The Walking Dead: Season One

The Walking Dead: Season One

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Completed chapter 4 of episode 5.


How to unlock the Mercy achievement in The Walking Dead: Season One - Definitive Guide

Starting note: The following episode can play out a couple different ways depending on the existence of Ben. If he is still with you at this point he will meet his end relatively quickly otherwise you will go down a separate path losing another group member. I will do this in two parts; 1) With Ben. 2) Without Ben. Good luck.


Group With Ben


Now that everyone has made it through to the adjacent mansion, the group starts the assessment of the situation by reflecting on the suicide couple in the bed. There will be some quick dialog here between the group reflecting on the nature of suicide which is all non-altering. After it's all said and done head to the other side of the room and go to the door. 

To begin the next sequence simply click on the balcony to traverse the gap. After some quick dialog everyone will begin to jump across. By the time Ben is up to jump the balcony will give way and he will plummet to the ground with a smash and squish. Before anyone can think of a plan Kenny bolts down the ladder to go and check on Ben. No matter what you choose in the following dialog option Lee will go down the ladder to assist Kenny and Ben. Sadly the situation is much worse than previously thought and it doesn't appear Ben is savable.

Get your tissues ready. No matter what dialog you choose with Kenny you will be forced to go back behind the gate as you watch Kenny become the martyr of the day. One shot was fired, was Ben spared? Did Kenny get away? What just happened? When you get to the top Christa will ask a question:

What happened?!?!?!?! - Christa
1. I tried to help. - They will remember that and will be sad.
2. They're gone. - They will remember that and be curious.
3. I couldn't do anything. - They will remember that and be sad.
4. . . . - They will remember your silence.

After some more dialog regarding the scene you will come up to another altering dialog segment with Christa:

I'm sorry Lee. - Christa
1. Well, maybe he got away. - They will remember your disbelief in what happened. 
2. He did what he had to do. - They will remember your outlook on the situation.
3. He wasn't a bad guy. - They will remember your true opinion on Kenny.
4. . . . - They will remember your silence. 

You, Christa, and Omid will travel across the rooftops with a bit of non-altering dialog for the ride. You will come to the following dialog if and only if you told Christa and Omid before that Kenny was best for Clem:

Omid and I have to stay safe. For her. - Christa 
1. Yeah, you do. - They will remember your snide response. 
2. You guys would be great for her. - They will remember and be grateful for your blessing. 
3. Find her a family that's capable. - They will remember your lack of confidence in them taking care of Clem.
4. . . . - They will remember and be unsettled by your silence.

You will then come to a wooden walkway that spans two buildings. Walk gingerly across it and hear that River Street is just up ahead. You'll then come upon a hole in the building and will have a quick non-altering dialog with Omid about walkers and accidents (awesome topic right)? After that there will be a few seconds of walking then you will load back up with Lee jumping down to a lower roof. We're almost there Clem, can you hold out until Chapter 5? See you then.


Group Without Ben


Now that everyone has made it through to the adjacent mansion, the group starts the assessment of the situation by reflecting on the suicide couple in the bed. There will be some quick dialog here between the group reflecting on the nature of suicide which is all non-altering. After it's all said and done head to the other side of the room and go to the balcony door. 

After a little bit of dialog click on the balcony to begin the sequence of jumping across. With everyone across there will be some quick dialog and then the group will be on the move. There will be some non-altering dialog with Kenny that gives us some insight on his own psyche ultimately resulting in a lightening of the mood. The group will then approach a wooden walkway that spans the distance between two buildings. Gingerly walk across the wooden bridge and you will then come up to a hole in the building. Omid will make a quick comment regarding the hole resulting in Lee and Christa commenting on it (non-altering). 

Kenny will come over to "move the group onward" and will push Lee toward the hole thus dropping the walkie-talkie into it. You'll have a shot at non-altering dialog about the walkie which will result in Christa convincing the group that they need to go for the walkie-talkie. There isn't much time to think as Christa immediately jumps right into the hole to grab the walkie and then realizes that it's quite a far way back up. Lee will be tasked with finding something to help reach her. 

Head over to the metal scaffolding up against the wall and look down for a pole to grab. Lee will return with the pole and will, for some odd reason, be tasked with lifting Christa up and out of the whole. This will be a sequence of random button smashing in order to pull her from the depths. Sadly she let's go and falls back to the ground making a substantial amount of noise. The man of the hour, Kenny, jumps down after realizing all he's done to screw things up and gives Christa the boost she needs to grab onto Omid and Lee's hands. Again you'll need to button smash in order to pull her all the way up. 

We don't know what exactly happened to Kenny. Lee will have a chance at some non-altering dialog which will play no effect on anything but filling some sad space between saving Christa and losing Kenny. Omid will ask the million dollar question though:

Where.... Where'd he go? - Omid
1. Maybe he ran. - They will remember your optimism. 
2. I don't know. - They will remember your unsure answer.
3. He's dead. - They will remember bluntness.
4. . . . - They will remember your silence.

Christa will try and clear up the mood no matter your answer, but Lee will storm of upset. Kenny tried to live by what he preached about doing the right thing. We lost a good one just now, but we need to clear those tears and get ready to find and save Clem. That's our mission and we must stick to it. Collect yourself and we'll see you in Chapter 5.

Ending note: We are now back to full circle with Christa and Omid. If an occurrence happens in which variations are warranted I will display the different options.


Starting note: The following episode can play out a couple different ways depending on the existence of Ben. If he is still with you at this point he will meet his end relatively quickly otherwise you will go down a separate path losing another group member. I will do this in two parts; 1) With Ben. 2) Without Ben. Good luck.


Group With Ben

Now that everyone has made it through to the adjacent mansion, the group starts the assessment of the situation by reflecting on the suicide couple in the bed. There will be some quick dialog here between the group reflecting on the nature of suicide which is all non-altering. After it's all said and done head to the other side of the room and go to the door. 

To begin the next sequence simply click on the balcony to traverse the gap. After some quick dialog everyone will begin to jump across. By the time Ben is up to jump the balcony will give way and he will plummet to the ground with a smash and squish. Before anyone can think of a plan Kenny bolts down the ladder to go and check on Ben. No matter what you choose in the following dialog option Lee will go down the ladder to assist Kenny and Ben. Sadly the situation is much worse than previously thought and it doesn't appear Ben is savable.

Get your tissues ready. No matter what dialog you choose with Kenny you will be forced to go back behind the gate as you watch Kenny become the martyr of the day. One shot was fired, was Ben spared? Did Kenny get away? What just happened? When you get to the top Christa will ask a question:

What happened?!?!?!?! - Christa
1. I tried to help. - They will remember that and will be sad.
2. They're gone. - They will remember that and be curious.
3. I couldn't do anything. - They will remember that and be sad.
4. . . . - They will remember your silence.

After some more dialog regarding the scene you will come up to another altering dialog segment with Christa:

I'm sorry Lee. - Christa
1. Well, maybe he got away. - They will remember your disbelief in what happened. 
2. He did what he had to do. - They will remember your outlook on the situation.
3. He wasn't a bad guy. - They will remember your true opinion on Kenny.
4. . . . - They will remember your silence. 

You, Christa, and Omid will travel across the rooftops with a bit of non-altering dialog for the ride. You will come to the following dialog if and only if you told Christa and Omid before that Kenny was best for Clem:

Omid and I have to stay safe. For her. - Christa 
1. Yeah, you do. - They will remember your snide response. 
2. You guys would be great for her. - They will remember and be grateful for your blessing. 
3. Find her a family that's capable. - They will remember your lack of confidence in them taking care of Clem.
4. . . . - They will remember and be unsettled by your silence.

You will then come to a wooden walkway that spans two buildings. Walk gingerly across it and hear that River Street is just up ahead. You'll then come upon a hole in the building and will have a quick non-altering dialog with Omid about walkers and accidents (awesome topic right)? After that there will be a few seconds of walking then you will load back up with Lee jumping down to a lower roof. We're almost there Clem, can you hold out until Chapter 5? See you then.

Group Without Ben

Now that everyone has made it through to the adjacent mansion, the group starts the assessment of the situation by reflecting on the suicide couple in the bed. There will be some quick dialog here between the group reflecting on the nature of suicide which is all non-altering. After it's all said and done head to the other side of the room and go to the balcony door. 

After a little bit of dialog click on the balcony to begin the sequence of jumping across. With everyone across there will be some quick dialog and then the group will be on the move. There will be some non-altering dialog with Kenny that gives us some insight on his own psyche ultimately resulting in a lightening of the mood. The group will then approach a wooden walkway that spans the distance between two buildings. Gingerly walk across the wooden bridge and you will then come up to a hole in the building. Omid will make a quick comment regarding the hole resulting in Lee and Christa commenting on it (non-altering). 

Kenny will come over to "move the group onward" and will push Lee toward the hole thus dropping the walkie-talkie into it. You'll have a shot at non-altering dialog about the walkie which will result in Christa convincing the group that they need to go for the walkie-talkie. There isn't much time to think as Christa immediately jumps right into the hole to grab the walkie and then realizes that it's quite a far way back up. Lee will be tasked with finding something to help reach her. 

Head over to the metal scaffolding up against the wall and look down for a pole to grab. Lee will return with the pole and will, for some odd reason, be tasked with lifting Christa up and out of the whole. This will be a sequence of random button smashing in order to pull her from the depths. Sadly she let's go and falls back to the ground making a substantial amount of noise. The man of the hour, Kenny, jumps down after realizing all he's done to screw things up and gives Christa the boost she needs to grab onto Omid and Lee's hands. Again you'll need to button smash in order to pull her all the way up. 

We don't know what exactly happened to Kenny. Lee will have a chance at some non-altering dialog which will play no effect on anything but filling some sad space between saving Christa and losing Kenny. Omid will ask the million dollar question though:

Where.... Where'd he go? - Omid
1. Maybe he ran. - They will remember your optimism. 
2. I don't know. - They will remember your unsure answer.
3. He's dead. - They will remember bluntness.
4. . . . - They will remember your silence.

Christa will try and clear up the mood no matter your answer, but Lee will storm of upset. Kenny tried to live by what he preached about doing the right thing. We lost a good one just now, but we need to clear those tears and get ready to find and save Clem. That's our mission and we must stick to it. Collect yourself and we'll see you in Chapter 5.

Ending note: We are now back to full circle with Christa and Omid. If an occurrence happens in which variations are warranted I will display the different options.