Wario World

Wario World

81 Достижение


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Have a Rotten Day, Greenie!

Have a Rotten Day, Greenie!

Help me beat up some green guy and clear Greenhorn Forest

3 95.85%
Great, Now There's Sand Everywhere

Great, Now There's Sand Everywhere

No idea what that was, but I beat it and Greenhorn Ruins!

4 67.25%
DinoMighty? More Like DinoWimpy!

DinoMighty? More Like DinoWimpy!

Have me defeat DinoMighty so I can get their key!

10 60.48%
I'm Not Scared of Anything!

I'm Not Scared of Anything!

Help me defeat some doll thing and clear Horror Manor

4 50.87%
Just Kidding, I'm Scared of Clowns

Just Kidding, I'm Scared of Clowns

Help me defeat the creepy elf clown thing and clear Wonky Circus! Now get me outta here, this place gives me the creeps.

4 43.67%
Two Heads Aren't Better Than One!

Two Heads Aren't Better Than One!

Help me Defeat Dual Dragon so I can get its key!

10 41.7%
Giving Him My Cold Shoulder! Ha! I'm So Clever!

Giving Him My Cold Shoulder! Ha! I'm So Clever!

Help me beat up some blue guy with a huge head so I can clear Shivering Mountains!

5 36.24%
What’s That Word for Being Afraid of Spiders?

What’s That Word for Being Afraid of Spiders?

Help me beat up a spider so I can clear Beanstalk Way!

5 34.5%
Crispy Bacon

Crispy Bacon

Help me beat up some steroid-taking pig so I can get his key!

10 33.41%
Staff Job, Double the Money!

Staff Job, Double the Money!

Help me beat up another green guy so I can clear Mirror Mansion!

5 31.66%
I Worked Up a Sweat! Now Where's the AC?

I Worked Up a Sweat! Now Where's the AC?

Help me beat up an iron statue so I can clear Pecan Sands!

5 29.48%
Your Booty is Mine Now, Old Man!

Your Booty is Mine Now, Old Man!

Help me beat up some boneheaded buccaneer so I can get his key! Let's finish this thing!

10 29.04%


Help me defeat the Black Jewel! Now where's my castle?

10 28.82%
Victory Is Mine!

Victory Is Mine!

Help me collect all the pieces of my statue in Greenhorn Forest

3 72.49%
I Am Not a Crook! I Just Love Money!

I Am Not a Crook! I Just Love Money!

Help me collect all the pieces of my statue in Greenhorn Ruins

4 55.9%
Check Out This Flex! Ho!

Check Out This Flex! Ho!

Help me collect all the pieces of my statue in Horror Manor

4 43.89%
A Testament to My Glorious Laugh!

A Testament to My Glorious Laugh!

Help me collect all the pieces of my statue in Wonky Circus

4 34.28%
This Statue Hits Almost as Hard as I Do!

This Statue Hits Almost as Hard as I Do!

Help me collect all the pieces of my statue in Shivering Mountains

5 24.67%
Consider This Thumbs Up Your Payment!

Consider This Thumbs Up Your Payment!

Help me collect all the pieces of my statue in Beanstalk Way

5 29.04%
I'm the Greatest Anime Protagonist! WAHAHA!

I'm the Greatest Anime Protagonist! WAHAHA!

Help me collect all the pieces of my statue in Mirror Mansion

5 26.2%
Check Out These Pythons!

Check Out These Pythons!

Help me collect all the pieces of my statue in Pecan Sands

10 20.74%
Gemstones, Lovely Gemstones!

Gemstones, Lovely Gemstones!

Help me collect all the treasures in Greenhorn Forest

3 62.23%
Treasure Hunting in Some Ruins? Now It’s a Wario Game!

Treasure Hunting in Some Ruins? Now It’s a Wario Game!

Help me collect all the treasures in Greenhorn Ruins

4 51.31%
There's Always Interesting Things in the Basement!

There's Always Interesting Things in the Basement!

Help me collect all the treasures in Horror Manor

4 43.01%
Something’s Funny about These Treasures...

Something’s Funny about These Treasures...

Help me collect all the treasures in Wonky Circus

4 32.1%
Help! I Lost the Glass Treasures in the Snow!

Help! I Lost the Glass Treasures in the Snow!

Help me collect all the treasures in Shivering Mountains

5 25.55%
No Golden Harp? Fairy Tales Lied to Me!

No Golden Harp? Fairy Tales Lied to Me!

Help me collect all the treasures in Beanstalk Way

5 25.55%
In This Level Only, I Have Two of Each! HA!

In This Level Only, I Have Two of Each! HA!

Help me collect all the treasures in Mirror Mansion

5 23.14%
Treasures in the Sand

Treasures in the Sand

Help me collect all the treasures in Pecan Sands

4 22.05%
These Guys Are Weird, but They're Sorta a Collectable

These Guys Are Weird, but They're Sorta a Collectable

Help me rescue all the losers - I mean, Spritelings in Greenhorn Forest

1 84.5%
Finally! Some Color around Here!

Finally! Some Color around Here!

Help me rescue all the losers - I mean, Spritelings in Greenhorn Ruins

1 58.73%
Get Outta Here Guys, It's Scary Here!

Get Outta Here Guys, It's Scary Here!

Help me rescue all the losers - I mean, Spritelings in Horror Manor

2 43.45%
You Guys Aren't Clowns Too, Are You?

You Guys Aren't Clowns Too, Are You?

Help me rescue all the losers - I mean, Spritelings in Wonky Circus

3 31.88%
Are You Guys Cold? I'm Not! WAHAHAHA!

Are You Guys Cold? I'm Not! WAHAHAHA!

Help me rescue all the losers - I mean, Spritelings in Shivering Mountains

4 25.33%
Get Your Jack-Looking Butts Outta Here!

Get Your Jack-Looking Butts Outta Here!

Help me rescue all the losers - I mean, Spritelings in Beanstalk Way

4 27.07%
There’s Only Five of You Here, Right?

There’s Only Five of You Here, Right?

Help me rescue all the losers - I mean, Spritelings in Mirror Mansion

3 23.8%
You Guys Stink, Making Me Come out to Egypt!

You Guys Stink, Making Me Come out to Egypt!

Help me rescue all the losers - I mean, Spritelings in Pecan Sands

3 21.62%
Not Sure If I Want These, But I'll Take Them Too!

Not Sure If I Want These, But I'll Take Them Too!

Help me collect all the red diamonds in Greenhorn Forest

4 67.69%
Whoever These Belonged To, They're Wario's Now!

Whoever These Belonged To, They're Wario's Now!

Help me collect all the red diamonds in Greenhorn Ruins

4 55.02%
This Color Reminds Me of Blood... Cool!

This Color Reminds Me of Blood... Cool!

Help me collect all the red diamonds in Horror Manor

4 44.1%
These Aren't Clown Noses, Thank Goodness!

These Aren't Clown Noses, Thank Goodness!

Help me collect all the red diamonds in Wonky Circus

4 34.5%
Maybe If I Rub These Together, I Can Start a Fire!

Maybe If I Rub These Together, I Can Start a Fire!

Help me collect all the red diamonds in Shivering Mountains

5 25.76%
I Heard If You Plant These You Get More, Is That True?

I Heard If You Plant These You Get More, Is That True?

Help me collect all the red diamonds in Beanstalk Way

5 29.04%
Rose-Tinted Reflections

Rose-Tinted Reflections

Help me collect all the red diamonds in Mirror Mansion

5 24.67%
Diamonds in the Rough

Diamonds in the Rough

Help me collect all the red diamonds in Pecan Sands

10 20.96%
You Call THAT a Fight? Ridiculous!

You Call THAT a Fight? Ridiculous!

Have me defeat Greenfist in Greenhorn Forest without getting hurt (and if I do it's your fault!)

4 55.46%
That Reminds Me, I Need to Mow the Lawn after This

That Reminds Me, I Need to Mow the Lawn after This

Have me defeat the Sandworm in Greenhorn Ruins without getting hurt (and if I do it's your fault!)

5 42.58%
Destroying the Collector's Value

Destroying the Collector's Value

Have me defeat Brawl Doll in Horror Manor without getting hurt (and if I do it's your fault!)

5 21.62%
Great, I'm Even More Scared of Clowns Now!

Great, I'm Even More Scared of Clowns Now!

Have me defeat Clown-a-Round in Wonky Circus without getting hurt (and if I do it's your fault!)

5 23.58%
Giving Him The... Colder Shoulder! Ha! Nailed It!

Giving Him The... Colder Shoulder! Ha! Nailed It!

Have me defeat Winter Windster in Shivering Mountains without getting hurt (and if I do it's your fault!)

10 19.0%
Arachnophobia! Glad I Remembered! WAHAHA!

Arachnophobia! Glad I Remembered! WAHAHA!

Have me defeat Spideraticus in Beanstalk Way without getting hurt (and if I do it's your fault!)

5 20.31%
More Like Master of None! WAHA!

More Like Master of None! WAHA!

Have me defeat Mean Emcee in Mirror Mansion without getting hurt (and if I do it's your fault!)

5 18.12%
Come on and Slam, and Welcome to My Land!

Come on and Slam, and Welcome to My Land!

Have me defeat Ironsider in Pecan Sands without getting hurt (and if I do it's your fault!)

10 15.5%
I'm-a Number One!

I'm-a Number One!

Have me defeat the Black Jewel without getting hurt (and if I do it's your fault!)

25 15.94%
Seeds and Teeth

Seeds and Teeth

In Greenhorn Forest, have me Piledrive an enemy with a force of 40.0 or greater

3 26.42%
What's a Few More Cracks?

What's a Few More Cracks?

In Greenhorn Ruins, have me Piledrive an enemy with a force of 32.0 or greater

4 23.36%
Them Bones Are Now Powder

Them Bones Are Now Powder

In Horror Manor, have me Piledrive an enemy with a force of 26.0 or greater

3 21.62%
Breaking Them Funny Bones

Breaking Them Funny Bones

In Wonky Circus, have me Piledrive an enemy with a force of 67.0 or greater

3 19.0%
Frozen Bones Are Easily Shattered

Frozen Bones Are Easily Shattered

In Shivering Mountains, have me Piledrive an enemy with a force of 41.0 or greater

3 17.69%
Planting Spines

Planting Spines

In Beanstalk Way, have me Piledrive an enemy with a force of 50.0 or greater

4 17.9%
70 Years Bad Luck? Excellent!

70 Years Bad Luck? Excellent!

In Mirror Mansion, have me Piledrive an enemy with a force of 57.0 or greater

3 16.59%
By the Time They Find You, You’ll Be History!

By the Time They Find You, You’ll Be History!

In Pecan Sands, have me Piledrive an enemy with a force of 43.0 or greater

4 15.07%
To the Depths With Ye!

To the Depths With Ye!

In his boss fight, have me Piledrive Captain Skull with a force of 58.0 or greater - doing damage doesn't matter, just do it!

4 15.19%


Show off my bowling skills and knock out all 5 pins in Wonky Circus

2 40.39%
You Have a Lot of Nerve Being Alive!

You Have a Lot of Nerve Being Alive!

Have me defeat the Sandworm in Pecan Sands! And this time, stay dead!

3 22.27%
Unithorn Challenge: Greenhorn Forest

Unithorn Challenge: Greenhorn Forest

Have me enter Unithorn's Lair in Greenhorn Forest, break every crate, then leave without losing any coins and with at least 1 coin to spare!

3 44.76%
Unithorn Challenge: Greenhorn Ruins

Unithorn Challenge: Greenhorn Ruins

Have me enter Unithorn's Lair in Greenhorn Ruins, break every crate, then leave without losing any coins and with at least 1 coin to spare!

4 45.85%
Unithorn Challenge: Horror Manor

Unithorn Challenge: Horror Manor

Have me enter Unithorn's Lair in Horror Manor, break every crate, then leave without losing any coins and with at least 1 coin to spare!

10 29.69%
Unithorn Challenge: Wonky Circus

Unithorn Challenge: Wonky Circus

Have me enter Unithorn's Lair in Wonky Circus, break every crate, then leave without losing any coins and with at least 1 coin to spare!

10 35.37%
Unithorn Challenge: Shivering Mountains

Unithorn Challenge: Shivering Mountains

Have me enter Unithorn's Lair in Shivering Mountains, break every crate, then leave without losing any coins and with at least 1 coin to spare!

25 21.18%
Unithorn Challenge: Beanstalk Way

Unithorn Challenge: Beanstalk Way

Have me enter Unithorn's Lair in Beanstalk Way, break every crate, then leave without losing any coins and with at least 1 coin to spare!

25 18.78%
Unithorn Challenge: Mirror Mansion

Unithorn Challenge: Mirror Mansion

Have me enter Unithorn's Lair in Mirror Mansion, break every crate, then leave without losing any coins and with at least 1 coin to spare!

25 17.69%
Unithorn Challenge: Pecan Sands

Unithorn Challenge: Pecan Sands

Have me enter Unithorn's Lair in Pecan Sands, break every crate, then leave without losing any coins and with at least 1 coin to spare!

25 15.72%
It's a Start

It's a Start

Have me collect over 5,000 coins! It's not a lot, but it's a start!

5 49.34%
Getting Closer...

Getting Closer...

Have me collect 10,000 coins! I'm starting to get more comfortable now....

10 30.57%
I'll Just BUY a New Castle!

I'll Just BUY a New Castle!

Have me collect 20,000 coins! Now that's more like it!

25 17.9%
I've Got a Little List

I've Got a Little List

Have me defeat 750 enemies total on a single file

5 37.99%
Wario Warfare

Wario Warfare

Have me defeat 1,500 enemies total on a single file

10 17.69%
Home of the Knuckle Sandwich

Home of the Knuckle Sandwich

Have me defeat 2,500 enemies total on a single file

25 14.85%
You're Welcome! No, You're Not Invited to My New Castle!

You're Welcome! No, You're Not Invited to My New Castle!

Beat my game having rescued all 40 Spritelings. I'm such a nice guy! Now get outta here!

10 19.87%
No Time For Losers!

No Time For Losers!

Beat my game having me rescue only one of those Spriteling guys

25 17.9%


Fine, I'll stop singing the song of my people. I'll run out of breath if you keep it paused for this long!

2 38.43%