X-Men Origins: Wolverine

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

51 Achievements


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The Dead Pool

The Dead Pool

Defeated Weapon 11 (Deadpool)


How to unlock the The Dead Pool achievement in X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Definitive Guide

Its rather easy to do, but Hard can lead to some cheap deaths. Here's what I did:
Immediately go into Beserker Rage and play defense. When you get a counter on Deadpool you'll do decent damage. At the end of the move, it sets up for a juggle. You can usually do 2-3 air grabs on him.
The second part of the fight is similar except for the fact that DP keeps taking out parts of the bridge. The strategy is the same, except from time to time you will have to lunge at him to close the gap.
This is the part that has some cheap deaths as he will blast you while you leap, or you could have an awkward jump crossing the gaps.

06 May 2009 14:32

1 Comment
I have no beef with this solution, I just need to point out that the thing you fight is NOT Deadpool. Not even a little bit. Stupid film ruining it for everyone.
By BraynDedd on 28 Apr 2010 09:14
The way I beat him down was get in close and hold Y for uppercut then when hes in the air hit B and slam him and immediatly repeat. He may get away once or twice but just lunge at him and get back to uppercuts and slams. Its simple uppercut, slam, uppercut, slam, uppercut, slam. DO NOT USE BESERKER RAGE!!!

20 Jun 2009 04:35

this way is by far the easiest way to do it.
By R32owner2B on 11 Dec 2009 19:24
I agree, the easiest way by far.
By sues2008 on 14 May 2010 21:12
I charged up my Y, launched him in the air, pressed X a few times (NO MORE THEN FIVE) then B for a slam, repeat etc. Counter attacks are also helpfull, if he starts unloading on you, tap LT fast for a possible counter attack

when fighting him on hard i did notice that berserker was very handy, i upgraded my berserker so i got faster regeneration, if my health was low i went in berserker and just button mashed around him untill my health was good again. Fighting deadpool is very frustrating though. If he starts zapping you from far away, it also helps to go in berserker, just dont let him zap you when you're in the air, it could send you flying off the ridge. I finally got him on hard after 10 tries.

Good luck to everyone who is trying, this was (by far) the most annoying boss battle in ages for me...
By Woette on 09 Jan 2012 18:12
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hard mode offers its challenges to this boss fight but it is still the same fight it was on any other difficulty.i was able to beat dead pool in just 20 minutes or less. this strategy refers to the second prtion of the fight wich takes place on top of a silo.first part: charge yout heavy attack (hold Y) after this hits deadpool he will "pop-up" (ultimate aliance term) then follow thru imediately with light attacks (rapidly push X). this will do far more damage to him than anything else.including the counter attack, wich is difficult to time. second part: dead pool will now move far from you as possible and blow out the silo from under you.when the game slows, jump toward dead pool (left or right). when you are close enough you can lunge at him.you may miss the hit but this will keep him from using the strong optic blasic (actual comicbook name).then follow thru with the previously metioned heavy attack sequence.if you get to counter,you can follow thru with the heavy attack as well. added advantage: equip these three mutogens:

Healing Factor: Decreases cool down time before regeneration begins

Savage: Regain a small amount of health by dealing damage (this is a sevear help in the second part)

Unstoppable: Reduces damage taken

just be on the look out for stupid ai blunders. like wolverine not jumping,not jumping in any direction,buttons not responing when pressed,wolverine being hit by an optic blast wile in mid air and some how able to get thru the invisible wall and thus falling to his doom.thees and more happend to me many times.just try your best to stay on top of dead pool and you can prevent the likely hood of these events. movie version deadpool sucks!!!!!


26 Nov 2010 07:21

1 Comment
Big thumbs up. Can't imagine how you got a neg vote. This method keeps Wpn XI off balance so you can do your thing. I used offensive mutagens because Wpn XI didn't have a chance to put a dent in my health. I went with Art of War, Shredder, and Rampage. The last two were superfluous because I didn't need to use any Fury attacks.

In the third phase, it's good to finish the lunge with a Y. That dazes Wpn XI and you can charge up Y to start the recurring attack sequence--Charge Y-X-X-X-X-X-B. It helps, once you finish the lunge-Y, to move behind Wpn X centered on the platform. It's best to execute the Charge Y-X-X-X-X-X-B in the center of the platform, If you do it on the inside or outside edge, he has a good chance of escaping should you knock him off the platform.

Finally, if he does escape, it's best not to jump unless you have to hurdle a hole. As soon as Wpn XI escapes, dodge by holding LT & RT together and pushing the LS either towards Wpn XI or away from a hole. As you point out, Wpn XI can and will hit you in the air. It's best to stay on the ground. Only lunge when you're close. The optic blast is faster than a long lunge.

Wpn XI can only make five holes. After that, he will try to hit you with his optic blast that you can dodge with LT+RT+LS. You really don't want him to hit you. The optic blast not only damages Wolverine but also transfers some of Wolverine's HPs to Wpn XI.

Now that I am practiced in your technique, I can keep the rhythm going and Wpn XI only escapes from me once or twice. I've been trying to do it perfectly where he never escapes. Not ruling out player error, I suspect the game provides Wpn XI with one freebie escape.

Again, great solution and much more reliable and consistent than counters or quick kills.
By Allgorhythm on 18 Jan 2014 17:55
I don't know if anyone's still playing this game, but I think I've found a pretty good method for beating Deadpool even on hard.

First, you want to hold down the Y button to pop him up in the air, then air throw him to the ground with the B button. As soon as you hit the ground, hold the Y button down again and repeat the process.

Deadpool seems to have a hard time getting out of this attack, but every once in a while he does. Just get close to him and start the process over. Eventually you'll whittle down his health. When he starts firing his eye laser things at you, just dodge and absorb the blasts as you get close enough to lunge to him, then start using the Y/B method again.

Also, if you go berserk, the moves change up a bit, you still pop him up with Y and throw him down with B but Wolverine stays in the air after pressing B. Press the Y button while in the air to slam to the ground and do a little extra damage.

Hope this helps, it worked like a charm for me.

07 Aug 2011 17:31

At first, I thought this might be really difficult but after a while I realized what I was doing wrong.

For the first fight, I simply spammed Y. Every time he appeared near me, I hit Y and did an uppercut. Then I kept hitting Y and Wolverine would do this big punch that shot Deadpool out into the air. Usually he'd teleport back right to me and I'd just keep spamming Y. You just have to be looking in the right direction but be careful because he usually teleports near you, and then teleports again - still near you but in another spot. I always just waited for the second teleport and then spammed Y until his health depleted. Not bad but takes a little while.

For the second part - what I was doing wrong was that I totally forgot about the LUNGE. This was key. I was just doing the Y thing again and then dashing around/jumping over the gaps but I kept falling in now and then, causing me to start over from the beginning of the fight.

THEN I remembered to LUNGE and took him out in one run. Basically, just stay near him and spam Y again until he runs away. If you can, dash so you're close enough and then LUNGE to him. Keep spamming Y or whatever attack works best for you. I cut my time way down using lunge. He only cut one or two parts of the floor away before he was taken out.

Hopefully it'll work just as well on hard difficulty! :)
Hope this helps...

25 May 2011 01:52

Adding to what T Daddy says, do an uppercut, press X 4 or 5 times (but NOT 6!), then immediately press B to slam him down and repeat. Keep doing this, and even if he manages to get up, a quick uppercut should keep this going.
I use this way, quit good and quick

23 Jun 2017 13:41

Story Related, cannot be missed.

The final battle of the game sees you up against the mutated Deadpool. This battle is basically a fist fight. Use Rage Specials and counter moves liberally, and short combos (aerials started with are quite effective).

The second phase of this fight is essentially the same, although it adds a laser attack which periodically may trigger the destruction of the reactor platform you are standing on. This is particularly annoying, as a misstep at this point can lead to an instant death. This is the most frustrating part of the game, as otherwise the battle is not overly difficult.

Similar to Gambit, there is no optional trophy associated with this battle.

If you are struggling with this Boss Fight, please refer to WickedNite's Supplemental Enemy/Boss Strategy Guide for tips.