Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

52 Achievements


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Now I’ve Seen It All

Now I’ve Seen It All

Unlock all Autobot Unlockables


How to unlock the Now I’ve Seen It All achievement in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - Definitive Guide

Here is a complete list of the unlockables plus a few tips on how to get them;

Use Your Energon; (Consume 100000 energon units)
This is one of the easier unlockables to get, just upgrade your character while playing through the campaign and it'll be fine!

Collect Skill Shots; (Find and shoot 50 Skill Shots)
There are 5 skill shots on each level, they're the small Autobot logo looking medals that are sometimes in plain sight throughout the campaign, when you see them be sure to shoot them, not only will it work toward this unlockable but it will also freeze the timer for 10 seconds. Lastly, hitting the same skill shots on the same levels still counts toward this.

Bumblebee Charge; (Destroy 5 stunned enemies with a charged melee attack by using Bumblebee's special ability and charged melee attack)
Active Bumblebee's close range stunning attack by pressing "Y", then hold "X" to charge a powerful close range attack. To ensure a kill you should weaken the target with a few shots before attempting this.

Optimus Prime Advanced; (Destroy 3 Decepticons using an advanced melee attack while playing as Optimus Prime)
To do an advanced melee attack hold down "RT" and then press "X", you have to release "RT" while still holding "X", doing so will make you exit vehicle mode and perform a powerful melee attack. To ensure a kill you should weaken the target with a few shots before attempting this.

Bumblebee Advanced; (Destroy 10 Decepticons using an advanced melee attack while playing as Bumblebee)
See the above unlockable for a full explaination on how to perform this move, the only difference is you'll have to destroy 10 Decepticons for this one!

Ratchet Rescue; (Heal yourself or fellow Autobots for a total 2500 hit points using Ratchet's special ability)
While playing as Ratchet make sure to press "Y" to activate your healing ability, it has a close-range area of effect so any allies nearby will be healed up too. The quickest way of getting this is just to let yourself get beaten down and then heal up, it should only take a few times of doing this and you'll have this unlockable in the bag!

Powered-Up Optimus Prime Fly; (Fly for 3.5 kilometers with powered-up Optimus Prime)
You can only use the powered-up version of Optimus Prime on the final level of the campaign. While on that level hold "RT" to fly and then do a few laps round the level.

Ironhide Turret; (Score 10 kills using Ironhide's deployable turret)
While playing as Ironhide press "Y" to drop your deployable missle turret, it's quite powerful and can take down most normal Decepticons, however the missle launcher must score the killing shot for this to count.

Bumblebee Turbo; (Activate Bumblebee's turbo boost 100 times in vehicle mode)
Work on this while unlocking the "Bumblebee Drive" unlockable to save time! While in vehicle mode press "A" to use your turbo boost, once it's depleted wait a few seconds for it to recharge and then use it again. I just boosted around the start of a level for what felt like forever for this!

Optimus Prime Shield; (Using Optimus' shield absorb 750 points of damage)
While playing as Optimus press "Y" to activate his shield. Any enemy attacks are reduced to almost nothing. Make sure to use the shield frequently as you play through the campaign and you'll unlock this with no trouble!

Optimus Prime Charged Shot; (Destroy 25 Decepticons with a fully charged shot from Optimus Prime's secondary weapon)
Press "RB" to switch to your secondary weapon, one selected hold down the fire button until the bar below the crosshair is full and begins to blink. This attack will hit the target for a large amount of damage but not enough to kill them in one shot so as per the other unlockables make sure to damage an enemy a bit prior to using this!

Powered-Up Optimus Shockwave; Destroy 5 Decepticons with a fully charged shot from powered-up Optimus Prime's secondary weapon
The only level you can play as the powered-up Optimus Prime is the last level in campaign, while playing that level press "RB" to select your secondary weapon, when it's selected hold down the fire button until the bar below the crosshair is full and begins to blink, then shoot the ground just in front of the target, doing so will trigger a small shockwave. While it is powerful, it's not powerful enough to kill enemies in one hit so be sure to damage them a bit before trying for this to save time!

Ironhide Overload; (Score 25 overload takedowns playing as Ironhide)
An "overload takedown" kill is when you cause more damage than is nessesary to destroy an enemy. While playing through the Autobot campaign you'll have plenty of missions that allow you to play as Ironhide, while playing as him just continually fire his grenade launcher and you'll have this one in no time!

Bumblebee Drive; (Drive 15 kilometers with Bumblebee)
Work toward this will going for the "Bumblebee Turbo" unlockable. As said above, just boost around the start of a level and you'll get this fine, it's long winded but it has to be done!

Ironhide 100; (Take down 100 Decepticons using Ironhide's ranged weapons)
While playing through the Autobot campaign there are plenty of missions that allow you to play as Ironhide be sure to make use of his grenade launcher and you'll have this with ease!

Breakaway Headshots; (Score 10 headshots with hovering as Breakaway)
While playing as Breakaway hold "RT" to enter vehicle mode and then hold down "A" and release "RT", this will make you hover. Now while hovering use your primary weapon (sniper rifile) to score 10 headshots, you can click in the thumbstick to zoom in and aim for the head, just pay close attention because some of the Decepticons heads are situated just below where you'd expect them to be. When you score a headshot the word; "Headshot" will appear on screen (so long as you're not zoomed in).

Breakaway Overheat; (Overheat 10 enemies by using Breakaway's special ability)
While playing as Breakaway press "Y" to activate his special ability, is has close-range area of effect. All enemies in this area will be unable to use their weapons for a few seconds.

Optimus Prime Advanced Jumps; (While playing as Optimus use your advanced jump 50 times)
While playing as Optimus Prime hold "RT" to transform into vehicle mode and then hold "A", then release "RT" to perform an advanced jump, continue to do this until you've got this unlockable!

Shanghai; (Complete The First Shanghai Mission)
This unlockable is story related and therefore cannot be missed.

West Coast; (Complete The First West Coast Mission)
This unlockable is story related and therefore cannot be missed.

Deep Six; (Complete The Deep Six Mission)
This unlockable is story related and therefore cannot be missed.

East Coast; (Complete The First East Coast Mission)
This unlockable is story related and therefore cannot be missed.

Cairo; (Complete The First Cairo Mission)
This unlockable is story related and therefore cannot be missed.

The Fallen; (Defeat The Fallen)
This unlockable is story related and therefore cannot be missed.

01 Dec 2010 19:52

This achievement requires you to do a large number of tasks throughout all the autobot missions. These tasks are cumulative, and you can view your status in the "View Unlockables" menu.

I'd recommend starting on this as soon as you start the campaign, or else you'll need to redo missions to boost. After the completion of each task you'll immediately be notified of the bonus you've unlocked. In order, they are:

Use Your Energon - Consume 100000 energon units.

You'll complete this a few missions into the campaign. Keep spending Energon on upgrades and it will eventually unlock.

Collect Skill Shots - Find and shoot 50 Skill Shots.

Skill Shots are Blue Autobot insignias scattered throughout each level. Shooting one pauses the Medal Timer by 10 seconds. Just shoot them as you see them, and it should pop by the end of the campaign.

Bumblebee Charge - Destroy 5 STUNNED enemies with a charged melee attack by using BUMBLEBEE's special ability and charged melee attack.

Hit "Y" to active Bumblebee's close range stunning attack, and then hold "X" to charge a powerful close range attack. It's generally helpful to soften up the target with a few shots before attempting this so the melee attack will actually kill the Decep.

Optimus Prime Advanced - Eliminate 3 Decepticons using an Advanced Melee Attack while playing as OPTIMUS PRIME.

To do an Advanced Melee attack, hold RT, and then X. Release RT while still holding X to exit vehicle mode in a powerful punching attack. It's generally helpful to soften up the target with a few shots before attempting this so the melee attack will actually kill the Decep.

Bumblebee Advanced - Eliminate 10 Decepticons using an Advanced Melee Attack while playing as Bumblebee.

As with Optimus, but you'll need to do this 10 times.

Ratchet Rescue - Heal yourself or fellow Autobots for a total 2500 hit points using Ratchet's special ability.

As Ratchet, hitting Y activates a close-range area of effect healing. It's fastest to do this in Shanghai, when you are escorting Ironhide out of the city. Allow both yourself and Ironhide to take some damage, then activate the power.

Powered-Up Optimus Prime Fly - Fly for 3.5 kilometers with Powered-Up Optimus Prime

You'll gain access to Powered-Up Optimus on the final level of the campaign. Just hold RT to fly, and do a few laps around the level. Quick and painless.

Ironhide Turret - Score 10 kills using Ironhide's deployable turret

As Ironhide, hit Y to drop a missle turret on the ground. The missle launcher must score the killing shot for this to count.

Bumblebee Turbo - Activate Bumblebee's turbo boost 100 times in vehicle mode

I'd recommend grinding this out with the "Bumblebee Drive" requirement. In vehicle mode, hit A to use turbo boost. After a few seconds turbo will recharge and you can do it again.

A good place to grind this is the mission "Fuel the Jets", the first mission in East Coast Downtown. You're able to drive around the level w/o being attacked until you drive to the checkpoint. Just avoid the checkpoint and keep boosting away. It will eventually pop. Very annoying, IMHO.

Optimus Prime Shield - Using Optimus' shield, absorb 750 pts of damage

As Optimus, hit Y to activate a blue shield which surrounds you. Incoming damage is reduced to almost nothing. Use the shield frequently as you play through the campaign and this should unlock fairly quickly.

Optimus Prime Charged Shot - Eliminate 25 Decepticons with a fully charged shot from Optimus Prime's secondary weapon.

Hit RB to switch to secondary weapon. Hold in the fire button until the bar below the crosshair is full and begins to blink. Hit the target for a large amount of damage. It's helpful to soften the target up with a few rounds from your primary gun, as the secondary weapon will drain about 80% life from most weaker enemies.

Powered-Up Optimus Shockwave - Eliminate 5 Decepticons with a fully charged shot from Powered-Up Optimus Prime's secondary weapon.

Hit RB to switch to secondary weapon. Hold in the fire button until the bar below the crosshair is full and begins to blink. Shoot the ground in front of the target to trigger a shockwave. Again, it's best to shoot your enemy a few times before hitting them with the shockwave to ensure the kill.

Ironhide Overload - Score 25 overload takedowns playing as Ironhide

Overload takedown kills are scored by doing far more damage than is nessesary to destroy an enemy. To do so, soften them up with weaker attacks until only a sliver of life remains, and then hit them with a charged melee attack or secondary fire shot. Harder than it seems, so it make take a little grinding.

Bumblebee Drive - Drive 15 kilometers with Bumblebee.

See the explination for "Bumblebee Turbo" listed above. Should unlock about the same time as that one.

Ironhide 100 - Take down 100 Decepticons using Ironhide's ranged weapons.

Ironhide has arguably the best ranged weapons amoung the Autobots, so this is pretty easy to pull off. Just keep choosing Ironhide for your secondary missions and you should get it in no time.

One note; Ironhide, and not his turret, must score the killing shot for the kill to count.

Breakaway Headshots - Score 10 headshots with Hovering as Breakaway

To hover, hold in RT to go to Jet mode. Then hold in A, and release RT. Breakaway will hover in place. Now use your sniper rifle (primary weapon) and aim for the head. Be aware that some decepticon's heads are situated in the middle of their chest, rather than above the shoulders. Look for the eyes and aim between. You should be able to achieve this on the Deep 6 mission.

Breakaway Overheat - Overheat 10 enemies by using Breakaway's special ability

Hitting Y as Breakaway activates a close-range area of effect. All enemies in this area will be unable to use their weapons for a few seconds. You should be able to achieve this on the Deep 6 mission.

Optimus Prime Advanced Jumps - While playing as Optimus, use your advanced jump 50 times.

To do this, hold RT to switch to vehicle mode. Hold A, then release RT to jump into the air and return to Robot mode.

This requirement is proof positive that the developers are screwing with us. There's no way you'll do this naturally, so be sure to jump around like a fool while playing through the campaign so you don't have to go back and boost.

Shanghai - Complete the 1st Shanghai Mission


West Coast - Complete the 1st West Coast Mission


Deep Six - Complete the Deep Six Mission


East Coast - Complete the 1st East Coast Mission


Cairo - Complete the 1st Cairo Mission


The Fallen - Defeat The Fallen


26 Jun 2009 04:49

Within the campaign there are 24 Unlockables - six for completing a mission in each zone, one for collecting your first 100,000 Energon, one for collecting your first 50 Skill Shots and the remainder for completing a specific action with each Autobot a set number of times eg Use Turbo boost 100 times whilst playing as Bumblebee. These are cumulative and can be done gradually over as many mission plays as you want, however I would recommend whenever starting a new mission to check the unlockables for that mission's default character and get these out of the way as early as possible. Each individual Unlockable completed earns either the ability to use any Autobot within a specific zone or a piece or bonus media within the game, there are 24 in total.

For a full list of unlockables see this thread courtesy of dethklok over at x360a: Challenges/Unlockables Guide -