The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition

The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition

12 Achievements


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Sharp Tongue

Sharp Tongue

Learn all of the insults from the pirates.


How to unlock the Sharp Tongue achievement in The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition - Definitive Guide

You have to learn all the insults from pirates. Go to the map area and stand still for pirates to attack you.

You won't be able to reply straight away as you have to learn the comebacks. So wait for them to say it and if you don't have a come back pick something random. You are not penalized for loosing battles.

Insult:This is the END for you, you gutter-crawling cur!
Comeback:And I've got a little TIP for you, get the POINT?

Insult:Soon you'll be wearing my sword like a shish kebab!
Comeback:First you better stop waiving it like a feather-duster.

Insult:My handkerchief will wipe up your blood!
Comeback:So you got that job as janitor, after all.

Insult:People fall at my feet when they see me coming.
Comeback:Even BEFORE they smell your breath?

Insult:I once owned a dog that was smarter then you.
Comeback:He must have taught you everything you know.

Insult:You make me want to puke.
Comeback:You make me think somebody already did.

Insult:Nobody's ever drawn blood from me and nobody ever will.
Comeback:You run THAT fast?

Insult:You fight like a dairy farmer.
Comeback:How appropriate. You fight like a cow.

Insult:I got this scar on my face during a mighty struggle!
Comeback:I hope now you've learned to stop picking your nose.

Insult:Have you stopped wearing diapers yet?
Comeback:Why, did you want to borrow one?

Insult:I've heard you were a contemptible sneak.
Comeback:Too bad no one's ever heard of YOU at all.

Insult:You're no match for my brains, you poor fool.
Comeback:I'd be in real trouble if you ever used them.

Insult:You have the manners of a beggar.
Comeback:I wanted to make sure you'd feel comfortable with me.

Insult:I'm not going to take your insolence sitting down!
Comeback:Your hemorrhoids are flaring up again, eh?

Insult:There are no words for how disgusting you are.
Comeback:Yes there are. You just never learned them.

Insult:I've spoken with apes more polite then you.
Comeback:I'm glad to hear you attended your family reunion.

Each time you learn a new insult write it down and then use it until you get the right comeback. If you don't get the right comeback from the pirate you will have to say it again next time you fight. Rince and repeat until you have heard all of them. The hardest one I had was the apes one and I have to wait for 5 more battles after learning the others before it was even mentioned.

Once you have got the last INSULT the achievement will pop but make sure you learn the comeback for your battle with the sword master :D

15 Jul 2009 14:21

Do you also need to hear all of the sword master's insults?
By Metalsocks on 16 Jul 2009 04:10
No, only the "normal" ones from the random wandering pirates.
By on 16 Jul 2009 08:12
Thanks a lot. Really helpful guide :)
By TigerUK on 17 Jul 2009 00:00
i must have bad luck as i stood there for 10 mins and could never get 2 of the insults
By Cer3bra1Asassin on 22 Jul 2009 15:46
Thanks for the tips.
By DL CyberSkull on 02 Aug 2009 15:14
this took me a while to get!
By AcBarker76 on 26 Dec 2009 04:20
great game, but this is a pointless achievement. I damn near fell asleep waiting for the last insult.
By cr8tr on 27 Dec 2009 09:51
Wow this achievement is annoying. I've needed 3 more for what seems like forever.
By blomphil2 on 01 Jan 2010 18:01
I've done a good 15 or 20 fights, but theres still 2 that won't come up.
By Sora401K on 01 Aug 2010 13:25
Took me an hour to get them all :(
By JMJimmy on 28 Nov 2010 21:24
Wha? If I stop a pirate now, all I can say is "Nice night we're having, isn't it?" and "Sorry to bother you. I'll be on my way." Did I irreversibly screw something up in my first conversation? Because I never got to play the insult minigame. If it is possible to miss this achievement (like I seem to have managed) it should definitely be mentioned in the guide!!!
By EmDeeGee on 04 Dec 2010 19:28
Ah, found it out just now. The guide should say that you can go for this achievement AFTER your sword training. That would've saved me a lot of time.
By EmDeeGee on 04 Dec 2010 20:00
grrr 2 that wont come up! Scar on my face and a smarter dog :/
By Crimson Drifter on 29 Dec 2010 20:34
yay got the dog, now just need that last one!
By Crimson Drifter on 29 Dec 2010 20:39
the dog one was the last i needed too. but eventually they all come up. another guide suggested saying the wrong comeback or choosing the stupid ones (like "boy are you ugly") to get the pirates to say more insults, which i found to be fairly helpful. and remember, you don't need all the comebacks for the achievement!!
By OzzysShadyDisco on 17 May 2012 05:08
I've needed one for half an hour, this is so boring!
By Lil Miss Cherry on 29 May 2012 15:01
corr ive been after one for about an hour now lol. driving me mad!
By TaRaRa28 on 16 Dec 2012 18:59
That one took forever :)
By LizardKingv666 on 07 Aug 2013 19:06
Some achievements just aren't worth the waste of time to get, like this one here. I've spent two days trying to get the last insult, "I've spoken with apes more polite then you."
It must have been left out of my copy of the game.
By CruelCahal on 13 Aug 2013 12:51
I heard you were a contemptible sneak just would not unlock for anything.. Must have tried 75-100 fights. Can't stop now but this is some top grade bullshit.
By Tweekdash on 13 Feb 2014 00:47
*losing battles, not loosing. You may want to tighten your grammar.
By Big Ell on 06 Mar 2016 05:06
Cant get them to say the ..."insolence sitting down" one :///////
By Vindicator210 on 10 Sep 2016 00:37
Fuck this achievement. Took like 90 minutes for the idiot to say the last insult, which was the diaper one.

In fact, I got the ape insult when I started the grind.
By Onyx Grimoire on 06 Nov 2016 22:46
I swear to god, this is by far one of the worst achievements ive come across. its not hard, its just fu¤%& lotto is what it is.
By SRUSHT on 31 Jan 2017 15:33
they just won't say that puke insult to me :/
By TitianDan on 05 Feb 2017 13:03
I was stuck for the last insult for like a doze of fights. I decided to say "The road looks the same" first, and then ask for a fight. Got that last insult in that fight.
By NicolasKaiChi on 08 Feb 2017 08:00
This game makes me want to puke. <---- That's the one I can't seem to get. :(
By Apostle92627 on 17 Feb 2017 20:40
What a stupid achievement.
By SERPENT SUICIDE on 18 May 2017 19:41
When you get to the last one you can save your game right before saying a bad insult (you call yourself a pirate) and then reload if he doesn't say what you need. This can help you keep your time down if you are speed running at the same time. I got all insults and am ahead of the speed run video, atm.
By TheOnlyMatto on 03 Jan 2020 22:51
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For the French players:

Insulte Pirate: Tu peux encore prendre tes jambes à ton cou!
Réponse: Rien à faire, je te tiendrai tête jusqu'au bout!

Insulte Pirate: Sous peu je vais t'embrocher avec mon épée !
Reine du Sabre: Ma langue est plus pointue que n'importe quelle épée.
Réponse: D'abord arrête de la brandir comme un plumeau.

Insulte Pirate: Bave pas comme ça, ton épée va déraper!
Reine du Sabre: Arrête d'ouvrir la bouche, j'ai le vertige!
Réponse: Je vais te la fermer une fois pour toutes.

Insulte Pirate: Les gens tombent comme des mouches quand j'arrive.
Reine du Sabre: Je vois souvent les gens comme toi ivres dans le caniveau.
Reine du Sabre: Mes ennemis les plus endurcis s'enfuient en me voyant!
Réponse: Avant MEME de sentir ton haleine?

Insulte Pirate: J'avais un chien qui était plus intelligent que toi.
Reine du Sabre: J'avais un singe qui te ressemblait.
Réponse: Il a dû t'apprendre tout ce que tu sais.

Insulte Pirate: Tu peux pas te payer des pantalons plus longs.
Reine du Sabre: Tu as des cuisses de grenouille.
Réponse: J'ai gagné le concours de beaux mollets musclés.

Insulte Pirate: Ca se voit que l'alcool t'a imbibé le cerveau.
Reine du Sabre: Si tu crois me vaincre en titubant.
Réponse: Je bois pour pouvoir tolérer les gens comme toi.

Insulte Pirate: Tu te bats comme un boeuf!
Reine du Sabre: Je vais te faire ruminer tes insultes, sale bovin!
Réponse: Et toi tu te bats comme une vache!

Insulte Pirate: Ta voix n'a pas encore muée!
Reine du Sabre: T'as une angine ou tu parles toujours comme ça.
Réponse: Excuse-moi, mais j'ai fait un tube l'été dernier.

Insulte Pirate: Tu portes encore des couches?
Reine du Sabre: Tu n'aurais pas du tremper dans cette histoire.
Réponse: Pour être marin, il faut savoir se mouiller!

Insulte Pirate: Alors, tu bafouilles quand tu parles aux femmes.
Reine du Sabre: La séduction n'est pas ton fort!
Réponse: Les femmes se battent pour s'approcher de moi.

Insulte Pirate: Tu ne peux pas comparer ton esprit au mien, pauvre idiot.
Reine du Sabre: Tu ne pourras jamais te mesurer à mon courage.
Réponse: Si tu l'utilises, je vais vraiment avoir peur.

Insulte Pirate: Tu te comportes comme un mendiant.
Reine du Sabre: Tout tes mots sont idiots.
Réponse: J'essayais de me mettre à ton niveau.

Insulte Pirate: Ja vais t'aider à te raser!
Reine du Sabre: Tu as besoin d'être repeigné!
Réponse: Laisse tomber j'ai déjà fait ma toilette!

Insulte Pirate: Je ne trouve pas de mots pour exprimer mon dégoût.
Reine du Sabre: Tu réveilles en moi un mépris inexprimable.
Réponse: Je peux t'aider à trouver les mots si tu veux.

Insulte Pirate: J'ai parlé à des singes qui étaient plus polis que toi.
Reine du Sabre: Maintenant je connais la corruption et la stupidité.
Réponse: Je vois que tu as passé du temps chez tes parents.

Bye Bye

19 Jul 2009 19:38

You don't need to learn any of the comebacks, so when you get into fights, don't bother trying to win. Use the poor comebacks ('Oh yeah', 'I'm rubber, you're glue', etc.) and the poor insults ('You're ugly') so the pirate immediately comes up with another insult. This way you'll hear more insults quicker.

Also, I'm not sure if the type of pirate you fight have different insults, but trying switching that up as well. Only took me about 10-15 minutes.

18 Oct 2010 19:26

The swordmaster won't allow you to fight her if you've never won a fight.
By Tardii on 03 Oct 2011 03:31
So what? This achievement is for learning insults, not fighting the sword master. Following the solution, I got it in about 25 minutes. Thumbs Up laugh!
By Orran Durai on 30 Jul 2017 06:38
Gotta love RNG.
By Ethigy on 24 Apr 2020 22:40
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For the german playing and speaking people:

Für den Erfolg muss man alle Beleidigungen erlernen.
Nachdem ein Pirat sie gegen Dich eingesetzt hat, musst Du sie selbst verwenden und der Pirat muss die passende Antwort (Konter) geben.
Hat man alle Konter gehört bekommt man den Erfolg.

Beleidigungen der Piraten: Willst du hören, wie ich 3 Männer zugleich besiegte?
Beleidigungen des Schwertmeisters: Soll ich dir jetzt eine Nachhilfestunde geben?
Konter: Willst du mich mit deinem Geschwafel ermüden?

Beleidigungen der Piraten: Mein Schwert wird dich Durchbohren wie ein Schaschlick!
Beleidigungen des Schwertmeisters: Mein Schwert wird dich in tausend Stücke schneiden.
Konter: Dann mach nicht damit rum wie mit einem Staubwedel.

Beleidigungen der Piraten: Mit einem Taschentuch werde ich dein Blut aufwischen!
Beleidigungen des Schwertmeisters: Mein Name ist in jeder dreckigen Ecke gefürchtet.
Konter: Also hast du doch den Job als Putzer gekriegt.

Beleidigungen der Piraten: Menschen fallen mir zu Füßen, wenn ich komme.
Beleidigungen des Schwertmeisters: Kluge Gegner rennen weg, sobald sie mich sehen.
Konter: Auch bevor sie deinen Atem riechen?

Beleidigungen der Piraten: Ich hatte mal einen Hund, der war klüger als du.
Beleidigungen des Schwertmeisters: Ich habe nur einmal einen Feigling wie dich getroffen.
Konter: Er muß dir das Fechten beigebracht haben.

Beleidigungen der Piraten: An deiner Stelle würde ich zur Landratte werden!
Beleidigungen des Schwertmeisters: Sind alle Männer so? Dann heirate ich ein Schwein.
Konter: Hattest du das nicht vor kurzem getan?

Beleidigungen der Piraten: Niemand wird mich verlieren sehen, du auch nicht!
Beleidigungen des Schwertmeisters: Niemand wird sehen, daß ich so schlecht kämpfe wie du.
Konter: Du kannst SO schnell davon laufen?

Beleidigungen der Piraten: Du kämpfst wie ein dummer Bauer!
Beleidigungen des Schwertmeisters: Ich werde jeden Tropfen Blut aus deinem Körper melken.
Konter: Wie passend. Du kämpfst wie eine Kuh.

Beleidigungen der Piraten: Meine Narbe im Gesicht stammt aus einem harten Kampf!
Beleidigungen des Schwertmeisters: Nach jedem Kampf war meine Hand blutüberströmt.
Konter: Aha, mal wieder in der Nase gebohrt, wie?

Beleidigungen der Piraten: Trägst du immer noch Windeln?
Beleidigungen des Schwertmeisters: Hast du eine Idee, wie du hier lebend davonkommst?
Konter: Wieso, die könntest DU viel eher gebrauchen!

Beleidigungen der Piraten: Jeder hier kennt dich doch als unerfahrenen Dummkopf!
Beleidigungen des Schwertmeisters: Überall in der Karibik kennt man meine Klinge.
Konter: Zu Schade, daß DICH überhaupt niemand kennt.

Beleidigungen der Piraten: Du bist kein echter Gegner für mein geschultes Hirn!
Beleidigungen des Schwertmeisters: Nur ich habe das Geschick eines echten Meisters.
Konter: Vielleicht solltest du es endlich mal benutzen?

Beleidigungen der Piraten: Du hast die Manieren eines Bettlers.
Beleidigungen des Schwertmeisters: Alles, was du sagst ist dumm.
Konter: Ich wollte, daß du dich wie zuhause fühlst.

Beleidigungen der Piraten: Dein Schwert hat schon bessere Zeiten gesehen.
Beleidigungen des Schwertmeisters: Dein verborgenes Schwert wird mich nicht berühren.
Konter: Und du wirst deine rostige Klinge nie wieder sehen.

Beleidigungen der Piraten: Keine Worte beschreiben deine Hässlichkeit.
Beleidigungen des Schwertmeisters: Jetzt gibt es keine Finten mehr, die dir helfen.
Konter: Doch, doch, du hast sie nur nie gelernt.

Beleidigungen der Piraten: Ich kenne einige Affen, die haben mehr drauf als du.
Beleidigungen des Schwertmeisters: Jetzt weiß ich, wie dumm und verkommen man sein kann.
Beleidigungen des Schwertmeisters: Leute wie dich sehe ich sonst betrunken in der Gosse.
Konter: Aha du warst also beim letzten Familientreffen.

Die „Beleidigungen des Schwertmeisters“ werden für den Erfolg NICHT benötigt.
Zum weiter kommen kann man sie trotzdem gebrauchen. ;)

05 Apr 2013 11:17

For those that look into achievements before they play the game so they won't miss anything--- be aware that that only time you do these insults is in the first part of the game.

I best advise that when you are learning insults to go see the Sword Master just to knock it through and get this done. I thought that there would be some more of this fighting with words when I got to Monkey Island and I could finish the achievement there... but no... this must be done on Melee Island after you have collected the sword and shovel from the shopkeeper and you go out on the roads and meet pirates.

After the Governor has been kidnapped the pirates will leave the island so you cannot engage in the "Battle of Wits" as the Princess Bride would like to call it.

Hope this helps some of you

21 May 2010 17:59

I don't know if this was just conincidence but with just a couple of insults left I tried to fight the Sword Master and lost, I then went to fight the other pirates and I got the last two thrown at me straight away. Hope that helps for anyone missing any.

Generally just waiting around and doing lots of fights and you will get them all

10 May 2011 00:34

Its the same solutioin as the others up there, but I found on these site the inslusts for de Sword Master's insults too

23 Sep 2017 15:57


During the Three Trials section of the game, Guybrush will visit Captain Smirk and learn the art of pirate fighting. As they spar, Smirk will teach you the first two pirate insults to use. Once Guybrush has learned these beginning insults, you should place him in a highly trafficked area on the map (the intersection to the left of the "fork" seems to be the best place to initiate a fight). Once an encounter is started, have Guybrush threaten the pirate by saying, "My name is Guybrush Threepwood, Prepare to Die!" This will be your chance to pick the insults you already have learned, in order to hear the correct responses from the pirates as well as giving you the chance to use the correct responses on the insults they say to you.

At times, the pirates will not give you the correct response and will use a neutral response like, "Oh yeah?" or "I'm rubber, you're glue!" In these instances you will need to use the insult on another pirate in order to learn the correct response. The trickiest and most time consuming thing can be waiting for the last one or two insults to be used by a pirate. I found that once you get down to the last remaining insults to be unlocked, it is best to have Guybrush use the top insults on his turn and use an incorrect response to every insult in order to give each pirate more chances at unlocking the insults you are needing.

The trophy will unlock once you learn the 16th insult. Here is the list in order of how they will appear in your text list:

Insult: This is the END for you, you gutter-crawling cur!
Response: And I've got a little TIP for you, get the POINT?

Insult: Soon you'll be wearing my sword like a shish kebab!
Response: First you better stop waiving it like a feather-duster.

Insult: My handkerchief will wipe up your blood!
Response: So you got that job as janitor, after all.

Insult: People fall at my feet when they see me coming.
Response: Even BEFORE they smell your breath?

Insult: I once owned a dog that was smarter then you.
Response: He must have taught you everything you know.

Insult: You make me want to puke.
Response: You make me think somebody already did.

Insult: Nobody's ever drawn blood from me and nobody ever will.
Response: You run THAT fast?

Insult: You fight like a dairy farmer.
Response: How appropriate. You fight like a cow.

Insult: I got this scar on my face during a mighty struggle!
Response: I hope now you've learned to stop picking your nose.

Insult: Have you stopped wearing diapers yet?
Response: Why, did you want to borrow one?

Insult: I've heard you were a contemptible sneak.
Response: Too bad no one's ever heard of YOU at all.

Insult: You're no match for my brains, you poor fool.
Response: I'd be in real trouble if you ever used them.

Insult: You have the manners of a beggar.
Response: I wanted to make sure you'd feel comfortable with me.

Insult: I'm not going to take your insolence sitting down!
Response: Your haemorrhoids are flaring up again, eh?

Insult: There are no words for how disgusting you are.
Response: Yes there are. You just never learned them.

Insult: I've spoken with apes more polite then you.
Response: I'm glad to hear you attended your family reunion.

These insults serve a second purpose as well, as the responses are needed to fight the Sword Master. She will not be using the same insults but the responses you learned will be used. For informational purposes, I am adding them here to help you with that fight:

Sword Master: I've got a long, sharp lesson for you to learn today.
Response: And I've got a little TIP for you, get the POINT?

Sword Master: My tongue is sharper then any sword
Response: First you better stop waiving it like a feather-duster.

Sword Master: My name is feared in every dirty corner of this island!
Response: So you got that job as janitor, after all.

Sword Master: My wisest enemies run away at the first sight of me! & I usually see people like you passed-out on tavern floors.
Response: Even BEFORE they smell your breath?

Sword Master: Only once have I met such a coward!
Response: He must have taught you everything you know.

Sword Master: If your brother's like you, better to marry a pig.
Response: You make me think somebody already did.

Sword Master: No one will ever catch ME fighting as badly as you do.
Response: You run THAT fast?

Sword Master: I will milk every drop of blood from your body!
Response: How appropriate. You fight like a cow.

Sword Master: My last fight ended with my hands covered with blood.
Response: I hope now you've learned to stop picking your nose.

Sword Master: I hope you have a boat ready for a quick escape.
Response: Why, did you want to borrow one?

Sword Master: My sword is famous all over the Caribbean!
Response: Too bad no one's ever heard of YOU at all.

Sword Master: I've got the courage and skill of a master swordsman!
Response: I'd be in real trouble if you ever used them.

Sword Master: Every word you say to me is stupid.
Response: I wanted to make sure you'd feel comfortable with me.

Sword Master: You are a pain in the backside, sir!
Response: Your haemorrhoids are flaring up again, eh?

Sword Master: There are no clever moves that can help you now.
Response: Yes there are. You just never learned them.

Sword Master: Now I know what filth and stupidity really are.
Response: I'm glad to hear you attended your family reunion.

Please remember: You will not be able to respond to the Sword Master's insults with these responses, if you never learned them from the pirates so it is useful to finish all 16 insults and responses before moving on each time you play. For speedruns or impatient players who already have achieved the trophy, you will be able to get by not knowing up to two of the responses and may still best the Sword Master to continue the story if needed.

Here is a list of curse words to make it more convenient

Pirate Insult: This is the END for you, you gutter-crawling cur!
SM Insult: I've got a long, sharp lesson for you to learn today.
Response: And I've got a little TIP for you, get the POINT?

Pirate Insult: Soon you'll be wearing my sword like a shish kebab!
SM Insult: My tongue is sharper then any sword
Response: First you better stop waiving it like a feather-duster.

Pirate Insult: My handkerchief will wipe up your blood!
SM Insult: My name is feared in every dirty corner of this island!
Response: So you got that job as janitor, after all.

Pirate Insult: People fall at my feet when they see me coming.
SM Insult: My wisest enemies run away at the first sight of me! & I usually see people like you passed-out on tavern floors.
Response: Even BEFORE they smell your breath?

Pirate Insult: I once owned a dog that was smarter then you.
SM Insult: Only once have I met such a coward!
Response: He must have taught you everything you know.

Pirate Insult: You make me want to puke.
SM Insult: If your brother's like you, better to marry a pig.
Response: You make me think somebody already did.

Pirate Insult: Nobody's ever drawn blood from me and nobody ever will.
SM Insult: No one will ever catch ME fighting as badly as you do.
Response: You run THAT fast?

Pirate Insult: You fight like a dairy farmer.
SM Insult: I will milk every drop of blood from your body!
Response: How appropriate. You fight like a cow.

Pirate Insult: I got this scar on my face during a mighty struggle!
SM Insult: My last fight ended with my hands covered with blood.
Response: I hope now you've learned to stop picking your nose.

Pirate Insult: Have you stopped wearing diapers yet?
SM Insult: I hope you have a boat ready for a quick escape.
Response: Why, did you want to borrow one?

Pirate Insult: I've heard you were a contemptible sneak.
SM Insult: My sword is famous all over the Caribbean!
Response: Too bad no one's ever heard of YOU at all.

Pirate Insult: You're no match for my brains, you poor fool.
SM Insult: I've got the courage and skill of a master swordsman!
Response: I'd be in real trouble if you ever used them.

Pirate Insult: You have the manners of a beggar.
SM Insult: Every word you say to me is stupid.
Response: I wanted to make sure you'd feel comfortable with me.

Pirate Insult: I'm not going to take your insolence sitting down!
SM Insult: You are a pain in the backside, sir!
Response: Your hemorrhoids are flaring up again, eh?

Pirate Insult: There are no words for how disgusting you are.
SM Insult: There are no clever moves that can help you now.
Response: Yes there are. You just never learned them.

Pirate Insult: I've spoken with apes more polite then you.
SM Insult: Now I know what filth and stupidity really are.
Response: I'm glad to hear you attended your family reunion.

19 Oct 2010 09:31

You can miss the trophy! Not a difficult trophy, but quite a long one. All you have to do is learn all 16 pirate curses in order to eventually defeat the swordmaster. After you learn how to fight with a sword, you will come across pirates on the island, and while fighting with them you will learn more and more curse words. Once you recognize all sixteen of them, the trophy will unlock.

24 Apr 2010 05:23