Thor: God of Thunder

Thor: God of Thunder

36 Achievements


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Legend of Valhalla

Legend of Valhalla

Complete the game on Valhallan Difficulty (hardest).


How to unlock the Legend of Valhalla achievement in Thor: God of Thunder - Definitive Guide

I have literally just beaten this difficulty and while it is fresh in my memory I'm going to share how I did it. There may be some sticky patches throughout the game, but all in all the only thing you truly need to worry about is the fight with Mangog.

First of all know that it may take a lot of practice to get just the right rhythm going for this fight.

Part 1:
- Open with the hammer throw that stuns him (LT + RT) and get in a jumping combo before dashing away.
- As Herps McGirps noted above if you lose more than one or two pieces to your health just restart.
- Your general method for whittling down his health is the stun-combo-dash that you opened with. Problem is you can't instantly stun him, as he becomes invulnerable to it for a while after he is stunned. I used two strategies over the course of my attempts. The First was to run away for ten seconds, and then do the stun-combo-dash assault. The Second was to dash in, hit him once or twice and then dash away while he swung and often missed me, repeating that until he had swung three times and then doing the stun-combo-dash assault. The First method has the benefit of being safer in that you don't have to get close to him when he isn't stunned, but the Second gets in more hits. I recommend merging the two and just feeling the situation to know what is right.
- When you can do the grappling on him do so. For anyone having trouble it's easiest to grab him standing behind his left foot.
- Repeat this general process until you've done it three times and that should be the end of part one. With enough practice it isn't unreasonable to end with absolutely full 'mana' and mostly full health.

Part 2:
- What I found the easiest on this part was try to avoid the small shots he is shooting at you, and wait for the three or four big blob shots that come at the end of every rotation of attacks. They were bigger and much easier to deflect.
- If you have trouble here, like I did, definitely get the power-up. It may be the difference between life and death.
- Three or four of the big blobs reflected back at him should cause him to jump down, obviously avoid the concussion blast from where he lands, and start the sequence. I just repeatedly hit X. For one thing the second time he jumps down will be a sequence requiring you to mash that, and the other times will garner you a little health.
- Do this general strategy three times and you should be able to move onto Part 3.

Part 3:
- Your strategy is a lot like part 1. Dash in, hit, dash out to avoid his attack and back in. Don't put a lot of space between you two or he may begin shooting.
- Eventually he'll jump away and begin powering up a massive attack. You'll be prompted to throw Mjolnir and you want to aim for his head. This will fill your RB power instantly, and use it.
- When doing the grapple on him as he focuses on Loki, just keep hitting X for whatever health you can get from him.
- You'll need to do this a total of four times.

Hopefully this will be of help to someone. Like I said it will require practice, it took me a couple of days to get the rhythm and methodology down, but all told I didn't take any damage during Part 1 or Part 3.

02 Jan 2013 05:18

Valhallan difficulty is all about the Buzzsaw Throw (LT then RT) and the clicked in Hammer Throw (click in RS and then RT). The Buzzsaw throw will temporarily stun certain enemies so you can get a breather, click in and throw some hammers, or get some melee attacks in. Buy this power ASAP. Mjolnir Blast (best hammer skill) and Odinforce Regeneration (best general skill) definitely help.

I relied heavily on the Buzzsaw Throw during the boss fights, especially Ulik, Surtur, and Mangog. The clicked in Hammer Throw does a lot more damage than the regular Hammer Throw and allows you to keep a distance. Unfortunately it requires mana but the Buzzsaw Throw does not.

Once I figured out how to use the Buzzsaw to stun regularly, the bosses became a lot easier.

As for Mangog, this is what I did:

Stage 1:
- Circle around him constantly, never be standing in front of him.
- Buzzsaw him and if you stun him either click in Hammer Throw or jump up and melee him. I would click in Hammer Throw until I had two blue boxes left on the right of the big bar.
- For every quick time event do X, X, Y. For some reason X, X, X takes life away.

Stage 2:
- Try to dodge as much as possible during the first barrage of fireballs. They come in really fast and multiple at a time. They are hard to reflect and if you get hit by many of them you are going to get stunned in place and lose a lot of health. If you can reflect some, do it, but otherwise it's easier to reflect the final, big, slow ones.
- When he comes out for the quick time event, just hammer X all three times. You'll probably need the health.

Stage 3:
- Stage 3 is very similar to Stage 1 but now if you get too far away he'll throw fireballs.
- Just stay close to him, constantly circle him, Buzzsaw stun him, and then click in and throw hammers.
- As soon as he jumps, run and dash towards him. Then when he start swirling fire, click in Hammer Throw him in the head. If you hit him in the head it'll automatically max your Rage bar.
- As soon as your Rage meter is full hit RB and follow him to Loki. I found that X, X, Y was good for the quick time event. But X, X, X works too. I couldn't really figure out which one was better.
- If you can get your Rage bar full before he jumps then he might jump immediately after the quick time event giving you another full Rage bar.

26 Apr 2016 18:24

This difficulty is not as hard as you may think.

Start by playing through the game on normal. Focus on getting all the other achievements as well as all the collectibles that you can. Make sure as well to do all the feats on every level as well. On Valhallan Difficulty these can be near impossible. Just do your best to leave yourself with nothing but (Hard Mode Only) collectibles and beating the game on Valhallan difficulty, otherwise you're going to have a bad time.

In a Valhallan Difficulty play through, cheap tactics are your bread and butter. Throw enemies off ledges for instant kills, pound them while they are prone, and in general refuse to give a target a single inch once you pick your prey. You will also have the advantage of knowing each level and only needing to use a collectible guide to find the rest of the power-ups only available on hard mode.

Three problem areas I encountered were:

*Spoilers Ahead*

1) When you first release Mangog and are fighting Laufey, Make sure to stay as near the rune as you can. As soon as Laufey is dispersed get on the rune and power it up. I had trouble maintaining my health through three encounters with the Ice Giant King. So instead I was able to power up the rune in only two encounters by sticking close to it. This will still probably take you several tries to get the timing down to be next to the rune when he disperses as well as knowing the exact instant he is going to disperse so you can start running towards the rune before he disappears. If you feel you can avoid Laufey's attacks for the most part you can consider playing "chicken" with him and continue charging the rune after he reappears to get every microsecond out of it you can.

2) The final bosses for Muspelheim and Vanir each are difficult to stun and make susceptible to a contextual button barrage. Use the Buzzsaw throw. Simply lock on to your target, hold down left trigger and hit x while at a distance. If you did it right mjolnir will spin horizontally towards your target while crackling electricity and stun them. This allows you to get in close for one or two hits then jump back and rinse and repeat, activating the button presses when you can to remove large chunks of the bosses life. Patience is the key here. Getting greedy and attempting to defeat them quickly will result in repeated attempts.

3) Mangog. I hate Mangog. This will be the hair pulling part of the game. You'll need to knock down Mangog's life bar three times.

Phase 1 isn't too difficult but if you get hit more than twice you may want to let yourself die and restart. You need to damage Mangog enough to start the button pressing sequence. You will need to run through this sequence three times.

Phase 2, he shoots homing fireballs at you. If you can time it, it is much easier to hit the projectiles back at him rather than trying to dodge them. Dodge his leaping attack then shoot in to begin the button pressing sequence. Do this three times.

Phase 3, congratulations you made it this far. Nothing feels worse than failing here. You need to fill your odinforce completely to stun Mangog. Instead of the typical lightning barrage, it calls Loki. Loki distracts Mangog for a VERY short period. During this small window you need to get close enough to activate the button executions flawlessly. Once again rinse and repeat three times total.

Once you finish the last phase jump up, spike your controller, and scream victorious curses.

*Remember if you feel frustrated and your patience is waning you will tend to make mistakes easier and rush boss battles you shouldn't. Take a break and walk away or do something else for a few hours before coming back. Doing that will reset your patience and you'll be able to reattempt whatever is giving you trouble more methodically.*

You have to complete the game once on any other difficulty to unlock Valhallan. Play through the game on this difficulty and complete it to get this. This will likely be the last trophy you unlock before the Platinum. The hardest part of this will almost definitely be Mangog, the final boss.