

12 Achievements


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Max Pet Upgrades

Max Pet Upgrades

Pets can level up, and have maxed Scan Range, Rocket, Laser and Shooty Pet upgrades


How to unlock the Max Pet Upgrades achievement in Ultratron - Definitive Guide

I was able to pop this somewhere around level 48 I believe. I made sure I always had 2 shields and 3 smart bombs at the start of every level. It's not necessary though. The rest of your money should be spent on upgrading all the pets, scan range, and level up. Some may suggest dot slurper upgrade, but I did not find it necessary. I recommend buying the level up first and getting the one time fee of 5,000 out of the way. The beauty of this, is the more you upgrade your pets, the less work you have to do. Strafe around the level shooting, and you will find they do a lot of the work for you. Remember, every 10 levels you get a checkpoint, so eventually you will prevail. This is another achievement that sounds a lot tougher than it actually is.

06 Jun 2015 18:40

I have used several of your guides for Ultratron and they have all been very helpful. Thanks again for the help.
By KBop a doo on 20 Oct 2015 15:32
Sure 48? I have reached 51 and I'm not even close to fully upgrade all the pets+Scan+Level Up. I'm missing about 20k to buy the last 2 upgrades for laser and rocket.
By MuppeT May Cry on 27 Jan 2016 00:24
So correct me if I'm wrong. I need to fully level up each Pet+Scan Range+Level Up+Dot Slurper?
By MuppeT May Cry on 27 Jan 2016 20:40
Lol i'm at level 48 right now and i'm not even close to fully upgrading them. I got them all on 2 bars so if i calculate that i need about 40.000 to upgrade them fully (more) and i've only got 15. Doubt i'm ever getting this one
By ditisem on 13 Sep 2017 07:57
I'm at level 61 now and have less than half what you'd need to do this. How the heck did you manage it by level 48? Did you never take shield/bomb hits?
By JORAX on 03 Oct 2017 06:02
Took me until level 92. I had auto smarts, 1 level of dot slurper, 8 levels of droid power, and nothing else besides my pet upgrades. I never bought anything more than 2 shield levels or smart bombs if I needed some.
By JORAX on 03 Oct 2017 07:10
Cool. I’m glad you were able to get it done. It’s been so long since I played the game, but I know that’s just how I did it. Certainly, there’s more than one way to do it.
By KJer25 on 03 Oct 2017 10:46
Just got mine at level 99. I actually ran an almost perfect run until level 30 retrying every time I got damage... when I was at level 48, I must have lost at most $5,000 in $250 lives (never had more than one shield). Crunched some numbers, it's impossible to get this at level 48 with method explained. You can potentially get more money if you retried every power-up to get cash, and just play with normal blaster, but the trade-off is definitely NOT worth the hassle. I was so curious I went to see KJer25's profile, and he actually unlocked lvl 50 achievement [double dose] a month before unlocking this achievement, so, sorry to break this to you KJer, but your memory failed you haha... still upvote from me :)
By kiomx on 12 Dec 2017 08:41
Just for anyone curious I got the achievement on level 55 and was far from perfect. The key is to collect as much money is possible, I would kill enemies in the corners collect the money and them move on to the next batch. I rarely killed an enemy without planning on moving in that direction for their moneys
By on 22 Jan 2018 21:34
I got this at level 45. Not sure why people are saying it is impossible to get it at 48 and having so much trouble. I actually had $3k left over, too. You can even check my profile and see I got it before the level 50 achievement.
By regret on 19 Jul 2018 00:24
its been a while since i played it, but im pretty sure i was around 48 because i remember making the guide around the time i popped it...get the dot slurper upgrade if you need. It may help you pick up some extra cash you are leaving behind...i didnt use it though...keep at it, and you will get this around 48.
By KJer25 on 27 Jan 2016 00:29
Yes to everything except for dot slurper...the more you level up the dot slurper, the better range you have at "slurping/collecting" coins left behind by fallen enemies...it's just a useful tool for getting more money easier for which to use for leveling up..it's not necessary to level up ds for the achievement though. All 3 pets and scan range must be fully leveled for the achievement.
By KJer25 on 27 Jan 2016 21:43
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You need to upgrade the shooty, laser, rocket pets and the scan range to the max.
To do this with ease start from level one and upgrade nothing but your pets and the scan range. Complete every level without losing any shields so you do not have to spend money on those. There are assault rounds every ten levels starting from level five (5,15,25,35,45...). Make sure to have at least two bombs to make your way through them without too much problem.
Once you have money to buy an upgrade, purchase it but prioritize getting the other pets instead of having one pet maxed, this will help you tremendously as the pets will be doing pretty much everything. You can restart the level if you have lost a shield by leaving the game and continuing, as soon as the game starts you will be in the level you were at the moment you have left the game. You will get the achievement between level 50 and 60 if you have followed this method.

In summary:
- Start from level one.
- Do not lose any shields, restart if that happened, doing this will save you tons of money. You can always pick up the shields that the spiders drop so you have more than three shields when fighting against the bosses. But, no matter what, it is not recommended to go out there with less than three shields, as sometimes you could be hit multiple times at once not giving you the time to leave the game.
- Upgrade and buy nothing but your pets, the scan range and two or three bombs before the assault rounds and only for those. (As completing an assault round without being hit could result very difficult).
Good Luck!

14 Jan 2018 20:36

If you follow my solution you should be able to unlock this around level 60 (probably sooner). I unlocked the achievement at level 58 and i know there was still room to be more efficient.

To be honest with you guys. I had a hard time to survive around level 35 and i figured out the reason. I didn't want to invest in bombs and i only invested in the pet based upgrades, but that was a mistake, because you can't rely on your pets all the time. I know using bombs could make some levels easier, but it's also the reason why some players unlock the achievement with a high level. They bomb there money away.

My suggestion:
Upgrade your droid strenght 2 times for 3000$ total as soon as possible. It gives you enough power to kill enemies way sooner and even at level 50+ i had the feeling to be strong enough to handle all situations. If you kill your enemies too slowly, they will fill the field and knock out your pets and give you a hard time evading all the shots. After raising the strength everything was so much easier and i was able to protect my pets most of the time.

Upgrade your dot slurper skill for 1500 $ a single time. That's also something you want to have as soon as possible. I did this at level 30 and i think it was also little bit too late. This skill is worth the money and helps you to collect money more easily... especially if you don't have much time to collect stuff, like in the later levels with many enemys.

With these upgrades you should have no mayor problems. Don't waste your money for bombs! It can't hurt to have always a single one just in case, but you can beat all levels without bombs. I prefered to have 3 shields instead of 2, because in some situations i lost health very quickly. So i restarted every level when my shield got below 3, but that's your decision. Better safe than sorry, if you ask me.

Another thing you probably already know: Completing the bonus stages with 100% gives you 1000$. I found the dodge stage easy to complete and i always did my best to grab the extra money in this kind of stage.

That's all i have to add and please note the whole solution is only one suggested way. Of course you can do your own experience in upgrading other stuff, depending on your playstyle. toast

If you still have a question, feel free to leave a comment. Good luck!

02 Jan 2018 01:33

This trophy is awarded for upgrading all Pet related skills to maximum. You don’t need to level up the pets after purchasing the "Pets Level Up" ability, just purchase everything from the upgrade menu. You are able to purchase all the Pet upgrades at the end of level 25 but you will have to play for quite a while to earn enough money to purchase them all (at least level 50 - 60). Once you have purchased all of the upgrades to each Pet ability the trophy will be awarded on the upgrade menu.

The five abilities you need to upgrade to maximum to earn this trophy.

Complete the game and upgrade all the skills associated with your allies: attack range, artificial intelligence level, etc.

12 Aug 2016 10:32

1 Comment
You need to upgrade your allies: a shooter, a laser, a missile, as well as a scanning area and a new ally level. (everything to the maximum)
By Eisenkraft on 06 Oct 2016 17:49