Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

52 Achievements


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Now I’ve Really Seen It All

Now I’ve Really Seen It All

Unlock all Decepticon Unlockables


How to unlock the Now I’ve Really Seen It All achievement in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - Definitive Guide

Here is a complete list of the unlockables plus a few tips on how to get them;

Use Your Energon; (Consume 100,000 Energon units)
This is one of the easier unlockables to get, just upgrade your character while playing through the campaign and it'll be fine!

Collect Skill Shots; (Find and shoot 50 Skill Shots)
There are 5 skill shots on each level, they're the small Decepticon looking medals that are sometimes in plain sight throughout the campaign, when you see them be sure to shoot them, not only will it work toward this unlockable but it will also free the timer for 10 seconds. Lastly, hitting the same skill shots on the same levels still counts toward this.

Megatron (Flight) Hover; (Destroy 2 enemies at once with Megatrons special ability, while hovering)
Activate hover by holding RT to enter flight mode and then holding A. Now release RT and you'll enter hover mode. Try and weaken some enemies by shooting them with your primary weapon and then when you think you have 2 enemies close enough together hit Y to use Megatrons special ability.

Sideways Headshots; (Score 10 headshot kills using Sideway's primary weapon)
Sideways primary weapon is a sniper rifle, so you shouldn't have any trouble getting this unlockable.

Starscream Vehicle Strike; (Score 5 vehicle strike special kills using Starscream)
Thankfully Starscream fires homing missles while in vechile mode which makes this unlockable easy enough!

Megatron Scare; (Scare 100 pedestrians using Megatron)
Drive recklessly around the East Coast Downtown levels, there are plenty of pedestrians to scare on these levels.

Megatron Charged Shot; (Eliminate 10 Autobots with a fully charged shot from Megatron's secondary weapon)
You have to use Megatron's secondary weapon for this one. use RB to switch to it and then hold down the fire button the bar below the crosshair is full. It'll cause the target a large amount of damage but won't kill them in one hit so I suggest damaging them a bit before hand to make this a little quicker.

Megatron (Flight);
Megatron (Flight) is only accessible on the final level (Cairo Pyramids - Defeat The Fallen). Hold RT to fly and then just keep flying around the pyramid in the middle of the level. You'll have it in no time!

Long Haul Heal; (Heal 2500 hit points using Long Haul's repair special ability)
While playing as Long Haul if you ever take a significant amount of damage just hit Y and he'll heal, once you've done this a handful of times you should have this unlockable!

Sideways Mines; (Slow 5 Autobots by using Sideways' Slow Mine special ability)
When playing as Sideways hit Y to activate his special ability, it's a short burst that will fire out in front of you and will slow any enemies it hits.

Long Haul Grenades; (Eliminate 20 Autobots with a fully charged Grenade shot using Long Haul)
When using Long Haul have his primary weapon selected and just hold down the trigger to charge the attack, doing so will add a number of grenades to be shot out at once.

Megatron Special; (Eliminate 2 Autobots at once using Megatron's special ability)
Megatron's special ability is incredibaly powerful, when using him try and have a few enemies around you, when there's a few close together hit Y to use his special ability, a direct hit will kill most enemies in the game (excluding bosses). Be warned though, it takes a short period of time for this attack to charge up and during that time Megatron can't move.

Starscream Slow; (Slow 15 Autobots by using Starscream's slow special ability)
If you hit Y while playing as Starscream you'll activate his special ability, his fire power will increase and any enemy you hit for a short period of time will slow down making them easier to kill.

Sideways Ranged; (Eliminate 50 Autobots using Sideways' ranged weapons)
To play it safe I recommend only using Sideways' sniper rifle.

Grindor Fly; (Fly 7.5 kilometers in Vehicle Mode using Grindor)
While playing as Grindor be sure to make good use of his vechile mode, it's a lot quicker then walking!

Grindor Turret; (Score 10 kills using Grindor's deployable turret)
When you play as Grindor make sure to make use of his special ability, which is to throw down a turret, it's incredibaly handy in a tight spot and you may even get this unlockable without trying. Try to only deploy the turrent when surrounded by enemies. Lastly, the turret must score the kill shot for it to count.

Long Haul Flamethrower; (Eliminate 20 Autobots using Long Haul's flamethrower)
The flamethrower is Long Hauls secondary weapon, you switch weapons by using the RB button, it is devestating in close quarters, while playing through the campaign make sure to use this weapon when you get the chance.

Sideways Surface 2 Air; (Score 5 surface to air special kills with Sideways)
A surface to air kill is when you kill an opponent while they're jumping or flying, you need to be standing on the ground. It won't count if you're jumping, falling, or standing on too steep a surface.

Shanghai; (Complete The First Shanghai Mission)
This unlockable is story related and therefore cannot be missed.

West Coast; (Complete The First West Coast Mission)
This unlockable is story related and therefore cannot be missed.

Deep Six; (Complete The Deep Six Mission)
This unlockable is story related and therefore cannot be missed.

East Coast; (Complete The First East Coast Mission)
This unlockable is story related and therefore cannot be missed.

Cairo; (Complete The First Cairo Mission)
This unlockable is story related and therefore cannot be missed.

The Fallen; (Defeat The Fallen)
This unlockable is story related and therefore cannot be missed. This is the last campaign related unlockable, you'll fight The Fallen on "Cairo Pyramids - Defeat The Fallen"

07 Nov 2010 05:13

1 Comment
FYI, the Megatron special operates off of splash damage, so aim between enemies so that the explosion hits both. I did it on Shanghai Shootout, but not sure it's the best since it was annoying trying to shoot guys running all over the place.
By The Globalizer on 23 Jan 2021 13:55
This achievement requires you to do a large number of tasks throughout all the Decepticon missions. These tasks are cumulative, and you can view your status in the "View Unlockables" menu.

I'd recommend starting on this as soon as you start the campaign, or else you'll need to redo missions to boost. After the completion of each task you'll immediately be notified of the bonus you've unlocked. In order, they are:

Use Your Energon - Consume 100000 energon units.

You'll complete this a few missions into the campaign. Keep spending Energon on upgrades and it will eventually unlock.

Collect Skill Shots - Find and shoot 50 Skill Shots.

Skill Shots are Red Decepticon insignias scattered throughout each level. Shooting one pauses the Medal Timer by 10 seconds. Just shoot them as you see them, and it should pop by the end of the campaign.

Megatron (Flight) Hover - Destroy 2 enemies at once, while hovering, with Megatron (Flight's) special ability

To hover, press RT to fly, then hold A. Release RT to go to hover mode. Line up 2 enemies and hit Y to unleash Megatron's super shot. You can do this on the final level. If you are hovering when the enemies spawn you'll sometimes see the game glitch and spawn them on top of one another. They won't move or shoot back. One shot will destroy them both.

Sideways Headshots - Score 10 headshot kills using Sideway's primary weapon.

Sideways primary weapon is a sniper rifle, so you should be going for this anyways. Very easy to get in the level you escort Long Haul.

Starscream Vehicle Strike - Score 5 vehicle strike special kills using Starscream

Starscream fires homing missles while in vehicle mode, which hit for a fair amount of damage. Quickly achieved in any mission with Starscream.

Megatron Scare - Scare 100 pedestrians using Megatron

Drive recklessly around the level East Coast Downtown to scare pedistrians as there is a good number of people milling around here.

Megatron Charged Shot - Eliminate 10 Autobots with a fully charged shot from Megatron's secondary weapon.

Hit RB to switch to secondary weapon. Hold in the fire button until the bar below the crosshair is full and begins to blink. Hit the target for a large amount of damage. It's helpful to soften the target up with a few rounds from your primary gun, as the secondary weapon will drain about 80% life from most weaker enemies.

Megatron (Flight) Fly

You'll gain access to Megatron (Flight) on the final level of the campaign. Just hold RT to fly, and do a few laps around the level. Quick and painless.

Long Haul Heal - Heal 2500 hit points using Long Haul's repair special ability

Hit Y as Long Haul to activate a small area of effect around yourself. This will heal yourself and any nearby allies. Use this ability frequenty in combat, and it should unlock before the campaign ends.

Sideways Mines - Slow 5 Autobots by using Sideways' Slow Mine special ability

Hit Y as Sideways to activate a short burst in front of yourself that will slow enemies. Use liberally against all enemies in the first couple of campaign missions, and it should unlock.

Long Haul Grenades - Eliminate 20 Autobots with a fully charged Grenade shot using Long Haul

Grenades are Long Haul's primary weapon. Charging the attack adds to the number of grenades he fires in a single burst. Be sure to finish off your earlier enemies using a charged attack to unlock this.

Megatron Special - Eliminate 2 Autobots at once using Megatron's special ability

Hit "Y" to activate Megatron's special ability, which fires a super-powerful attack that must charge for several seconds. It will one-hit kill almost any non-boss enemy. For this challenge, try to line up several enemies in a narrow street for the best chance to hit multiple targets. If you can't seem to line them up keep retreating, and they should follow you in a more-or-less straight line.

Starscream Slow - Slow 15 Autobots by using Starscream's slow special ability

Hitting Y as Starscream will double his firepower and slow any enemy hit for a few seconds. To quickly complete this challenge use this ability when fighting multiple opponents simultaniously.

Sideways Ranged - Eliminate 50 Autobots using Sideways' ranged weapons.

Use either/both the primary (sniper) and secondary (rapid-fire) weapons to destroy 50 opponents. You'll just about have this after you complete the Shanghai missions. Try to ensure you score the killing shots during the Long Haul escort mission, as he may take a few from under your guns.

Grindor Fly - Fly 7.5 kilometers in Vehicle Mode using Grindor

Whenever playing as Grindor be sure to fly rather than walk when moving from checkpoint to checkpoint. This should unlock normally during the campaign.

Grindor Turret - Score 10 kills using Grindor's deployable turret

As Grindor, hit Y to drop a turret on the ground. The turret must score the killing shot for this to count.

Long Haul Flamethrower - Eliminate 20 Autobots using Long Haul's flamethrower

Hit RB to switch to Long Haul's flamethrower. This weapon is devestating in close quarters, and useless outside a few steps. Use when enemies get too close and it should unlock during the campaign.

Sideways Surface 2 Air - Score 5 surface to air special kills with Sideways

A surface to air kill means that you must kill a jumping or flying opponent while you are standing on the ground. It will not count if you're jumping, falling, or standing on too steep a surface.

Shanghai - Complete the 1st Shanghai Mission


West Coast - Complete the 1st West Coast Mission


Deep Six - Complete the Deep Six Mission


East Coast - Complete the 1st East Coast Mission


Cairo - Complete the 1st Cairo Mission


The Fallen - Defeat The Fallen


26 Jun 2009 22:07

By Dom2096 on 08 Jul 2009 16:54
I can't do the megatron special ones. Even when I finally succeed lining up two enemies the shot never seems to penetrate the first enemy or something :(
By Vinchucca on 11 Jan 2010 20:33

Within the campaign there are 24 Unlockables - six for completion a mission in each zone, one for collecting your first 100,000 Energon, one for collecting your first 50 Skill Shots and the remainder for completing a specific action with each Decepticon a set number of times eg Scare 100 pedestrians whilst playing as Megatron. These are cumulative and can be done gradually over as many mission plays as you want, however I would recommend whenever starting a new mission to check the unlockables for that mission's default character and get these out of the way as early as possible. Each individual unlockable completed earns either the ability to use any Decepticon within a specific zone or a piece or bonus media within the game, there are 24 in total.

For a full list of unlockables see this thread courtesy of dethklok over at x360a: Challenges/Unlockables Guide -