WWE 2K17

WWE 2K17

59 Achievements

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Dangerous intent

Dangerous intent

WWE Universe - Inflict a critical injury status effect on an opponent in a match.


How to unlock the Dangerous intent achievement in WWE 2K17 - Definitive Guide

WWE Universe, New, My Universe, Superstars

*Easiest superstar to use is CACTUS JACK who needs to be purchased with VC before you can use him in matches.

Scroll down to your target, mine was HEATH SLATER. cn_Y Edit this superstar. Scroll to Hit Point Ratio. Take all the points off HEAD, ARMS AND LEGS and put them all on BODY. This should give you 600 on HEAD, ARMS and LEGS, then 2200 on BODY. cn_start Accept the changes and back out to the Universe screen.

The above step isn't necessary but makes things a lot easier.

Now go to TONIGHTS SHOW and tonight on RAW. Can be done on any show as all shows have three matches.

Now cn_RB edit the first three matches to be CACTUS JACK vs HEATH SLATER in an extreme rules match. cn_start Accept the changes to the show and then cn_A select the show and start.

*Only one body part can be injured at any one time. Which is why we increased the BODY hit point ratio as this can be injured accidently and quickly.

FIRST MATCH: Focus as many moves as possible on the head. Use weapons and the front cn_A cn_LSl and cn_A cn_LSr grapples are both head attacks and JACKS finishers as well. The damage indicator will change from yellow - orange - red - dark red. Once it is dark red you can complete the match.

SECOND MATCH: Same again only this time SLATER will start with a dark red head. Focus attacks on the head this time it will change from dark red - purple. Once it is purple you can complete the match.

THIRD MATCH: You guessed it same again this time SLATER will start the match with a purple head. Focus attacks on the head this time it will change from purple to a white/grey. Once it is white/grey you can complete the match.

Congrats on being 15G richer. clap

20 Oct 2016 19:35

Go to WWE Universe Mode - > Select Edit Show -> Add the person you want to injure into multiple no holds barred match against who you intend to use.

To get this achievement you must get a superstar critically injured. As you damage a superstar Parts of the body will turn different colours. Once they take so much damage to a certain part it will turn past red.

This will only change once per match. I focused on damaging just the head with a baseball bat and played as Cactus Jack who's move Signature and Finisher are to damage the head. I had previously tried doing damage to the torso and could not get this to work.

Dark Red - Minor Injury
Purple - Major Injury
White - Critical Injury

I setup two matches against Rusev (thats who I decided to injure) on the first Raw show as No holds barred so I could beat him up outside the ring without the count out worry.

Match started I proceeded to go outside the ring and hit Rusev in the head over and over with the bat , OMG moments and finishers Until the head turned Dark red. It will go from Black - >Yellow - > Orange - > Red -> Dark Red. Once this happened I finished the match. On the same show I had a second match against Rusev set up the exact sam way. No holds barred etc..

This match started and Rusev started with his head being Dark Red. Rinse and repeat countless blows to the head with the bat and finishers/specials. It took a bit of time but his head then turned purple. I finished the match and ended the shows. I had two news prompts stating that Rusev had a minor injury and another then stating the injury had gotten worse.

I then started Main event and again made a No Holds barred using Cactus against Rusev. This time Rusev started with his head being purple. Again excessive damage to the head with bat and finishers and eventually ( I say eventually because it seemed to take a long time) the head turned white. I finished the match and it popped.

I should note that if you get one body part as Dark red you cannot get a second part to turn. Once Rusevs head was Dark Red I hit him over and over in the arm/body/legs with the bat for 20 mins and it would not change. Again I used the head and it worked well.

18 Oct 2016 01:20

Nice! I'll try this method. Last year I used Mikey Whipwreck, this year I'll use Bo Dallas since he's only a 67 rating.
By SCP1980 on 18 Oct 2016 02:31
Thanks for explaining the color system, I just kept giving up after a while because it takes so damn long
By CD Smiles on 19 Oct 2016 00:33
I've also noticed that ladder strikes to the head of a prone opponent works well.
By SCP1980 on 19 Oct 2016 11:40
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This will take at least 3 matches of constantly attacking one body part, and it might take a while. Edit a weak superstar (I used Fandango), and change the hit points for his head to 600. Make a match with someone with a signature and finisher attacking the head (I used Dean Ambrose) vs the person you edited earlier. I did it in Extreme Rules matches but some people have had problems with this, so stick to a normal match, with fast momentum. Now wail on your opponent until the head on his HUD turns from light red to dark, and finish the match. Skip to the next show and create the same match. The opponents head should still be dark red. Beat on him again until it turns purple. Repeat with one more match, the head should turn grey. At the end of this match, your opponent should have a critical injury, gaining you this trophy.

Receive in the process of receiving Full recovery

13 May 2017 23:15