Surviving the Aftermath

Surviving the Aftermath

68 Achievements

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Customized calamities

Customized calamities

Survive until day 100 in a custom game with over 250% difficulty


How to unlock the Customized calamities achievement in Surviving the Aftermath - Definitive Guide

I reckon there are other ways of doing this with different combos, but this worked for me.

Game setting notes
I found it best to make catastrophes common but as short as possible, then boost the animals on the map. Tweak the size of colonists that arrive in groups and their 'quality', as you'll solve population another way. Soil should be barren for the challenge boost, and you can tweak the ratio. Low wood, NOT no wood - you'll need some trees. Overall, tweak the challenge difficulty with slight adjustments until it hits 250% (weirdly though I was paranoid about the wording of the achievement text so I did 255% just to be safe). Importantly, set bandits on the world map to the highest setting, and choose the survivor idealogy. Keep lakes on your map, but reduce to low. You may wish to reload to ensure there's a coastline - easy access to early fish makes for better conditions. Tech can be slow, as too can healing, though be sure to support with medical tents. Anything that doesn't affect difficulty is your choice.

General strategy
This game is 100 days of basically keeping at least 12 adults alive/well and ensuring you have a steady stream of kids supplemented by the survivor outposts on the world map. Keep basic resource generators constructed but bounce workers around as needed. You can set a maximum value for resources at the Recycler, Stock Pile, etc. and folks should automatically move on when that cap is reached.

People will die at a relatively consistent rate - at least, they did for me - but it was constantly balanced with maturing adults and new survivors from outposts. Short catastrophes are easy to deal with; you'd only need a heater or two to keep your tents/tenements heated, and a maintenance depot can keep the house and heater at top condition for the space junk damage. I did have two medical tents with 2 staff each pretty much the whole run. Folks are fragile at this difficulty, so infections and radiation are a problem. Remember - roads roads roads. Keep folks away from pollution.

What worked well for me in this run was a combination of concentrating my survivors in a protected pocket away from pollution, rely heavily on specialist-killed map animals (you'll get the majority of your food this way), slow exploration, and, at times, save scumming. Animals in the region will give you food but also will be frequent threats to your people and specialists - especially sand worms. Use scout towers to slowly reveal, save, then see if your specialists can take them out. Delete unused buildings or scout towers that have maxed out their range. Relatedly, because there are tons and tons of bandits on the world map to kill, you'll frequently have tons of silver to use to recruit new folks. I had 10 specialists by day 30ish and with those specialists you'll get the rest you'll need from fighting bandits on the world map.

As you have specialists coming in, be sure to use the Outpost Depot building to set up some survivor outposts in the world map. Even with bad settings, with four outposts, by Day 40 I had groups of 4-5 survivors (granted, most were elderly - but the elderly still work in this game, so, not a bad haul) arriving every other day.

I didn't push tech too much - I wanted tenements with interior walls so that folks kept the labor force supported with children, and I wanted at least one boosted heater. Remember to set resource caps so a worker doesn't turn all your lumber into firewood.

27 Nov 2022 19:49

1 Comment
101 days survived at 250% with no achievement so it looks like your wording paranoia was correct. Seems to require 255% to get credit.
By Christmas Dog on 30 Jul 2023 13:01
Keep up to 19 colonists, so they require little, entertainment for a small colony is not needed, and battles with visiting bandits are easy. To support death and birth, build an Improved Communal Housing and two Communal Housing. For the food needs of the colonists, two ordinary kitchens with two different recipes are suitable, at the start there are two hunter’s huts, and later two vegetable gardens. For water, build only wells, since water collectors take up labor. If possible, hire Specialists and move the map without touching the electronics, since there is no point in developing before the era of light. While you are recovering from your wounds, do not forget to hunt around the camp and use them to carry the meat of killed animals. But the funny thing is, with a difficulty of 250%, the trophy did not drop, just for my game. On foreign forums they write that it is better to start with 255%

06 Feb 2024 19:46