theHunter: Call of the Wild

theHunter: Call of the Wild

115 Achievements


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You give love a bad name

You give love a bad name

Down 10 animals by hitting them in the heart with the Alexander Longbow in a single shot


How to unlock the You give love a bad name achievement in theHunter: Call of the Wild - Definitive Guide

This achievement is pretty self-explanatory, but here are some tips that might help you:

- I recommend going for the heart shots at night because it is much easier getting real close to animals in the dark.

- The ideal shooting distance is around 20 meters. If you have really thick cover and the animal is alone, I would risk trying to get even closer for a better shot.

- The best shot angle is directly from the front, for all species.

- It is very beneficial to have the zeroing skill. This lets you adjust the zeroing distance, the range at which the arrow will hit exactly where you line it up, so if you want to take a 40m shot, you don't need to aim above your target, but right at it. Check the exact distance to the animal, pick the next-best zeroing distance and then fine-tune the shot yourself. Be extra careful not to forget about your setting, though. It is very annoying when you take a good shot and then ruin it with the wrong zeroing distance.
You can do this without the skill, too, but I would try out the standard bow zeroing distance on a tree.

- Make sure you buy the range finder or the upgraded binoculars in the store to get the exact shot distance.

- Even though this is a Silver Ridge Peaks DLC achievement, the shots can be taken on any map. I don't find Silver Ridge Peaks to be a good location for this because it is a very open map. Sneaking up to animals without good cover is not the way to go. Hirschfelden is a stalker's paradise, but it's so tight that it can be tough to spot animals and it doesn't have the best spawns. I suggest doing this on Layton Lakes because it has open areas that still provide great cover, and because it has moose.

- Moose are the perfect target for bow heart shots because they have very large hearts, which they carry far in the front. They are solitary for the most part. They are very tall. And I find they don't get spooked as easily as deer or bears. I would still try this on any animal you find, though. Of my ten targets, four were moose.

- To find out where the heart is in each species, just shoot one, check the kill screen and memorize its anatomy.

- Lower-tier animals are less attentive than higher-tiers, females less than males, so if you come across a herd, go for tier-1 females.

- The time from 7 to 10 pm is the best time for this. Finding resting zones is great, too. You can get multiple heart shots on a resting herd. You just have to stalk them for a minute after each shot.

- As for hotspots - the big river-like part of the lake around Roonachee is great, so are South Lake and Balmont Lake. Just start at an outpost or tent, go upwind towards a lake, listen for mating calls and as soon as you find an animal, creep up.

- I remember seeing a couple of frozen turkeys on Silver Ridge Peaks, but that was before I knew about this achievement. If that happens to you, take advantage and get free heart shots on them.

- I don't think you need to harvest your kills for the shot to count because it popped right after my tenth shot, before I harvested it. I harvested them all with my bow out just to make sure it counts, but apparently that is not necessary. Obviously, you should still harvest, because - who doesn't like money and XP?

- Patience is key, just like real hunting. You will probably take 10-20 minutes for every heart shot, having to track, spot and stalk first.

- Last, but not least - a reminder of the obvious: don't approach animals from upwind and be very quiet. You should not be sprinting when you're within 250m of your prey, at least not until you're comfortable, and within 50m you should mostly be prone or crouching on one noise bar. Find a thick bush, tree or tall grass your target is directly facing from about 15m, crawl inside, crouch up, measure the exact distance, wait for a good moment and shoot it in the heart.

Bleeps and bloops, everyone!

06 Apr 2021 16:13

Big thumbs up here. I loaded into Layton Lakes and went for the 17-21 zone and walked/snuck around with bow and moose caller and after about an hour had 5 heart shots and only a few misses.
By mentoc on 15 Jun 2021 07:48
I can not get the aiming strategy down for this bow. I'm just sprinting into herds of Buffalo and shooting in the general area. It's working better than me actually attempting to stalk and aim
By FFX Brotherhood on 21 Dec 2021 08:14
Getting ten heart shots on fleeing buffaloes from 50m meters or more, most likely from behind, is going to be much harder. Just be patient and practice stalking. In a good spot, on an easy deer, anyone should be able to do it. Maybe you could stick a dot in the center of your screen to help you with the aiming. At the exact zeroing distance, the arrow should hit dead center.
By Rheinadler on 21 Dec 2021 20:26
My arrows don't seem to be going where I'm aiming though. Not in terms of Higher/lower, but in terms of left/right. Like are the arrows affected by wind? I had a side shot of a Bison and aimed towards his legs to try hit lungs as the arrow hits higher at that distance, and it went and hit the stomach/intestines. It seems there is some level of side ways spread which I can't seem to account for
By FFX Brotherhood on 22 Dec 2021 05:45
They are affected by the wind at long range, but from 20 meters and under, the effect is negligible. My guess is that you're probably shooting from too far away, or you're using the small arrows. You can just use the moose arrows on all species because the rating doesn't matter, so you are guaranteed good penetration.
By Rheinadler on 22 Dec 2021 09:09
If you still can't get it, I could send you the clips of my heart shots on XBL. I'm pretty sure I still have them.
By Rheinadler on 22 Dec 2021 09:16
I'm slowly getting there, but I just can't get the aim of the bow down. I've practiced on the range and I've practiced on trees and while actually hunting. I'm not sure what it is, but I'm just bad with the bow. Thanks for the offer of videos and I've +1'd the guide.
By FFX Brotherhood on 03 Jan 2022 12:34
Thanks. Maybe your game is bugged. I've had my tents bugged, so whenever I fast-traveled to a certain tent, I wound up in a different one. That was fixed for me with the next update. I've also noticed bullets shot over bodies of water not connecting. Maybe this is similar. But then, you said you managed a couple of shots, so you shpuld probably just keep at it.
By Rheinadler on 03 Jan 2022 16:00
Update: I think you might have been onto something with the bug. I recently came back to the game over the last few days and managed to hit fairly consistent shots - finishing up the 10 I needed. Unsure whether it was bugged, or a long break from the game did something to me.
By FFX Brotherhood on 01 Apr 2022 05:17
I'm glad you did it. Congrats and thanks for the feedback!
By Rheinadler on 01 Apr 2022 14:15
Does it have to be just heart, no other vitals? I've just started but I've hit heart with other organs. Does it count?
By EVIL IVIONKEY on 07 Jun 2022 01:22
You must hit the heart in a single shot. Hitting other organs (with the same arrow you hit the heart with) does not void it.
By Rheinadler on 16 Jun 2022 09:52
Amazingly detailed and helpful solution (and comments). Thanks!
By Boots Orion on 07 Jan 2024 16:55
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Can be done in any nature reserve, I did it in the Bear Taiga reserve on elk, reindeer and brown bear. You may also need to kill a little more and try to get in on the first hit, otherwise the finishing touches may not count.

28 May 2022 22:59