

10 Achievements

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Obtain the rank Undead.


How to unlock the Undead achievement in Vaccine - Definitive Guide

I know I'm saying something obvious, but keys are the key to victory.
You will have plenty of ammos and your charachter will be maxed out by level 3; the problem will be getting through the level in time. So whenever you can hold on to those keys, that sometimes are hard to spot. In my victory run, I had the luck to keep one silver key and one gold key spare. If this happens, find the boss first and get the vaccine, then use the time left to look for more keys. That's how I managed to survive.

Another advice: write down the directions to go back to your friend whenever you end up in rooms with more than one door. You cannot rely on your memory when you're in a rush; so simply put the game on pause and read the directions!

22 Oct 2019 10:42

Using the door method on the Tryrant gives you a sh*tload of exp. Thats means you are already overpowered on run 2. Repellent (spray) + using your knife on crawlers are also a good combo for an early xp boost. Zombies can easily be killed by hitting a few times, going backwards to make distance and hitting again, but as said above at determination 5 you can spam the attack button.

The biggest "enemy" is RNG - i messed up run 7 as example, because there were way too many rooms and a missing key that i was not able to find. Sometimes keys are not really visible if you ask me and sometimes pretty obivious. So even that can been seen as luck based and there are even easier to find if both locked doors are early on in your way, because that way you know they must be in the first couple of rooms.

For the next run 7 i had a spare silver key that i was able to use. I found the Tryant pretty quick and on my way back both keys layed on the table at the exact position. It's not the first time they spawned as a doublepack for me, so always make sure to grab everything. Afterwards i had both keys for my final run and managed to finish this run in under 4 minutes. However, the achievement declined to pop and i had a similar issue with the first rank based achievement. Without keys, but pure luck i managed another under 4 minutes run as extra run number 9 for the rank Undead (1) - finally unlocking the achievement.

So these achievements can definitelly be glitchy. I even made sure to not spam a during the small ending dialog, but that changed nothing. Good luck everyone - you guys need it. laugh
By Kugare on 10 Jun 2023 08:06
Great tips!!
Writing down your path is essential to make it to the last rank.

I would also advise to:
- improve health and determination first. when you get determination 5, you can kill a zombie with a knife without backstepping. save your xp to upgrade determination to 10 last.
- use the first 2 runs to horde as much ammo and items as possible (as you have plenty of time to search all rooms). like you said, if you get a key and fight the tyrant without using it, save it for the next runs!
- abuse your knife on the first 2 runs. there is a glitch that allows you to knife through the door. as long as there is an enemy close, you can kill it without risking your life. here is a clip I made where I knife Tyrant on my second run - princit playing Vaccine
By princit on 14 Apr 2021 21:32

You must first receive the Rat, Bat, Spider, Snake, Wolf, Crocodile, and Shark ranks before you can get the Undead rank. All of these must be done in the same game.

To earn the Undead rank, you need to complete the eighth Vaccine run. You do not need to complete any puzzles or anything for this, so focus only on finding the Vaccine and returning it to your partner. This run must be done in 7 Minutes and 30 Seconds or less.

All your stats and inventory will carry over each run. After the third Vaccine run (Spider rank), you should have more than enough ammo to breeze through the remaining 5 Vaccine runs. It is recommended you try and use only one gun each Vaccine run so you can save up ammo for the other (you will have the Custom 9MM Pistol and the Shotgun). You don’t have to worry about picking up anything except for the Ammo packs and Energy Bars.

All your stats should be maxed out by the end of the third Vaccine Run so both the Custom 9MM and the Shotgun will one shot all the enemies (except for the final boss).

Use the Open door method outlined in the Roadmap to navigate your way to the Vaccine and back to your partner. Not having to figure out which way to go while running back to your partner can save you precious seconds.

With the one-shot capability and the maxed Stamina stat, you will easily be able to complete the later runs (4-8) within about 5 minutes each, though most likely less.

Here is a video showing this trophy being earned. Please note that since the houses are randomly generated, yours will not match exactly, this is just to use as a reference while playing.

You need to complete 8 races in a row.

- The most difficult thing is the first run, use repellent (gives invulnerability for a while) before hitting crawling mobs (ala liqueurs from RE)
- First, download “Determination” to 7, having found the boss, close the door in his face and kill him through the door, take the pistol from him.
- Pump up "Aiming" to the maximum and any mob will literally))) fly away with one shot.
- Doors that require a silver and gold key can be blown up with mines.

17 Mar 2021 17:05