The Sun and Moon

The Sun and Moon (EP)

12 Achievements


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Obtain 100 sun medals


How to unlock the Sun achievement in The Sun and Moon - Definitive Guide

This process is quite a bit tricky in this game and you can't really describe to people how to achieve each medal to give them a proper visual. Here's a video showing how to get every sun medal from AmirGaris. This should cover all of the achievements otherwise as well. I do not own this video and asked permission to use it. It's the best guide out there for beating the game if you're stuck!

22 Aug 2020 00:22

1 Comment
Also note that there are 160 levels in the game (150 normal + 10 boss fights), so if you can't get a sun medal on a particular level, don't bust your balls over it. You can skip up to the hardest 60 levels
By KinectKid333 on 02 Dec 2021 23:48
I have put together a playlist of myself getting all 160 sun medals, so for this achievement, you can pick and choose some of the less brutal ones if needed.

09 Dec 2018 00:00

There are three types of medals in the game: half moon, full moon, and sun. Each one has a specific time requirement per level, with the sun medal being the fastest time. In most cases, this involves completing the level perfectly, with no stopping, no mistakes, and perfect movements. Thankfully, these achievements only require 100 sun medals, and there are 160 levels to choose from (150 levels plus 10 boss levels), so at least there is some leeway that if a level feels impossible or frustrating, it can be skipped. Even so, just be aware that this achievement is incredibly difficult, and will take a ton of patience and attempts at every level. I highly recommend not trying to get sun medals on 10+ levels in one sitting, otherwise you're very likely to get burned out or really frustrated. Take it calmly and gradually to ensure you can stay focused. 

I highly recommend that you complete the game first before attempting to get all of these sun medals. If you complete a level along the way and are close to the sun medal, it's probably worth going for. Otherwise, don't waste your time trying for the sun medals right away. The reason is that after you finish the game, you'll be much more comfortable with various techniques and situations, making some of the earlier levels much easier to manage a fast time on. Those levels that seemed really tough the first time through will likely seem much simpler after beating the game. Refer to THIS POST for techniques you'll need to be sure to master to stand a chance at getting 100 sun medals. 

It shouldn't necessarily be assumed that the earlier levels are easier and later ones harder. In general levels get progressively harder, but the sun medal may not be harder. I have grouped levels below into "easy" and "medium" categories, where the easy levels I was able to complete without too much of a hassle, and the medium levels I completed with a pretty decent amount of hassle. Naturally this is in my experience, so you may find some of my "easy" levels really tough and be able to do some of my brutal levels, but at least this will give you big groups of levels to attempt in each difficulty ranking.

To start off, here are levels I recommend avoiding completely after you beat them, as trying to get the sun medal on them is insanely tight even with perfect movements, or trying to beat them quickly without dying with just crush you completely: 

Level 28
Level 54
Level 76
Level 80
Level 84
Boss level V
Level 89
Boss level VI
Level 96
Level 97
Level 128
Level 141
Level 150

With that done, I have provided more details for many of the "easy" and "medium" levels below with some points that are critical to getting the sun medal and especially doing it consistently. Unfortunately there are only videos on YouTube for the first two systems. The rest of the levels will be relying on text descriptions alone. It's also worth mentioning that I haven't tried to get a sun medal on every single level. So between the levels listed above and all the ones below, I haven't covered every level. Feel free to try out other levels if you're struggling with some. There are 100 listed below with tips for completing them. 

- Easy Levels - 

Levels 1 - 20 and Boss level I

A note about level 14: that first jump is very difficult to get exactly right so you can collect the first two dots in one jump. Standing next to the wall and jumping/phasing at almost the exact same time is how to launch yourself at the appropriate height. This technique will definitely take some practice. 

Levels 21 - 40 and Boss level II

Even though Level 28 looks innocent enough, that last movement to the exit portal is insanely precise. I highly recommend skipping level 28.

Level 44 - jump right and phase into the ground while holding right the whole time. Launch up and into the left block to get the dot. Drop down to the left side, then drop into the center. Collect the dot and phase right into the right side. Launch up and into and through the right block, collecting the dot on the way, and arc left into the portal

Level 45 - jump next to the wall into it to phase up quickly through the dot, then go back and forth, barely phasing out of the wall to shoot up quickly

Level 47 - ignore all the platforms above you. Jump and phase down and left to get under the top row of spikes. Drop and then phase right through the column to get to the lower right dot. Jump and phase down and left out the left side, drop then phase back in and back out left under the spikes to the lower left dot. Immediately walk into the wall and phase into it, collecting the third dot and launching all the way up to the portal

Level 48 - jump right and phase through the block, collecting the dot and continuing right over the spikes and phase through the right side down to the lower level. Grab the dot, then jump and phase down into the corner of the taller section, then launch yourself to the left side. Collect the dot there, then again jump and phase down into the corner, launch up next to the spikes, through the block, and arc right to the portal 

Level 49 - jump and phase down into the first dot. Phase up to the top, but importantly do not launch yourself high. You need to only hit slight vertical sections so you just barely make it to the top, otherwise you'll waste time falling. Phase through the block to get the second dot and immediately drop and phase to the lowest level. Grab the third dot and enter the portal

Level 51 - jump up right after the bullets pass and keep moving right without stopping. Jump and phase into the ground and keep bobbing in and out to pass under the bullets

Level 55 - five times. That's how many times you need to go down to finish in time. To start, go next to one of the little walls and jump phase to launch yourself up higher than you'd get from jumping. Go down into the center and shoot up one of the sides to keep going deeper. On the fourth plunge you can collect one lower dot. On the fifth plunge collect the third dot and go out the side and drop down, then phase back into the center to drop into the portal

Level 56 - jump left into the column and launch up and over the spikes to the right. Walk into the wall and phase up through the dot, arc right and drop right through into the third dot. Head right and jump over the spikes and phase down into the ground, collecting the third dot and go left right out of the column. This turn is the trickiest part

Level 57 - in one fluid motion without stopping to land, jump and phase right into the first block, launch out the top of it and right into the right block, out the top of it and left into the top block and out the left side and land on the left block. Jump up and phase down into it and out the right side into the portal

Level 58 - the trick is to just barely be able to jump through the first gap in time so in one motion without landing you can phase right into the block to get the first dot, launch out of it and up into the next block to get that dot, then launch out the top and arc left through the gaps to the third dot. Quickly jump right through the next set of gaps into the portal

Level 59 - the key here is phasing out of the center pillar as soon as you collect the second dot on your way up, so you minimize how high you shoot. On the way back down, phase back into the pillar at the top to collect the third dot, then immediately phase out and to the right to drop onto the portal platform, then jump in

Boss level III - drop down and jump right to the first dot. Drop down and jump up and into the center block and launch up and out the top, and arc left into the block and grab the second dot. Jump right and phase through the block to get the third dot. Jump up and phase through each block to get to the top and collect the dot on one side, then quickly jump to the other side, then immediately jump off the dot platform back down to where you started, and then jump up and into the center block to launch up into the portal

Level 61 - jump phase to the first block, then to the second platform, then up and right to the third platform. From here, jump right and immediately phase into the platform to go under the spikes and get the dot. Continue phasing to go right back under the spikes and back to the third platform. From here jump left and phase into the column and launch left, collecting the second dot and immediately dropping off the left side to the lower platform to get the final dot. Then jump right and launch up to the portal via the middle column

Level 65 - this whole level should be in one fluid motion. Jump into the left blocks and phase straight into the center to get that dot. Let it launch you back up the left blocks and drop back down them and around the whole outside to the bottom section to collect the lowest dot, then launch right back up the right side and arc right into the portal

Level 68 - jump and phase down into the right corner, phasing straight through the pockets to collect the dot and phase into the structure. Curve left and launch up to the upper left pocket, releasing phase so you hit the ceiling of it, drop down and phase right back down through both left pockets, grabbing both dots, and curve right to drop into the Portal pocket right away

Level 69 - there are two key pieces to this level. First is jumping and phasing down just to the right of the spikes so you get to the pocket with the lowest dot. Quickly grab it. The second key part is doing the rest of the level in one motion. From the pocket phase right and through the structure and curve left to launch up through the second dot, hitting the ceiling (release phase) and on the way down phase right back into the structure, launch up through the third dot and arc right to the portal. You'll again have to release phase so you hit the ceiling

Level 70 - jump high and phase back into the ground, curve right and launch out of the fourth step, collect the dot and drop back into the second step, curve left and launch out of the corner of the third and fourth steps, arcing right to collect the second and third dots in one motion, arcing over the middle spikes, and drop into the center of the steps to phase straight down into the portal

Level 75 - the key here is phasing into and out of each pillar at the right areas to optimize how deep you sink into them and how high you launch out of them to not waste time. Jump and phase into the first pillar and launch out the top. Go into the top of the second pillar but out the side near the top. Go into the third pillar near the top and out the side near the top. The tricky part is getting into the fourth pillar and launching out at the exact spot on the side of it so you reach the portal platform but don't launch so high that you have to wait to fall

Level 79 - walk off onto the first block, jump to the second, then jump and phase into the side of the pillar. Launch out the top through the block with the dot and arc right, going right into the second pillar. Launch out the top of it and phase up through the blocks to the second dot. Jump and phase left onto the next big platform. Jump left and quickly phase up each block to the last dot and the portal

Level 85 - there aren't any fancy tricks with this level, you just have to hit each jump and phase first try without stopping. It'll take a little practice to get the flow but it's not too bad

Level 99 - jump and phase through the horizontal section of the first cross and land where the portal is. Repeat for the second cross, collect the dot and land on the big section. Jump and phase into the right most cross, grab the dot, then launch left right back to where you came. Immediately jump down to the low cross to the top tip. Jump and phase down into it to get the dot, then launch back up and left into the main platform and out the top into the portal

Level 101 - jump off the right side around the spikes and phase back into the column to get both the first and second dots while you're dropping. As soon as you've got the second one, you now have to phase out one side (whichever doesn't have spikes), drop a bit and then phase back in to get the third dot, back out and back in to drop into the portal

Level 105 - this level is very straightforward in that you need to phase down into the low level and launch up out of the high level with every cycle so that you're constantly going deeper. Collect a dot each time you're deep enough for it and make sure to avoid the spikes as you curve under them to go from right to left underground, then get into the portal as soon as you're deep enough 

Level 107 - this one is hard to explain in words since it's all about perfect timing. As soon as the pink disappears, jump and phase down and curve into the middle pocket, grab the dot, let yourself fall a little but immediately go left and phase so you launch up and around the spikes. The key is to not launch too high. You want to be right next to the higher tunnel as soon as the pink disappears again. Hold right the whole time, jumping to grab the second and third dots, and then the important part is to anticipate the pink coming back. Before it does, jump so you're already falling when you start to phase so you avoid getting shot up at all, and instead drop right out the right side and down into the portal 

Level 108 - this one is all about timing too but it's broken up into three manageable sections. First is jumping into the tunnel shortly after the pink disappears, jumping over the first pit and letting the pink appear and take you up into the upper pocket. Second is as soon as the pink disappears, head right, drop, jump the lower pocket, and then quickly jump into the end pocket and phase into the lowest part of it, curving right to come back up into the second tunnel in the pocket. Third and most important is to anticipate the pink disappearing so you jump right as it goes away and can go right into the tunnel, then jump and phase into the ground and curve right so you come right up into the portal

Level 115 - there are a couple tricks that make this level very easy. First is to jump and phase into the side of the lowest platform, and out the top, arc around the platform and drop into the pillar. Second is to shoot up through the first two platforms, collecting both dots, and then after you go out the top of the second one, go around the outside of both platforms so you don't drop through them, back into the pillar, then launch straight up into the portal

Level 117 - this one is an auto scroller so you just have to get used to the level and make sure you're always pushing the left side so you can hop in the portal as soon as it's on screen

Level 118 - there really isn't much to say about this one since it's essentially an auto scroller. The only different between beating it and getting the sun medal is hopping into the last column right as the screen moves up and launching perfectly over to the portal

Level 124 - jump into the center pillar and launch yourself just enough to get onto the left mid platform. Quickly jump left and phase up into the first dot, then jump to the top block, from there to the top of the center pillar to get the second dot, then jump down to the right mid platform then quickly jump right and phase up into the last dot. Jump left over the blocks and phase down through the right mid platform right into the portal

Level 125 - jump and phase straight up. Make sure you release phase to hit the ceiling, collect the first dot, and hold right. The key here is phasing into the block at the right spot so you collect the dot in here on the way down and come out the right side onto the platform. You'll need to be holding right the whole time to save time. After collecting the third dot, jump back into the block and now you need to launch around the spikes and onto the portal platform, but it's critical to not go too high so you don't waste time falling

Level 135 - this one is very easy with the right route. Start by walking into the pillar and launching up to the first platform. Grab the first dot and then jump up into the pillar and arc right, then phase right down into the second platform and grab the dot, curve right and launch out of the top on the right side over to the third platform. Jump down into the pillar and launch up to the portal

Level 145 - do a small jump and phase down and left to the lower platform. Jump left to the first dot, then do a high jump slightly left to avoid the spikes, then phase back down through both blocks to the bottom one. Jump and phase back up and make sure to angle left to avoid hitting the spikes. Jump right to the block, then in one motion jump up and right and phase into the block, launch out the top and arc right over the spikes, then phase down into the block and right out the side to the portal


- Medium Levels - 
Level 42 - this level is all about managing momentum perfectly to travel around it quickly without wasting time. There are multiple ways to do this, but this is the way I did it. Start by walking right and then jump up into the wall to shoot up as fast as possible, and arc left to go up through the right platform, collecting the dot, release phase to hit the ceiling, then go right off the platform and phase slightly into the wall as you fall to slow you slightly, then go left to drop and collect the second dot underground, curving left the whole time so you can launch up to the left platform. Use the left wall if need be to give yourself extra upward momentum. Again go right through the platform to get the dot, hit the ceiling and go right to fall right into the portal

Level 46 - this one is all about optimizing your dips into the ground and launches out so you don't waste time. Start by jumping and phasing into the ground under the spikes, and you're going to hold Phase the whole level so you're bobbing up between spikes and then dipping back down below them

Level 52 - launch up and right and grab the right dot first. The critical thing here is that when you head left you need to time it so you jump over a pair of bullets coming toward you and a single bullet going away from you in the same jump. The second time you can phase down to get the second dot then launch up and left to get the third, then head straight right without stopping to get to the portal

Boss level IV - with the Boss dashing at you, you're going to have to improvise your jumping and phasing to get around him, but here's the general route to take. When you start, walk left into the block, phasing up and curving left to shoot straight up to the top area, going right through those blocks, collecting the dot, and arcing left to land on the left side where that dot is. Grab it, then platform right, drop down and launch up the left pillar to get to the dot above the middle one. Jump down to the right and phase through the block to reach the right side. Platform and phase your way up to the top to get the last dot and then platform left and jump across, phasing into the middle to get to the portal

Level 74 - this one is all about getting perfect angles. Start by jumping up with a short jump and phase down through the platform to the left pillar and into it, grabbing the dot. Now the toughest part: you need to curve right to launch out of the pillar through the part sticking out to the right so that you reach the part sticking down from the left side of the spikes. Once you phase into it, you will then have to launch out of the top of it, over the spikes and high enough to grab the second dot above them and land on the other side. Now you have to again jump and phase through the ground right into the pillar to grab the third dot, and again launch through the piece sticking left to get to the lower point of the platform above to get back up to the portal 

Level 77 - there are a couple different routes to take on this level but I will describe the one I used since I found it easier to be consistent with it. Start by doing a small jump right into the right big block and launch out of the top between the spikes, arcing right, going through the right block's side right into the dot and arc left right back into the big block without landing. If you did it right you should go deep enough into the big block to launch high enough out the top to arc left over the second block without touching it, grabbing the second dot though, and phasing into the side of the left big block, curving left under the first set of spikes, launching out the top between the spikes and arcing left to land on the left block with the third dot. Immediately jump right to phase into the left big block between the spikes and hold right to go out the right side of the left block and, most importantly, into the left side of the right block just enough so that you still have enough downward momentum to exit out the bottom of the block without getting launched up, but not so soon that you fall out the bottom before reaching the portal platform. That last movement is the trickiest part, but thankfully the first part is easier to be consistent with. You'll just have to practice the timing on that last jump and phase from big block to big block

Level 82 - this is one that may seem impossible to some and easy to others, depending in your timing and dexterity. There really isn't any time to waste on this level, so you can't waste time launching too high, sinking in too low, or taking multiple attempts to go from one level to the next. Here's how I did it. Jump up and phase just a very small amount to just barely make it left over the spikes, then immediately start phasing again while still holding left. The goal is to be holding left the whole time from jumping up over the spikes until you launch up to the second level. When you launch up you'll want to phase just enough to launch up high enough to collect the second dot in one motion. The hardest part is when you come back down from the second dot, phasing at the exact right time so that you catch yourself before hitting the spikes, but still having enough momentum to reach the third level. Then you have to phase right through the third level just enough to launch yourself at the perfect height to go right into the portal. There isn't enough time to undershoot and try again nor to overshoot and wait for yourself to fall

Level 83 - this level just requires two instances of perfect timing on your phasing. The first part is easy: jump and phase up through the pink area and hold Phase in. Arc right and go into the pink area and launch out and right to the fartherest side, collecting the dot over here, then launch right back out the top and arc left to the middle. That whole section is done while holding phase the entire time. Now the tricky part. After getting the first dot and arcing back into the middle pillar, you have to let go of phase so the pink is gone and press phase right before entering the main pillar. You have to have perfect timing so you go deep enough to reach BOTH dots at the bottom of your sinking. Hold phase in to launch out the top, then on the way back down you once again need to let go of phase and time it perfectly to phase right into the main column straight down into the portal

Level 84 - this level is very simple: get down to the bottom dot and then get back up and into the portal. The hard part is doing this quickly without dying since you have to weave back and forth to dodge spikes and manage your momentum well. I highly recommend collecting all the dots on your way down, falling through them, because it's much easier to collect them while falling through them than to try to launch through them without launching yourself into spikes. There's no way around it, this level will just take a bunch of practice

Level 87 - the route on this one is straightforward enough: you have to bob under each set of spikes and launch over to the next platform all on your first try without stopping. The difficult part is managing your momentum just right so that you have enough height to arc to the next area, but more importantly is enough depth to get under the spikes without falling through the bottom of the platform. For all platforms you'll want to phase into them as high up as possible, especially for the last two where you don't have any room to go too deep 

Level 92 - right as the level starts, jump and phase into the platform to launch up between the two spikes and arc over it to the left. Do a small jump to grab the dot and phase right into the ground, curving left under the spikes, launching out to the left and into the block to grab the second dot. Then phase into the side of the top platform and launch up and over to arc through the last dot then quickly jump and phase up to the portal

Level 94 - this one is all about getting the right timing and the right bounce height. Right as the spikes go up past you, do a small jump straight up and then curve right into the ground. You should shoot back up right at the first two dots to collect them both, then go back into the ground to the right so you launch back up into the third dot. The important part here is to go back into the ground right away into the higher portion where the dot was and to be able to hold left the entire time while you phase in and out of the ground and straight into the portal. You'll have to practice a bunch to get the timing exactly right

Boss level VI - the first section of this level is very easy and consistent. It's the second portion that is very tricky to nail, but once you do, you're set. As soon as the level starts, do a short jump up to activate the boss coming towards you, then immediately jump over him onto the middle pillar, then continue jumping left all the way to the left side, then jump off the high side into the low side and launch up the high side to grab the dot. That's the easy part. Now the tough part. Let the boss come toward you so you have just enough room to jump over him to the right onto this platform. Now the toughest part: do a small jump and phase into the side of the central main area so that you launch up into the little pocket where the top dot is. Now do a high jump out the right side and phase down into the main platform, curving left to get the dot and shooting up the left side. It's tricky to launch up next to the boss without hitting him or his spikes, but you'll go back through the high pocket, small jump out the right and platform right into the portal

Level 104 - the hard part about this level is the precise movement required as you launch up to make sure you go quickly and still get the dots. From the start you're going to jump straight up and phase down and into the pillar at an angle so you go decently low, then launch up to the right pillar, making sure you go through the whole thing then quickly cut left through the middle to get that dot and into the next pillar and up to the top

Level 109 - this is probably the hardest out of all the medium levels. There are a couple ways to manage this level but I will explain how I did it. First, it is possible to get all the way to the top without using any of the horizontal disappearing platforms (aside from the first one you have to use to get to the vertical bars). It's really really difficult to do it that way though. With the timing of the blocks disappearing, it is only possible to use them to boost your upward momentum once, since you'll be out of sync the second time. I highly recommend using it on the second arc so that once you nail the first arc, you should be set for the second. As soon as the level starts, wait a second and then jump onto the platform by phasing into it and immediately jump into the left pillar. If done right, you should jump off the platform right as it disappears. Now the hard part: sinking into the pillar deep enough (do a small jump into it) and launch out the right side right at the very top and arc right all the way to the next pillar. There is basically no room for error here. Thankfully once you make it, you don't have to be nearly as precise when you launch out the top left side of this pillar, because the platform will appear and you can phase through it to help maintain momentum to get to the third pillar. Now you once again have to launch out the top right to arc over to the portal. Expect this level to take make attempts

Level 111 - the route here is simple: jump and phase down into the corner and curve right, do a loop around the main pillar where you come out one side loop over the top and come back in the other side and curve underground to shoot right up into the portal. The hard part is getting it exactly right where you only launch high enough to just be able to get that second dot, then get back into the pillar and not go too deep but deep enough you get right into the portal 

Level 113 - this level requires very minimalistic movements to get to the portal in time. Meaning not launching too high and not dipping too low. So first walk left and phase into the wall and get onto the top platform, making sure to just make it up there without launching really high. Head right until almost the edge, then do a small jump and curve left into the platform. If you're spot on you can go right into the pocket with the dot. Being just a hair below it is still manageable. Grab the dot and immediately phase right and launch out the right side over to the right platform. Go to the right edge and repeat the small jump to go left into the platform and make it right into the portal

Level 114 - you have to jump and phase straight through the first section, grabbing the dot, and then drop a bit and phase into the middle to dip right into the second dot, continuing to hold right to come back up right into the third dot, and then straight through the right portion into the portal. The critical part here is to not get launched up by the final section, otherwise waiting to fall down to the portal will make you miss the time limit every time. The timing is tough to get down exactly, but at least it's a very short level with no real way to die, so just be prepared to practice that one fluid movement through all three dots to the portal many times

Level 119 - the only really tough part in this level is getting to that top left block with the dot. You have to do two loops around the level, so you technically have two attempts to get up there, but doing it on the first attempt is best. Drop down to the right side and wait at around the middle of the platform until you barely have any room left, do a small jump and phase down and left into the middle pillar, hopefully getting very low when you phase down into it, then ride it up as high as possible and launch left to the upper left block to grab that dot. Quickly drop down and launch up the middle pillar and arc right to the upper right dot. Drop back down to the right side of the level. Again wait for the blackness to come around so you don't have much room and jump down and phase into the middle. You only need enough height to get to the left side so you can get that dot. Then phase through the middle to the right side and jump down through the platform to the portal

Boss level VII - start by walking right off the pillar and phasing down through the ground to the lowest level and grab the dot. Jump left into the pillar and phase up, continuing left. Walk into the pillar to phase launch up through the dot to the next highest block. Jump right to the second block and jump up and phase right up to the top level. Hop over the spikes and grab the top dot. Hop left back over the spikes to keep the boss on that side of the portal, then hop up and down through the platform to the middle platform to grab that dot. Hop right all the way to the rightmost dot. Drop left off the pillar and go left, walk into the middle pillar and phase straight up into the portal, paying attention to avoid the boss spikes dropped nearby

Level 121 - this level is very short with a very simple route, it's just a matter of nailing the precise movements exactly. The route is to do a high jump straight up, then phase into the upper corner and under the spikes, just up into the middle dot, and right back down and under the second set of spikes and out the right into the portal. The whole thing is one fluid motion without stopping or landing anywhere, so it will take practice and a lot of deaths, but isn't complicated at all

Level 126 - to start off, do a small jump straight up and then phase down into the ground and out the left side. Optimally you want to come out right under the first row of spikes. This gives you enough room to drop to get momentum and phase back in. The really tough part is that you need to phase back in, collecting the first dot, and then before you lose all your momentum and start going back up, come out the left side, drop and grab the second dot and phase right back into the pillar to get the third dot and go under the next spikes, back out the left side and into the portal. The route is straightforward but nailing those exact movements will take a lot of tries

Level 127 - there is a surprising amount of leeway in time for the route I describe here, so keep that in mind. Jump into the first column and launch up and right into the area with the first dot. Jump right, and as soon as you start to fall, phase into the second column, collecting the second dot, and immediately out of the column and onto the platform with the third dot. Then do a small jump right and phase straight through the column and hold Phase in to phase through the corner of the ceiling of the portal platform and right onto the platform, then hop in the portal

Level 128 - the key here is getting down to the third dot in one fast fluid motion. Jump up and phase down into the ground and immediately left and out the side, then down into the next corner and left out the side, and again one more time to the bottom dot. It's a very fast flick of the thumb three times to do it smoothly and quickly, and will take some tries to get down. Once you get to the bottom and grab the third dot, immediately jump right and into the ground to shoot right up into the portal

Level 129 - the key to this level is jumping and phasing into the first pillar and dropping low enough so you launch out and up to the underside of the central pillar without launching up so fast that the central pillar shoots you way too high above the second dot, or you'll waste way too much time falling down to the third dot and won't make it in time. Better to drop down a little lower than necessary in the first pillar so you don't have to cut it so close when launching out the upper right side of it. You just have to make sure you just make it into the bottom of the middle pillar. Shoot out the top of it into the dot and arc right to land on the platform with the third dot. Immediately jump left and phase into the pillar and hop left out of it at just enough height to reach it without overshooting it

Level 143 - another level with a very straightforward route, just a matter of nailing the precise movements. Jump right onto the small block. In one motion, walk into the block to the right and phase up out of the top and right into the block on the left and out the top of it and land. Jump and phase up to the small blocks, quickly hop to the middle pillar, then do a high jump to the right pillar and phase right into it, and at the bottom of your dip, go left out of the pillar to get the dot. Walk right back into the pillar and launch yourself up and over to the middle pillar. Jump left to the blocks and from there jump left all the way into the portal 

Level 144 - the hardest part about this level is the first part. You need to do a high jump left and phase into the ground, curing left under the spikes and launch out the left side, up just high enough to reach the dot. Now the critical part is as you fall, phase back into the structure right at the top after the spikes end so you slow enough that you don't go too deep back into where the spikes are. Launch right out of the structure and quickly hop to the dot then hop back and jump back into the structure and launch up and around to the portal