Where the Wild Things Are

Where the Wild Things Are

49 Achievements


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Collect all Honeycombs


How to unlock the Beekeeper achievement in Where the Wild Things Are - Definitive Guide

See this link:


I take no credit for it; thanks to The Crimson0men for posting it at 360a.org. It's for the PS3 trophies, but it's still valid.

A tip that was brought to my attention by a friend: Collecting all the Geodes unlocks a cheat that shows you where all of the other collectible are.

12 Dec 2009 01:04


|Skulls: 30 |
|Stars: 5 |

When you first start the game head straight forward to collect the sceptor.
After collecting the sceptor go to the back right corner to find [skull 1/30]
in some bushes.
After collecting the first skull head west to find another [skull 2/30]
sitting next to a log.
You want to now head to the North West corner of the map, smash the flower
bushes here to proceed.

Walk forward and jump over the river then head left to collect [skull 3/30].
Now head back to the right and follow the path. After the short scene jump
over the river and whack away at the fireflys. If they begin to glow, block
their attack. Once they are all beaten, head north and collect [skull 4/30].
Break the lantern to collect some health if needed.
Head to the lantern in the top left corner, break it id needed then jump up to
the ledge here.

Continue to jump up all the ledges, when you come across some more flower
bushes break them to find [skull 5/30]. [This unlocks a reward at the village]
Carry on forwards until you get to a ledge where you'll be attacked by some
fireflys. Kill them all then carry on around the ledge.

You'll come across [skull 6/30] here as well as some more fireflys, so kill
them and collect the skull. Continue onwards over the log and then jumping
over the gap. When you get to to the big island head to the waterfall in the
top left corner, smash the bushes here to find [skull 7/30]. Now continue over
the log.

Moving forward you will see the path being destroyed before you, collect the
lantern for health if you need it then slide down. After the scene you will be
attacked by more bees. Kill them and collect the orbs, around about here I had
collected enough orbs for a health upgrade.
I also received the [Wild Rumpus!] Trophy for defeating 15 enemies in a row
without being hit.

Move forward to the first lantern killing the bees here and collecting more
health if needed. Move forward to find [skull 8/30] sitting next to the Ivy.
Another lantern is here if you really need the health.

Climb up the ivy. Once up the ivy head left and keep going left, to find
[skull 9/30] sitting next to the edge. Go back and head forwards to see the
thing jump pretty damn high. Anyway climb up the ivy here and continue

Climb up some more ivy and then head back towards the screen to find [skull
10/30]. Head forwards and climb up the ivy on the left, jumping to the right
side when you can. Try to get up to avoid being hit down by the bees. Kill
them all and then when at the top head right to find [skull 11/30] sitting
next to a tree.

Head forwards up the path to find [skull 12/30] sitting next to a lantern.
Continue across the log and when watching the next scene, duck!! :P

Carry on forwards and when you get to the crater take a left, go the cliff
edge to find [skull 13/30]. Go back to the crater to collect [star 1/5]

Continue forwards killing the fireflys. Make sure you destroy their hives as
well. You can sit here and keep destroying the fireflys without breaking the
hives to upgrade your health, but not only will this take ages its very

The second hive also hides [skull 14/30]. There is a lantern here right of
this hive. Carry on to the next lantern, killing the bees and breaking the
hives. Make sure to break the lantern here and the thing next to it to collect
[skull 15/30] and collect a reward for the village.

Break all the hives and move forward to collect [star 2/5] and move to a
different location.

Move to the right of the screen to collect [skull 16/30], now continue forward
making sure to avoid the electric silver bugs. Their paths are clearly shown
so its really easy to avoid them.

Along this path you'll come across [skull 17/30], carry on forward to see
another short scene. Once it is finished head right to find [star 3/5], now
continue forward to find [skull 18/30] on the left next to a read tree.

Go up to the bugs and kill them with a power attack [hold Square]. Now jump up
the ledge, break the flower bush on the left for [skull 19/30].

Here is a great place to try and upgrade your health, just stand in the middle
of the three hives and whack away. Otherwise destroy the hives and carry on.
You'll find [skull 20/30] at the cliff edge on the left.

There should be a rock you can pick up here with [o]. Carry on and shimmy
across the edge to get [skull 21/30]. Jump up the ledge and destroy the hive
and fireflys. Shimmy along the ledge dropping [o] when needed. Here you'll
find [skull 22/30].

Carry on to find a lantern next to some vines, collect the health if needed
then climb the vines. Make sure not to hit the electric bugs on the way. As
you land you'll see [skull 23/30]. Destroy the hives and fireflys then

You'll find a lantern here and one of those breakable rock things to the right
of it, destroy that to find [skull 24/30]. Carry on, shimmying along the
ledge. Jump up to grab the branch as you shimmy.

Carry on to find [skull 25/30] in the middle of the electric bug hives. Here
you will receive the [Friend of the Bull] Trophy.

As you go forward instead of going straight on take a right at the last
hole where the electric bugs come out of. Down here you'll find [skull 26/30].
Now go back and carry on forwards breaking the lantern if needed. Now jump
towards the branch to swing on it and reach the other side.

On the right here you'll find [skull 27/30]. Swing across the two branches to
reach the other side.

Instead of going to the right and upwards you want to go straight up to find
[star 4/5] behind a tree. From here head to the right to find [skull 28/30]
between some trees.

Head back and climb up the ledges then swing across the three branches to get
across. Destroy the fireflys here and the first hive on the left to find
[skull 29/30]. Continue forward killing the fireflys and destroying the hives.
There is a lantern on the right if needed.

Now carry on and climb up the pole, jumping backwards to land on the rock
behind you to collect [skull 30/30], the final skull for this chapter.

Now climb back up the pole, another lantern is here. Continue and slide down
the next pole. Here you'll encounter some bigger fireflys but they are easy to
kill. Once all the fireflys are gone collect some health from the lantern if

Grab the stump here and push it all the way to the left, use it to climb up to
the ledge and collect [star 5/5] and receive the [Nova] Trophy.

Now jump back down and grab the stump, pushing it back and to the north so you
can continue. Carry on forward to finish the Chapter.

You'll receive the [Follow the Bull] Trophy.


|The Village| VIL04|

Right next to your tent smash the rock thing to receive [Seed 1/30].
When facing the front of your tent, head south to the water, here you'll see a
star over the water, alexander broke down the tree for me when I was whacking
Walk across the log to get [star 1/15].

Across the river you'll see some feathers in front of you, we'll use these as
the main point to make our way round. I'll always direct you as if we were
facing the feathers with the river behind us. From here head to the left and
you'll see some small glowing bugs. This is the garden. On the left next to it
smash the rock thing to get [seed 2/30].
Now continue to the left following the river, where you'll see some bushes on
the right, break these to find [star 2/15].

Carry on avoiding the electric silver bugs as you continue, break the bushes
to continue. Up ahead you'll see some more bushes, break them to find a stump,
move it round and use it to climb up the ledge here. Here you'll find [geode

Now head all the way back to those feathers. When at the feathers go around
the back of the trees to the right of the feathers. Here you'll find a bush to
break containing [seed 3/30].

Now back at the feathers, follow the river to the right where you'll find
[seed 4/30]. Now with the cliff on our right, you'll see a bush ahead which
contains [geode 2/15].

Carry on following the cliff where you'll find another rock looking thing,
break it to find [seed 5/30]. This unlocks a plant which you can use to water
other plants.

Carry on following the cliff to find another bush hiding [geode 3/15].

Now head back to the feathers, now follow the river to the left to find a pile
of rocks, pick one up and throw it at one of the wild things. This'll start
them throwing things at eachother which will unlock the [Glass Houses] Trophy.

Now head back over the river where you'll find an opening in the ground, go on
in. Following this cave you'll find those rock things, break the ones on the
right next to the torch to find [geode 4/15].

If you walk forward you'll see [star 3/15]. The camera is fixed here so to the
South West here you'll find another rock thing to break which will uncover
[geode 5/15]. This will also break up one of the big boulders up top, we'll
sort that later.

In the North West section of this room, you'll see some more rock things,
break them for [geode 6/15] and to the East you'll also find [geode 7/15]

Now go back south and take the right path out of the cave. If you turn the
camera back round, you'll see a bush on the right with [seed 6/30]. Continue
forwards to find [geode 8/15] hidden here.

Now head right back through the cave and once outside follow the river round
to a rock formation. Jump up it and on the opposite side you'll find [star
4/15]. Now get back down and enter the first house on your left for [seed

Carry on, enter the next house to find [seed 8/30] and [geode 9/15], exit the
second door and break the rock things out front to find [seed 9/30].

Now follow the cliff all the way round, past a garden where you'll find
[geode 10/15] next to some electric silver bugs. Avoid the bugs and break the
rock things next to the house for [seed 10/30], enter the house to find
[seed 11/30]. Now go round the back of the house to find some bushes hiding
[seed 12/30].

Move on to behind the next house to find more bushes with [seed 13/30] hidden.
Carry on following the river to find yet more bushes where [seed 14/30] is
hiding behind.

Now go back to the garden near the electric bugs where to the left of the
garden you'll see a clibmable tree. Once up head right to find [seed 15/30].
This will unlock the Purplefruit Plant which you can use to distract the
silver bugs. Follow the cliff on the right to find a rock thing hiding [geode

Here you'll see a giant rock which a wild thing will break if you hit it.
Hidden behind it is [star 5/15]. Opposite here you'll see another house, go
over to it and break the rock things to the left of it to find [seed 16/30]

Now head back to the garden and hit the blue plant to get a seed, use this to
water the purple plant and the smaller plants here. This will give you [seeds

Grab a purple seed and drop it near the silver bugs, now you can climb
up the tree they were circling, climb up and jump to the ledge to get [seed

Now back at the garden climb the right vine to find [star 6/15]. Now climb up
the left vine and onto the vines on the wall to find [star 7/15].

Head back to your tent and climb up the trees next to it, get to the top
avoiding the silver bugs to find [star 8/15]. You'll find some feathers here,
use them to glide over to your tent where you'll find [star 9/15].
Don't slow down, as you'll just make it.

Now head back over the river and to the garden here. Use the blue seed to
water everything here, collecting [seeds 23-25/30] and receiving the [Friend
of Judith] Trophy.

Now make your way left from the garden, passing the electric bugs to find
another blue plant. Use the blue seeds to find [seed 26/30] and on the
opposite side [seed 27/30].

Now use the purple seed to distract the electric bugs here on the wall and
kill them. Now move the stump under the vines and jump up to grab them. Climb
the vines to find [geode 12/15] hiding in a bush.

Back at the cliff edge near the vines, you'll see some branches on the right,
use them to swing across to another ledge. Here shimmy around the cliff, drop
down and climb up the vines to find [star 10/15] and [geode 13/15] hidden in
a rock thing.

Now go to your tent and continue the story.


|Road to Nowhere| RTN05|
|Stars: 10 |
|Houses: 30 |

As soon as you start head all the way to the left and whack the bush here to
collect [house 1/30]. Move to the right a little to find another bush here
which contains [house 2/30]. Now move to the right and jump up the ledge
collecting [house 3/30].

Continue forwards jumping up the ledges then head towards the waterfruit tree.
Pick up the fruit and drop it on the see just behind you to collect [house
4/30]. Smash the bushes to the right of the waterfruit tree to reveal another
seed, water this for [house 5/30].

This unlocks a reward in the village.

Pick up another fruit and head south to find yet another seed containing
[house 6/30]. [I upgraded my health around about here also unlocking the
Trophy Jack of Hearts]

Now grab another fruit and head south west to find yet another seed containing
another [house 7/30]. Grab another fruit and drop it on the seed up on the
ledge to grow a vine, climb up and jump to the vines on the wall to reach the

To the right of the waterfruit tree you'll see [house 8/30] grab it. Now grab
a fruit from the tree and water the two seeds here for [house 9-10/30].
Continue to the right.

Whack the tree and watch as carol knocks it down, in the short scene you'll
see two more houses. Move to the right of the tree down the ledge to find
[house 11/30] now climb back up and walk across the tree.

Kill all the fireflys here and destroy their hives, next to the hive on the
right is a bush, break it to find [house 12/30] to the left of this island is
[house 13/30]. There is a health lantern in the top right if needed.

Now try to whack the tree down and watch again as Carol does it, go across the
tree and kill the fireflys here. Break the two bushes in the North East here
then go and grab a waterfruit. Bring it back and water the seed we just
uncovered to find [house 14/30]. Water the seed on the left here as well for
[house 15/30], this will unlock another reward at the village.

Grab another fruit and jump over the gap ahead of you, drop it to the right
here to grow another seed and find [house 16/30].

Now head to the left and smash the bushes to find [house 17/30]. Now jump up
this ledge and across the gap to find [star 1/10].

Now move back and smash the rock in front of you, [house 18/30] will be
sitting here. Smash the flower bushes on the left to find [house 19/30].

Move forwards and grab a purple fruit, drop it to distract the electric bugs.
You can kill them with a power attack, holding Square. Now jump up the ledge
to find [house 20/30].

Move forward swinging over the branches, head left and swing over some more
branches. I received the [Gymnast] Trophy here. Collect the [house 21/30]
sitting here then head forwards.

Smash the first bush on the left to find [house 22/30], kill the fireflys.
Continue forward smashing the bush on the right for [house 23/30]. Head
towards Carol, killing any fireflys. Now jump up the ledges on the left and
destroy the hives here. These will reveal [house 24-25/30] also unlocking the
[Friend of Carol] Trophy.

Head down the ledge to the right and whack the tree, now grab the waterfruit
and water the seed on the right. Grab a purple fruit and drop it near the
vines, whack the bugs with your power attack until they are destroyed.

Now climb the vines here to find [star 2/10] sitting at the top. Head back
down hitting the tree on the right. Grab a purple fruit to distract the bugs,
attacking them with a power attack to clear the way.

Move across the tree and collect [house 26/30], climb the ledge and follow the
path until the scene plays. Now go and grab the rope and shimmy along avoiding
the electric bugs as you go.

Once on the other side collect the [house 27/30] sitting here. Move forward
killing all the fireflys and breaking all the bushes here. I received another
heart upgrade here as well as the [On Fire] Trophy for defeating 250 fireflys.

Move past the waterfruit plant, jump up the ledge and break the bushes to find
[star 3/10]. Now grab a waterfruit head south and water the first seed here to
find [house 28/30]. Grab another fruit and water the next see opposite the
purple seed to get [house 29/30].

Head back and grab another waterfruit and water the purple seed. Grab a purple
fruit to distract the bugs and destroy them. Now shimmy along the ledge here
and whack the tree. Now swing across the gap and collect [house 30/30]. Head
forwards to finish this area.

You are now riding on Carols back, first of all just dodge the trees easily.
Jump over the first log and then another one. Dodge the trees in the middle of
your path and then smash the brambles with [Square].

Next jump over the gap collecting [star 4/10]. Dodge some more trees, smash
some more brambles and then slide [o]. Turn the corner, jump over the fallen
tree, slide and then jump over another fallen tree.

Slide under the fallen tree making sure to stay on the right collecting [star
5/10] and receiving the Trophy [Supernova].

Jump, slide and slide again. Jump over the next tree and you'll now see a star
over on the left behind a tree. Head around it to collect [star 6/10].

Slide under a tree then stay in the middle of the next tree when sliding under
and you'll see a [star 7/10] right in front of you, make sure not to hit any
of the trees here.

Jump, slide and jump again. Smash the brambles ahead and you'll see a star in
the distance on the left. Head towards it dodging the trees and collect [star
8/10]. Continue forward and you'll see another star in the distance. Jump over
and then slide on the right hand side to collect [star 9/10].

Smash the brambles and now dodge the rocks. Collect the [star 10/10] on the
right and continue forward.

Jump, jump, slide, slide, jump, lol. Smash the brambles and then you're
finished. This will unlock the [Explore the Island] Trophy.


You'll now see Carol is building a model city in the tunnel. You're now back
in the village, just continue the story.


|The Cave| CAV06|
|Stars: 5 |
|Skulls: 10 |
|Honeycombs: 15 |
|Turtles: 15 |

Move forwards jumping up the three ledges here, collect [turtle 1/15]. Carry
on forwards collecting the [honeycomb 1/15]. Jump onto the vine and drop down.
Here smash the big fireflys to release a bomb, pick up the bomb and throw it
at the hive on the right. This will uncover [honeycomb 2/15].

Use another bomb to destroy the hive on the left and uncover a tree stump.
Kill the fireflys here and destroy the hives then move the stump to the north
so that you can reach the ledge.

Grab a purple fruit and drop it to attract the silver bugs, whack them with a
power attack then climb the vines. Move right and pick up a waterfruit, water
the seed to the left of the tree to uncover a [turtle 2/15]....what was a
turtle doing hidden in a plant? o_O

Now water the plant on the right to find [honeycomb 3/15]. Move forward with a
waterfruit while avoiding all the electric bugs and collect [skull 1/10].
Water the plant here to grow a vine, climb it while avoiding another electric
bug. When at the top you'll find [turtle 3/15] and a lantern.

Head to the left to find a purple fruit, drop it to attract the bugs and kill
them with a power attack. Climb the vines and at the top find [honeycomb 4/15]
sitting on the left.

Grab a waterfruit and drop it ahead of you to grow the plant. This will
uncover [turtle 4/15]. Move forwards and past the gunk and seesaw. Jump over
the gap killing any fireflys here. Use one of the bombs from the big fireflys
to destroy the hive and collect [honeycomb 5/15] This unlocks a reward at the

Now climb up the vines and head right, whack the boulder here to keep the
seesaw in place. Drop down to the right to collect [star 1/5]. Now drop down
and move up the seesaw, collecting [turtle 5/15] at the top. This unlocks a
reward at the village.

Move forward and pick up a rock, look up and throw it at the fireflys here to
drop bombs on the hives here. Kill the fireflys that attack. Now move forward
and collect [honeycomb 6/15]. Jump up the ledge and over the log, now follow
the path round.

Grab a feather and glide over to the other side. Kill all the fireflys here
and use a bomb to break the hive. Pick up a rock and throw a rock at the
waterfruit on the ledge, pick it up and water the seed on the right. Here
you'll find [turtle 6/15].

Throw another rock at the waterfruit and water the seed over on the left to
find [turtle 7/15]. Now water the vine at the back. Before climbing the vine
head all the way to the right and drop down the ledge to find [skull 2/10].
Now head all the way back to the vine.

Climb the vines then head forwards and kill all the fireflys here and destroy
their hives. Now head right up the slope and whack the tree to make it fall.
Walk across the tree and jump up the ledge to find [star 2/5].

Now jump down the ledge and whack the rock ahead to break it. Now head

Head left and swing across the branches here, grab the vine and slide down.
Now pick up some pollen and chuck it at the Thing.

Grab a feather and fly across to the first island, now quickly fly to the next
one and then over to the third. Here you'll find [skull 3/10]. Now fly all the
way over to the left. Here swing across the branches.

Grab the feathers here, now instead of flying straight ahead, you should see a
ledge where you can shimmy on the left hand wall of this cliff. Aim for there
to land on it, now shimmy round to find [star 3/5]. Shimmy back round and
drop onto the ledge.

Pick up the feathers and fly over to the island, quickly fly from island to
island until you land in front of some vines. Head to the left to find [skull
4/10], now climb the vines to the top. You'll find [turtle 8/15] sitting on
the ledge here.

Now move to the right climbing up the ledge on the left when you can. You can
pick up some pollen and chuck it at the fireflys this kills them quicker,
otherwise just hit them like normal. Break the first hive for [honeycomb 7/15]

Grab a rock and destroy the hive and fireflys across the gap, now head across
using the vines. Collect [honeycomb 8/15]. Break the rock things on the right
and collect [turtle 9/15].

Jump across the gap and pick up some pollen, chuck it at the fireflys across
the next gap to kill them. Now swing across the branches and find [honeycomb
9-10/15] hidden in the rock things on the left. Move forward and kill the
fireflys here.

Swing across the branch and chuck some pollen at the Thing to drop some

Grab a feather and glide down, move forward breaking the rock thing on the
right to find [turtle 10/15]. Now head into the cave.

Pick up a rock and chuck it at the pillar in front of you to knock it down.
Jump across the gaps and chuck a rock at the pillar on the left. Walk across
quickly before it drops and jump onto the vines. Climb up and collect [turtle
11/15]. Keep walking to the right and out of the cave.

Move forwards and over the bridge, once across head straight on and to the
right to find [turtle 12/15], now head south east to find [turtle 13/15]
hiding in the bushes, head back to the bridge. From here head left to find
[turtle 14/15] sitting next to the water. Now jump across the rotating logs,
collecting [star 4/5] on the second.

Once across all the logs walk forwards into the cave. Jump over the water and
destroy the first hive and fireflys. Pick up a rock and destroy all the hives
and kill all the fireflys from here.

Jump over the gaps, collecting [honeycomb 11-13/15]. Continue out of the cave
and whack the tree down. Now walk across the tree to the other side. There is
a lantern ahead for health.

Walk upwards and kill the fireflys, using the bombs to break the big hive.
This will uncover [honeycomb 14-15/15] and a reward at the village.

Move forwards and to the right to find [turtle 15/15] hiding in the grass.
[This will unlock a reward at the village.] Go back jumping up the rocks.
Swing across the water then jump up the ledge. Jump up another ledge then
climb the vines. Move forwards to watch a cutscene.

Move to the left and jump over the gaps, whack the black gunk to uncover
[skull 5/10], jump across to the island on the left to find [star 5/5]. Jump
over to the right breaking the first bit of gunk here to find [skull 6/10].

Jump over the gap break the big wall of gunk to find [skull 7/10]. Jump over
the next three gaps breaking the gunk as you go, break the gunk here on the
right to find [skull 8/10].

Continue jumping the gaps, break the final wall of gunk to find [skull 9/10].
Now jump across the gap and up the ledge, there are two lanterns here. Only
break them if needed. You'll see a scene which will show a new enemy.

Make sure to collect [skull 10/10] on the left here. This will unlock a new
reward at the village.

Attack the spider gunk monsters with your sceptor, just watch for when they
glow purple, when they do block as they will attack. Just keep attacking them
till the cutscene. This will end the level and unlock the [Escape the Cave]

Back at the village.

Alexander has built a squirrel hutch. The skull pile is now finished. Douglas
built a hive for Bomber Fireflys, and a Green Firefly hive. Alexander has
built a rabbit hutch.


Head straight forward and up the tree to where the skull pile is, move towards
it and kill the bugs surrounding it with a power attack to attract more bugs.
Kill them all, with power attacks, the first will knock them on their backs,
then continue to hit them. The silver one will drop a bomb which can destroy
the group of electric bugs here. Collect [star 11/15].


|Canyon River| CRI07|
|Stars: 10 |
|Skulls: 5 |
|Houses: 15 |

Head forwards dodging the rocks and you'll find [star 1/10] sitting right in
the middle of the river. Continue onwards avoiding all the rocks and the
whirlpools and you'll find [star 2/10] on the left.

Avoid all the gunk here, now stick to the right when going round the rocks to
find [star 3/10] hiding just in front of the third whirlpool. After this
whirlpool [star 4/10] will be sitting right in the middle of the river.

Avoid the falling rock, after this first falling obstacle stick to the left of
the river, going round all the rocks and you'll find [star 5/10] sitting next
to the second falling rock.

Continue avoiding all the falling rocks and when you get to the next whirpool
you'll see [star 6/10] sitting on the right. Carry on avoiding yet more
falling rocks and [star 7/10] will be on the right again.

Shortly after [star 8/10] will be on the left but make sure to avoid all the
gunk. You'll see [star 9/10] shortly after on the right. This will unlock the
[Star Cluster] Trophy.

If you beat this boat section without having to restart at a checkpoint you'll
unlock the [Commodore] Trophy.

You'll now be on land, break the bushes in front of you to find [house 1/15].
Now break the gunk here to collect [skull 1/5], then jump over the first gap
to the right then jump south to find [house 2/15]. Carry on to the right
jumping over the gaps and up the ledges.

Break the rock thing to find [house 3/15] and the gunk ahead to find [skull
2/5]. Now carry on killing any fireflys. Jump up the ledge and head to the top
right corner to find [house 4/15].

Now hit the glowing stick to knock it down, kill any fireflys that attack and
collect the lantern if needed. Now pick up a rock and throw it at the glowing
stick to knock down the boulder. Move forwards collecting [skull 3/5]. Break
the bushes to the right of the skull to find [house 5/15].

Now jump up the ledge and swing over the branches, press [square] while in mid
air above the hive to destroy it instantly and find [skull 4/5]. Move forward
killing the fireflys and destroying the hives, use a bomb to destroy the big

Move forward and you'll meet a new firefly which explodes after a short time.
Hold [square] to knock it away. Jump over the gaps until your in the cave,
move backwards to find [house 6/15]. Move forward destroying the gunk here to
find [skull 5/5]. Go forward jumping up the ledges and move across the bridge.

Some gunk spiders will now attack, grab the tree stump in the top right corner
and drag it over the right hole to block any more spiders coming out. Now
break the bushes and gunk in the top left corner to find [house 7/15] and
another stump which you can use to block up the left hole.

After you've blocked both holes you'll see a rock fall, walk back this way to
find a rock thing, break it to find [house 8/15]. Continue out the cave for a
cutscene. Now move right, shimmy and drop down to find [house 9/15]. Now drop
down and break the rock thing all the way on the right next to the lantern to
find [house 10/15]. [This will unlock a reward in the village.]

Now kill the gunk spiders quickly and break the gunk strands to free BULL.
After freeing bull, move right jumping over the gaps to find [house 11/15] and
[star 10/10]. Now go back to where Carol is.

Jump left using the draft to reach the ledge finding [house 12/15], now
continue up breaking the rock things here to find [house 13/15]. Move forward
up the ledge, whacking away the firefly. Break the rock things here to find
[house 14/15].

Jump across the gaps and break the rock things across here for [house 15/15].
Now watch the scene, after fight off the spiders again, make sure to break the
gunk strands around carol so he doesn't sink. Once carol is free fight off the
fireflys. Once you get a bomb drop it in the draft to break the cliff. Do it
twice to finish the level and get the [Plug the Rifts] Trophy.

Carol has now finished his model city.


|Seasick| SEA08|
|Stars: 5 |
|Eggs: 15 |
|Geodes: 15 |

Start by jumping over to the island on the left collecting [geode 1/15]. Jump
up the ledge to collect [geode 2/15], now jump up again. Pick up a rock and
throw them at any fireflys and their hives. Move across the vines to find
[geode 3/15] drop down on the other side and walk round to find [geode 4/15].

Climb back up the vines moving upwards, finding [geode 5/15] at the top. Stand
in the circle to be thrown across, kill all the fireflys, now grab a rock and
throw it at the hives, kill the remaining fireflys. Drop down to the right to
find a lantern and [egg 1/15].

Jump up the vines, collecting [geode 6/15] as you go. Now go in the cave
collecting health if you need it. Collect [egg 2/15] next to the flower. Hit
the flower and pick up the seed now float down to where the two torches are.
Drop down to the left collecting [geode 7/15]. Jump back up the ledges.

Move past the flower, collecting a seed as you go past, jump up the ledges to
find [geode 8/15]. Now float down to the left. Kill the first few bugs my just
whacking at them. Make sure to block [L1] whenever you see electric. The big
bug has to be knocked over by holding [square] then just whack at him to kill
him. He'll drop a bomb, pick it up and drop it next to the electric on the
right to break the wall of electricity.

Move back and you'll find [geode 9-10/15] on the left and right. You'll find
[geode 11/15] ahead of you in a little crevice. Collect the health if needed
then walk up the ramp, jumping up the ledge to find [egg 3/15]. Head out the

Kill the first bug then the second collecting the bomb it drops. Use it to
break the cage on the left and collect [geode 12/15]. This will unlock the
[Friend of Ira] Trophy. Jump the gap collecting health if needed and move up
the ledge.

Grab a feather and fly down, make sure to collect [star 1/5] in the air. You
can grab another feather here and collect [star 2/5] from the ground. Use the
feather to fly up to the right collecting [geode 13/15] here.

Now fly up the ledge on the left collecting [egg 4/15], fly to the ledge on
the right and then forwards to another pile of feathers. Jump left then right
again to find [egg 5/15] [which unlocks a reward at the village.]

Continue jumping the pillars to find [egg 6/15] on the last one and [egg 7/15]
just as you land at the top. Carry on to find [geode 14/15] next to a lantern.
Walk carefully over the bridge and then past the rocks to find [egg 8/15].
Pick up a rock and destroy the hive and any fireflys. You'll see a star up on
the ledge here.

Use a rock to knock down the waterfruit onto the flower. Grab a seed and use
the draft to float up to the ledge where you'll find [egg 9/15]. Jump over the
gap on the left to find [geode 15/15]. Carry on jumping the gaps, collecting
the health if needed and then you'll find [star 3/5]. Move back to the first
gap and you'll see [egg 10/15] down here next to the waterfruit plant.

Jump back up and across the gaps to continue. Move across the bridge to find
[egg 11/15] on a rock. Kill the bugs here. [I upgraded another heart here.]
This unlocked the [King of Hearts] Trophy.

Kill the big bug to drop a bomb which you can use to break the cage. Collect
[star 4/5]. Jump up the ledge collecting health if needed and you'll see
[egg 12/15] sitting here next to the circle.

Get thrown across the gap and break the bushes in front of you for [egg 13/15]
Now move to the left and climb down the vines for [star 5/5]. Now climb back
up and move forwards jumping across the river finding [egg 14/15].

Fight off the spiders make sure to break the strands as you go. Collect [egg
15/15] on the right while fighting otherwise the level will end before you get
a chance. Collecting egg 15 will unlock a reward in the village. You'll unlock
the [Rescue Ira] Trophy for beating the level.


Ira smashed holes in a second boulder.
K.W. has collected a colony of owls at the Tower. Throw rocks at them.


Back at the village cross the log over the river, now follow the river to the
right until you find the newly broken boulder. Hit it and a Wild Thing will
break it, unveiling [star 12/15].


|Rebellion| REB09|
|Stars: 5 |
|Honeycombs: 10 |
|Seeds: 30 |

Start by swinging over the gap using the branch on the right, follow the path
round and break the bushes to find [seed 1/30] Climb the vine avoiding the bug
and jump to the ledge. Jump up the next ledge collecting [seed 2/30] and carry
on till you reach the flower.

Use a seed to float over to the ledge, break the bushes on the right to find
[seed 3/30]. Now grab a seed and jump off the ledge to the right, floating
down to the next area. Carry on jumping the gap, climb up the vines and break
the rock thing to collect [seed 4/30].

Carry on jumping and avoiding the smoke, collect a seed from the flower and
jump collecting [seed 5/30] in mid air while floating down to the next area.

Follow the left path, climbing the vines on the right wall. Jump the ledge and
destroy the rock things collecting [seeds 6-7/30], jump back down and get rid
of the gunk and the bushes to find [seed 8/30].

Go through the gap here, killing the bugs and using the bomb to get rid of the
electric cage. Now follow the path left before going anywhere and climb the
vine you find, break the rock thing to find [seed 9/30]. Now carry on by
jumping up the ledge on the right.

Go through the gap, break the lantern and find [seed 10/30], now climb the
vines and jump the gap. Go through the gap, jump the gap and climb the vines.
Follow the path, then swing across the branches.

Now attack the spiders and the gunk strands to make sure she doesn't sink.
Once they are done, collect any health if needed. Break the gunk in the north
to find [seed 11/30].

Swing on the branches, kill the fireflys and swing some more branches. Slide
down the vine, jump to the vines on the wall and drop down to collect [seed

Grab a seed and use the first vent, but fly to the left, from here follow the
path, killing the firefly, make sure to collect a seed from the flower the go
and collect [seed 12/30] along this path.

Use the vent to grab [star 2/5] then jump back down to the first flower. Grab
a seed from it and fly over the vents. When you land break the first rock
thing here to collect [seed 13/30]. This will unlock a reward in the village.

Continue over the logs, break the next rock thing to collect [honeycomb 1/10],
carry on killing the fireflys, breaking their hives and collecting health. Go
to the right breaking the hives here to find [honeycomb 2/10]. Grab a
waterfruit seed and bring it back over the log, water the flower here.

Grab a seed and use the vent to float over to the right, the Wild Thing will
eat you. [This is for a Trophy, not because I'm mad. :P]. Now grab another
seed and use the vent to float over to K.W. collect the [seed 14/30] here.

Move forward killing the fireflys and using their bombs to break the big
hives. The final hive contains [honeycomb 3/10] Move forward jump the first
gap and then jump to the left to find [seed 15/30], now jump over to the other
side. Kill the bugs here using the bomb to break the cage ahead.

This unlocked the [Greased Lightning] Trophy.

Now jump up the ledges collecting [seed 16/30], collect a seed from the flower
and glide down using the vent to reach the top of the tree. Jump the gaps then
kill the bugs here, use one of the bombs to break the cage around the
waterfruit tree.

Break the rock thing in the right corner to find [seed 17/30] and break the
rock thing in the left corner next to the vine seed to find [seed 18/30], head
south and break the rock thing here to find [seed 19/30].

Water the vine and climb it, break everything here and kill the fireflys to
find [honeycomb 4-5/10]. Climb the vine, break the rock thing to find [seed
20/30]. Grab a seed from the flower and use the vent to fly up and collect
[star 3/5].

Now jump the gaps, swing the branches and jump some more! Jump to the vines
and climb up to the ledge to find [honeycomb 6/10]. Follow the path climb the
ledges and shimmy. On the top ledge make sure you're hanging on it with your
hands then jump to the vine. From this vine go to the bottom and jump the
opposite direction of the cliff to swing some branches and find [star 4/5].

Jump back, climb both vines, then swing some more branches, now follow the
ledge to the right to shimmy round and find [seed 21/30]. Head back round and
follow the path to find [seed 22/30]. Drop down the ledge and break the rock
thing to find [honeycomb 7/10].

Carry on break another one to find [seed 23/30]. Now let them break the first
rock to unveil [seed 24/30]. Move to the next rock and let them water the seed
to grow a nectar plant. Move along to break the next two rocks to find
[honeycomb 8/10] and [seed 25/30].

Now grab some nectar and throw it at them both, some feathers will be dropped,
now walk forward and grab a feather and fly across the gap. Here you'll find
[seed 26/30]. Carry on break the rock thing to find [seed 27/30] and break
another to find [seed 28/30].

Move forward and break the rock things to the left to find [honeycomb 9/10],
now break some more in the top left corner to find [seed 29/30]. Move to the
right and break some more to find [honeycomb 10/10] now move right and break
some more next to a tree stump to find [seed 30/30]. Move the stump to the
ledge so you can reach [star 5/5].
After collecting honeycomb 10 here I got the [Friend of Douglas] Trophy.

Now move forward and jump up the ledge. Another time for spiders, but this
time you have to protect two Wild Things from sinking. Its not much harder
just whack away and make sure none of them sink. I got the [The Cleaner]
Trophy here.

Once thats over you'll have a bigger gunk thing to fight, he takes a lot of
damage from you but just go in and attack him. Hit him twice then block, hit
him twice then block. He should just keep using the one attack where he turns
purple. However if his tail starts to move run! It doesn't take much hits and
then he'll be dead.
The level is now done and you'll receive the [Go to Nowhere] Trophy.


|Crumbling Island| CRU10|
|Stars: 5 |
|Eggs: 15 |
|Honeycombs: 10 |
|Geodes: 5 |

[NOTE: You will have to replay this level to get everything, don't worry if
you can clearly see a collectable yet not reach it as I will cover it straight

Start off by walking forwards and breaking the rock things on the right of the
bridge to find [egg 1/15], now cross the bridge taking care of the fireflys.
You'll find [honeycomb 1/10] on the right on the other side of the bridge.

Now follow the path break the first bush on the left to find [egg 2/15]. Now
watch the scene move forwards quickly then jump over the gap using the branch
when you can. Break the bush on the right for [honeycomb 2/10].

Jump across the gap and collect [honeycomb 3/10], break the rock thing for
[egg 3/15]. Jump down and shimmy along then jump the gaps before the rocks
fall. Jump in the vent to float up and collect [star 1/5].

Kill the fireflys and collect [egg 4/15], grab a seed and float over the gaps
collecting [honeycomb 4/10] on the first rock. Float done to the lantern and
collect [egg 5/15] and grab some health. Float up using the vent and break the
bushes here for [geode 1-2/5].

Move round collecting [egg 6/15], jump the gaps collecting [geode 3/5] on the
first rock. Move round killing the fireflys and break their hive for
[honeycomb 5/10]. Swing the branch to find out you'll fall done, run round and
collect [egg 7/15]. Break the bushes on the left for [egg 8/15].

Carry on round killing the fireflys, now break the two rock things next to the
lantern to find [geode 4/5] and [honeycomb 6/10]. Run through the cave, now
attack one of the bomb fireflys, [the orange ones] and let it drop a bomb,
pick it up and drop it instantly, now stand next to it. All the fireflys will
crowd around killing them all with the bomb. This will unlock the
[Demolitionist] Trophy.

On the right you'll find [egg 9/15] and ahead you'll find [honeycomb 7/10]
once all the hives are destroyed. From this honeycomb, head left through a gap
to find a lantern, break the bushes here to find [egg 10/15] which will unlock
the [Friend of KW] Trophy.

Move forward and you'll drop into a cave, kill all the gunk monsters here and
break all the gunk to find [egg 11/15], now climb the tree root. Head back to
find [star 2/5]. Now instead of heading forwards head left and follow the path
to find [star 3/5], now jump up the ledges here to find [honeycomb 8/10] and
[egg 12/15].

Now head back and move forwards for another spider fight. Block the top hole
with the first tree stump and Douglas will jump done and drop some feathers.
Grab one and jump up to the ledge on the right. While up here make sure to
collect [honeycomb 9/10] on the right before pushing the stump down.

Kill any spiders and push the stump off the ledge. Block the bottom hole and
kill any spiders. Make sure the whole time you are breaking the gunk strands
so KW doesn't sink. Kill the boss using the two hit, block method as before
then free KW. Collect any health if needed then collect [egg 13/15] at the

Hit the big boulder to smash it down. Now jump down the hole and make sure you
jump at the bottom to the rock. Now jump across the pillars making sure you
collect the [star 4/5] on the left.

On the other side you'll land right next to [geode 5/5] and [honeycomb 10/10].
This ends the level and unlocks the [Survive the Destruction] Trophy.

Judith grew a dustflower to complete her garden.


Now we have a dustflower run and grab one at one of the gardens and throw it
at different Wild Things, this will unlock the [Allergen] Trophy.


Now save and quit and replay the Crumbling Island mission, when you get to the
first dandelion flower, use the seed to float over the pillars. From the last
one you want to try and float as the vent bursts out from underneath you. The
vent appears in front of the lantern.

The vent should shoot you up to the top and you'll land on a higher platform.
Here you'll find [eggs 14-15/15], now float over to [star 5/5]. You can quit
the level once you've collected everything.


|The Old Willow| TOW11|
|Stars: 10 |
|Honeycombs: 20 |
|Eggs: 15 |

I won't lead you through the whole level as its a lot of jumping and ducking.
At first there are a couple of multiple routes, take all the left hand routes
as we will have to replay this level.

When you get to the cave with the sandy floor, you're at the single route. The
first [star 1/10] is right in the middle of the path between two trees. After
a few twists and corners you'll find [star 2/10] on the right behind a tree.
Its just before a jump over a river.

After the river jump, you'll smash some brambles duck under a tree and find
the next [star 3/10] around the corner, its very hard to miss.

Right after the boulders in the middle of the path. [star 4/10], the next
[star 5/10] is just round the corner.

Now playing as Max, head forwards to the cave and break the bushes on the left
to find [egg 1/15]. Head right and kill the fireflys using a bomb to break the
hive and uncover [honeycomb 1/20]. Head through the gap here and climb the
vines. Break the bush up here for [egg 2/15].

No pick up a rock and knock down two waterfruit seeds. Jump down and go and
grab one, water the seed to the north and the seed over on the left. Climb the
left vine to reach the ledge and find [star 6/10]. Jump down and climb up the
north vine to find [egg 3/15].

Walk through and grab a feather, fly over to the vines and climb up, finding
[egg 4/15] here. Grab another feather and jump over to the [egg 5/15] sitting
on the ledge back the other way. Now fly over to collect [star 7/10].

Jump the gaps till you can't go any further, jump back to collect [egg 6-8/15]
jump back down and head all the way left over to KW. Then right to find [egg
9/15]. Now climb the vines to the top where you'll find [egg 10/15].
This unlocks a reward at the village.

Head into the tree, break the bush on the left and you'll find [egg 11/15].
Follow the path breaking the two bushes you find to collect [egg 12/15], carry
on breaking more bushes and finding [egg 13/15]. Swing and climb the vines to
the top to find [egg 14/15] hiding in another bush.

Jump the gaps and break the bushes here to find [egg 15/15] and [honeycomb
2/20]. Walk across the branch and into the giant hive. Break the rock things
on the right to find [honeycomb 3/20]. Now break the rock things in the North
East corner to find [honeycombs 4-5/20].

Whack the boulder on the left to break it and find [honeycomb 6/20]. Kill any
fireflys here and break the three hives to find [honeycombs 7-9/20]. Carry on
and break the two hives on the left for [honeycombs 10-11/20]. Kill the
fireflys and use a bomb to break the big hive which is hiding [honeycomb
12/20]. My health upgraded to 8 hearts here.

Cross the beams, kill the fireflys. Throw a rock at the hive and Carol will
destroy it, which will uncover [honeycomb 13/20]. Carry on breaking the rock
things ahead to find [honeycomb 14/20]. Kill all the fireflys here then jump
over the gap.

Climb the vines and break the hives here for [honeycombs 15-16/20]. Jump the
gaps and break the rock things for [honeycomb 17/20]. Carry on and go and
break the three hives on the opposite side for [honeycombs 18-20/20]. Kill the
remaining fireflys. Hit the middle then climb the vine to finish the level.
The [Find a New Island] Trophy will unlock.

KW finished her owl colony and the purple hive is finished.

Replay the level and this time take all the left hand paths until you reach a
section where you're just jumping over small rivers, not big leaps across

You'll find [star 8/10] sitting above a fallen log. [star 9/10] is after the
next big leap followed by a duck straight away. It is in the middle of the
path, just avoid the trees. The next [star 10/10] is right after this again
clear in the middle.

|Setting Sail| SSA12|
|Stars: 10 |
|Honeycombs: 5 |
|Geodes: 25 |

When you start head to the left to find [star 1/10] unlocking the [Galaxy]
Trophy. Now head forwards smashing the bushes on the right to find [geodes
1-2/25]. Continue forwards smashing more bushes to find [geode 3/25], now jump
up the ledge and collect [geode 4/25]. Now press [o] in the circle to get

Continue forwards dodging the smoke and smashing all the bushes to find
[geodes 5-6/25]. At the top, break the bushes behind the stump for [geode
7/25] This unlocks a reward at the village. Now move the stump to the right
and climb the ledge, smash everything here for [geodes 8-10/25] and
[honeycomb 1/5].

Jump across to the other side, or push the stump across to get up, now fight
off all the fireflys and break the hives using a bomb to drop the tree.
Before you cross break the bushes in front of you to find [honeycomb 2/5].

Cross the tree, swing on the branch and climb the vines to the top. Kill the
fireflys here and break the bushes on the left for [geode 11/25]. Now use a
bomb to knock down the tree. Cross the tree and break the bushes on the left
to find [geode 12/25]. Now continue across the log to find [geode 13/25].

Break the bush on the left for [geode 14/25] and jump up the ledges, break the
bushes on the second to last ledge to find [geode 15/25]. Now go up the left
route and you'll find [geode 16/25]. Continue forwards swinging across the
branches to find some more fireflys, kill them and use a bomb to break the big

Break all the hives and you'll find [honeycombs 3-5/5] the final honeycombs in
the game. This will unlock the [Beekeeper] Trophy and a cheat. You'll also
find [star 2/10] and [geode 17/25].

[The cheat turns off the Wild Things ability to eat Max which we need to gain
a Trophy]

Make your way back across the branches and jump the gap. Now break the bushes
on the left and right for [geodes 18-19/25]. Now enter the cave and jump over
to find [geode 20/25]. Fight off the bugs and jump the gaps for [geode 21/25].

Carry on and break the bushes on the left for [geode 22/25]. Woo! another
spider fight. Again use the same tactics as always, just make sure you keep
the Wild Things from sinking. A few fireflys might join the fight but just
keep blocking. After the fight break the bush on the far left of the beach for
[geode 23/25].

Break the bushes on the right of the cave exit for [geode 24/25] and break the
bush under the bridge for [geode 25/25]. Now whack the two support beams to
knock the raft down and get thrown to it.

The first [star 3/10] is on the left of the third rock, it may be hard to get
and survive. But you can get it and die, it doesn't matter. After the first
whirlpool [star 4/10] is on the left. [star 5/10] is just after the second
whirpool and just before the third.

[star 6/10] can be found easily, near some floating gunk.

In the cave the first [star 7/10] can be clearly seen on the left. The next
[star 8/10] is on the right as you turn the corner, next to a pillar. The next
[star 9/10] is seen clearly on the right of the river. The next [star 10/10]
can be seen from a mile away, just make sure to dodge the falling rocks.

This finishes the level and unlocks the [Reach the Ocean] Trophy.

|Below the Roots| BTR13|
|Stars: 5 |
|Turtles: 30 |

Start off by heading backwards and breaking everything here to find [turtle
1/30]. Swing across, jump down and swing some more. Break the bushes here for
[turtle 2/30], now jump the gap and walk round. Jump down into the trunk here
to find [star 1/5]. Now climb the vines.

You'll find [turtle 3/30] here on the first set of vines and [turtle 4/30] on
the second set. Make sure to dodge the bugs. Climb down and jump over, now
walk round for yet another spider fight. Do the usual, make sure you hit the
fireflys away as they will explode. Break the rock thing behind K.W. for
[turtle 5/30].

Hit the wall to get through, jump down and break the rock thing on the left
for [turtle 6/30]. Hit away the fireflys, jump down and across then up the
ledges. Now swing across and break the bushes here for [turtle 7/30]. Now
shimmy jump up and drop, collect [turtle 8/30] now hold the edge with your
hands and jump away to swing to the ledge.

Shimmy and drop down then jump the gap now head in the cave. Hit the fireflys
away, walk forward for [turtle 9/30]. Now walk to the right and out the cave,
while in the water break the bush in the east section to gain access to [star

Ignore the first stump right and walk on ahead. Kill the bugs and use the bomb
to break the cage then push the stump onto the nearest button. Grab the first
stump and push it to the wall in the corner so you can climb the vines. Push
the stump up here down and put it on the first button, now climb all the way
up the vines.

Go grab the [turtle 10/30] near the cliff edge to unlock the [Friend of
Alexander] Trophy. Now go and hit the big tree. Cross the tree knocking away
any fireflys, now destroy the two hives here to find [turtle 11/30] under the
right one. Break the next hive and kill any remaining fireflys.

Now carry on forwards, collecting [turtle 12/30] on the stump. Walk down the
ledge on the left then slide down the vine. Now head right jumping the gaps
while dodging the falling bombs. Drop down the ledges, slide down the vine and
jump the gap. Slide down to find [turtle 13/30].

Cross the beam, shimmy then drop down one to find [turtle 14/30], now drop all
the way down. Jump across all the gaps and then head forwards. You'll find
[star 3/5] sitting in front of you, make sure to jump while the platform falls
to find [turtle 15/30].

Carry on forwards and shimmy along the wall to find [turtle 16/30], carry on
and jump the gap. Break the rock thing here for [turtle 17/30]. Head round and
grab a waterfruit seed and water the left seed to find [turtle 18/30]. Water
the right hand seed and climb the vines, avoiding the bugs. Up the top you'll
find [turtle 19/30] sitting in front of you.

Walk forward and get thrown down, jump from column to column before they all
crumble. Grab a rock and throw it at the two hives behind the giant hive, as
they contain two turtles.
Grab some pollen or a rock and throw it at the
fireflys across the gap to open a path. Here you'll find [turtles 20-21/30]
just sitting here.

Kill any fireflys and grab a rock, throw it at the fireflys across the gap to
create a vent. Whack the flower, grab a seed and float over to the ledge on
the left, break the hive and walk round, jump the gap and collect [star 4/5].
Now jump down and [turtle 22/30] is over on the right. Go an grab the two
[turtles 23-24/30] which we hit out of the hives earlier on the left.

Head inside to find [turtle 25/30]. Walk through and when you get to the end,
break the rock things on the right for [turtle 26/30]. Swing across then jump
to the ledge on the left for [turtle 27/30], now shimmy round. This unlocks
a reward at the village. Drop down when needed then jump from the ledge to
find [star 5/5] and [turtle 28/30].

Make your way along the pipes until you come across [turtle 29/30] sitting on
a step. Swing across the branches and you'll find [turtle 30/30].
This finishes the level and unlocks the [Find Alexander] Trophy.


Alexander finished his animal village with a raccoon hutch.
Ira has punched holes in his last boulder.


Back at the village head all the way through the cave, throw a rock at the
firefly hive and use the bomb from the defeated firefly to break the big
boulder to find [star 13/15].

Now head back through the cave and across the river. Head all the way to the
left and up the ramp to the waterfruit tree. Grab a waterfruit seed and water
the three seeds behind you to find [seeds 28-29/30].

Now water the rest of the seeds here to grow a purple tree, grab one and drop
it to attract the bugs, kill them. Now break the bushes on the left and use
the stump to climb up the vines. When up here grab a rock and throw it at the
nest here, kill the firefly and use its bomb to break the rock ahead.

Here you'll find [star 14/15] and [geodes 14-15/15] the last of all the geodes
in the game. This will unlock the [Geologist] Trophy and a new cheat. [Turn
this cheat on as it shows you where the missing treasures are in that level.]

[NOTE: As I am writing this as I play through on my first time, I have missed
a couple of items here, but I will cover them now. It just might not seem the
logical way to get it for you. I will try to fix this in the future but
renumbering everything and moving all the Trophy tags will take a while, so
sorry :P]

Anyway head all the way back to your tent and head up the hill here and smash
the bush to find [star 15/15].
Now head over to the garden on this side of the river and if you're facing the
cliff head left past the thin grey tree you can climb and break the rock thing
here for [seed 30/30]. This will unlock the [Green Thumb] Trophy and a cheat.

That is now all the collectables in the Village.

Now lets unlock a trophy before the final level.

Now is an ok time to get eaten! :D Just go up to a Wild Thing and hit it, it
will hit you back, keep hitting it and when you get down to one heart it will
eat you. Let three Wild Things eat you and you should unlock the [Three Square
Meals] Trophy.

|A Trip to the Moon| TTM14|
|Stars: 10 |
|Skulls: 15 |
|Eggs: 15 |
|Houses: 15 |
|Turtles: 15 |

[NOTE: This level is the perfect time to get the Worst King Ever Trophy as
there is a ridonculous amount of spider fights in this long level. If you
haven't already got it just let the Wild Things sink everytime you get a
chance, you'll unlock it in no time.]

Start by whacking the bushes right of you for [egg 1/15], now jump down to the
right and kill the bug here. Use the bomb to break the cage on the right for
[star 1/10]. Break the bushes in the top right for [egg 2/15] and the bushes
in the bottom left for [egg 3/15].

Now jump back up and head north and whack the four or so bushes here for [eggs
4-5/15]. Follow the path along here and whack the gunk on the right to find
[skull 1-3/15]. Climb the vine up to the ledge to find [egg 6/15]. Whack away
the fireflys here before they blow up.

Break the bushes here for [egg 7/15]. Now jump across the gaps quickly before
any of the columns fall, making sure to collect [eggs 8-10/15]. Jump to the
vines, avoiding the bugs and collecting [star 2/10] on the last vine.

Now jump across the gaps collecting [egg 11/15] on the first column. When you
get on to solid land, break the bush on the right for [egg 12/15] walk forward
and collect [egg 13/15].

Now jump across the floating islands, until you can jump to the right to
collect [star 3/10], continue along the islands to the other side to find [egg
14/15]. Break the bushes on the right for [egg 15/15], the final egg in the
game. This unlocks the [incubator] Trophy and a cheat. [Full Lanterns]

Now kill any fireflys and jump to the vine, slide down and break the gunk here
for [skull 4/15]. Climb the vine and swing the branches till you can see [star
4/10] sitting at the bottom of the vine. Collect it and climb back up, now
carry on jumping and swinging.

You'll find [star 5/10] sitting at the bottom of a vine. Once you're on safe
ground collect [skull 5/15] on the right. Time for another spider fight. If
you like you can let them sink if you haven't got the Worst King Ever Trophy,
this will add to your total of three different wild things to sink.

Otherwise do the normal, you can use the fireflys to help get read of some of
the strands pulling the Things down. Just stand next to a Wild Thing and kill
the firefly from there to make it explode.

After the fight run forwards and break the gunk next to the vines for [skull
6/15], now climb the vines. At the top take a left to find [house 1/15]. Now
go back and jump the gap, break the gunk on the right next to the hive for
[turtle 1/15], now break the hive.

Break the left hand hive for [house 2/15], now use a bomb to break the wall
ahead. Continue forward breaking the rock thing on the right for [house 3/15].
Swing the branches, climb the vines and climb some more. Now swing to the
right to land on [turtle 2/15].

Kill the spiders and break the rock things on the right for [house 4/15], now
climb the vine. Kill all the spiders and free Alexander [? I still can never
remember who is who, lol], break the rocks here for [turtle 3/15].

Whack the wall ahead to get through and swing across and round. Drop and jump
across the gaps to find [house 5/15]. Climb up and break the gunk on the left
for [turtle 4/15]. Kill all the gunk spiders and walk across the beam. Break
the gunk and climb the vines.

Up here break the gunk on the right to find [house 6/15]. Kill and fireflys
then climb the vine avoiding any bugs. Break the gunk on the right for [skull
7/15]. Break the gunk and YAY! yet another spider fight. Do what you've done
the last 100 times. My hearts maxed out here to ten and I got the [Ace of
Hearts] Trophy.

Walk all the way round until you can't anymore to find [house 7/15], break
free the tree stump and use it to reach the [star 6/10]. Now go back and whack
the wooden wall to reveal a vine wall to climb.

At the top swing and climb and jump the gap to the waterfruit tree where
[turtle 5/15]. Now grab a waterfruit and chuck it down until you kill all the
electric bugs. Now grab one, jump down and water the seed. Kill any more bugs
here. Now climb the vine to find [turtle 6/15] sitting here.

Carry on jumping any gaps and then jump to the swing, from here jump across
the vines avoiding the bug. Climb all the way to the top of the second vine
for [star 7/10]. Jump across the swings and the vines avoiding the bugs.

Jump backwards off the last vine and break the gunk here for [turtle 7/15],
jump the gap to find [house 8/15]. Now carry on round and jump the ledge.

woopee another spider fight...

You can let this Thing sink to get the Worst king Ever Trophy if you haven't
got it. Break the gunk to the south here for [house 9/15]. Chuck some pollen,
grab a feather and float across. Kill the spiders and collect [turtle 8/15].
Break the gunk in the top left for [spider 9/15].

Climb the vine and break the gunk on the right for [house 10/15]. Break the
wall of gunk for [skull 8/15]. Seriously??? Another spider fight....*sigh*

Grab a feather and fly up for [turtle 10/15]. Fly across the gaps to find
[turtle 11/15], climb the vines and......... -_- .....old.

Break the rock thing on the right for [turtle 12/15], the gunk on the left for
[skull 9/15]. Climb the vines on the left for [star 8/10]. Continue forward
for our favourite feature of this game and break the gunk on the far side for
[house 11/15] and the gunk on the left most side for [turtle 13/15].

After the fight walk across the pillar and collect [house 12/15]. Quickly
break the gunk on the far side of this platform for [house 13/15] and [skull
10/15]. Climb the vine, swing and climb. Walk across the left beam for [star
9/10], now walk back and across the other beam, jump and climb.

Break the gunk here for [skull 11/15]. Run up the stairs and jump up the
ledges, break the gunk right after the smoke on the right for [skull 12/15].
Climb the ledge and break the gunk on the left for [skull 13/15], swing across
the gap and take a left. Down the steps break the gunk for [turtle 14/15]. Now
go forward and swing across, break the gunk on the left for [skull 14/15], now
die. Yes die, lol.

Once you respawn, swing across the branch on the right and break the gunk on
the left for [skull 15/15], the last in the game. This will unlock the
[Hamlet] Trophy and a cheat. The cheat makes you invulnerable.

Swing across and break the gunk on the far left for [turtle 15/15] the last in
the game which unlocks the [Veterinarian] Trophy and a cheat. The cheat kills
enemies with one hit. Swing across and collect [house 14/15], now jump up the

Keep jumping and swinging until you come across [house 15/15] the final house
in the game, which unlocks the [Real Estate Mogul] Trophy and a cheat. The
cheat is the Ride Cheat.

Carry on running and jumping, leap and collect the final [star 10/10], the
final star in the game, which unlocks the [Universe] Trophy.

15 Dec 2012 16:06