West of Dead

West of Dead

24 Achievements

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The Banisher

The Banisher

Banished Injustice


How to unlock the The Banisher achievement in West of Dead - Definitive Guide

To obtain this achievement you must complete the true ending of the game

First you need to do the following:

1. Beat the game at least one time (Reach Chapter 4)
2. Start a new run
3. Find the three blue souls (white ones don't count) during an unique run. If you die, you need to start over again. (They are guaranteed to appear, but they spawn in random locations, always on checkpoint marks, and only on the main zones of the game (Crypt, The hunt, Mines, Farm, Town, Church) They can appear on every zone of the game. This souls ask you for help, if you accept they will drop a "Memory" needed to "destroy" the final boss. Also they will "burden" you their sins which means you need to kill 6 enemies without reciving damage. If you get hit you are dead. The game is super bugged at the moment, in my personal experience, sometimes the souls didn't count towards the true ending and I had to start over again. If Mason says something like "I feel the presence of a friend/deputy/familiar/posse member in here" means that a blue soul it's within that zone.
4. If you did correctly the 3rd step, now you will see the final zone (where you fight the final boss) with 3 blue pillars that you need to take down. If you do this and kill the final boss you get the achievement.

There is also some "Lore" memories that you get from white/gold souls and sometimes outlaws but You don't need to obtain any of those to banish Injustice I tested myself doing the true ending on another account.

21 Jun 2020 08:02

Don't worry about the memories, they didn't drop each time for me either, actually I only think that the memories keep spawning until you have gotten all the stories/weapons/perks & that as long as you get the 3 blue souls (you being the 4th he mention in the monolog) you got what you need, all 3 souls in the final showdown, I don't know why he would've said it after 2 souls but I would definitely have run with it as that sounds like a good bug since you just need to get the full gang together & I never had him say that unless all blue souls had been found so if you encounter that again I'd definitely keep going to the final battle if nothing else then just to verify that Mason might actually say that even though you don't have all 3 blue souls yet ... Despite the bugs (& frustrations) I really liked this game & at least they're not game/achievement breaking or stupid ass luck based with little to no information as to how the fudge you'll get it or even worse if you somehow managed to completely screw yourself over in the process of getting there ... yes I am looking directly at you
Dead End JobSecret AchievementThe Secret Achievement achievement in Dead End Job worth 335 pointsContinue playing to unlock this secret achievement
you smelly poop laugh
Anywhooo, Good Luck HOUSEoftheDead hope you end up getting there wave
By EverStoned77 on 10 Oct 2020 15:26
I beated 3 times of chapter 4 today. but blue souls not guaranteed. met 1 blue soul(2nd beat) and 2 blue souls(1st, 3rd beat).
By Selju on 26 Jun 2020 09:31
@Isilmer Are you sure you talked to the three blue souls, take down the pillars and kill the boss? I don't think the achievement is broken since I did it on my acc and two dummy accounts in order to write the guide... Also if you are abusing the cloud system (i.e erasing the local save in order to respawn in a certain area in case of death) you could break the run and usually souls don't count towards the ending.
By Enluna on 14 Jul 2020 09:24
It is mandatory to accept the burden of all three blue souls. I did trial and error run got the first 2 and accepted, the third I just spoke to. At the boss no blue pillars. Then did another run accepting all 3 burdens and blue pillars showed up. Unfortunately, I died because I had shitty weapons :(
When exiting each level Mason will speak 1 of three phases: "I felt like I was leaving something behind" "This path feels....right" "I smelled tobacco up ahead" Not verbatim but those are clues as to if you're headed onto the correct levels where the blue souls are. Check alternate exits as well for these verbal cues(swamps,canyon,graveyard)
By Maxumilli0n on 14 Jul 2020 17:44
Something that may help with the blue souls and the way to injustice is if you use the shield and then switch it to another item while it’s still active (you can’t still have a shield on you) you have godmode until the end of each level. At the end of each level just go and pick the shield up so you can use it in the next level. It works with the reload ability to but that’s not as useful as the shield. Does not help on the final boss and the outlaws between levels since there is no item pickups there.
By mabex on 15 Jul 2020 12:38
I agree with guys above, look into every nook and cranny, but only one appear on the road through the main portion of the map. So I was able to beat just one pillar in the final fight. Because yuo are not capable of doing main and special levels (Bayou, Canyon, Graveyard) I don´t know if they randomly appear there.
By New xDante1986 on 05 Sep 2020 15:42
So beat injustice, afterwards I was like why didn't the achievement pop, came here & realized I had to take the 3 pillars down, so I did ... still no achievement angry this game is hard enough without shitty developers who can't figure out how to make a bug free game, pissed off that I actually have to do this this luck based, buggy crap again, ain't EVER touching anything from these morons that clearly aren't capable of making a functional game warning
By EverStoned77 on 06 Sep 2020 10:44
You can also shoot the left and right pillars from the doorway to lessen the hassle during the fight.
By Seitzz on 24 Sep 2020 17:30
I am not receiving any memories after accepting the blue souls, and weirdly, after accepting the 2nd soul... Mason gave a little speech like I had collected them all. Something like "now that the 4 of us are together, we'll see how the preacher deals with that." This game is so buggy, I don't know what to believe. I may have to quit and come back in a year, hoping they have fixed some bugs, because I can't handle this guessing game much longer.
By HOUSEoftheDead on 09 Oct 2020 15:53
Yeah, even following the wanted posters directions it doesn't work all the time. Sometimes I get a maximum of two souls, or even zero souls runs... Seems to be totally RNG based.
Having a hard time getting this achievement because of this.
By Raen Yrtham on 15 Jun 2021 04:05
Playing this now through the free play weekend, seems like they added these totems at the start and the end of each map telling you if there's a "righteous" soul or not, so guess the RNG is no longer a problem at all.
By Tendoman77 on 14 Jan 2022 21:55
Tendoman is 100% correct. I had both exits highlighted early on in my run, but that just meant my next Soul was later in the run, which ended being Town and then final one was church. There is definitely no RNG now.
By CrmsnsShdw on 15 Jan 2022 15:56
Yeah in the maps with two exits, if they both say that you're going the right way then the soul will be on the map afterwards where both routes rejoin together.
By Tendoman77 on 15 Jan 2022 22:58
@Selju The game "try" to adapt the souls on the route you follow. In example, in one playthrough I went Crypt (First soul) > Swamp (Second soul) > Town (Third soul). Also you can see if you miss one since Mason says the name of the souls and they are always in order. My advice is to stick to the normal route with the 6 levels of the game, and brute force the spawn in the early levels. In one run I got the 3 souls in the first three levels so it's possible to do it.
By Enluna on 27 Jun 2020 03:51
As I recall it I don't think the blue Souls are buggy but they're random so it's most definitely luck based & can take many runs to get them all, this was the very last achievement I got even after getting all 50 souls (the descriptions says 5 & 20 but it's really 10 & 50) so all I can say is keep trying & you'll get it, there's a reason the ratio for this game have stayed so high even after most bugs where fixed, it's definitely not an easy completion... Good luck Brave Tanuki 🤞🙂
By EverStoned77 on 03 Jun 2021 19:59
Thank you Brave Tanuki. Taking your advice to follow the bounty posters i got the achievement 10 minutes ago. Now i need to farm that damn lost souls and outlaws for the last 2 achievements.
By FelipeTardivo on 04 Jun 2021 17:51
It still feels like it doesn't work 100% of the time (maybe because of glitches), but I followed Brave Tanuki's method (see above comments) as well, and on my successful run, the souls did indeed show up in two of the three zones with wanted posters (the first soul was in The Crypts, while the first wanted poster was in The Hunt (with no soul). Thank you so much, BT!
By Garnitoro on 14 Jun 2021 21:39
Oh but it is definitely RNG so no matter what you won't get all souls on every run, like I said above this was my very last achievement & I used the wanted posters to get most of the outlaws & even using that strategy I only got all the blue Souls on 2 runs out of how ever many is needed to get the 50 outlaws so yeah be patient & you will get it, in other words don't give up just because it's RNG, it is definitely not the worst RNG achievement I have tried & I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure that they became more frequent once I only needed the blue Souls ... best of luck 🤞 to anyone working on it, I know you can do it smilewave
By EverStoned77 on 15 Jun 2021 21:28
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After completing the main game, beating the preacher 3 times, you will start chapter 4.
This achievement is hard af imo but I would like to share some tips on how I eventually got this.
I want to mention unless you are a god you will not get this on your first try or even your 10th. It will take you dozens of runs and some luck of course because of the genre.

The premise of the achievement is to find, speak to and accept the burdens of 3 blue souls throughout your run. Locations are random but they always spawn at checkpoints and sometimes they spawned at the checkpoints after defeating an outlaw. If you die during the game you will have to start a new run. Once you've done that you will have to make it to the third encounter of the Preacher because the 1st and 2nd encounters will be replaced with Outlaws.

Once you've made it to Preacher III you have to shoot three blue pillars knocking them down, they will obstruct some of the map and the Preacher. Don't forget to shoot them down because if you don't and you kill the preacher it won't count. Best way is to have a long range gun and shoot the first visible pillar before you step into the entrance of the fight.

Now for tips on the boss fight:
It's best to have a long range weapon, shotgun, shield and a thowable(dynamite,plague bomb) upgraded health flask to large. Throwable is for the skulls he throws out but you can use it on the boss as well. Now you can skip the skull phase if you have a certain weapon called bombadier which is a very powerful weapon.
Weapons I preferred to use: Bombadier, Workhorse,Longshot, blaster.
Pretty simple mechanics to defeat him: shoot at his feet once you down him there will be a shockwave and he is vulnerable throw everything you got at him. He will get back up again rinse and repeat.

Boss abilities:
1. He will throw fireballs, or souls if you will, at you just try to get far away from him and stay in cover before he does the animation. If you do it correctly the balls will hit the cover and destroy the cover.
2. He will throw out 6 skulls, they will each attack you again with mini fireballs while following you. Move cover to cover but kill them quick with your shotgun or throwable because they will follow you behind cover.
3. Falling rocks, red circles will show on the ground, dodge before they hit you.
4. Shockwave, he will do this everytime you down him, dodge towards him just before the yellow shockwave hits you. In his last phase this is all he will do.

Now onto maps:
1st map is crypts, run through map, get your 2 upgrades, I usually upgrade perception twice.
2nd map the Hunt, another run through but be careful of the exploding lanterns that run towards you, a shotgun is great for them. Also butcher guy starts to show up and throws hatchets. Upgrade Perception again 3 or 4 times on this map.
3rd map mines, more lantern guys and boulder or rock enemies, you can see the light in the ground so be careful not to get too close to them but they're pretty slow so you can dodge them if needed. Also dodge over the sort of yellow lines in the map if necessary to get to the next area. Start to upgrade toughness to level 3.
4th map is the farm, lantern guys again, dogs and trappers who will stun you if you fall into their traps.
5th map is the town, this is where the bombadier gun is really helpful as the enemies like to bunch up near the healer or priest if you damage them too much. Also avoid the gunners that show up in the windows, they don't damage you much but if you have a burden you will get one shot. Your perception should atleast be level 7 by the end of this map, toughness 5 or 6.
6th map is the annoying af church. Hopefully you have all the blue souls before this map because the enemies can be overwhelming. You have one guy that likes to teleport behind you and shoot you in the back. You have big boy that throws fireballs which you have to dodge perfectly seemingly and priests that heal. I usually run through each section collecting the upgrades and weapons I need before leaving and avoiding all enemies. My toughness and Perception was at 9, resourcefulness is not really useful.

If there's anything I missed that you would like to know I'd be glad to answer.

17 Jul 2020 07:50

Have you found the blue souls appearance buggy at all? I've scanned each level completely on my way to the end and fall short of the required 3 (only once have I found all 3 so far). I've never found any clues that indicated I had to take Swamp/Canyons/Churchyard over the main path.
I've aborted runs when there were clues at the exits indicating that a blue soul was present on the level, but none to be found (I confirmed once that it was missing by finding the next [second] soul).
My last run had the third blue soul show up right before the exit of the church, with only 4 enemies left on the level. Gah! This game can be so frustrating.
By UnmatchedBrace on 21 Jul 2020 23:43
I've had runs where the first blue I encountered was actually the second one yes. If you go past the mines without encountering a blue soul then I would restart the run. Just go the normal routes, don't do the alternate maps that way you know what what enemies to expect on each map and how to deal with them. Some runs I had them all 3 show up before the town.
By Maxumilli0n on 22 Jul 2020 00:17
As the other guides mentioned, this is once you have beaten the Preacher twice and Injustice once to get to chapter 4.

This achievement requires you to find three blue lost souls, accepting their burdens and making it to Injustice at the end, destroying three pillars before you kill him.

Now, I had to dig around in comments to figure out the blue lost souls and it looks like I am not the only one, so hopefully this helps.

1. Blue Lost Souls

- Wanted posters at the beginning of the run will tell you the location of blue souls on Chapter 4. Press cn_X on each poster next to the guy in a chair by a door
- If a blue soul is not in the area he says, quit out of the game and restart. It probably glitched.
- Try and do it on a run with easy levels, like Crypt and Hunt instead of ones like Canyon and Churchyard

2. Equipment Setup

- Lantern and Shield are good, I also used throwables for the boss since lanterns don't work.
- I like pistols and revolvers since they have good range and hit more often than rifle. I personally recommend Traitor, Deadshot, or Fifth Time Lucky. Deadshot will wreck the final boss.
- Use the defender charm that gives you health
- Make sure you evenly level up your attack damage and your health, prioritizing damage.

3. The Boss Fight

If you made it this far the pillars around the room should be blue. You should be able to take down one pillar without even entering the boss room.

- Take out one or two pillars before entering the boss room
- Shoot his feet with one gun and then use the Deadshot to shoot him in the head when he is staggered
- Kill the pillars as you move past them, try not to circle the room too many times
- I recommend getting the bosses health low, going after the remaining pillars, and then finishing the boss

07 Jun 2021 20:09

After the first victory over the boss, lost souls illuminated with blue light will appear in the locations. You need to help three, and then defeat the final boss. The thing is that you can easily miss them. To prevent this from happening, listen to what the hero says when you approach the exit from the location: if there is no soul in the next one and you are in the other direction, then he will say one of several phrases, like “it feels like I’m leaving something behind” , “sometimes you just know that you’re going the wrong way,” in general, it will be clear that you need to go to another exit, where he will already say “I smell tobacco ahead” or “I hear the call of friends,” etc. If at both exits it says that the path is wrong, then you have already taken a wrong turn.

09 Aug 2020 04:42

1 Comment
Don't forget to destroy the columns in the battle with the final boss.
By BamRainey on 30 Jun 2022 16:56