The Sims 3

The Sims 3

51 Achievements


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Child Prodigy

Child Prodigy

Complete a Lifetime Wish before becoming a Young Adult.


How to unlock the Child Prodigy achievement in The Sims 3 - Definitive Guide

This is a complete, detailed guide for the "Child Prodigy" achievement.

Before starting, make sure you have "Enable aging" turned off, or at least have the game set to Epic. This can be done by hitting the start button, going to options, and scrolling down to Sim Lifespan for Epic, and to "Enable aging" closer to the bottom. Also, High free will is recommended, so you can focus on the child while the parents do there thing.

1. First, you can either start a new game, with a baby, toddler or child( if you do this skip to step 5), adopt a child using the phone, or have a child in game with current Sims. I highly recommend doing this achievement with a kid you had with two Sims that are already well established and have the Life rewards of Steel Bladder, Dirt Defiant, and Hardly Hungry(purchasable under the lifetime rewards button under Sim Info). This will allow you to focus as much time as you can on the kid.

2. As soon as you have the baby, Buy a birthday cake in the buy menu (Entertainment>Parties), and have the baby blow out the candle(Make baby active Sim, then choose birthday cake.)

3. Now, in the toddler period, it is VERY IMPORTANT to teach the toddler ALL THREE toddler lessons, walking, talking, and potty training. Start with Potty training, using the "First Step Potty Chair" found in Kids>Furniture in the buy menu. You can only potty train when the toddler has part of his bladder bar empty, so pay attention to the toddlers bladder while teaching to talk and walk.

4. Once you have taught the baby all three skills(Note, if you do not teach all three, you will not be able to complete the achievement), buy another birthday cake and have the toddler blow out the candle. You should choose the Traits "Bookworm" and "Artistic". Make sure you have 40 Karma points available before you do this, and have purchased the "Stroke of Genius" Karma Power from the Challenge Shop, and have a computer available for your Sims.

5. Immediately active the karma power "Stroke Of Genius" for your child and have them begin "practice writing" on the computer. the lifetime wish of "Illustrious Author" SHOULD become available instantly. If not, continue having the child practice writing or painting until it becomes available.

6. Now, simply keep the child practicing writing and painting in it's spare time until the achievement pops! Remember to use "Stroke of Genius" every chance you get.

Note that you can get this achievement with a number of other lifetime wishes, I just found this one to be the easiest to set up for. If you decide to go for a different lifetime wish, make sure to choose one that has nothing to do with a job, as children can't get jobs.

Good Luck!

Edit: Note from Lt Davo. It helps to read painting books to your toddler to improve thier painting skills later in life, and helps ensure getting the writings/painting wish. Thanks for the tip!

Edit: It has been reported you may only be able to age someone one time with aging off. If you find yourself unable to age your child further, turn aging back on.

11 Dec 2010 00:10

Note added, thanks Davo!
By xFallenCastielx on 17 Dec 2010 04:00
I also wanted to add that you can call on your cell phone to adopt a baby, if you would rather do that than have one with your sims! It also eliminates having to deal with another sim while going for the achievement, as you can adopt with a single parent! Thanks for the guide I will work on this!
By Waterloo319 on 20 Dec 2010 19:39
great guide, although I felt Writing and painting took ages for me, in the end I used a second child and got him logic/body one
By Major Alenko on 04 Jan 2011 22:25
Im not sure but i think if you ain't got a lifetime wish and you save 10,000 life time points you can essentially, Buy a wish and choose whcih it can be.

one of the last ones i need for this game!
By TouchMyMinki on 16 Jan 2011 20:36
I can't seem to age up my toddler. I've taught her potty/walking/talking and have ever read most of the books to her, but she's still not available in the list for blowing out candles. Any idea what triggers this to allow her to age up?
By risseless on 22 Jan 2011 06:43
I don't suppose you have aging turned off, do you?
By xFallenCastielx on 22 Jan 2011 08:29
Yes I did. I didn't realize you only get one birthday with aging off, so since i got my child as a baby, I couldn't go beyond toddler with aging off. Working fine now.
By risseless on 23 Jan 2011 06:39
^^ can you turn aging off again after they have grown into a child and still get this cheevo?
By GammyGreenGiant on 23 Jan 2011 21:33
At the very worst if any sim is about to age up and you don't want them to, you could always feed them Ambrosia (Level 10 Cooking skill, requires high level fish and fruit). Ambrosia resets their current age progression to the bottom.

Also I don't believe it possible to change a Child's Lifetime Wish. That option and several others aren't available in the Lifetime Rewards.
By BeanShmeistr on 15 Feb 2011 09:24
If you, like me, fuck up, and choose the wrong lifetime wish (apparantly kids can't play guitars?!?), you can change it for 10.000 life-time points, in the lifetime shop. It's not the challenge shop! But you can find the life time points shop same way you find the skill milestones.
By jvest on 09 Apr 2011 23:00
@jvest thank you! my stupid child couldn't play guitar!! I had to change it to a "complete career path" then change it AGAIN to a "master writing and painting skill."

This kids a pain in the ass!
By Mike Langlois on 12 May 2011 15:04
Just worth saying that despite the Achivement being called Child Prodigy, You can still complete this as a teen because they are still not young adults yet.
By Jake Elite on 27 May 2011 20:34
Pugsly, is this a kid you had as a baby? did you make sure to learn all three "baby skills" before you progressed in age?
By xFallenCastielx on 22 Jun 2011 07:17
If you disabled aging and you can't age past toddler all you have to do is turn aging back on for one day and check the tab that shows how many days until you age again to make sure a day has passed and then throw the birthday party and disable aging again.
By TheRealDingo on 15 Jul 2011 20:33
Great guide :) Mine took a little while for him to get a lifetime wish but otherwise it was all good. I had my kid bunk alot of classes..Otherwise going to class every day..urrrgggghh! hahaha
By takuto neko on 21 Jul 2011 15:52
This newborn baby is suppose to blowout candles or am I suppose to wait a year? Right now all he does is poop, sleep and eat. Just like real life!
By Zymotic on 01 Sep 2011 07:50
Yes, once you have done all three baby skills, have that little pooper blow out some candles!
By xFallenCastielx on 01 Sep 2011 08:26
There's no need to go through raising a child - skip the steps for infancy and just make a teenager with the Bookworm/Artistic traits. The same lifetime wish will pop up when you start writing, so just skip school every day to practice writing and painting until the achievement pops.
By YoshiMiyamoto on 30 Apr 2012 07:42
I found this to be very helpful thanks.....
By GR1N REAP3R on 26 Feb 2013 16:34
For some reason, it only let me pick one trait.

I adopted a child, taught her all 3 skills, then aged her, and it only let me choose 1 trait? Anyone know why?

I've mastered the writing skill to 10, but only have Bookworm trait. So if I was to use the MidLife Crisis lifetime reward purchase, and give the child Artistic, would that make it pop?
By ItsZerimar on 27 Aug 2013 06:00
guv'ment took my kid, man :(
By XI AlphaMale IX on 24 Jan 2014 06:43
Good job bro! I already have it but I'm sure this will help a lot of people. Thumbs up!
By A 2rue Messiah on 11 Dec 2010 02:25
As I pointed in the other guide, it helps to read painting books to your toddler. It helps them develop the painting skill more quickly when they get older, and it helps ensure that you will get offered the writing/painting lifetime wish. I don't want to get into a whote big thing over this guide vs. the other one, but if you want this guide to be "complete and detailed", you really should add that.
By Lt Davo on 17 Dec 2010 02:56
Hey, it only let me me choose one trait and it designated virtuoso and light sleeper, and from what I understand, those are useless. Does that mean that all this is useless and I need to have another kid? This was on my main file and I think my kid "inherited" those traits from it's father. I chose artistic as my one trait but I saved it in a separate save file in case I need to back-track. Any advice? These are among my last achievements so I really don't want to put a whole lot of time into it. My parents are well established and I kind of hate to start completely over if I don't have to. Any tips would be great. thanks! :)
By PugslyPuppy on 22 Jun 2011 05:53
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The method above is probably faster if you're staring with a fresh sim, but I couldn't seem to get it to work. I used a method I found on another website. This method, I would say, is faster if you have a child or teen sim that's lived in your household for some time.

For this method you need either a child or a teen. Like the other method, make sure aging is either epic or off. Continue completing wishes for your sim until you build up 10,000 lifetime reward points. Once you have them, hit cn_X. Use cn_LB and cn_RB to get to the Sim Info tab then hit cn_right and then cn_A to select "Lifetime rewards." Scroll down until you see "Change Lifetime Wish" and select it. The game will now give you five options to choose from. Choose your favorite and that sim will now have that lifetime wish. Do not choose a career, family, or romance based wish as you need to be an adult to complete these ones. From here, all you have to do is complete the wish requirements.

If you have any questions I'll do my best to answer them.

30 Jul 2014 02:08

The Brady Bunch Strategy
This strategy will allow you to accomplish this achievement by hitting the game with multiple options. You have one parent/guardian and five potential teen prodigies.

List of usable lifetime wishes:
Chess Legend - trig: Computer Whiz, Genius, Couch Potato
Goal: Max logic and 5th level in pro chess
Golden tongue/fingers - trig: virtuoso, charismatic, great kisser, good sense of humor
goal: max charisma and guitar
Heartbreaker - trig: commitment issues, great kisser, flirty, party animal
Goal: have 10 romantic interests (regardless of gender)
Illustrious Author - trig: Artistic, bookworm, loner
Goal: master both painting and writing skills
Lap of Luxury - trig: mooch, snob, ambitious, kleptomaniac
Goal: family net worth of 100,000
Master of the Arts - trig: artistic, virtuoso
goal: max painting and guitar
Perfect Mind, Perfect Body - trig: genius, athletic, loves the outdoors, perfectionist
Goal: get to level 10 in logic and athletics
Perfect Private Aquarium - trig: angler, loves outdoors, perfectionist
goal: 13 perfect fish in fish bowls
Professional author - trig: bookworm, couch potato, loner
goal: 4000/wk in royalties
Renaissance Sim - trig: commitment issues, workaholic
goal: get 3 skills to level 10
Super popular - trig: charismatic, friendly, mooch, party animal, schmoozer
goal: 20 friends
Swimming in Cash - trig: mooch, snob, ambitious, frugal
goal: 50K in cash
The Culinary Librarian - trig: natural cook, vegetarian
goal: read every recipe book (requires max cooking)
The Perfect Garden - trig: green thumb, natural cook, loves outdoors, perfectionist
goal: grow 8 different kinds of perfect plants
The Tinkerer - trig: computer whiz, genius, handy
goal: max Logic and handiness

Note that "trig" is the mandatory traits. It means you must have AT LEAST one of these traits in order to trigger the LTW. You will also have to select alternate individual traits that best suit the role your prodigy will play during the game.

1. Start a new game.
2. Create a parent/guardian. There job is only to bring in money (plus it's a game requirement). Pick whatever you want for this but you will not be interacting much with this sim. For ease of use name the sim: Mom/Dad/ATM.
3. Create 5 teen sims. Name them after the lifetime wishes you're going to use (e.g. "Cook" if going after Culinary Librarian)
4. Pick your 5 lifetime wishes and pick the appropriate traits for your teens to accomplish it. (e.g. for Culinary Librarian you'd want natural cook, perfectionist, bookworm, green thumb/neat).
Note #1: Some LTW are much easier to accomplish than others. Try to pick LTW that complement with another one. For example Culinary Librarian complements both Perfect Garden and Private Aquarium because the fisher provides fertilizer for the gardener and cook. Tinkerer and Perfect Mind/Body also complement one another because the sims can practice chess together.
Note #2: The other important factors are location and speed of skill training. For example more next door to a place with a fishing spot is more productive for the Aquarium LTW. The community center with a garden works great for Culinary Librarian. Some skills are much easier to build up than others and/or require very little interaction. Cooking, handiness, athletic (workout to the cheapest radio) can all be built up rather quickly. Charisma can build up quickly but requires alot of interaction and throwing parties to build it up. Fishing, logic, painting, writing all seem to progress slower (exception being logic if you double up on using complementary LTWs that use the logic skill)
5. Start up the game, pick your home, and buy your gear: chessboard, water sprinkler, easel, radio, upgraded television, 6 seatable table, picnics table and grill (for parties), 5 single beds, 1 double bed.
6. Disable aging and stay on the mission. Do not deviate to do other major tasks and challenges.

So which LTW should you pick? Pick whatever you want. To the contrary, doing "max skill" LTWs is actually more time-consuming than objective-based LTW modes. For example Tinkerer takes longer to complete than Chess Legend. Handiness is the easiest skill to level due to the amount of opportunities you'll have to use it. LTWs (that aren't "perfect-based) such as Super Pop and Chess Legend should be easiest to achieve.

TL;DR Select an objective-based (that doesn't have a perfect requirement (e.g. "perfect vegetable"/"perfect fish")) LTW to complete this achievement the fastest.

12 Dec 2019 15:36

Sims normally get their lifetime wishes when they hit their young adult years but they can be earned when they are a teenager when the teenager gets to a certain skill level. So to earn it for your teen practice any skill you want and when you're around level 4-5 for that skill a lifetime wish will pop up. So you can either have a baby and wait until it grows up to be a teenager, you can start your household with a teen already in it or you can adopt a child from the child services. Either way once you get a teen in the house press and go to options. Go down to enable aging and uncheck the box. Unchecking this box will stop all sims from aging giving you all the time in the world to complete your lifetime wish.

Normally when you're a teenager your lifetime wish will be something like maxing out a skill rather than maxing out a job when you're an adult. You can change your lifetime wish if you don't like the wish or you get unlucky and you get a job related wish. To change it press and go to the sim info tab. From there go to lifetime rewards and buy the lifetime reward "change lifetime wish", it costs 10,000 lifetime happiness points. If you still want to have ageing you can make it so your sims age really slowly, do this by staying in the same menu that you can uncheck the enable ageing, except this time go to sims lifespan and scroll the bar all the way to the right until it's at epic. Your sims will still age but they will just age very slowly leaving you a lot of time to complete your lifetime wish. Once you've completed the wish the trophy will unlock.


You can either have a baby and raise it to a kid or start a new child and an adult Sim family, you need the adult to look after the kid. When you have aged to a kid turn aging off so you aren't constrained by getting older. Then you will need to save up and buy "Change lifetime wish" for 10,000 life time happiness points this allows you to pick a life time wish because kids don't start off with lifetime wishes. All though you may get a lifetime wish for free by performing tasks like writing a book or painting a picture as a kid. Try to get a lifetime wish which is skill based and then keep using the "Stroke of Genius" karma power to power level that skill. You can also get this with a teenager as well.

Tips to speeding this up:

1.It may be more helpful to be a teenager than a kid because you can then use the moodlet manager on a teenager to improve the Sim's moodlets, but you can't on a kid.
2. Buy "Steel Bladder", "Dirt Defiant", and "Hardly Hungry" as soon as you can.