Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine

60 Achievements


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Let the Heavens Bleed

Let the Heavens Bleed

Defeat the Chaos Invasion bonus wave.


How to unlock the Let the Heavens Bleed achievement in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine - Definitive Guide

Confirmed that the Deff Dreds can leave the center area due to a patch. (Thank you Nonfaith)

The wave is comprised of Orks centralized around one unique set of enemies. Everyone
remember the ork walker from the old Space Marine trailers?

They are called Deff Dreds and are essentially Ork Dreadnoughts. They have several attacks, two melee, one ranged and a clumsy charge. The melee consists of a quick slice attack which will drop your armor and roughly 1/3 of your health but is survivable. The other is an overhead slam that either kills you outright or drops all your armor and roughly half your health. The ranged attack is a heavy duty machine gun barrage that is literally announced by a very loud and kinda annoying screech as the gun starts up. Hiding behind anything is safe but it can kill you easily if caught in the open. The charge isn't worth mentioning because its easy to dodge and limited to the center area.

The wave starts off with one Deff Dred in the center of the arena . Once you do some damage to it, a second Deff Dred, Ork berserkers and rokkit launchas spawn. You can take as long as you want fighting the orks as long as you do not kill at least 1 of the Dreds.

Second part of the wave happens after 1 Dred is dead and you start hitting the second. 2 Dreds, alot of Ard Boys (Shields), squigs and more rokkits spawn. Same process as above, take all the time as you want killing the orks as long as the Dreds are left alone. (Any noticeable damage will signal the next wave)

Third part is a challenge. After you kill 2 of the 3 current Dreds on the field, 3 more Dreds spawn for a total of 4 on the map. Along with this are a mix of Nobs, both Shoota and the melee ones that carry a mace and a large amount of squigs. Again same process as above. After you kill 1 or 2 of the 4 Dreds. Hell breaks lose.

Fourth part of the wave consists of another 1 or 2 Dreds spawning bringing the total up to four again. Accompanying them is 5-6 Uba Nobs (the big axe wielding ones from your nightmares) and anywhere from 6-8 of the Rokkit Nobs.


There is actually a fifth part that consists of more large Nobs and squigs. Same as above.

Classes and perks for our winning team:

Assault - Deamon Maul, Bolt Pistol, Killing Blow, Impenetrable

Assault - Power Sword/Chainsword, Bolt Pistol, Zeal, Impenetrable

Tactical - Bolter, Plasma Gun, Kraken Rounds, Weapon Versatility

Devastator (Essential) - Lascannon, Lascannon Capacitors, Feel no Pain

The Devastator is your MVP, he is your best weapon against the Nobs because his weapon can pierce through the crowd that will follow him.

Good Luck and may the Dark Gods protect you.

23 Dec 2011 06:41

I do believe it has to be done in public. That was how we did ours.
By Ragescreamer889 on 19 May 2013 15:06
That fourth part was the last part of the bonus round. After killing a few of the uba nobs the 10 enemies remaining counter popped up. The tricky part from here on is not to get complacent.

You will die quickly if you relax with the dreds around. I noticed that they became much quicker towards the end of the round, spinning on the spot to shot someone directly behind them.

We finished with two assault marines with chainswords, a lascannon and heavy bolter.
By Daemonhunter 7 on 27 Dec 2011 04:35
I think those dreadnought equivalents are actually called Killa Kans, at least going by the manual's troop list for Dawn of War they are. The Deff Dreads tend to have four arms and I think these only had two. Could be wrong of course.
By Rhyolitic on 28 Jan 2012 18:06
I think the name killa kan was for the dawn of war series with deff dred replacing it in dawn of war 2. As I dont play orks in tabletop, I dont know the official community name for the ork dreadnoughts. But thankfully they were not Stompas.
By Ragescreamer889 on 28 Jan 2012 19:34
I checked on Games Workshop's website for Ork minis and there are both Deff Dreads and Killa Kans units available for purchase. The difference, seemingly, is that the DD's have four arms and the KK's two.
By Rhyolitic on 28 Jan 2012 23:40
In the final part of the end wave the last Killa-Kan to spawn in CAN leave the center area. It may even spawn on either of the lower 2 platforms (quickly ended an attempt that way). Be sure to prepare for this happening just in case.
By Nonfaith on 11 Feb 2012 07:03
The inclusion of a Las Cannon guy being essential is a small but iMPORTANT part - thank you = +'ive vote.
By Big Dibs theDog on 19 Feb 2012 10:01
Quick question, does this have to be done in a public game? I know there is an achievement for playing a public game, but the achievement description for this particular bonus wave doesn't mention it. If that's the case could we just start on arena 4?
By Skinstakovic on 19 May 2013 10:23
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This is not so much as a solution (so read Ragescreamer's for that), but it's a potentially helpful tip.

Apparently, you can lure the Killa Kans off of the walkways and allow them to fall to their dooms. I was able to do it to the first two Kans.

On that platform by the open pit, there is a ramp on the left side that goes up towards the Default Spawn point. What I did was shoot the Kan in the face with the Bolt Pistol to get his attention. He did his charge attack down the ramp, but he was slightly angled away from the platform behind the pipes. He managed to go over the railing as I Evaded towards the platform. I repeated on the second Kan and the same thing happened. Did not have a chance to try on the third as we ran out of lives.

This is not something I would normally recommend as it is a team-based achievement and wouldn't want to be cause for other people to not get it. But if your group is agreeable, it might be something to consider, especially if you are running low on ammo.

Oh, but make sure to eliminate the other Orks first.

Edit - This definitely works. The Kans are actually pretty easy to get to go over the edge, but there is a better spot for it.

In the area that you have to capture a point in Wave 19, there is a set of stairs that go down from the center area. If one is careful and just sticks their head up over the level of the center floor, a Kan should come charging partway down the stairs. Depending on the angle, they can run over the railing and go down the pit.

If necessary, the taunting Marine can hide behind the canisters to the right of the staircase. They block the Kan's automatic fire very well.

The downside to this method is the fact that you do not get points for the destruction of the Kans that way. However, it can also save you a significant amount of ammunition.

29 Jan 2012 03:38

No longer works.
By simo949 on 04 Feb 2021 22:31
Thanks for the guide! :)
By EternallyBroken on 04 Jul 2021 09:08
I have dropped few Kans this year so it is working. Only one of players should try to pull them. Rest players should be out of their LOS. Try to get them down the ramp and collide to ceiling. With little luck they will clip outside of map. Be careful! You do not get ammo drops and making them fall will cause enemies to spawn so everyone should be prepared to act.
By Kuningatar V on 11 Oct 2021 08:21
I don’t understand the solution because there’s no ramp by an open pit leading to default spawn. Maybe an update changed things? Very frustrating mode. No videos online of this glitch to make them fall off. I feel like we’ve tried everything and can’t get them to fall off the map
By Inferno118 on 16 May 2021 23:38
It's entirely possible that it's been fixed or the map altered to prevent them running over the edge. At the time I wrote this (keep in mind it's been almost a decade since writing and it's been a LONG time since I've played it), the Kans spawned in, in the center area. There is/was a set of stairs leading to an area at a lower level than the center spawn location. By getting the Kans to charge down those stairs, it is/was possible to get them to go over the edge of the railing, with proper placement & luck.

There was another area that I managed to get one to go over that was at the same elevation as the Kans' spawning area, but that point was a LOT tougher to get them to go over as well as being harder to hide from their attacks. That spot was kind of a walkway on the outer edge of the map.

If this doesn't work, then that's a shame. I'll leave this up just on the off chance someone can get it to work.
By Rhyolitic on 17 May 2021 11:26
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Hi there. There's not much to say in addition to the solutions above. They're perfectly detailed. I just wanted to add my two cents sharing with you guys what our loadout was.

Tactical (4): Melta Gun, Assault Bolter, Extra Fussion ammo, Weapon versatility, also with frag greneades.

It works like a charm. We did it on our second try with two of us with no previous experience. If you think you lack long range firepower in the early stages, I would suggest taking this loadout in the final stage (rounds 16-20 and the extra one). The real and main problem is when the heavy armored marines gets near to close combat. It is when the melta guns do their work perfectly. With the four of you melting them, they fall quick and cleanly, leaving you almost untouched.

In the bonus, make sure to take down first every single ork before taking care of the Killa Kans.
Be specially careful with the Nobs and the Tough Boyz teleporting to the platforms every time one Killa Kan gets heavily damaged; we waited them with the melta guns ready. With this advice and some luck and skill, it can be done with no real problems.

Hope it helps. My very first solution, so please, be merciful :)

27 Apr 2012 21:14

Don't have much to add to the way the arenas play out. Me and my same group worked on this for a month when we finally found a loadout that worked on our first try. We used the following load out:

Tactical(2)- Plasma Rifle, Melta Gun, Improved Melta Charge, and Weapon Versatility.

Raptor(1)- Demon Maul, Plasma Pistol, Killing Blow, Impenetrable, and combat stimulants.

Havoc(1)- Lascannon, Lascannon Capacitor, Ammunition stores.

Note: Havoc had painters tape on their tv screen to assist in targeting when not zoomed in.

11 Feb 2012 07:00

I was the lascannon guy on this, My role was key because I could take out all of the Uber Nobs (Big armoers SoBs with axes) very fast and assist with killing Space Marines. I cannot emphasize enough how important it will be for a sucessful team to have a lascannon. I used the tape trick that has been driving people crazy in MP shooters for ages. Worked in CoD and it works on Space Marines.
By Nonfaith on 11 Feb 2012 14:50
oh and the Masking Tape idea.....genius mate...clap
+'ive vote
By Big Dibs theDog on 19 Feb 2012 17:29
I would also like to add that all of us were pros at this by the time we were done. It was very rare for one of us to die before Arena 4. You will bleed, cuss, and reload often before you get this. That or you will be incredibly lucky and team up with 3 other guys who do a great job of covering your ass.
By Nonfaith on 24 Mar 2012 02:59
My group had previously and unsuccessfully tried to finish this achievement without a lascannon Havoc using some combination of meltagun/twin-bolter Chaos Space Marines and daemon maul Raptors; the larger and armored orks would overwhelm us in the later waves.

We then, in a separate session, included a lascannon Havoc and finished the whole thing without a single restart. The lascannon was quite effective at dealing with the larger and armored orks. Also, while we used our Raptor exclusively to deal with the Killa Kans, I have been told that a lascannon will destroy a Killa Kan with about 6 rear shots.
By KorgakGrimtooth on 04 Jan 2013 04:30
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Here is the solution my group and I came up with that proved easy. (provided you've got some experience at this game mode). Codename - THE BOX

2x Havoc with Lascannon, Lascannon Capacitors and Feel no Pain
2x Tactical with Melta Gun with extra ammo + Weapon Versatility (one with Storm Bolter on with Plasma Rifle)

The Box is that tunnel like area near capture point A (wave 19). The great thing about the box is that you can only be shot at by enemies that are right in front of you. Also the melee enemies will run at you in a straight line so they can't ambush or corner you.

Target priority
Tacticals - target the Squigs and the melee enemies
Havocs - target the enemies in this order - ranged nobs, melee nobs, light ranged (rocker orcs), light melee

Killa Khans
Do not waste any ammo on them. Make them fall off the map. This is essential as ammo will be very scarce.

Communicate all the time to let your partners know you about your ammo supplies. If you have enough lives before the 3rd, 4th and 5th waves and don't have enough ammo (2/3 was what we were going for but we just wanted to be extra safe), suicide. We suicided about 4 times in order to get our ammo supplies up.
When using The Box strategy you can not run out of ammo because if you get overrun all 4 will die in a short time frame thus ending the game.

We came up with this on the fly and I was amazed by how easy it went. The hardest part was to make 10-15 Khans fall off the map.

This guide assumes you know what is happening in the Chaos Wave. If you don't, read on of the other solutions to find out more. Ragescreamer889 has a one.

You can use The Box tactics for the regular waves as well, except 20.

17 Apr 2013 07:56

I will preface this solution by saying I spent a couple months working with two groups...one when the Chaos DLC became available and another just recently. I have reviewed several videos. We tried numerous posted strategies. While some offer great advice about load outs, I feel they never quite really explained why their solution worked.

I will not go into specifics about how to get to the fourth arena. Needless to say having a communicative team really helps. Our team ran with two raptors with hammers, 1 tactical with Weapon Versatility using a Melta and a Plasma, and 1 Havoc with a lascannon for the first three arenas. We were regularly able to get to the bonus arena with this combination but kept failing the bonus round. The Cans/Dreads in the middle are pretty self explanatory in other solutions. The first troop spawn can be fairly easy to deal with. Even the second is not too bad. However we started crumbling hard at the third spawn because we couldn't deal with Nob/squig crowd control.

I pulled this solution together (which worked for our group on the first attempt) by piecing parts of other solutions/videos together. Despite what you use for the first three arenas, it is important to make a shift for the fourth arena. It is not a question of beating levels 16-20 as it is being prepared for the bonus wave.

To that end, we modified our loadout as follows:

2 - Tacticals with Weapon Versatility running Meltas and Plasma rifle. The remaining perk I think is more subject to the player's style. I tended to be more close and aggressive so I would end up taking the occasional stray close quarters whack to health. For me, Larriman's was more beneficial. My fellow tactical was trigger happy so the Melta charge perk worked better for him.

1 - Raptor with Hammer and Plasma pistol. He went with Killing Blow and the one which improves Stun capability

1 - Havoc with lascannon - Actually not sure what his final load was but given he wasn't crying about ammo all the time, I'm inclined to believe he opted for the increased ammo perk.

As noted before we failed when following many posted strategies. However we did notice a trend with Can movement. In the end we discovered the area to defend on the bonus wave is actually quite small. From the spawn point if you look at the center platform, it is best to make your Havoc and Tacticals defend the pathway to the right (2-3 o'clock) and the corner at the end of path which is surrounded by pipes and is only vulnerable to fire from the platform below (which features a capture point in wave 17). Behind those pipes is where we positioned our Raptor. This caused the Cans to continually kite in the Raptor's direction reducing the number of times they open fired with a range attack on anyone else. Our Raptor player would concentrate on stun combos. Because the pipes funneled the Cans into a narrow walkway, it actually causes a chokepoint which nobs and squigs alike would get trapped behind. Combined with the Raptors stun "splash" this would keep large blobs of orcs in close proximity.

This is where the Tacticals came in. We typically hovered at the top of that staircase overwatching our Raptor. The vertical pipe would keep us safe from the Cans' ranged attack and we would trade off popping out and hitting the enemy blobs with melta shots. We were hitting large groups (8-12) with every shot. It also had the advantage of detonating squigs right in the middle of their own troops. It also caused ammo to drop in a fairly tight cluster right near the bottom of the stairs. During this time our Havoc was position between the spawn point and about halfway down the path concentrating on killing any ranged guys which were on the center platform. If a melee nob headed his way he would drop back towards the Tacticals and we in turn would shift our fire back down the path towards the spawn point. Two or three melta shots from each tactical made short work of any Nob mob which helped because during the bonus wave they can appear in groups of 2-4 which is too much for a Raptor (why we kept failing initial attempts with two Raptors). Being Tacticals combined with help from the Havoc allowed us to backpedal up an down the path out of range if we had to divert from overwatching the Raptor. The Tacticals in our group were also able to use the plasma rifles to help cut down on ranged enemies after the close quarters enemies were eliminated. Concentrating on this small area also allowed us to cover an incoming fallen comrade since we were in close proximity to the spawn point. Many of other early attempts failed because we'd try holding a point too far from spawn. When we started to crumble, incoming guys usually got overwhelmed shortly after spawning which then burned through our extra lives and ended the match.

The only random call out with our strategy is their are two potential spawn points in the vicinity. One is the top of the stairs where the Tacticals were hanging out most of the time. The other is half way down the path towards the spawn point. It does help keeping an eye for the green flash spawn. However if you are paying attention and call them out, the two Tacticals and lascannon Havoc can make short work of them.

It is also not necessary to go chasing down ranged guys on the lower platforms until you need to. If you try making your way around to get at them, your more likely to get shot and killed by a Can. It's not worth the life. If you can eliminate the center platform ranged guys, the ones on the lower platforms actually can't hit much. The Raptor is tucked away behind the pipes, and they don't really have an angle on the Tacticals and Havoc. Once you thin out the center platform ranged attackers, the Havoc and Tacticals can even unload pistol fire into the "headshot" pipes above the Cans' heads. Despite what some guides say, the troops spawns are finite. You will not get a "random" extra spawn for shooting a Can. The spawns are clearly tied into the remaining number of Cans and their health levels. Needless to say concentrating on a damaged one has the benefit of removing one from the round. Just keep an eye out for the green flashes, and while defending this one walkway, you actually have great visibility over most of the map which helps for killing squigs well away from the players.

I hope this strategy helps out. While the troop types vary in the eyes of players, the real trick to this level is drawing the Cans' attention away from other players and also being able to concentrate a lot of firepower quickly for crowd control. After many failures, this solution was so sickeningly easy, we had four extra lives towards the end.

I hope this solution works for other players. You guys have given me some sound advice on other achievements. I felt it was fair to give back to the community. Good gaming!!!

06 Apr 2018 07:52

Brain dump while our hard fought victory is fresh in my mind:

is a good reference including a map showing the safe areas during the bonus wave. I'll be using it to reference locations.

I'm going to focus on wave 21. If you have trouble getting there consistently, you are going to have a LOT of trouble clearing it.

We ran two raptors and 2 tacticals.
Both raptors were using the hammer/mace, running killing blow. I had impenetrable, the other had Sure strike (improved stun)
Both tacticals were using meltas and plasma guns (via weapon versatility) and improved melta charge.

It's worth it spending a few minutes screwing around once you are in the final arena, getting the lay of the land.

16 is unremarkable.
17 is a capture at B, if everyone sticks close to it, you should have it captured just as the space marines start coming. There will be a lot of grenades, but you can usually move away from them and still be in the capture radius.
18 is mostly unremarkable but has squigs (my bane).
19 is a double capture. We usually started with location C and then did location E (the center) second. Location E is a good warmup for the bonus wave, in that you will be fighting elite Nobs (big axe guys) but have very limited mobility (because you need to stay close to the capture point). Team up on them as much as you can. Tacticals should start out with plasma guns at range, with squigs as their #1 priority. Once enemies get closer hose them down with the melta (especially the big guys, but any large pack of enemies). Don't forget your combat roll. With improved charge, you should be able to shoot, roll back, shoot, roll back, etc. 4 shots and 3 rolls will take out pretty much anything as long as you don't roll back into another enemy. If the stunning raptor works together with the other one, the big guys should go down with minimal damage.
20 is a lot of space marines. The raptors flew around and took out the long range guys before they could become too much of a pain, at close range they go down quickly (a single 3 hit combo). Towards the end a large group of the thunder hammer marines will spawn, I would recommend continuing to focus on the ranged ones and just avoid the thunder hammer guys. Once they are all that is left it isn't too hard to gang up on a straggler and take him down quickly. These enemies are worth a lot of points, so this should help you replenish your lives going into the bonus wave.

Ideally you will hit the bonus wave with 4 lives. We were primarily camping out in the A to D area, with one raptor flying around the other side of the board between F,C, and B. He certainly did some killing, but he also kept the forces occupied and split up so we had less to deal with.

This is mostly directed at raptors in the BCF area. You can pretty easily jump and run between B/F, and the melee mobs will waste a lot of time following you. If there aren't any ranged mobs chipping away at you, you can keep this going for a long time. Even better yet there are two fences at the NW/SW corners of B that allow you to hit melee enemies without reprisal. If you are on the inside of the fence you can get 2/3 hits in as they path around to the inside of the fence and you won't be attacked. You can then jet off towards C/F, then back to B, rinse and repeat. This is a great way of dealing with Heavy melee orcs or Thunder hammer marines (to a lesser extent as their armor will come back after a short time) with minimal danger. The platform at B is a popular spot for ranged enemies to hang out, so you may need to hit them a bit on your first couple visits to B (and run before the melee guys get there). Once they are dead, you can hide behind the fence and get some free whacks in at the melee enemies.

NB: when you die, be aware of how close you are to your next life being earned. It may be to your advantage to have your surviving team mates ease off and avoid earning points for a bit so you don't earn a new life until you spawn back in. Bonus points for going over 4 lives aren't really all that helpful to you. Also remember when you die and spawn back in you will have full ammo. So if you have full lives and are close to getting another (especially if it as a relatively calm time like with only Kans around in the bonus wave) you may want to have someone who is low on ammo suicide. With 2 raptors, you should not have huge ammo issues, but there is no benefit to getting extra point for that 5th life. You are better off having slightly less points and a lot more ammo.

The Killa Kans themselves are not a huge problem by themselves. Their main effect is to limit the areas you can operate in safely. They take a while to spin up their guns, so you are generally safe moving quickly from cover to cover, but be aware of when they are spinning up their guns and getting ready to shoot and make sure you are in cover. It is pretty easy when there are one or two Kans to get them to come towards D/H or even into that little area at the bottom of the steps. Once they come far enough they will walk back towards the middle and not be aggressive until they get there. This will give a hammer wielder a chance to get in a few hits while they do this. You can usually take them out this way with little or no ammo. When there is more than one Kan, concentrate on one at a time (they will start to smoke and then be on fire as they take more damage). Once there are two you may need to wait until they get in a good pattern (both walking away at the same time). You can try to adjust their pattern by getting out of cover briefly so they stop walking and shoot at you or charge you. We did this mostly in cover from D.
If you have 3 or more, it's too hard to get them all non-aggressive at one time. One option is to focus fire on one Kan (using pistols for the raptors and pistols or plasma for the tacticals). We also had some luck having one raptor distract a couple of them. He mostly did this from the area just north of the stairs in the center of the West side. He also had some luck hiding south of the pillar in the middle (South of E). Obviously extreme care needs to be taken, both by the taunter, as well as by everyone else in case they change their mind and decide to attack someone else.
As you damage/kill the Kans be careful as more Kans will spawn in as you hit certain damage threshholds. You will also very often get the waves of non-Kan enemies spawning shortly after a new Kan does.

Generally speaking when we were fighting waves, we held them at point D as long as we could and fell back to point A. As they come around the corner and up the stairs it is pretty easy to blast them at point blank with the meltas with assistance from a raptor. Our other raptor (as I said before) was on the other side of the board slowing them down and distracting them so we weren't fighting on two fronts. Be aware some enemies will spawn in between A/D, so take care of those quickly. You will quite often be left with a bunch of ranged guys sitting at B. These have a very hard time hitting you when you are in the A/D area, and can easily be cleaned out by a raptor jumping over there once everything else (except the Kans) is done for.

#1 medium melee and range orcs. These shouldn't be too much trouble. Remember you safe zones and keep each other informed of anything coming up behind them, etc.

You will get down to just the Kans so take them out slowly without wasting your ammo.

#2 is similar, but adds in the shield orcs, as well as squigs. Squigs were really the thing we had the roughest time with as one or two getting through can take out the entire group. Try to take down as many as you can with plasma pistols (for the Raptors) and plasma guns (for the tacticals). You may want to try bolter pistols for the raptors instead. We both used plasma pistols, but the delayed damage made it a little disconcerting as the squig would keep coming for a second after you shot it, before exploding. If you can't stop them be ready to retreat, it is especially important to be aware of what is coming along the G/F corridor so you don't get caught between squigs on both sides.

More Kan killing.

#3 if you can make it through wave 2 this one adds in the orc nobs (large guys with maces) as well as the heavy ranged orcs. We generally took care of the squigs and melee orcs and then tried to lure the ranged orcs out of the middle so we could engage them in melee, or carefully picked them off while avoiding the Kans. You will likely end up with a group of 4-6 at point B which can be killed by a raptor easily but are also a great source of ammo.

Even more Kans to kill

#4 is where it gets real. much like the past wave, except you will be facing the much tougher and more dangerous axe nobs. The group of 3 at A/D should be able to take them down fairly quickly if they focus fire and don't get wasted by squigs. The raptor at BCF can make use of the fence trick as well if they have cleared out any enemies at B.

Yet more Kan killing

#5 This is the final wave and is basically the same as 4, you will finally see it change to numbers, you are almost there!

You should finally be left with just a few Kans, keep doing what you've been doing and you will make it to the end!

02 Oct 2019 14:59

This is the hardest wave/trophy in the DLC and in order to get the Trophy, you have to complete the bonus wave (wave 21) in the last arena (arena 4), complete it in a public match to get the "Heretic" trophy as well.

Note: If you fail on this wave you'll have to start all over again from wave 16.

There is also a new enemy in this wave called Killa Kan. He's like a big robot, uses machine guns and will kill you in a few shots if you didn't take cover but here are some of my tips, I hope that it will help you to beat this wave with the easiest way possible:

(1) You should have all of your weapons unlocked or at least the important weapons + perks and here are the best loadouts:


  • Raptor: Daemon maul + Plasma pistol, Killing blow + Impenetrable.
  • Raptor: Chain sword + Plasma pistol, Swordsman's Zeal + (Impenetrable OR Sure Strike).
  • Tactical: Melta gun + Daemon eye bolter, Weapon versatility + (Improved Melta charge OR Stalker ammo reserves).
  • Havoc: Lascannon, Ammunition stores + (Feel no pain OR Iron Halo).

(2) At least 1 or 2 players must pick Raptor class and let the ammo for the others, because if you all picked Tactical/Havoc classes you will end up running out of ammo.

(3) Priority of killing: Bomb Squigs > Shooters > Melee > Killa Kans.

(4) Always stick together and cover each other back.

(5) It's better to use Plasma gun/pistol and Melta gun against the Killa Kans, because it will do really heavy damage to them.


This is the hardest wave/achievement in the DLC. In order to obtain this achievement, you’ll have to complete the bonus wave (Wave 21) on the last arena (Arena 4), complete it on a public match to get the "Heretic" achievement too.

Note: If you fail on this wave you'll have to start all over again from Wave 16.

There is also a new enemy on this wave (Killa Kan) he’s like a big robot and he uses a machine guns, he will kill you in a few shots if you didn’t take cover but here are some of my tips, I hope that it will help you to beat this wave with the easiest way possible:

1. You should have all of your weapons unlocked or at least the important weapons + perks, and here are the best loadouts:

  • Raptor: Daemon maul + Plasma pistol, Killing blow + Impenetrable.
  • Raptor: Chain sword + Plasma pistol, Swordsman’s Zeal + (Impenetrable OR Sure Strike).
  • Tactical: Melta gun + Daemon eye bolter, Weapon versatility + (Improved melta charge OR Stalker ammo reserves).
  • Havoc: Lascannon, Ammunition stores + (Feel no pain OR Iron Halo).

2. At least 1 or 2 players must pick Raptor class and let the ammo for the others, because if you all picked Tactical/Havoc classes you will end up running out of ammo.

3. Priority of killing: Bomb Squigs > Shooters > Melee > Killa Kans.

4. Always stick together and cover each other back.

5. It's better to use Plasma gun/pistol and Melta gun against the Killa Kans, because it will do really heavy damage to them.