Super Street Fighter IV

Super Street Fighter IV

67 Achievements


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Speed Freak

Speed Freak

Finish each round in Arcade Mode on Medium or higher in 20 seconds or less. Too easy.


How to unlock the Speed Freak achievement in Super Street Fighter IV - Definitive Guide

PATIENCE is key, be prepared to see a lot of loading screens.

Recommended settings:

1 round
99 seconds (Extremely beneficial, DO NOT pick 30 seconds or even 60, if you do you may need to replace your controller(s))
Bonus Stages OFF
Match Request OFF

Pick your best character, or Zangief. I personally used Zangief because I'm shameless when fighting CPUs. Although it's hard to resist pile-driving your opponents over and over the amount of damage to the amount of time spent in the animation makes it very inefficient for this achievement; the reason you would want to use Zangief is purely for Lariat abuse against the CPU; Flying Body Press (optional) -> Lariat -> Lariat -> Lariat etc. all the way through arcade will eventually get you a quick win against any and all opponents, especially Seth.

The most important thing to know when going for this achievement is that it's OK to lose a round and continue! If you fail to pummel your opponent before the 78 second mark (finishing with 79 seconds left is the absolute latest you can win a match to remain eligible) just keeping walking straight into the CPU and let them finish you off, pick your character again and keep going at it. If you pick any amount of time LESS than 99 you're not doing yourself any favors, should you fail to kill your opponent in less than 20 seconds one of the rounds you will want to to give as much time as possible to the CPU to poke you to death, especially if you're using a character with high vitality such as Zangief. The last thing you want to do is accidentally win by time running out.

It may take many tries for any CPU to co-operate and you may have to waste precious seconds of time blocking/avoiding ultra maneuvers but unless your opponent is stunned always use caution when approaching them or attacking after they sustain enough damage to unleash an ultra because the amount of time it would take for the animation to finish and for you to reposition yourself is always longer than it would take to just sit back and block/avoid it. Obviously, prior experience will help greatly in knowing exactly what you need to look out for, for example if you're fighting Ryu or Dhalsim with their U1 and you're Lariat spamming just keep at it relentlessly, you should have no worries considering you'll spin right through their projectile and land another hit on them.

If you get your opponent very near death and with only a second left to spare don't panic and just do yourself a favor, throw the match in their favor and try again. If you ended up accidentally chipping an opponent even a second late you'd effectively nullify your eligibility for the achievement and you'd have to do everything over again.

Also, although I don't recommend it and it isn't necessary you can switch characters after continuing at will and still get the achievement. The only practical use is if you're having trouble beating a particular character in time (such as T. Hawk and his massive vitality gauge) you can switch characters, lose, then switch back to your original choice and you should be facing an entirely different person while still maintaining your wins/time up to that point.

If you've got the patience it's a very simple achievement to get, happy hunting.

30 Apr 2010 23:16

Seriously, words can't even describe how frustrating this achievement is. A PAIN IN THE ASS!
By Lord of Meow on 08 May 2010 09:57
I just kept spamming loriats and focus attacks and the occassional piledriver and finished most rounds at about 84 seconds. I then beat seth with 68 seconds left and it counted, so it's a net average of time used.
By Acceleretto on 04 Aug 2010 05:03
Thanks for the help Zippomatt! Just got it : )
By RetroHead ZX on 24 Aug 2010 14:28
Just got this with zangief on my second try, first time I got to Akuma and beat him in over 20 seconds and the achievement didnt pop :( so just remember to follow the advice (below) about letting akuma win!
By denixUK on 29 Jan 2012 19:38
That was far more easy to do. as I expected!
Took me 30min with Zangief and some of my own characters (Ryu, Ibuki) to unlock the achievement.
2nd try on Seth. Definetely an easy one.
By Sailor Novis on 07 Mar 2012 22:36
Its an average, not round by round. So if, for example, you beat the first 2 opponents in 10 seconds, it gives you leeway for the remainder of the the battles, hope this helps - PP70
By GamePadZebby on 17 Jun 2014 23:01
Beat all of them with 79 sec left or better except seth who I beat at 76 left and got the achievement.
By MattiasAnderson on 14 Jul 2019 21:56
I ended up with like 3 seconds in the hole after Seth, with a bunch of 79 s wins, but I had used a 2nd controller instead of losing to try to reset, and it didn't pop. Did it again, with just losing to reset and it popped. So don't use a 2nd controller lmao.

Also, hate the obnoxiously long Ultras some of them have smh
By xCENAxMOD on 28 Feb 2021 08:52
did it on hardest difficulty. Lost 3 times to last boss and got it.
By Nit0rin on 25 Jun 2022 02:25
If he's got U2 it's pretty much a guarantee you won't be beating him in time unless you are able to stun him before he can use it and follow up with a KO combo. U1 isn't nearly as bad (doesn't take nearly as long) if you block it.
By Dr Lipschitz on 04 May 2010 13:28
KEPT TRACK OF MY TIMES HITTING BETWEEN 79s and 86s LEFT. JUST BEAT SETH WITH 76s LEFT( lost temper of coming close) and i got the achievement. so i think its a combination of all times put together so you COULD have and extra 5s by time you get to seth to beat him.


it could be a total time to complete the game. so 20 seconds for each charecter ,cant remember how many you fights now but say 9. 9x20seconds is 3mins. so beat all matches in 3mins or under. or how ever many rounds to time there is


beat each round in 20s or under weather its 1 play through or all play throughs as others have got it differently.
By on 13 May 2010 10:36
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OK, to confirm a few people that have mentioned it:

It counts an average time - so not ALL rounds have to be less than 20 seconds.

i went through the first 7 battles in an average time of about 17 seconds (83 seconds left on counter most of the time).

When I fought Seth I defeated him with 68 seconds left on the counter and the achievement popped up...

So I guess I could of actually defeated him in 41 seconds (20 + 3seconds x 7rds).

This should help a lot of people with this achievement as Seth is very hard to beat in under 20 seconds!

19 May 2010 16:14

YEs this is true and it happened with me but seth does actually give extra second time
By lilazntim427 on 25 Jun 2010 22:18
I did 85 85 87 81 81 83 85 and when I killed Seth it was 71. And I got it.
By Kanchanaburi on 29 Jan 2015 23:03
This is the Video I made on how to get the Achievement Speed Freak for Super Street Fighter IV. (Sorry for the obvious as I'm posting in the area to submit tutorials for this achievement but I have to use at least 25 words or TA won't let me submit)

19 Dec 2010 06:12

This achievement seems to be glitchy... but in a good way. People have been unlocking this by beating random people under 20 seconds, or beating everyone up to seth in 20 seconds and beating him under 20 on a different playthrough, so it is hard to say exactly what will unlock the achievement for you, but if you follow my guide you should be fine.

TIME:99 just incase your other controller dies

Reason for blanka is his (when on the left) heavy down right punch. What this will do is cause you to slide under any projectile, also you will land the 1st attack of the match every time. Once you have them down either keep tapping punch for his electric attack or use another down right heavy punch. When your EX gauge has 1 blue square, do an EX electric attack by tapping A on 2 or more punch buttons, or set a button to light-mid-heavy punch all in one.

When it comes to seth... I did it EXACTLY like this.

1st.forward-down heavy punch (slide attack)
2nd. FOCUS ATTACK all the way charged (mid punch+mid kick or set it as a button)
5th. FOCUS ATTACK... lol
6th. forward-down heavy punch (slide attack)
7th. EX electric attack AND HOLD THIS ATTACK

it will take some luck beating seth but it can be done... Took me about 30 tries and finished it in 19 seconds, its a close one. If he grapples you at all, restart. He blocks a ton to, thats the reason your going to want to use the focus attacks.


1.USE A SECOND CONTROLLER if you don't get it in the 1st 20 seconds

2.When fighting a second controller, you DO NOT have to kill it within 20 seconds, take as long as you want. It isn't counted toward the achievement.

3.WHEN YOU FINALLY GET TO AKUMA JUST FAIL! He does not count toward the achievement, that's one less fight to worry about.

please rate positive if this helped.

01 May 2010 00:49

This one didn't take me too long, here's what I did...

(1) Pick 1 round, 99 seconds, medium difficulty
(2) Pick Zangief (for his Double Lariat "DL")
(3) Flying Body Press (Jump Forward, D+HP) -> Double Lariat (3Punches).
- if blocked, then immediately perform another DL.
- if you knocked the CPU down with the DL, then crossup with your Flying Body Press as the CPU is getting up and DL again.
(4) If you fail to kill the CPU by the 79 second mark, then STOP immediately! (cuz you don't want to accidentally kill the CPU after the 79 sec mark). Pick up your 2nd controller and join in the game. Kill player 2 (NOT required to be done in 20 sec) and then fight the CPU again, there's going to be some luck involved, you'll just have to keep trying.
(5) If your CPU is Cammy, you're screwed, she's a hard Zangief counter, so I don't think it's possible to beat her within 20 seconds, you might as well end the game and start over and hope you don't get her.
(6) vs Seth, this only took me about 5 tries. What you DON'T want to do is Flying Body Press (or even jump). All you need is straight up DL. Now here's the trick, once you knock him down with the first DL, DO NOT perform a DL while he's getting up, because if you do, he will most likely block & counter. Instead move back a bit, just slightly outside the DL range and wait. As he's getting up perform a Foward+DL (so that your DL will move towards him), now because you're slightly out of DL range to begin with, your first 1/2 spin of the DL won't even touch him, but then as you're moving towards him with your DL, it will connect and he usually will not block. I was able to do this again and again and kill him within 20 secs (he didn't even perform his Ultra). Timing is everything!
(7) vs Akuma, he doesn't count for this achievement, so just let him kill you.

11 May 2010 03:41

Just got this achievement using Zippomatt's method, and that first word is imperative: PATIENCE! (KrakilinX also gives very useful tips- Thanks for the helpful suggestions guys! There's no way I could have done it without help.)

I'm not a good SFIV player so I worked through with Ken/Ryu and Zangief. With Ken/Ryu I threw everything at the CPU, milking the jumping hard punch that cancels into a few small combos. If you're disciplined enough to time hadokens and shoryukens properly and block ultras and throws then this method can be quite effective.

On failing (see Zippomatt's guide above) I selected Zangief and spammed his double lariat.

The most difficult parts were, predictably, the rival battle and final fight with Seth. I used Zangief for those, trying to land jump+HP then LP+MP+HP until the opponent's ULTRA bar was ready, then used LK+MK+HK because the recovery's quicker. This did mean that I had to cross my fingers and hope the CPU didn't land any throws in the meantime. Took a long time to do, taking breaks when I felt I was going to lose my temper.

On a side-note, I almost wish I hadn't bothered with this achievement - it's absurdly frustrating to obtain and was no fun at all when I had to resort to cheap Zangief tactics, and took a good couple of hours to do. After all, as I said before I'm not a good SFIV player!

16 May 2010 13:53

For this trophy make sure you have the following settings before starting Arcade mode:


  • Difficulty : Medium
  • Rounds (Best of) : 1
  • Time Limit : 99
  • Bonus Stages: Off
  • Fight Request: Off

You want that Time Limit at 99 so that if you do end up missing the 20 seconds you can let your opponent defeat you and you can press to continue and it will not negatively affect you. If you have trouble against a character in arcade mode, you can let them defeat you and switch characters and you will continue at the same stage and with a brand new opponent, if you switch back to your previous character you will get a brand new opponent.

A good recommended character would be Zangief, just follow the method under All Clear.

The trophy is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. If you find it difficult to complete the arcade with a certain fighter, put Zangief and press . It will be very difficult for the enemy to hit you. Be careful with Seth and Cammy.

21 Jun 2011 20:31

I'll add a little. Bet 1 round, time 60 seconds. If you suddenly do not have time to meet the 20 seconds, let the enemy defeat you and press CONTINUE. Verified. They will give you the trophy even if you change fighters.
By CoDmaster on 13 Feb 2012 05:25
The description of the trophy is not entirely correct. You are given no more than 20 seconds for each character. But if, for example, you defeated all opponents in exactly 20 seconds, and the penultimate opponent in 10 seconds, then you will have 10 seconds left to kill Seth. That is, if you have one round per 30 seconds (which I highly recommend), then the main thing for you will be to have more HP than Seth after these 30 seconds.
I defeated opponents in less than 20 seconds and on the last two opponents I had a margin of 29 seconds. To test my theory, I simply waited until the end of the round and won by damage. They gave me the trophy.
By ToxicCherry on 25 Jul 2014 15:41