
12 Achievements



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Found every pickup in the single player game.


How to unlock the Perfect! achievement in TotemBall - Definitive Guide


When going for this achievement, I recommend being very cautious. After leaving every area with gems, turn around and double check that you did not miss any.

On 2 or 3 of the levels, the number of gems picked up in the level will be less than what the game counts at the end of the level. You will notice that if you watch my videos.

If you do use my videos as a guide for this achievement, I recommend you quit and save the game at the start of every new level. If you do not quit at the start of the level, the previous level's gem total will be added to the next level's total which will cause unwanted confusion.

--Pickups on pinballs levels DO need to be picked up, so be sure to take those levels seriously
--Bed DO NOT need to be pickup up
--Treasure chests DO NOT need to be picked up
--Do not enter any bonus areas that I don't go into in my videos
--This must be done in one play-through. If you miss a piece on one level, you must restart from level 1.
**If you lose 2 lives on a pinball level and are worried about losing your third life and missing a piece, you can quit to the main menu (not dashboard **thanks to Edbog and Onza) and reload the game to get 3 lives back.

1. 28 (game counts 29)
2. 82
3. 149
4. 87
5. 89
6. 155
7. 93
8. 62
9. 145 (game counts 146)
10. 45

Pinball levels:
#1 - Every item is obtained off the launch
#2 - Can't miss items of the launch, 3 rings/coins on both sides, 1 camel between the flippers, hidden gem in the center tunnel
#3 - Can't miss items of the launch, 3 rings/coins on both sides, 1 camel between the flippers, huge group of green on the left, huge group of orange on the right, smaller group of purple in the middle, and 1 completely hidden crystal in the middle chamber (utilize pause to freeze the ball and get it to drop straight down onto the middle head shaped rock)


I unlocked this achievement a while back and recorded every level (except for the first pinball level). In my videos I do not go for multiplier chests, and therefore I do not get a great score. Videos can be seen on my youtube page.

My Youtube page -

Full guide playlist -

Please let me know if this is or was helpful to you!

30 Aug 2009 16:40

Aah nuts, must have missed one carelessly somewhere in the game. :( Need to count better next time. What I did notice is that on the pinball tables if your third ball goes down the drain, you can quickly dashboard out and then restart.
By tractakid on 31 Oct 2009 18:32
By tractakid on 18 Nov 2009 22:05
Got the achievement thanks to this. I'd all but given up on this "game", but this inspired me to new heights. Thanks from Australia!


PS: Only the "Totem Team" achievement left to get. Any good way to get this by yourself?
By ezekiel 08 on 21 Jan 2010 22:30
Sorry, not sure how you could get that by yourself. I did it with a friend
By lxl Hockey lxl on 21 Jan 2010 23:29
Thanks for the reply. I ended up doing "Totem Team" with my girlfriend. I believe it would be possible to do it by ones self, but it would take considerable time due to the dropping of totem pieces.

Once again thank you for your videos, I own this 200 gamerscore to you!

By ezekiel 08 on 23 Jan 2010 12:42
Great videos, you might want to mention that you need to get the pinball pickups as well in your guide because it isn't really stated. I didn't realize it until the second pinball round that there were pickups and had to start over :P
By HemogoblinSS on 15 Mar 2010 04:27
Can this be done in Freeplay or must it be done in the Single Player campaign?
By Epsilon Theta on 16 Mar 2010 09:29
i haven't played this in a really long time, but I think it's single player campaign which should be the first game mode on the menu? not exactly sure sorry
By lxl Hockey lxl on 16 Mar 2010 19:46
Thank you for responding even after such a long time you haven't played the game! Shows you care! Deserves a thumbs up! ^^
By Epsilon Theta on 29 Mar 2010 12:36
Do you remember if you can go back to a level? I have missed 3 items in the second pinball level. Do I need to play the entire game again or can I just play casually to that level, not picking up everything till then and just be sure I complete the pinball level? Advice would be greatly appreciated!
By Epsilon Theta on 24 May 2010 10:52
You can't go back to a level after you have already passed it. It has to be a straight playthrough from level 1 to 10. You are allowed to save progress and continue later though. If you know you are about to complete a level and you know you did not get every item, quit and reload your last save.
By lxl Hockey lxl on 24 May 2010 14:41
Hm I see. Thank you for you help. It would be great to know how many pickups there are on the pinball bonus levels.
By Epsilon Theta on 25 May 2010 16:04
In pinball level 2, there is a number of red crystals when you are catapulted onto the playing field that aren't missable. There is an animal figure between the lower flippers and two rows of three coins at the top between rails. The hardest part is a figurine inside the center hidden inside a structure.
By Epsilon Theta on 28 Jun 2010 16:00
The third pinball level features all the above gems. In addition there are three patches of colored gems above each flipper and above the lower central bumper. They are easy to spot.
By Epsilon Theta on 29 Jun 2010 11:17
Thank you! 3 years ago I stopped playing because I missed 1 SINGLE piece. Only problem is that I'm sad now because I'll never play this treasure of a game again...
By GhostSeraph on 22 Aug 2010 15:27
I got this achievement with the help of your wonderful videos. Just to let others know, the FIRST PINBALL LEVEL is easy and there isn't much to do, I THIIIINNNKK that you collect all of the pickups in that level when you just launch your totem or somethin
By SLN360 on 15 Nov 2010 17:29
Thank you so much for this!! =)
By Mizz Katie on 31 Dec 2010 22:15
Finally beat it thanks to these guides, a hand simulator, and xpadder. GREAT videos.
By montrossity on 23 Jul 2011 17:14
I appreciate the positive feedback. I'm glad to see this still helping people after being up for such a long time! I made a few changes to make some things clearer and more concise for everybody.
By lxl Hockey lxl on 23 Jul 2011 20:02
Finally got it. The one missing was definitely the hidden gem on the last flipper. Watch out for this one and don't chance it on the last ball.
By Kerman7 on 30 Nov 2011 00:46
Thank you! :D
By SpeciallyTDerp on 24 Dec 2011 17:57
Just got this the other day. Its a great guide and your videos were awesome. However, your text guide is different from your video guide on Pinball #2. You have the hidden gem in your video guide but not on your solution post here.

I played through it twice and after I didnt get the achievement the first time, I noticed it on the video guide the second time around. Since people still play this on occasion I would recommend adding the hidden gem in Pinball #2 to your text guide as well. Great guide though....thumbs us from me.
By x athiktos x on 17 Apr 2012 16:00
Thanks for pointing that out. I added it and I apologize for any stress that caused.
By lxl Hockey lxl on 17 Apr 2012 16:20
This was my worst game with only one achievment but thanks to the walkthrough and this achievement guide I was finally able to beat this game! I could never have done it without your video guides. I also want to point out that I had a couple scares in the pinball game where it said that it was completed and I thought I had only used 2 balls. I was able to quit out to the dashboard real quick and load it up without it going on to the next level. If you want to update that you can. I was really worried when it said that I was done and I hadn't got all the gems and such. But thanks again!
By studlybambi on 04 Sep 2012 04:56
Is there a way to know how many pieces you picked up while you are in the level, or do you have to finish to find out? Are the counts here so that we can do the count ourselves as we go? I'm getting ready to give this a go, and am just trying to figure out how to keep track and what to do if I mess up. Thanks
By Onza on 19 Oct 2012 19:58
There isn't. I suggest manually synchronising what you do with the video.
By Epsilon Theta on 20 Oct 2012 06:55
Thanks. I just messed up my first attempt (I should have synced as you said). At least I got Score! (at the end of level 6). I was hoping I could copy the game save to a different device (after each successful round, so I could reload it if I messed on up), but I could not find it. Well at least now score does not matter.
By Onza on 20 Oct 2012 14:48
Man I can't believe they count the pinball machine pickups for part of the Perfect! achievement. Crappy physics, horrible delay, no precision... Aargh! If I don't get it in two balls, I restart. I already messed this up once and now am starting over. Is it confirmed you need ALL the pickups in pinball? This is seriously frustrating me.
By Onza on 21 Oct 2012 20:14
Yes. Good news is though, if you get down to one ball, dashboard and reload. you should be able to restart the level with all balls.
By Epsilon Theta on 21 Oct 2012 22:24
By Onza on 22 Oct 2012 15:55
Damn I was nervous waiting for that to pop... But I got it!
By Onza on 23 Oct 2012 02:33
FYI, if I did not get ALL pickups by the second ball I paused and returned to the game menu (no need to go to the dash). Then I continued and I was back to three balls on the table. I also found the second table much harder then the third. The third was a breeze compared to number 2. Thanks for the videos, they were a huge help! Thumbs up from me.
By Onza on 24 Oct 2012 03:39
great guide. this and the videos helped me get the last 3 achievements I needed.
By IamtheNaz on 16 Jul 2013 13:13
Dashboard before it auto-saves! If you think you take to long, power off the box. I always dashboarded with at least one ball to go.
By Epsilon Theta on 09 Sep 2013 04:34
I thought I had done. The last ball had only just been released. I'll give it a go just as the 2nd ball drops down and see if that works. Did anyone else have any trouble using JazzHands for this? Mine tends to give the flippers a mind of their own.
By SirEdwardBog on 09 Sep 2013 06:16
Not sure if others will find this useful, but if using JazzHands on the pinball level, press F12 to stop the hands waving. This will stop the flippers moving on their own.
By SirEdwardBog on 10 Sep 2013 19:25
Another point (maybe worth specifying as others may make the same mistake), make sure to quit to the menu when starting the Pinball levels. I dashboarded when I failed without doing this, and it makes you start from the beginning of the game. I know the guide specifies to do it at the beginning of every level, but it might be worth putting a note in to say *Including Pinball levels. Great videos. Couldn't have done it without them. Thanks a lot!
By SirEdwardBog on 17 Sep 2013 17:38
^ That was the comment I made too. Also, good point about F12. Only time I had the hands waving was during the initial calibration. Once the camera saw the hands, I turned the waving off (at all times).
By Onza on 18 Sep 2013 13:05
^ That was the comment I made too. Also, good point about F12. Only time I had the hands waving was during the initial calibration. Once the camera saw the hands, I turned the waving off (at all times).
By Onza on 18 Sep 2013 13:06
Added what you both said to the guide. Thanks for feedback
By lxl Hockey lxl on 18 Sep 2013 13:16
"I also want to point out that I had a couple scares in the pinball game where it said that it was completed and I thought I had only used 2 balls."
studlybambi is right. I played up to the second pinball table twice tonight and failed at getting the achievement because it ended the level after only two balls both times.

Quite frustrating. Maybe pausing and restarting (or resetting) is messing up the ball count? Either way, I should dashboard/power-off the next time that happens.
By RIVE XNGLE on 27 Dec 2013 10:25
After a few attempts, I got it.

Those pinball levels are the worst. I noticed that the ball loves gravitating to the sides more than the middle.
By RIVE XNGLE on 29 Dec 2013 11:13
It's also worth mentioning that the treasure counter will glitch occasionally leaving the 1st number out of a 3 digit amount. For example a level where you got 149 or 155 treasures will show as just 49 or 55. I also had moments where I'd load the game and it would start me at the first level despite having a saved game at a later level. This was easily fixed by leaving the game and just starting it again. And finally as a few have mentioned before, there are times where a pinball level will end after losing only two balls. You should still be able to reload the table if you dashboard out quick enough.
By ACDCs TNT on 12 Jan 2015 16:40
I can confirm that you don't need the crystal from the bonus level in the first level "Welcome to Totemball" in order to pop this achievement.
By ACDCs TNT on 12 Jan 2015 16:41
Onza - the game saves to your profile. I recommend backing up your profile after each level.
By HolyHalfDead on 30 Nov 2015 18:35
That sounds like good advice. Lucky for me a unlocked this achievement quite some time ago. smile
By Onza on 01 Dec 2015 16:40
Great guide, except for one thing...
The pinball levels are mentioned casually here, but it should be noted the "pinball" levels are THE WORST excuse for pinball ever pooped out by a drunken programmer on a budget & under a deadline... You think you've played some bad pinball, some NES pinball, or maybe even Sonic Spinball on a handheld system, they have NOTHING on these BARELY responsive, glitchy, cheating stages. They Ruin what is left of the game after the Vision camera controls killed it. :(
By magikman79 on 08 Sep 2016 17:11
13 years later and we're still using these videos! Thanks for posting!
By eohjay on 06 Jul 2022 13:20
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You must pick everything you can find in the levels during normal gaming. You should also pick up little shiny beds that make you lose 8 seconds. This particular achievement is hard to get, but here is a description of easily missed treasures. Avoid getting into bonus levels (big red diamond), since items in these levels do not count towards the achievement, and may even mess up your final score (however, there are usually items near bonus levels, so I will list them below). Also, note that the items in pinball bonus levels are necessary to get this... so luck is annoyingly involved. Moreover, items do not stack between playthrough, so you must collect them all in a single game. Thanks to Blackjaw x for his help on this, who also mentionned that there is a total of 989 items to collect:

Level 1. a) after 2nd door, moving platform that leads to coins.

Level 2. a) behind a small wall, on a grassy path. You must turn around to check behind or you won't see it.

Level 3. a) chest right at start of level.
b) when you get off the moving platform where you see a lot of coins in a slope, head to the opposite side of these coins to find a secret path.

Level 4. a) after first door, directly on the left.

Level 5. a) there's a bonus stage at the far right side of the large area with a monster. You will reach it through the bushes. Don't enter the stage but take everything around it.
b) here's a hard one: you must only keep 4 or 5 totem pieces max to cross a bridge. Don't collect the first totem piece you see and it should be alright. You'll be able to collect it later, after crossing the bridge.

Level 6. a) after the gate, directly on the left.

Level 7. a) there's a bonus stage on a small patch of land that you reach using a platform that you must trigger. Get near the platform to call it and get on it. Again, don't enter the stage, but take everything around it.

Level 8-10. Nothing hard to see there ...