators, such as Full Ammo and No Disasters. On every level, do the main missions first, and try to resolve as many peacefully, where possible. Don't worry about alerting and killing bad guys inside bases, since that nets zero. With the main missions done and the elevator open, now you should go around and find any hostile gang members you can kill, being very careful to only shoot and kill them. If that isn't enough to go to +1 for the level, walk around and check for anyone behind a counter that you can buy stuff from. Buy one item from each and you should easily be able to get to +1 for the floor. As soon as you have +1 for the level, get outside and hold button-y.png to teleport to the exit, and immediately leave before something can go wrong.

Some floors unfortunately don't have many/any gangs members, and sometimes shops are scarce. There were a few floors where I had no options to get from negative to positive for the floor, so I just took the -1 and tried to make up for it later. This is why a full playthrough is recommended. I ended up being around +3 by the time I reached Mayor Village after taking a solid three or four floors with -1, so there is room for error.

Now, once you actually reach Mayor Village with a positive Electability (City), even if it's only +1, you're good to go. Simply leave your weapons with the guards at the start of the level (you won't need them), then head to where the Mayor is on your map. He always starts in his office area. Head inside and talk to the clerk at the desk. Choose the option to run for mayor, and then follow the clerk to the park (the Mayor and his guards will go too, so keep your distance to be safe). Once they're all at the park, talk to the clerk to get the results. As long as your Electability (City) was positive, you'll win and unlock this achievement.
Any citizen or non-citizen can participate in elections. In the mayor's village, you need to sign up for the elections with the clerk (there will also be a sign in the house that will tell you about the elections), then say that you are ready and go with him and the mayor to the podium, where he will announce the winner of the elections.

To win the elections, your popularity in the city must be positive.
By clicking on the sensor you can track your popularity on the floor/in the city. A positive rating of popularity on a floor will give +1 to popularity in the city, respectively, a negative rating of popularity on a floor will give -1 to popularity in the city.

06 Jul 2020 01:23