The Bigs 2

The Bigs 2

38 Achievements

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Best Season Ever

Best Season Ever

Match all of the Legendary Milestones during a season in Season Mode


How to unlock the Best Season Ever achievement in The Bigs 2 - Definitive Guide

This achievement requires you to break actual milestones set by famous baseball players. All milestones must be broken in one season of season mode. Only one player can be used to set the new records. The same player does not have to set every single one.

Be sure to choose a well-rounded team. I chose the New York Yankees but it doesn't really matter as long as you have good hitters and a strong bullpen.

Offensive Milestones:

73 Homeruns- I used Alex Rodriguez for these. He has legendary power and five star contact. Not to mention his wheelhouse area takes up just about the whole strike zone. On top of that, his special power-up makes all his homeruns no-doubters. Every time he steps up to the plate just connect with a nice power swing and watch the ball fly out of the park. Also use Big Blast when you have enough big play points.

4 Homeruns in One Game- Alex Rodriguez broke this for me as well. It's pretty easy. You should get at least four at bats in a five inning game. Even more if you play nine. You should beat this inevitably while going for the 73 homeruns.

191 RBIs- I again used Alex Rodriguez. He is automatically set to bat fourth in the Yankees lineup. Chances are that one or two batters before him will still be on base when it's his turn. Even better you can set it up so they are; just get some base hits with the top of your order and only advance the runners one base at a time. When Alex is up go for the no-doubt homerun or unleash the Big Blast. Hitting a solo homer will still yield one RBI for Rodriguez crossing the plate.

12 RBIs in One Game- This will also come inevitably while working on other milestones. Get some players on base and bat them in with a good hitter. I achieved this in my first season mode game with three different players.

262 Hits- This will take a while. It's best to earn with a good contact hitter that has a large wheelhouse zone. Just try to hit balls into gaps and get on base. Make sure your player has somewhat decent speed as well, in case you need to beat a throw to first. I got this with Derek Jeter since his stats match all of the above qualities, and after the first few games he had the most hits out of my roster.

9 Hits in One Game- Definitely play a nine inning game for this one. The key is to cycle through your lineup as many times as possible. Use the Big Slam power-up for this if you need to. Only attempt base hits with your players. Don't make any risky plays like stealing bases. Choose a hitter with legendary contact and a large wheelhouse zone for this. Have him bat at the top of your order.

130 Stolen Bases- Don't even attempt stealing bases with a player that has less than five star speed. I broke this milestone with Johnny Damon since he is the fastest Yankee. I move Damon to the top of my order, went for contact hits and stopped at first no matter what. I always attempted to steal on the first pitch to the next batter. To steal, press Y twice. Also, hold down RT to activate turbo if you have any stored up. Stealing second base is pretty easy. Only attempt third if you have turbo and the opposing team doesn't. You'll get thrown out a lot easier.

9 Stolen Bases in One Game- I again used Damon for this too. There's a chance that it will come while going for the 130 in a season but it's possible it won't. If you do have to work for it, only get base hits with your team so you can get through your batting order as many times as possible. Then get your speed demon on to first and try to beat the catcher's arm.

Pitching Milestones:

383 Strikeouts- Choose whatever pitcher has the best overall statistics for his pitches. Legendary, five star, and four star will all work. Your pitcher will get worn out if you use him a lot which will result in his pitches becoming weaker. It doesn't make a significant difference, however. I used CC Sabathia every game without him resting.

20 Strikeouts in One Game- Just pitch as if you were going for the "Textbook Perfection" achievement. Concentrate on throwing perfect pitches and stay away from the batter's wheelhouse. Also alternate between pitches of different speeds to confuse the computer. There are a minimum of twenty-seven batters that you can face in a nine inning game. Play one for the best chance to get this and be sure you don't throw out more than seven batters.

41 Wins- Record 41 wins with a pitcher this season. This should come while you work on the 383 strikeouts. I'm not sure how long your pitcher actually needs to be in the game for a win to count. I wouldn't use him for less than the first five innings though. You only need to use him for one inning out of three inning game though. I did test that.

Here is a written strategy of how i played every game:

Put the batter you are going to steal with at the top of the order. This way, if you are the away team, you can go for a base hit and attempt to steal second in the top of the first. if you get thrown out you can restart from the pause menu without losing much time. After you have achieved the 130 stolen bases, put the batter with the most hits at the top of your order.

Place the hitter with the smallest wheelhouse zone second in the line up. This way, when your runner is on first, the opposing pitcher will have less of a chance of getting a wheelhouse strike, also reducing the team's chance for turbo. Once you've stolen second, work on getting a base hit with your second batter.

You third batter should be someone who's not working towards any milestones. He should however be a good contact hitter who you feel comfortable getting on base with. When you hit with him, switch to your other base runners and make sure they don't run home.

Batting clean up should be the player trying to break the RBI milestone as well as the one for homeruns. Ideally he should have the no-doubt homerun power up and at least five star contact. If you have any turbo bars or a Big Blast saved up, use them. If not, just try to make a good power swing at the ball and it should go out.

From this point on it doesn't much matter what your batting order looks like. Only attempt base hits with the rest of your players and don't make dangerous moves to get to another base. You'll be earning enough runs as it is. All your trying to do is get through your order as fast as you can while taking the least amount of outs so you can get back to the first batter.

Now for your pitcher. Just pick the best one out of your bullpen. The more legendary pitches, the better. Four and five stars work great too. Throw as many perfect pitches as you possibly can and throw in an off speed pitch every now and then. Stay away from batters' wheelhouse zones unless you need to earn turbo for your offense. Your pitcher will have low stamina after each use. Feel free to use him every game though. Like I said, I did, and it made no difference. If you want you can attempt the stamina mini-games but I think they're annoying, hard, and more trouble than they're worth.

On that note, make all your game's nine innings. This is optimal for the maximum at bats you can get during a game, as well as the most batters you can face with your pitcher. After you break all the milestones you can simply simulate the rest of the season to the World Series for the "You are the Champions" achievement. If you want to check your progress towards the milestones, select "stats & standings" from the season mode menu. Then use LB and RB to cycle through your player's stats. This achievement will unlock when you return to the calendar after the game you break your final milestone in.

22 Jul 2009 16:03

Mister Buds guide is fantastic but I'll show you how I managed to do the HR, RBI and SB. You can play more than 3 innings if you like but this is how I managed to get all the single game milestones done in one 3 inning game.

Here's my lineup and I'll tell you why...
1. Ichiro (Sea) - Super fast and he automatically starts with a turbo. Use (A) to hit with this guy.
2. Hanley Ramirez (Fla) - He gets two turbo boosts, so you automatically have 3 to steal 2nd and 3rd with Ichiro. Use (A) to hit with this guy after Ichiro steals 2nd and 3rd.
3. Albert Pujols (STL) - No big reason why I used Albert, but this is my favorite player. Just use (A) to hit with him and make sure that Ichiro doesn't score.
4. Alex Rodriguez (NYY) - I just used this guy b/c everything he hits is a homer. Use (Up+B) with this guy as his ability is no-doubters.
5. Pat Burrell (TB) - I use him b/c he has the ability of no-doubters and I was TB due to the DH. Use (UP+B) with this guy b/c of his no-doubters.
6. Manny Ramiriez (LAD) - Anybody with good hitting skills here will work. Use (A) with this guy to get on base.
7. Chase Utley (Phi) - Anybody with good hitting skills here will work as well. Use (A) with this guy to get on base.
8. Joe Mauer (Min) - Best hitting catcher in the game. Use (A) here as well.
9. Derek Jeter (NYY) - A home run hitter here is probably better than DJ b/c this is a Home Run spot in your lineup. This is where you want to use your Big Blast (which if you follow the above methods most of the time the nine spot comes up to hit will have a big blast to use) to clear the bases for Ichiro so he can steal twice.

Using this method I managed to score 67 runs in one 3 inning game and had these following stats....
Ichiro - 16 stolen bases
A-Rod - 8 Hrs, 24 Rbis.
Pujols was the team leader in hits with 9.

Also, you'll notice that by the 3rd inning that you should have their closer in the game and he should only have his weakest pitch left so you can just tee off on him all day long. I just scored 51 runs in the 3rd inning :). I've been the away team so the 3 inning thing might not work as well when your team is at home.
By AvengedAgainst on 28 Apr 2010 03:50
Jacoby Ellsbury of the bosox is a great stealer too. I had him as first batter followed bij ichiro for the turbo, instant steal of second base.
By Ralph Ruscon1 on 13 Dec 2009 16:37
Fantastic guide man, really indepth stuff man. Also I would add that people should play this on easy it's a joke I was winning games 70+ to 0 it's all too simple but very boring.
By Steve Redman on 18 Jan 2010 19:38

only played one game so far won 60- 1 >.< and got:

38 rbi's with A-Rod
10 HR's with A-Rod
11 Hits with A-Rod
22 SO with saba something or other :)

and BTW you missed out "get 9 hits in one game"
By Cameron Speirs on 18 Aug 2009 07:50
glad you liked my solution. good luck with the milestones. i unlocked a handful after my first game too. only one that's really a pain is the 262 hits.

thanks for pointing out that i missed one too. i added it into my solution.

also, the pitcher you're probably referring to is cc sabathia. he's a beast and that's coming from a bostonian. he was better in the first bigs though.
By Mister Buds on 18 Aug 2009 20:03
Great solution, especially on the batting order. Helped me a lot. Took me a few games to get the single game requirements, they were pests! Thx again!
By Basmare on 18 Aug 2009 22:05
i got all the season and the game millestones in the first half of the season but i still cant get the nine hits in one game with one person and my team is loaded with allstart talent.iunno probably just me lol
By Heaven In Vain on 31 Aug 2009 01:51
dark raven,

first the basics, i assume you're playing a nine inning game and have your hitter at the top of your order. if you don't get on base with him first time up, restart the game. this gives you nice start.

now, i assume you're saving big blast for your specific hitter. if this isn't working, try saving up for a big blast and activate some place near the end of your lineup. this way you'll get through a possible four batters, but will only take one out no matter what. this will get you through your lineup a lot faster. since your batter won't have a power up if you do this, just use regular turbo and go for a base hit.

hope this helps you out. good luck.
By Mister Buds on 31 Aug 2009 02:36
Thanks for this Solution, I've found another few tips.
I chose the Yankees as well, using Damon for the steals. Then I saw I could trade players and found one player (sorry, forgot his name!) that gives +2 speed to your outfielders. When you can get him on your team, Damon (LF) gets Legendary speed, that makes stealing a LOT easier, but I still got thrown out occasionaly.
I also traded a catcher that gives +1 to all Pitcher stats, giving CC Sabathia three Legendary pitches to strike out your opponents.
Last thing I found out the hard way (thank god for savegames), you have to get the milenstones before the POSTseason starts :)
By GlorixJim on 05 Nov 2009 17:58
If your playing a nine inning game a starter must go at least 5 innings. Nice guide though.
By AvengedAgainst on 01 Dec 2009 04:25
Absolutely excellent guide! I'm working my way through this at the moment and I'd like to echo the recommendations about to use the trade function to your advantage to build a super-team (unless it bothers you that you're a little cheap for doing so).

I started with the Red Sox and then traded Ichiro (for base stealing), Tim Lincecum (great pitcher, can't lose curveball), Alex Rodriguez (for RBIs and HRs), Matt Holliday (just because he helps the rest of the team's wheelhouse) and Albert Pujols (last in batting order, clears the bases for Ichiro's base stealing) for the poorer Red Sox players.

My batting order is:

Youkilis ---- From here, I try to set up a grand slam to help A Rod's RBIs
[the rest of my team here, order not important]
Pujols (he's last, try to get a HR here to clear the bases for Ichiro otherwise he won't be able to double steal)

And Lincecum is superb for pitching as he can never lose his curveball.

With this lineup, I managed to nail all "in a game" stats in the first game against the Rays. I'm just waiting for those hits to add up now - currently Ichiro and Rogriguez are equally in the lead.
By HeyMrBassman on 04 Oct 2010 14:41
Got this yesterday - in addition to my comment above, I'd just like to say that YOU CAN SIM GAMES TO EARN STATS too, but there is a cap on how far this will go.

What I did was play 18 nine inning games until I had everything apart from hits and pitcher wins, where two of my team were low 100s. I then simmed until I hit the cap for these guys (cap is at 227 hits, took me into mid August) and then played 3 more games to manually get those last hits. Huge time saver!
By HeyMrBassman on 24 Oct 2010 21:55
I used a lineup that had legendary gloves at every position in order to help build up big play points and as of right now only need the wins, hits and strike outs, but I only have 28 games played in the season so far. I'd been using A-Rod for the HR and RBI milestones, but I don't like him IRL so as soon as those were done, I benched him for Wright.
The lineup is:
Ichiro (RF)
Jose Reyes (SS)
David Wright (3B)
Albert Pujols (1B)
Grady Sizemore (CF)
Carl Crawford (LF)
Chase Utley (2B)
Brian McCann (C)
David Ortiz (DH)
By karabiner42 on 25 Jul 2011 23:34
"I then simmed until I hit the cap for these guys (cap is at 227 hits"

Thank you very much for this piece of important info MrBassman!!
By Tunaleg on 12 Oct 2011 19:35
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The prior solution is a good one, but wanted to add a few things. I wasn't about to play 162 games, but here's what shortened my season greatly. After getting trade power, I would trade off all my players for those I considered all-stars. This made simulating the season much easier.

The steals and hits were a pain, but over time, you'll get them. Once you wear a pitching staff out in a 9 inning game, only the final reliever will be left, and if you hit him hard, will only be left with one pitch and will be in the red. Keep batting around, and weaken him by a turbo comebacker.

Simulating the season does add stats as well - with a strong traded team of all-stars, you will easily rack up wins and a playoff birth as well, going for the World Series achievement.

02 Aug 2011 19:51

For the "Best Season Ever" achievement each milestone must be met with a single player, but they can be different players on the same team. Thus, if playing as the Yankees, you can steal 130 bases with Brett Gardner, hit 73 home runs with Alex Rodriguez and get 262 hits with Derek Jeter over the course of a season and each counts towards achieving a Legendary Milestone. You don't need to play every game in the season - you just need to hit each milestone. This can be done with players acquired by trades as well, so feel free to get players with Legendary speed, power and contact to make these easier.

The milestones are 73 HR (Barry Bonds, 2001), 130 SBs (Rickey Henderson, 1982), 262 Hits (Ichiro Suzuki, 2004), 191 RBIs (Hack Wilson, 1930), 41 Wins (Jack Chesbro, 1904) and 383 Ks (Nolan Ryan, 1973) for the season and 4 HR (Has happened 15 times, first by Lou Gehrig, 1932), 7 SBs (George Gore, 1881 and Billy Hamilton, 1894), 9 Hits (Johnny Burnett, 1932), 12 RBIs (Jim Bottomley, 1932 and Mark Whiten, 1993) and 20 Ks (Has happened 3 times in a 9 inning game, Roger Clemens, 1986 & 1996 and Kerry Wood, 1998) in a single game. For useless trivia purposes I've listed the players and year each of these numbers comes from as well.

It is better to knock out this trophy last, as it is the most difficult and takes the longest to complete. Here are some tips to speed up getting it. Start the mode with either the Red Sox or the Yankees, because... they have the best squads for this trophy. To avoid having to play every game, select one pitcher from all those presented to play only those games in which he will participate. This means that you will play every third game. One of your tasks to complete this trophy will be to make “perfect serves”, otherwise everything can go wrong.

Here's a list of what you'll need to accomplish in ONE season and tips on how to do it. Don't forget that you need to play a 9-inning game.

Offensive Milestones

1. 73 home runs in a season (must be hit by one player)

Choose one of the featured batters to hit with the Big Blast all the time, or one who has the "No Doubter Homeruns" ability, which allows them to hit a home run at the right moment by pressing . David Ortiz of the Red Sox is recommended.

2. 4 home runs in one game

Same strategy as described above.

3. 130 stolen bases in a season (must be accomplished by one player)

Choose one player who will always take away bases from your opponent. J. Ellsbury is recommended for this, because he has legendary speed. If he is on the base, then we can say with almost certainty that you will take the 2nd and 3rd bases from your opponent. You can also use turbo before serving to make it go even faster. Accordingly, the turbo should be used at every opportunity.

4. 7 stolen bases per game (must be completed by one player)

Everything is exactly the same as in the previous paragraph, just don’t forget that everything is done by ONE player in ONE game.

5. 262 hits per season (must be completed by one player)

This is the most frustrating milestone you will ever have to complete. Most likely, it will be the last. We select one player from those presented, who will use the turbo and receive a “base hit”. Just follow the previous tips and sooner or later you will achieve this milestone.

6. 9 shots per game (must be completed by one player)

The main thing here is to use turbos and Big Slams! Then you will be more "focused" on the bat, and getting 9 hits for your team will not be difficult.

7. 191 IRB's per season (must be completed by one player)

To do this, we use the player you selected for the home run run. As previously stated, David Ortiz is the best choice.

8. 12 IRB's per game (must be completed by one player)

It's very simple. 3 Grand Slams is all you need. If the game is 9 innings and on EasyB difficulty, then you will get as many as 4 Grand Slams. The main thing is to use them on exhausted pitchers who have already missed one or two pitches.

"General" Milestones

1. 41 wins in a season (must be completed with one player)

Pick one pitcher that you will always play and win with. If you have completed other milestones, then rest assured that you will soon complete this one, because... it's not very complicated.

2. 383 strikeouts per season (must be completed by one player)

(Let me explain what this is. A strikeout is when the pitcher makes pitches, but the batter does not hit them. After 3 such pitches, the batter is removed from the field).

Choose one pitcher that you will always use during the game. With perfect pitches, you can get 27 strikeouts in a 9-inning game. This is the maximum you can get for such a game.

3. 20 strikeouts in one game (must be completed by one player)

We do everything the same as before. And further. Don't forget to use Big Heat and Turbo for good serves. If the serve is returned, then do not try to catch the ball or knock out the player so that another one can take his place, whom, in turn, you will “cross out”.

03 Mar 2013 21:36