Tron: Evolution

Tron: Evolution

42 Achievements


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Evolved User

Evolved User

Completed the game on the "Insane" difficulty level without changing the setting.


How to unlock the Evolved User achievement in Tron: Evolution - Definitive Guide

Firstly make sure you've unlocked all single player enhancements, just replay level 6 in the tank if you need to level up/acquire memory.

The key to insane, for me at least was the almost constant use of the 'stealth' ability. Can't remember its exact name now, but it auto-activates when using stasis disc and you stand still. However even better is it will still activate if you go into 'block/focus' (LT) pose, which actually means you can simply hold down LT and move freely around the levels with impunity, the enemies will never attack you!

This can easily be exploited in many situations and often its possible to avoid conflicts entirely, saving time and avoiding annoying deaths.

When you do have to fight always ensure stasis disc is selected and simply maneuver yourself into a middle of a group of enemies, then perform LT+Y to throw them all up in the air, followed by either heavy or bomb disc attacks (LT+Y). A few enemies will require slightly different attacks, but the strategy is the same.

When fighting tanks, going into stealth mode (LT) means you can move up to them safely. If they don't register you they stay still. Can also be useful if you are about to be run over by a tank as going into stealth will cause it to stop dead.

Whenever you have to trigger those light beam things, where you press 'A' to trigger them, you can simply go into stealth mode (hold LT with stasis disc selected), walk up to them, let go of LT, but still remain stealth and press A.

All of this makes the last level boss fight a piece of cake. Simply stealth and take you time when attacking the ninja like minor bosses, then use stealth to activate the light beams to avoid being hit by the main boss.

Essentially then, always use stasis stealth, take your time and you'll finish this with ease.

26 Jan 2011 00:40

Awesome guide man that stealth thing helped so much
By on 19 Jun 2011 23:43
Spot on, this guide helped me breeze through the game on insane. Thanks!
By KungFuMonk3y on 21 Sep 2011 21:23
Excellent guide, breezed through hard and I'm halfway through insane now, that stealth ability completely breaks the game lol
By Funky Monkee on 01 Mar 2012 10:01
I know this guide is a few years old, but I wanted to say this solution is the best. Surprised more haven't gotten this achievement -- Insane is a piece of cake with the stealth ability.
By Kamera on 05 May 2016 14:19
Should probably mention that you have to beat hard difficulty in order to unlock insane difficulty.
By Zavistic on 19 Jul 2016 21:15
was just about to ask how you unlock insane but least I can run through on hard now with most upgrades done
By Zenosos on 01 Sep 2016 18:32
How do you I run through hard difficulty with everything I have unlocked, do I chapter select or what? I don't want to start a new game and lose everything I unlocked.
By CYBORG TANKv18 on 22 Sep 2016 05:48
Great strategy. Thanks!
By realCreencia on 19 Nov 2016 14:30
Thought I’d post this cuz I had the same question as Cyborg Tankv18. When you start a new game, your xp and collectibles carry over, the only thing that resets is your story progress. Also, you have to play through the whole game on hard to unlock insane, you can’t just beat the game on casual then turn up the difficult to hard and beat the last chapter.
By xNeo21x on 23 Feb 2020 21:55
There is a wonderful speedrunning skip that cuts out a sizable section of the final chapter for those interested.

You don't need to follow the exact same route, there's a safer on on the left side.
By WulfTek on 25 Sep 2022 07:30
Some pertinent notes:

a) the "stealth skill" is called auxiliary stasis mod and you can't have it until level 19, which is just about the end of your first playthrough.

b) the vast majority of the game's encounters are not avoidable. The solution makes it sound like you can just walk past all the enemies and right to the level's exit, which is false. All this skill does for you is give you a breather any time you need it, which is useful in its own right, but is not a pass to walk past everyone.

c) you can be "stealth" in the tanks, too. Equip the stasis disc before getting in the tank and none of the enemies will see you. Don't switch off of stasis otherwise they immediately know where you are again even if you switch back to stasis disc. Vehicle sections on insane difficulty are impossible without this.

d) the secret for all the black guard enemies: special attacks (cn_Y). Hit them with a stasis special, then unload heavy disc specials until you run out of energy. Vault on stuff to recharge, rinse and repeat.

e) end game boss fight. Use the above black guard strategy until the boss appears. Once the boss is afoot, all he does is hook into a series of five generators while standing perfectly still. Stealth to the generator, hit it with a single bomb disc special attack, interact with the consoles, repeat five times to end the game.
By Mobius Evalon on 18 Jul 2016 22:26
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Two things before I get onto specifics:
First of all the text is just telling you to start a new game on insane and never change the diffeculty while plaing throu. Be sure to start a new story when you're ready for this.
Second in order to even start a Insane game you need to beat the game on Hard. I'm making a good guess when I say that you must not change the difficulty there either.
Now for how to get this going:
I played on Hard my very first play through. It's was a little tough at first, but once you are done with the tutorial part you can always jump into MP and gain some quick levels killing bots. What I found was best was getting my life and Heavy Disc upgrades going quick. With the heavy disc you can do a ground slam that works on all but the agile scout type of enemies. Also if you got them against a wall you can sometimes kill them outright even on Insane. Bomb disc upgrade is good to get too since there are some boss fights where you need to use it. They have insane health bars. Most importantly make sure to fill up on health and power EVERYTIME you have a chance to. I forgot a few times and before I knew it I was stuck at a checkpoint where it was hard and/or had no way to get to health in time.

Some specifics on hard to pass parts (These are true on both Hard and Insane):
Chapters 1-3 are fairly easy. Not EASY, but just be patient and avoid too much close combat since some enemies will get you with one hit. Also if you get stuck do some MP for XP and get some more health/damage upgrades. Also when you need to kill a tank the fastest and best way is always the Heavy Disc Ground Slam. If you're close you can get a 5-7 multi hit I believe. Bomb is safer, but I rather die a few times then get him quick than jump around for 15 minutes just to die from a good hit that takes all you're life :-(
Chapter 4: The boss on this stage is a royal pain. He'll scatter bomb like crazy and totaly rip you apart if you stay to close to him. Once you get a hang on what he's doing using the bomb from a distance while avoiding his scatter bomb thing is almost the only way to get him. I think I spent like 30 minutes hitting him before he died. I may have been over cautious, but better safe than sorry.
Chapter 5: I'm sorry to say, but you’re going to have to slam and slam and slam and slam the boss here. However once he gets to almost 50% life the building will start being bombarded. This will give you the opportunity to lure him into a trap. Use blocking and try to lure him to stand where it's glowing light blue. This is where parts of the building will land. This will finish him off fast.
Chapter 7: In the final showdown here you will face 2 off several of the "Boss" like baddies at once. This is super frustrating until you realize it's fairly easy to knock them of the platform. The hardest one is the super bomber one, but if you lure it to the edge and nail it with bomb special attacks they will fall back a few feet. If you have five specials you can push them off the edge and skip 30 minutes of active game play, not to mention not running the risk of dyeing and having to start over.

That’s all I have for now as those where the worst things for me. If you have anything more on your mind leave a comment.

10 Dec 2010 20:48

A note on fighting enemies is that if you use corruption on them they wont be able to attack for a period of time. This is really handy in defeating tanks.
By Mattism on 16 Dec 2010 15:00
Does my level carry over with each playthrough? Like if I finished the game on Hard at level 20, would I be level 20 when I start over on Insane?
By on 28 Dec 2010 19:23
Yeah. I'm pretty sure levels carry over everything in the game. If I'm not mistaken you need to actually delete the whole save game to reset.
By Evilshadow23 on 28 Dec 2010 21:01
Do u need to "start new game" to do it on hard too ? or can u just go in to the menu and change each level to hard when u do select level
By on 14 Feb 2011 21:40
oh and if u do have do "new game" am i going to loose all my upgrades ?
By on 14 Feb 2011 21:44
My last post covered that sort of, but just to be clear the upgrades and level is universal in the games and as mentioned you need to pretty much delete the entire save file to reset it. I think you need to start a "new game" thou to get the insane game complete. This is also why some recommend completing the game on easy first get an idea how the game works and to get a few level ups before the hard playthought.
By Evilshadow23 on 14 Feb 2011 21:59
Just thought I would add to those wondering about starting new game that everything carries over even the collectibles. Great detailed guide dude
By on 20 Jun 2011 15:13
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So, like the other solution says, if you select your Stasis Disk and hold the left trigger you can stay "invisible" so to speak and then get through a few enemies without having to fight. Here's a few other tips.


The best way to defeat regular enemies is by hitting them once with cn_LT+cn_Y while Stasis Disk is selected (cn_up) and then finishing them with that same combination (or simply cn_Y, if there's only a single enemy) while having Bomb Disk (cn_right) selected.

Against the regular "mohank/horned" enemies (not the darkened ones that use stasis against you) though you can do the same thing or wait until they throw their disks against you while defending (holding cn_LT) and then pressing cn_X to catch them off guard.


Before pressing cn_A to get inside Light Tanks make sure to select the Stasis Disk (cn_up). Then keep holding the cn_LT as long as you need while moving forward. You can run over on foot troops at will and get nice XP while doing it. If another tank is in your way you can fire shots (cn_RT) to dispatch it while still holding cn_LT, that way you're still "invisible" for the rest of the enemies.

If for some reason you need health, pay attention to the floor to see if you can spot some arrows pointing you the direction forward, as they also replenish energy and HP.


The boss that flies, jumps and keep scattering bombs like crazy is the worst thing this game has to offer on Hard and Insane difficulties. I'm not sure why he was mentioned as being in Chapter 4 in the other solution, but for me he appeared at the end of Ch. 2 and then again paired up with a twin in Chapter 7, a real pain.

I didn't want to spend 30 minutes defeating him in Ch. 2, so I kept trying to get him to fall off the edge and then eventually it worked. I'd say it took me less than 10 tries. As soon as the level started I went to one of the corners (the opposite from where the Tron File is) and then in that turn specifically, for some random reason, the enemy went to the other side (where the File is). Then to attack me he successfully made the jump accross the gap but not much later he ended up messing up and fell off. I don't know what the odds are for somebody else to accomplish this, but I'll leave it here as an incentive for whoever else is frustrating of trying to get meaningful damage on him and decides to give it a try. It may not happen exactly like it did to me, but it's definetly something possible to make happen.

The only "half an hour fight" before the last chapter is gonna be against Abraxas in Ch. 6 since it would be harder to make him fall off an edge. But keep in mind that any other sub-boss up to this point can be defeated by making them fall off an edge.


Unfotunately this fight will take time since the damage you do to him will be little by little. It's gonna be a bit boring too, due to the repetitiveness of commands. While holding cn_LT and having Stasis Disk selected, you will be able to approach him. Now you'll use the same technique as mentioned above, that is cn_LT+cn_Y. Once he slows down, a message appears at the bottom of your screen. That means that he'll likely slam the floor and stay stunned for a few seconds after. That's when you're gonna swith to Bomb Disk (cn_right) and then hit him again. If he doesn't slam the floor, I wouldn't risk trying to hit him with Bomb. Insist on Stasis until he slams and get stunned. Remember to get away from him after hitting him once, both times. If you're health is not 100% or close to it, you better approach a wall while holding LT (a bit trick, but you don't want to give your back to the enemy) and refill it. Don't risk or you may have to restart the fight and lose your damage progress. Halfway down his HP bar, the players get a checkpoint. The second part of the fight is similar, but you have to trick him into the falling debris as instructed by the game. It took me only 4 well placed "traps" to totally get him killed in Insane Difficulty. There are two landslip spots that keep taking turns into falling down. To attrack Abraxas, select Bomb (or any other disk except Stasis) and hide behind a column until he moves your direction. To make him stay still when under the right spots, simply equip Stasis Disk and hold the left trigger.


Apparently there's a trick on the internet to get invulnerable, which would help defeating the last couple of bosses that come in pairs. I wasn't able to perform it and therefore didn't care to use it. What I did, specially against the first pair (crazy jumping bombers) and after trying a lot of other approaches, was to use the cn_Y attack one of them at a time while having the heavy disk selected (cn_left). That way they were gone before I realized it. The next two pairs of bosses I was able to Stasis out of the platform by first approaching them while "invisible" (again, holding cn_LT having Stasis Disk selected) and then slamming the floor near them. That way they started to backflip and eventually fell off the edge.


Real easy, although if he gets you with his disk it will likely be a 1 hit kill. You also have to be quick while destroying the generators otherwise a yellow thunder beam will pursue you and instakill you as well.
As soon as the fight starts you'll be out of energy. Make sure to vault over one of those things in the floor to grab some of it and then head towards the same generator as Abraxas. Use cn_Y to quickly destroy it. When you do it, the "yellow thunder beam" will stop pursuing you. There will be some explosion in the main reactor in the middle and that should damage Abraxas' HP a little. Now, two switches will light up on the sides. You can quickly run towards one of them and activate it with cn_A, their yellow color changing to blue. However, if Abraxas is close to the other one, you'll have to draw him away from it first, otherwise he'll treacherously destroy you with 1 hit while you're activating it.
After doing the above mentioned 3 more times, a lot of green guys will start coming at you. They are easily dispatched by 1 hit, but unless you want to keep farming them, instead of focusing on them at all, go to the big generator in the middle and get yourself in a position where you can see the arrow indicating that you should attack it. Simply hit cn_Y one more time and the achievement should be yours! Congrats for getting to this point!

In case these tips and solution help you in any way, please leave a thumbs up to let me know. Thanks!

04 Sep 2016 23:19

great solution and a thumbs up from me smile
By RohrGamer on 15 Sep 2016 13:17
Thank you! Frequently when I get feedback from my solutions I try to improve them even more. Your comment just made me reread it all over again and fix a lot of minor misspelling errors.
By togethawiistand on 15 Sep 2016 14:30
Solution is pretty good. It was significantly easier during the boss pairs at the end running around and using RT+Y for the first two pairs.

The heavy disc throwing discs all over messes everything up so bad all you need to do is run for energy and you won't even need to use the stasis. Same thing for the second pair as the bomb disc just throws bombs everywhere. However I did find it easier for the corruption guys to use stasis just to walk close to them before spamming RT+Y.
By DefiantZero on 09 Aug 2017 09:25
Thanks! I barely write any new solutions nowadays but it's always good to get feedback from the old ones, even if the memory of game's mechanics are just a blur.
By togethawiistand on 09 Aug 2017 14:52
Your guide was better presented so I read this one through. A lit of it was helpful. I just couldn't get the pairs to fall off the edge. Spamming attacks made it feel like it was on easy however.
By DefiantZero on 09 Aug 2017 20:49
This guide was very useful in helping me complete the boss battles. Great job!
By Dr Frat Star on 21 Aug 2019 01:08
Thanks, guys! It's nice to get this positive feedback!
By togethawiistand on 23 Aug 2019 14:08
Where is this so called invulnerable glitch? Its no where to be found. I cannot beat the first 2 black guards. Nothing I do works. Every other part of guide is great but this part I'm finding incredibly frustrating.....

Finally was able to beat this part after multiple tries. I found ScoobyMad's post on & with his tactics I beat with ease. Thx to his & togethawiistand's help I finally have 1000 on this game tht I should've completed yrs ago.
By on 25 Jun 2020 08:18
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I also found it easier to derezz enemies by using RT + A (Monitor sprints and throws discs nonstop, instead of just pressing A, which is limited to 3 throws): that makes enemies unable to throw discs for a while as you try to reach powerlines to recover energy or charges for special attacks.

Special attacks with multiple discs (RT + Y) are also very useful for hordes of enemies and to defeat the ninja robots.

The best disc for stronger enemies is the Stasis Disc.

06 Oct 2016 15:04

"Insane" isn't available at the start of the game, what you'll need to do is beat the game on Hard first, however for your best chance of success, you're better off starting on a lower difficulty to get an idea of each enemy and to get to Level 50, then once you've beaten Hard "Insane" will unlock, all you have to do then is beat the game again and the achievement will unlock, VIA this method it will take roughly 3 playthroughs.

11 Nov 2021 01:16

In order to unlock the "Insane" difficulty you must first complete all seven chapters on Hard. Take special care and do as the achievement description says: do not change the difficulty setting until you get the achievement. If you try to change it, you will get a warning message in the game, so no excuses! This stipulation applies during your playthrough on hard to unlock insane as well. So, when you're ready to start your insane playthrough, make sure you select "create new game" set the difficulty and then leave it alone until the achievement unlocks. Some people have reported that they did not get the achievement because they used chapter select on the first mission instead of "create new game".

Tips on actually beating insane/hard:

  • When a battle starts going badly and you need to retreat, use the stealth move while you have your stasis disc equipped and you will be invulnerable as long as you keep sprinting. You'll want to be sprinting to re-fill your health and energy. Once I figured out this technique, it saved me a lot of grief on some of the tough sections.
  • Pay close attention to the weaknesses/strengths information when it appears for a new enemy. You will need to exploit these to effectively deal with them. Even if it costs you a death or two to memorize the information it will pay off over time. Also, try experimenting with different disc powers on the various types of enemies, some may work unexpectedly well, especially when used in conjunction with multiple powers.
  • Lastly, if you really feel the need, you can "grind" on level 6 until you unlock more abilities, which will make your character stronger. If you are going to grind levels, it is recoomended that you do it while playing through the first time. All your stats will carry over and there is no experience increase from playing on higher difficulties. Starting Insane at level 50 is easier than starting at level 35. Please note that the game grid enhancers won't help you during the campaign.

Insane difficulty is unlocked once you complete the game on Hard difficulty. I would not recommend attempting Insane difficulty until you have reached Level 50 and purchased all of the possible upgrades. For all subsequent playthroughs (including Insane difficulty), you will want to select New Story at the main menu with and choose the difficulty you want. After you have started your Insane playthrough, do not go to Chapter Select until you have finished Insane.

Insane Playthrough Tips:


  • Always refill your energy and power bar to max before leaving any area. This seems obvious, but the checkpoints are sometimes in odd spots so it can leave you with very little health in certain areas if you don't pay attention.
  • Try to isolate enemies if possible, rather than fighting the whole group. If you get stuck in situations where you have to fight a group, try using the Stasis Disc () and Stasis Slam + to get out of a tight spot.
  • I highly recommend using the Heavy Disc () Groundhog (+) often. It owns nearly every enemy, and is extremely helpful when a group is attacking you. The Bomb Disc is very useful sometimes (especially on tanks), but I feel the Heavy Disc is better for most situations.
  • The only sections that really gave me any trouble were in Chapter 6 with the two tanks, and Chapter 7 with the Black Guards. For the tanks, try to just attack one of them right away with your Bomb Disc () and any of it's Power Attacks (). As long as you can eliminate one right away, you shouldn't have any trouble with the other. Also, if you jump at the right angle/timing, you can actually manage to get on top of the tanks and they can't shoot you from up there, which is an even better method to defeat them. As far as the Black Guards (the guys that spam non-stop grenades during the last boss fight), the only thing I've found that they are susceptible to is the Stasis Disc with just and some + mixed in. If you can knock them down, it is good to follow up the Stasis Disc with the Heavy Disc () Groundhog (+). You have to be patient with them, but if you keep using the Stasis Disc, you will wear them down. Also, try to do your best to isolate them away from the other enemies. I tried to just focus on the Black Guards and ignore the other enemies, because they will just keep re-spawning anyway.
  • Additional Tips Submitted By Jathenose: Please note the usefulness of the Stasis Disk mods. The 2.0 mod lets you turn invisible and the auxiliary mod lets you walk while invisible. While invisible all enemies will stop moving and attacking, even bosses. If you hold down the button you walk slowly enough to stay invisible. You can even turn invisible while blocking an attack. On higher difficulties the invisibility can be a real life saver. For example, the tanks in Chapter 6 won't fire on you and, if you move to the side of the tank, the tank won't be able to target and fire on you in the time it takes to use a bomb disk attack and turn invisible again. The AI is even dumb enough to rotate the cannon back forward after you turn invisible. This lets you repeat the process until the tank is dead.

In order to unlock the "Insane" difficulty you must first complete all seven chapters on Hard. Take special care and do as the achievement description says: do not change the difficulty setting until you get the achievement. If you try to change it, you will get a warning message in the game, so no excuses! This stipulation applies during your playthrough on hard to unlock insane as well. So, when you're ready to start your insane playthrough, make sure you select "create new game" set the difficulty and then leave it alone until the achievement unlocks. Some people have reported that they did not get the achievement because they used chapter select on the first mission instead of "create new game".

Tips on actually beating insane/hard:

  • When a battle starts going badly and you need to retreat, use the + move while you have your stasis disc equipped (select it with ) and you will be invulnerable as long as you keep sprinting (hold ). You'll want to be sprinting to re-fill your health and energy. Once I figured out this technique, it saved me a lot of grief on some of the tough sections.
  • Pay close attention to the weaknesses/strengths information when it appears for a new enemy. You will need to exploit these to effectively deal with them. Even if it costs you a death or two to memorize the information it will pay off over time. Also, try experimenting with different disc powers on the various types of enemies, some may work unexpectedly well, especially when used in conjunction with multiple powers.
  • Lastly, if you really feel the need, you can "grind" on level 6 until you unlock more abilities, which will make your character stronger. If you are going to grind levels, it is recoomended that you do it while playing through the first time. All your stats will carry over and there is no experience increase from playing on higher difficulties. Starting Insane at level 50 is easier than starting at level 35. Please note that the game grid enhancers won't help you during the campaign.
To unlock the Madness difficulty, you must first complete the game on Hard.
The first time I completed it was on Difficult and then on Insanity. At the first levels it will be a little difficult, but then first of all, pump up your health and energy a little. Then upgrade your disk, and the game will be more fun.
Always look at what is written about your enemy and what weapon is best to kill him.
Also, on your first playthrough, you can replay the beginning of level 6 until you have accumulated enough MB to get all the upgrades you need. Network improvements do not affect the company in any way, so we leave them for last.

IMPORTANT : The game must be started from the start of a new game, and not replaying levels on a different difficulty, all progress will be saved. For many who replayed levels on a different difficulty, the achievement did not open.

14 Jul 2011 13:57