

19 Achievements


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gold stars

gold stars

collect all stars on all levels of the great tree


How to unlock the gold stars achievement in Topatoi - Definitive Guide

You will earn this trophy by collecting the stars on the remaining story mode levels.

Level 4 – when stones are gold

This level introduces the pull ability (press and hold Circle) which you will use during the remainder of the game to move and drag wooden blocks and balls. At the very start of the level drop down and activate the switch in front of you (marked with a chalk arrow) and a wooden block will spawn on your right. Using your new pull ability and the elevator, drag the block back up to where you started the level and jump on it to reach the higher platform. Continue this process of dragging and jumping with two more blocks until you reach the large elevator that is being weighed down with blocks. Drag all of the blocks off and the elevator will rise.

At the section with the first stone use the windas to lower the vertical stone fists and then quickly drag a block onto one and quickly move yourself onto the other. Once you have risen to the top deal with the single enemy, collect the supply of blue blobs and drag the block onto the central switch. Drop back down and you should now be able to collect the stone.

Once the bridge has formed to the right, continue through the level dragging the block with you for as long as possible (using the various elevators and moving platforms where required) and you will eventually reach a section with 2 enemies trapped behind gates in tree caves. Activate the switch to release the enemies and once you have dealt with them activate the switch in the left hand cave to lower the vertical stone fist. Ride it to the higher section, drag the block off the floor switch to the right and drop back down. Now ride the ‘crazy elevator’ down to collect the second stone. Return to the main section and use the newly arrived windas to open the gate on the right.

After the double jump continue around the high platform to find the switch that activates the hidden steps and continue on to the next large elevator. To activate this you must weigh it down with three wooden blocks. The first is at the top of the right hand stone fist, the second is behind the left hand stone fist and the final one is on a secret platform revealed by activating the switch behind the left hand stone fist.

At the bottom of the elevator activate the switch and quickly move down the long stone fist stairs to reach the final stone and the end of the level.

Star Locations

  1. Star 1 is hidden behind 2 wooden planks in a cave directly after the level's first gate.
  2. Directly after the first set of enemies you come to a pair of stone fists, climb them to find Star 2.
  3. At the top of the level's first large lift is a checkpoint followed by a signpost. Star 3 is hidden behind some wooden planks next to the signpost.
  4. After collecting the first stone, a bridge containing Star 4 forms to your right.
  5. At the section with the 'crazy elavator' and stone two, ride the vertical stone fist up to find Star 5.
  6. Just after star 5 you come to a large raised platform with three steps you need to activate (the steps have a chalk arrow above them). Continue around the side of the platform to find Star 6.
  7. At the end of the level you reach a long downward section of stone fists, Star 7 is on one of these near the bottom.

Level 5 – the statue will sing again

The level introduces the push ability (Triangle) and starts off with some easy puzzles where you have to push balls into switches. Soon you will reach a double jump section with two stone fists on the other side – start you jump when the lower stone fist is about half way closed. After this section you have to defeat some enemies and ride a giant elevator – activate it by pushing off the blocks that are weighing it down. As the elevator rises you will have to tackle three further enemies, try to push these directly left or right as if you fall in these directions you will land on the below platform and will not die – use the windas to recall the elevator if required. At the top of the elevator the path branches in two directions – left to the Challenge of Agility and right to the Challenge of Strength.

The Challenge of Agility involves riding a large elevator as it moves through various obstacles. Push the block off the first switch as you approach, then hop off the elevator and jump up and over the platform clearing three further switches before rejoining the elevator. The second section of this challenge (after the elevator has risen) sees you negotiating a group of stone fists, run between the first two as soon as you can and then when the elevator has move across far enough run straight passed the third. To avoid the next stone fist wait as long as possible before jumping up and then pause on the solid platform until the elevator is below the final stone fist, jump across the two stone fists and drop back onto the elevator to finish the challenge.

The first section of the Challenge of Strength involves you dragging two balls across wooden platforms. This section is pretty straightforward; just take care at the various moving platforms. After the elevator you have to drag a ball across a large gap by activating a switch on a moving platform – drag the ball as close to the edge of the platform as you can and move onto the moving platform when it arrives. You will probably leave the ball behind at this point but don’t worry and position yourself on the far right hand corner of the switch, keep holding (Circle) and when the moving platform reaches the right hand side again you should automatically collect the ball and drag it across as you move back to the left.

After using the combination of the floor switch and push to activate the switch that controls the next gate, travel straight past the next ball to a wooden floor section. Here push the five planks on the floor as far forward as possible and once done continue to the left and remove the three vertical planks using pull. Now you have cleared the path you can go back to the beginning of this area to collect the ball, drag it all the way to the left and drop it into either of the two switches to finish this challenge.

Return to the central section and activate the now accessible switch to call a windas operated elevator. At the top is the end of level section where you have to defeat 5 enemies. Take your time and try to tackle them separately, once they have all been defeated a new platform will appear in front of the statue, place the stones as directed to end the level.

Star Locations

  1. Just before where you have to do the level's first double jump a wooden ball gets released. Drop the ball into the wooden box below the raised switch to make Star 1 appear.
  2. Star 2 is above the two Stone Fists you have to double jump through. After you've made the jump use the blocks as steps to reach it.
  3. Straight after the last star continue past the lift and down some steps to find Star 3.
  4. During the Challenge of Agility there is a moving lift section. Whilst the lift is moving from left to right you have to jump over a set of stone fists. Star 4 is on the highest one.
  5. During the Challenge of Strength and just after you drop the first wooden ball into a switch, there is a switch high on the tree wall. Hit the switch to reveal Star 5.
  6. Towards the end of the Challenge of Strength there is a section where you have to remove three wooden planks to move the ball. Instead of dropping the ball into the left hand switch, push it up into a hidden switch (under a stone platform) to reveal Star 6.
  7. At the very end of the level and to the right of the Statue.

Level 6 – the dangerous road

At the start use your new ability – power push (Triangle Triangle) to activate the two hidden switches under the arch made from blocks to release a ball. Also note that from this point onwards power push can be used to defeat enemies. Manoeuvre it down the chute to open the gate. To open the next gate step on the switch under the second stone fist.

At the end of the next section power push the bouncing ball when it’s at its highest to activate the stone fists and double jump onto the lower one when it’s halfway open to reach the next platform. Power push the stack of blocks to the right to activate the switch which spawns a block in the tree cave and drag the block onto the moving platform (in front of the house). Use the windas to lower the platform and once done jump down the gap and quickly drag the block off the platform before it begins to rise (if you’re too slow use the windas to the left to bring the platform back down). Manoeuvre the block onto the switch and continue to the right over the now moving stone fists.

Once you reach the section with a small hole in the centre, stand on the switch whilst facing the tree and power push the ball as soon as it spawns. Manoeuvre it down the chute to open the gate. On the downward steps don’t stand on any with red markings (apart from the top one); during this section stepping on any of these red markings will cause that platform to move. At the bottom of the steps remove the vertical planks using pull (remembering not to step on the red areas) and drag the ball to the far right. Once done, step on the red markings on the far right stone fist to start it moving and enable the ball to drop into the next chute.

Once you reach the long wooden downhill section move very carefully and don’t use any push or pull abilities. At three stages as you descend a small portion of the planks will explode, you will be warned by a circular light so just hang back to stay safe. As you approach the bottom the planks will explode and this time you are not able to avoid being thrown, just hold the left stick in the direction you were moving and you should land safety on a lower platform.

After power pushing the next arch of blocks a number of large circular platforms appear. Be wary of their movement as you descend these to finish the level.

Star Locations

  1. After the first set of downward steps are two moving blocks, Star 1 is above the blocks.
  2. Just after star 1 you have to drop down to continue, Star 2 is hidden behind some blocks under the platform you drop off.
  3. Soon after star 2 is a section where you have to double jump onto two stone fists, Star 3 is above these.
  4. You'll reach a section where you have to cross three stone fists, Star 4 is just after these in a cave in the side of the tree. The switch to open the cave is high up and to the right of the final fist.
  5. Just after the moving steps (with the red writing), Star 5 is in a hidden section below the second moving block from the left.
  6. Just before the long wooden curved bridge is a signpost and a stone platform, use the ball left over from the last section to activate a hidden switch behind the signpost and Star 6 will appear.
  7. The level's final star is in a tree cave near the bottom of the large moving circular steps.
There are only 7 levels where you need to collect all the stars

06 Jun 2010 11:58