Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monster Coliseum

Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monster Coliseum

242 Достижения


PlayStation 2
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By the Way, Your Name Is Definitely Yami...WRONG!

By the Way, Your Name Is Definitely Yami...WRONG!

Use the Pharaoh's real name as the player name when starting a new game and defeat Joey in area 1 in one session without losing.

Screw the Rules, I Have Money!

Screw the Rules, I Have Money!

Assign all of your points to only MP when starting a new game and defeat Joey in area 1 in one session without losing.

Why So British?

Why So British?

Set water as your symbol type when starting a new game and defeat Joey in area 1 in one session without losing.

Let’s Check the Damage and Cause Some More

Let’s Check the Damage and Cause Some More

Spend all your MP at the start of the Game and defeat Joey in area 1 in one session without losing.

The One and Only

The One and Only

Defeat Joey Wheeler in area 1.

Win It Quick and Slick!

Win It Quick and Slick!

Defeat Joey Wheeler in area 1 by destroying his symbol.

Wha?! You Can’t Be Serious!

Wha?! You Can’t Be Serious!

Defeat Joey Wheeler in area 1 without losing any of your pieces.

Brooklyn Rage!

Brooklyn Rage!

Defeat Joey Wheeler in area 1 only using Baby Dragon and Red-Eyes Black Dragon or Time Wizard and Red-Eyes Black Dragon.

The Forgotten Space on the Capital

The Forgotten Space on the Capital

Place a piece on the space indicated in the badge at the Forgotten Capital (see achievement comment section for a hint).

Conquered the Forgotten Capital

Conquered the Forgotten Capital

Defeat Joey Wheeler in area 1 within 5 turns or less.

The Man, the Legend, Tristan Taylor!

The Man, the Legend, Tristan Taylor!

Defeat Tristan Taylor in area 1.

I May Not Be as Experienced as You

I May Not Be as Experienced as You

Defeat Tristan Taylor in area 1 by destroying his symbol.

M-Maybe You Don’t Need to Use All Your Skills...

M-Maybe You Don’t Need to Use All Your Skills...

Defeat Tristan Taylor in area 1 without losing any of your pieces.

My Voice Gives Me Super Strength!

My Voice Gives Me Super Strength!

Defeat Tristan Taylor in area 1 only using Rock Ogre Grotto #1, Masaki the Legendary Swordsman, and Flame Manipulator.

The Condemned Space from within the Warehouse

The Condemned Space from within the Warehouse

Place a piece on the space indicated in the badge at the Condemned Warehouse.

Survived the Condemned Warehouse

Survived the Condemned Warehouse

Defeat Tristan Taylor in area 1 within 8 turns or less.

I Invented Dungeon Dice Monsters

I Invented Dungeon Dice Monsters

Defeat Duke Devlin in area 1.

When I Win, All Will Hail the New Champion!

When I Win, All Will Hail the New Champion!

Defeat Duke Devlin in area 1 by destroying his symbol.

Let’s See Who’s the Real King of Games!

Let’s See Who’s the Real King of Games!

Defeat Duke Devlin in area 1 without losing any of your pieces.

It's Nothing Like Duel Monsters!

It's Nothing Like Duel Monsters!

Defeat Duke Devlin in area 1 only using Petit Moth, Larvae Moth, Mega Thunderball, LaLa Li-oon, and Kaminarikozou.

A Spot along the Voltage of the Cage

A Spot along the Voltage of the Cage

Place a piece on the space indicated in the badge at the Voltage Cage.

Broke Out of the Voltage Cage

Broke Out of the Voltage Cage

Defeat Duke Devlin in area 1 within 4 turns or less.

I Always Wanted to Duel against You

I Always Wanted to Duel against You

Defeat Tea Gardner in area 1.

Kiddie Gloves

Kiddie Gloves

Defeat Tea Gardner in area 1 by destroying her symbol.

Here I Come!

Here I Come!

Defeat Tea Gardner in area 1 without losing any of your pieces.

Nothing Can Destroy Friendship!

Nothing Can Destroy Friendship!

Defeat Tea Gardner in area 1 only using Happy Lover, Sonic Maid, Magician of Faith and Petit Angel.

A Sacred Space along the Street of the Shopping Strip

A Sacred Space along the Street of the Shopping Strip

Place a piece on the space indicated in the badge at the Sacred Street.

Blessed at the Sacred Street

Blessed at the Sacred Street

Defeat Tea Gardner in area 1 within 7 turns or less.

I See You’re Dueling Well

I See You’re Dueling Well

Defeat Grandpa in area 1.

That’s My Grandson, Strong as Ever

That’s My Grandson, Strong as Ever

Defeat Grandpa in area 1 by destroying his symbol.

How about Letting Your Grandpa Win?

How about Letting Your Grandpa Win?

Defeat Grandpa in area 1 without losing any of your pieces.

Where Am I? How did I get here?

Where Am I? How did I get here?

Defeat Grandpa in area 1 only using the 5 pieces of Exodia.

Playing a BG Has Caused Me to Become Severely Injured

Playing a BG Has Caused Me to Become Severely Injured

Destroy Grandpa's Cockroach Knight while it's still in its capsule.

A Not So Challenging Space within the Stage

A Not So Challenging Space within the Stage

Place a piece on the space indicated in the badge at the Challenger's Stage.

Overcame the Challenger’s Stage

Overcame the Challenger’s Stage

Defeat Grandpa in area 1 within 5 turns or less.

The Fallen Coliseum

The Fallen Coliseum

Clear Area 1.

Feast Your Eyes on My Lovely Insects

Feast Your Eyes on My Lovely Insects

Defeat Weevil Underwood in area 2.

You’ll Have to Go Through Me!

You’ll Have to Go Through Me!

Defeat Weevil Underwood in area 2 by destroying his symbol.

Leave My Critters Alone!

Leave My Critters Alone!

Defeat Weevil Underwood in area 2 without losing any of your pieces.

Heh! Heh! Bugs Are Cool!

Heh! Heh! Bugs Are Cool!

Defeat Weevil Underwood in area 2 only using Firegrass, Flame Viper, Tyhone #2 and Darkfire Dragon.

A Space of Origin at the Ancient Forest

A Space of Origin at the Ancient Forest

Place a piece on the space indicated in the badge at the Ancient Forest of Origin.

Navigated through the Ancient Forest of Origin

Navigated through the Ancient Forest of Origin

Defeat Weevil Underwood in area 2 within 6 turns or less.

The Majestic Vastness of the Ocean

The Majestic Vastness of the Ocean

Defeat Mako Tsunami in area 2.

Your Forces Will Not Stand a Chance

Your Forces Will Not Stand a Chance

Defeat Mako Tsunami in area 2 by destroying his symbol.

I Am Taking It Extremely Seriously!

I Am Taking It Extremely Seriously!

Defeat Mako Tsunami in area 2 without losing any of your pieces.

Right Ocean?...Why Don’t You Ever Answer Me, Ocean?

Right Ocean?...Why Don’t You Ever Answer Me, Ocean?

Defeat Mako Tsunami in area 2 only using Men-eating Black Shark, White Dolphin, Jellyfish, Mech Bass, and Kanikabuto.

Freaky Fish Guy

Freaky Fish Guy

Destroy Mako's Fiend Kraken while it's still in its capsule.

No Space of Miracles within This Sea

No Space of Miracles within This Sea

Place a piece on the space indicated in the badge at the Sea of Miracles.

Spoke to the Ocean at the Sea of Miracles

Spoke to the Ocean at the Sea of Miracles

Defeat Mako Tsunami in area 2 in 5 turns or less.

I’ve Been Waiting for You!

I’ve Been Waiting for You!

Defeat Rex Raptor in area 2.

Are You Trying to Annoying Me?

Are You Trying to Annoying Me?

Defeat Rex Raptor in area 2 by destroying his symbol.

I’ll Humiliate You like a Chumpasaurus Rex!

I’ll Humiliate You like a Chumpasaurus Rex!

Defeat Rex Raptor in area 2 without losing any of your pieces.

Huh! Huh! Check It Out! My Dragon’s Stoned

Huh! Huh! Check It Out! My Dragon’s Stoned

Defeat Rex Raptor in area 2 only using Time Wizard, Anthrosaurus, Krokodilus, Rigras Leever, and Cyber Saurus.

Jurassic Mine! Get It?

Jurassic Mine! Get It?

Destroy Rex's Two-Headed King Rex while it's still in its capsule.

A Space beside the Tomb of an Ancient King

A Space beside the Tomb of an Ancient King

Place a piece on the space indicated in the badge at the Tomb of Ancient Kings.

Excavated at the Tomb of Ancient Kings

Excavated at the Tomb of Ancient Kings

Defeat Rex Raptor in area 2 within 5 turns or less.

Hmph! So You Finally Came

Hmph! So You Finally Came

Defeat Mai Valentine in area 2.

I’ve Been Studying This New Game

I’ve Been Studying This New Game

Defeat Mai Valentine in area 2 by destroying her symbol.

I Don’t Need to Use Tricky Tactics to Win

I Don’t Need to Use Tricky Tactics to Win

Defeat Mai Valentine in area 2 without losing any of your pieces.

I Surrender...

I Surrender...

Defeat Mai Valentine in area 2 only using Shining Friendship, Harpie Lady, Harpie Lady Sisters, LaMoon, and Gyakutenno Megami.

Nothing about Me Is Very Subtle

Nothing about Me Is Very Subtle

Destroy Mai's Harpie Lady on the left while it's still in its capsule.

Did Somebody Say “Old Characters?”

Did Somebody Say “Old Characters?”

Destroy Mai's Harpie Lady on the right while it's still in its capsule.

I Just Love Broken Men

I Just Love Broken Men

Destroy Mai's Jigen Bakudan while it's still in its capsule.

A Space Tucked away to Avoid the Howling Winds

A Space Tucked away to Avoid the Howling Winds

Place a piece on the space indicated in the badge at the Howling Winds.

Passed through the Valley of Howling Winds

Passed through the Valley of Howling Winds

Defeat Mai Valentine in area 2 within 7 turns or less.

Welcome to My Stage!

Welcome to My Stage!

Defeat Mokuba Kaiba in area 2.

I’ve Gotten a Lot Better!

I’ve Gotten a Lot Better!

Defeat Mokuba Kaiba in area 2 by destroying his symbol.

I’ve Been Training for Weeks

I’ve Been Training for Weeks

Defeat Mokuba Kaiba in area 2 without losing any of your pieces.

Big Brother, Is It Time for My Cameo Yet?

Big Brother, Is It Time for My Cameo Yet?

Defeat Mokuba Kaiba in area 2 only using Dice Armadillo, Penguin Soldier, Penguin Knight, Bolt Penguin and Flying Penguin.

A Space Guided Away within the Unlikely Mansion

A Space Guided Away within the Unlikely Mansion

Place a piece on the space indicated in the badge at the Guiding Mansion.

Toured through the Guiding Mansion

Toured through the Guiding Mansion

Defeat Mokuba Kaiba in area 2 within 8 turns or less.

As Long as I Have Fun, It Will Be Smashing!

As Long as I Have Fun, It Will Be Smashing!

Defeat Ryou Bakura in area 3.

I’m Still Learning This Game

I’m Still Learning This Game

Defeat Ryou Bakura in area 3 by destroying his symbol.

Please Take It Easy on Me!

Please Take It Easy on Me!

Defeat Ryou Bakura in area 3 without losing any of your pieces.

Tell My Fan Girls I Love Them

Tell My Fan Girls I Love Them

Defeat Ryou Bakura in area 3 only using Ancient Tree of Enlightenment, Green Phantom King, Queen of Autumn Leaves, Trent, and Crow Goblin.

A Space underneath the Moonlight Cherry Blossoms

A Space underneath the Moonlight Cherry Blossoms

Place a piece on the space indicated in the badge at the Moonlight Cherry Blossoms.

Climbed the Moonlit Cherry Blossoms

Climbed the Moonlit Cherry Blossoms

Defeat Ryou Bakura in area 3 within 5 turns or less.

Next Time, I Will Get My Revenge

Next Time, I Will Get My Revenge

Defeat Bandit Keith in area 3 by destroying his symbol.

Dissin’ Me Is Gonna Be Hazardous to Your Health!

Dissin’ Me Is Gonna Be Hazardous to Your Health!

Defeat Bandit Keith in area 3 without losing any of your pieces.

In America!

In America!

Defeat Bandit Keith in area 3 only using One-Eyed Shield Dragon, Spiked Snail, Gear Golem the Moving Fortress, Metal Dragon, and Slot Machine.

Try Speaking American, It’s the Only Language I Understand

Try Speaking American, It’s the Only Language I Understand

Destroy Keith's Barrel Dragon while it's still in its capsule.

A Treasured Space Next to the Trove

A Treasured Space Next to the Trove

Place a piece on the space indicated in the badge at the Treasure Trove.

Raided the Treasure Trove

Raided the Treasure Trove

Defeat Bandit Keith in area 3 within 7 turns or less.

Let the Fun and Games Begin

Let the Fun and Games Begin

Defeat Pegasus in area 3.

I Can’t Believe That I Lost!

I Can’t Believe That I Lost!

Defeat Pegasus in area 3 by destroying his symbol.

Impossible! I Can’t Read Your Mind!

Impossible! I Can’t Read Your Mind!

Defeat Pegasus in area 3 without losing any of your pieces.

If I Weren’t So Very Camp, I’d Probably Make a Credible Villain

If I Weren’t So Very Camp, I’d Probably Make a Credible Villain

Defeat Pegasus in area 3 only using Jigen Bakudan, Terra the Terrible, Parrot Dragon, Illusionist Faceless Mage, and Manga Ryu-Ran.

The Space of Imperfect Paradise

The Space of Imperfect Paradise

Place a piece on the space indicated in the badge at the Imperfect Paradise.

Vacationed at the Imperfect Paradise

Vacationed at the Imperfect Paradise

Defeat Pegasus in area 3 within 5 turns or less.

It Is My Duty to Bury Them!

It Is My Duty to Bury Them!

Defeat Odion in area 3 by destroying his symbol.

Strategies Have Been Passed Down along My Bloodline

Strategies Have Been Passed Down along My Bloodline

Defeat Odion in area 3 without losing any of your pieces.

Jeez, Even in My Own Flashbacks I’m a Minor Character!

Jeez, Even in My Own Flashbacks I’m a Minor Character!

Defeat Odion in area 3 only using Twin-Headed Behemoth, Destroyer Golem, Mechanical Snail, Ushi Oni, Molten Behemoth, and Megazowler.

The Space above the Burning Earth

The Space above the Burning Earth

Place a piece on the space indicated in the badge at the Burning Earth.

Tanned on the Burning Earth

Tanned on the Burning Earth

Defeat Odion in area 3 in 6 turns or less.

Are You Ready to Lose Everything You Hold Dear?

Are You Ready to Lose Everything You Hold Dear?

Defeat Marik Ishtar in area 3.

How Can There Be Such a Huge Gap between Our Powers?

How Can There Be Such a Huge Gap between Our Powers?

Defeat Marik Ishtar in area 3 by destroying his symbol.

I’ve Never Been So Humiliated in a Duel!

I’ve Never Been So Humiliated in a Duel!

Defeat Marik Ishtar in area 3 without losing any of your pieces.

Foolish Fools!

Foolish Fools!

Defeat Marik Ishtar in area 3 only using Kurama, Ryu-Kishin, Gazelle, Megasonic Eye, Winged Dragon of the Fortress #1 and #2.

Guru’s Special Space

Guru’s Special Space

Place a piece on the space indicated in the badge at Guru's Garden.

Meditated in Guru’s Garden

Meditated in Guru’s Garden

Defeat Marik Ishtar in area 3 within 7 turns or less.

The Lost Palace

The Lost Palace

Clear Area 3.

We Finally Meet

We Finally Meet

Defeat Shadi in area 4.

Let Me Test Your Real Strength

Let Me Test Your Real Strength

Defeat Shadi in area 4 by destroying his symbol.

How Can All My Strategies Be So Powerless?

How Can All My Strategies Be So Powerless?

Defeat Shadi in area 4 without losing any of your pieces.



Defeat Shadi in area 4 only using Fire Reaper, Toad Master, Prisman, Feral Imp, The Immortal of Thunder, and Sengenjin.

A Limitless Space within the Sanctuary

A Limitless Space within the Sanctuary

Place a piece on the space indicated in the badge at the Limitless Sanctuary.

Found the Limits to the Limitless Sanctuary

Found the Limits to the Limitless Sanctuary

Defeat Shadi in area 4 within 4 turns or less.

You Better Be Prepared!

You Better Be Prepared!

Defeat Seto Kaiba in area 4 by destroying his symbol.

Only One Duelist in the World Can Defeat You

Only One Duelist in the World Can Defeat You

Defeat Seto Kaiba in area 4 without losing any of your pieces.

Screw Money, I Have Rules! Wait, Let Me Try That Again

Screw Money, I Have Rules! Wait, Let Me Try That Again

Defeat Seto Kaiba in area 4 only using Wicked Dragon with the Ersatz Head, Rogue Doll, Hitotsu-Me Giant, Dark Magician, Celtic Guardian, and Sky Dragon.

You Duel like a Dairy Farmer

You Duel like a Dairy Farmer

Destroy Seto's Mystic Horseman while it's still in its capsule.

Turn around Bright Eyes

Turn around Bright Eyes

Destroy Seto's Blue-Eyes White Dragon while it's still in its capsule.

The City’s Space of Redemption

The City’s Space of Redemption

Place a piece on the space indicated in the badge at the City of Redemption.

Found Redemption at the City of Redemption

Found Redemption at the City of Redemption

Defeat Seto Kaiba in area 4 within 7 or less turns.

I Already Saw Your Attack in My Vision

I Already Saw Your Attack in My Vision

Defeat Ishizu Ishtar in area 4 by destroying her symbol.

In This Duel You’ve Changed the Future

In This Duel You’ve Changed the Future

Defeat Ishizu Ishtar in area 4 without losing any of your pieces.

Because Shut Up

Because Shut Up

Defeat Ishizu Ishtar in area 4 using only Fairy's Gift, Ocubeam, Akakieisu, Grappler, and Pumpking.

The Space outside the Crimson Valley

The Space outside the Crimson Valley

Place a piece on the space indicated in the badge at the Crimson Valley.

Reached the Summit of the Crimson Valley

Reached the Summit of the Crimson Valley

Defeat Ishizu in area 4 within 6 turns or less.

I Care Nothing about the Title!

I Care Nothing about the Title!

Defeat Yami Marik in area 4.

I’ll Destroy Your Five Senses

I’ll Destroy Your Five Senses

Defeat Yami Marik in area 4 by destroying his symbol.

You Will Not Be Celebrating Later

You Will Not Be Celebrating Later

Defeat Yami Marik in area 4 without losing any of your pieces.

I Have Just One Question...Could I Get a Hug?

I Have Just One Question...Could I Get a Hug?

Defeat Yami Marik in area 4 only using Skelengel, Rogue Doll, Skull Guardian, Barrel Dragon, and Gaia the Fierce Knight.

A Space of Madness Just outside the Corridors

A Space of Madness Just outside the Corridors

Place a piece on the space indicated in the badge at the Corridors of Madness.

Solved the Corridors of Madness

Solved the Corridors of Madness

Defeat Yami Marik in area 4 within 8 turns or less.

Bakura? No No, I’m More than That!

Bakura? No No, I’m More than That!

Defeat Yami Bakura in area 4.

It Will Be My Pleasure to Destroy You!

It Will Be My Pleasure to Destroy You!

Defeat Yami Bakura in area 4 by destroying his symbol.

His Skills Are Complete Garbage When Compared to Mine!

His Skills Are Complete Garbage When Compared to Mine!

Defeat Yami Bakura in area 4 without losing any of your pieces.

Cards? Where We’re Dueling, We Won’t Need Cards

Cards? Where We’re Dueling, We Won’t Need Cards

Defeat Yami Bakura in area 4 using only Root Water, Kappa Avenger, Yado Karu, Fiend Kraken, Akihiron, and Fortress Whale.

A Wicked Space for a Ceremonial Site

A Wicked Space for a Ceremonial Site

Place a piece on the space indicated in the badge at the Wicked Ceremonial Site.

A Ceremonial Space for a Wicked Site

A Ceremonial Space for a Wicked Site

Place a piece on the space indicated in the badge at the Wicked Ceremonial Site.

Evaded the Wicked Ceremonial Site

Evaded the Wicked Ceremonial Site

Defeat Yami Bakura in area 4 within 7 turns or less.

The Ancient Temple

The Ancient Temple

Clear Area 4.

We Meet Again

We Meet Again

Defeat Pegasus in area 5.

I Will Get My Revenge

I Will Get My Revenge

Defeat Pegasus in area 5 by destroying his symbol.

I Shouldn’t Have Underestimated You!

I Shouldn’t Have Underestimated You!

Defeat Pegasus in area 5 without losing any of your pieces.

I’m Going to Spice up Your Life

I’m Going to Spice up Your Life

Defeat Pegasus in area 5 only using Kuriboh, Time Wizard, Exodia the Forbidden One, Curse of Dragon, Summoned Skull, Dark Magician Girl, and Magician of Black Chaos.

This Space Is My Shrine Amongst the Chaos

This Space Is My Shrine Amongst the Chaos

Place a piece on the space indicated in the badge at the Shrine of Chaos.

This Space Holds My Chaos Amongst the Shrine

This Space Holds My Chaos Amongst the Shrine

Place a piece on the space indicated in the badge at the Shrine of Chaos.

Mastered the Shrine of Chaos

Mastered the Shrine of Chaos

Defeat Pegasus in area 5 within 9 or less turns.

The Sands of Time Told Me of This Reunion

The Sands of Time Told Me of This Reunion

Defeat Ishizu Ishtar in area 5.

To Have My Symbol Destroyed, I Lose.

To Have My Symbol Destroyed, I Lose.

Defeat Ishizu Ishtar in area 5 by destroying her symbol.

The Future’s Already Been Decided

The Future’s Already Been Decided

Defeat Ishizu Ishtar in area 5 without losing any of your pieces.

That Giant Rock Lied to Me!

That Giant Rock Lied to Me!

Defeat Ishizu Ishtar in area 5 only using Man-Eater Bug, Psychic Kappa, Lucky Trinket, Sanga of the Thunder, Kaejin, and Suijin.

A Neverending Search for the Secret Site

A Neverending Search for the Secret Site

Place a piece on the space indicated in the badge at the Neverending Site.

A Space for a Neverending Site

A Space for a Neverending Site

Place a piece on the space indicated in the badge at the Neverending Site.

Discovered the End of the Neverending Site

Discovered the End of the Neverending Site

Defeat Ishizu Ishtar in area 5 within 6 turns or less.

Let the Shadow Game Begin!!!

Let the Shadow Game Begin!!!

Defeat Yami Marik in area 5.

I Haven’t Had My Fill of Tormenting You Yet

I Haven’t Had My Fill of Tormenting You Yet

Defeat Yami Marik in area 5 by destroying his symbol.

You Don’t Scare Me! I Invented the Word “Fear”

You Don’t Scare Me! I Invented the Word “Fear”

Defeat Yami Marik in area 5 without losing any of your pieces.

I...Am in Control of Your Mind!

I...Am in Control of Your Mind!

Defeat Yami Marik in area 5 only using One-Eyed Shield Dragon, Mystical Elf, Dungeon Worm, Faith Bird, Dark Witch, and Crab Turtle.

A Space near the Fire of the Mountain

A Space near the Fire of the Mountain

Place a piece on the space indicated in the badge at the Fire Mountain.

Crossed the Volcanic Fire Mountain

Crossed the Volcanic Fire Mountain

Defeat Yami Marik in area 5 within 7 turns or less.

I Will Put You to the Final Test

I Will Put You to the Final Test

Defeat Shadi in area 5.

I Can Sense a Greater Force at Work

I Can Sense a Greater Force at Work

Defeat Shadi in area 5 by destroying his symbol.

I Want to See What Your True Strength Is

I Want to See What Your True Strength Is

Defeat Shadi in area 5 without losing any of your pieces.



Defeat Shadi in area 5 using only Haniwa, Lesser Dragon, La-jinn, Crab Turtle and Millennium Golem.

Amidst the Top of the Stairs at the Sealed Sanctuary

Amidst the Top of the Stairs at the Sealed Sanctuary

Place a piece on the space indicated in the badge at the Sealed Sanctuary.

Shattered the Sealed Sanctuary

Shattered the Sealed Sanctuary

Defeat Shadi in area 5 within 9 turns or less.

The Time Has Finally Come

The Time Has Finally Come

Defeat Seto Kaiba in area 5.

I Will Get My Revenge!

I Will Get My Revenge!

Defeat Seto Kaiba in area 5 by destroying his symbol.

I’ll Humiliate You!

I’ll Humiliate You!

Defeat Seto Kaiba in area 5 without losing any of your pieces.

The Rules...Just Got Screwed!

The Rules...Just Got Screwed!

Defeat Seto Kaiba in area 5 only using Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, Gate Guardian, Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth, and Summoned Lord Exodia.

A Space along the Sidelines at the Aerial Palace

A Space along the Sidelines at the Aerial Palace

Place a piece on the space indicated in the badge at the Aerial Palace.

Invaded the Aerial Palace

Invaded the Aerial Palace

Defeat Seto Kaiba in area 5 within 10 turns or less.

The Conquered Coliseum

The Conquered Coliseum

Clear Area 5.

Lucky Number 8

Lucky Number 8

Pick an 8 during the pre-game attack order decision phase.

Believe in the Heart of the Pieces

Believe in the Heart of the Pieces

Decline the option to level up any of your monster pieces (does not include symbol).

Check Out My Monster Now!

Check Out My Monster Now!

Reach level 9 with any monster (does not include symbol).

Fear the Power of the Symbol!

Fear the Power of the Symbol!

Have your symbol reach level 9.

Wait a Moment...

Wait a Moment...

Summon 6 monsters on the first turn.

Did You Just Summon a Bunch of Monsters in One Turn?

Did You Just Summon a Bunch of Monsters in One Turn?

Summon 7 monsters on the first turn.

Yeah, So?

Yeah, So?

Summon 8 monsters on the first turn.

That’s against the Rules, Isn’t It?

That’s against the Rules, Isn’t It?

Summon 9 monsters on the first turn.

Screw the Rules I Have Green Hair!

Screw the Rules I Have Green Hair!

Summon 10 monsters on the first turn.

Pawn’s Gambit

Pawn’s Gambit

Win against anyone in area 1 using only one piece.

Knight's Gambit

Knight's Gambit

Win against anyone in area 2 using only one piece.

Rook’s Gambit

Rook’s Gambit

Win against anyone in area 3 using only one piece.

Queen’s Gambit

Queen’s Gambit

Win against anyone in area 4 using only one piece.

King’s Gambit

King’s Gambit

Win against anyone in area 5 using only one piece.

Scholar’s Mate

Scholar’s Mate

Defeat any opponent by only destroying their symbol.



Don't Summon any of your monsters until after the opponent makes the first attack and then win the duel.

Forbidden Memories

Forbidden Memories

Defeat any opponent with any amount of monsters only using the following: Petit Dragon, Genin, Thunder Dragon, Two-Mouth Darkruler, Flame Cerebrus, Cyber Soldier, Kaminari Attack, Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon, Red-Eyes B. Metal Dragon, Meteor B. Dragon.



Destroy your opponent's symbol and all of their monsters in a single duel.

My Grandpa’s Deck Has No Pathetic Pieces

My Grandpa’s Deck Has No Pathetic Pieces

Purchase Exodia the Forbidden One From the Shop.

Check out My Hot Horse

Check out My Hot Horse

Purchase Firewing Pegasus from the shop.

Cornelius Jr.

Cornelius Jr.

Purchase Sinister Serpent from the shop.



Purchase Blue-eyes White Dragon from the shop.

A Link to the Past

A Link to the Past

Purchase Celtic Guardian from the shop.

Your Very Own Earwig

Your Very Own Earwig

Purchase Dungeon Worm from the shop.

Looks Nothing like a Crow or a Goblin

Looks Nothing like a Crow or a Goblin

Purchase Crow Goblin from the shop.

Pimp’n Mech

Pimp’n Mech

Purchase Giant Mech-Soldier from the shop.

Extreme Makeover

Extreme Makeover

Evolve LaMoon into Dark Witch.

Friendship Is the Powerful Force in the World!

Friendship Is the Powerful Force in the World!

Evolve Petit Angel into Shining Friendship.

It’s Ryu-Kishin...just Powered Up

It’s Ryu-Kishin...just Powered Up

Evolve Ryu-Kishin into Ryu-Kishin Powered.

Run! It’s Mechagodzilla!

Run! It’s Mechagodzilla!

Evolve Red-Eyes Black Dragon into Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon.

Let the True Chaos Begin

Let the True Chaos Begin

Evolve Dark Magician into Magician of Black Chaos.

The Happy Mask Seller

The Happy Mask Seller

Evolve Flame Manipulator into Fireyarou.

The Japanese Original

The Japanese Original

Evolve Ryu-Ran into Manga Ryu-Ran.

The Attempted American Adaptation

The Attempted American Adaptation

Devolve Manga Ryu-Ran back into Ryu-Ran.

Rank Up

Rank Up

Evolve Penguin Soldier into Penguin Knight.

Another Lazy Reskin

Another Lazy Reskin

Evolve Root Water into High Tide Gyojin.

Hippie Turtle Evolution

Hippie Turtle Evolution

Evolve Psychic Kappa into Hyosube.

Is Death a Form of Evolution?

Is Death a Form of Evolution?

Evolve Haniwa into Rock Spirit.

Uh...What Changed?

Uh...What Changed?

Evolve Larvas into Mon Larvas.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Evolve Petit Moth into Larvae Moth.

Spider: The Video Game

Spider: The Video Game

Evolve Kumootoku into Hunter Spider.

The Great Deku Tree

The Great Deku Tree

Evolve Ancient Tree of Enlightenment into Trent.

Mothra Knockoff

Mothra Knockoff

Evolve Larvae Moth into Great Moth.

The Even Greater Moth

The Even Greater Moth

Evolve Great Moth into Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth.

Shocking Evolution, Isn’t It?

Shocking Evolution, Isn’t It?

Evolve Electric Lizard into Tripwire Beast.

Three Heads Are Better than One

Three Heads Are Better than One

Fuse together three Blue-Eyes White Dragons to make Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.

Full Metal Jacket

Full Metal Jacket

Fuse together Zoa and Steel Scorpion to make Metalzoa.

Paradoxal Weather Report

Paradoxal Weather Report

Fuse together Sanga, Suijin, and Kazejin to make Gate Guardian.

Ah! Exodia! It’s Not Possible!

Ah! Exodia! It’s Not Possible!

Fuse together all pieces of The Forbidden One to make Summoned Lord Exodia.

When You Play with Fire, You’re Gonna Get Scorched

When You Play with Fire, You’re Gonna Get Scorched

Fuse together Firegrass and Petit Dragon to make Darkfire Dragon.

Makoto Shishio’s Earlier Days

Makoto Shishio’s Earlier Days

Fuse together Flame Manipulator and Masaki the Legendary Swordsman to make Flame Swordsman.

Artic Air Force

Artic Air Force

Fuse together Penguin Soldier and Penguin Knight to make Flying Penguin.

How Appropriate, You Duel like a Cow

How Appropriate, You Duel like a Cow

Fuse together Battle Ox and Mystic Horseman to get Rabid Horseman.

Older than Rolling Stones

Older than Rolling Stones

Fuse together Destroyer Golem and The Statue of Easter Island to make Millennium Golem.

The Mythical Heroic Insect

The Mythical Heroic Insect

Fuse together Hercules Beetle and Kuwagata Alpha to make Kwagar Hercules.

Dragon Tales

Dragon Tales

Fuse together Time Wizard and Baby Dragon to make Thousand Dragon.

The Traveling Sisters Three

The Traveling Sisters Three

Fuse together three Harpie Ladies to make Harpie Lady Sisters.

Not Quite a Cyber Dragon

Not Quite a Cyber Dragon

Fuse together Lesser Dragon and Steel Ogre Grotto to make Metal Dragon.

How to Train Your Dragon

How to Train Your Dragon

Fuse together Curse of Dragon and Gaia the Fierce Knight to make Gaia the Dragon Champion.

Zeus? Is That You?

Zeus? Is That You?

Fuse together Ocubeam and Mega Thunderball to make Kaminari Attack.

Welcome Back, Nanosaur

Welcome Back, Nanosaur

Fuse together Blast Juggler and Two-Headed King Rex to make Cyber Saurus.

I Learned This One from Forbidden Memories

I Learned This One from Forbidden Memories

Fuse together two Thunder Dragons to make Twin-headed Thunder Dragon.

Baby Dragon Class

Baby Dragon Class

[Campaign Only] Defeat 2 opponents without losing in one session.

Time Wizard Class

Time Wizard Class

[Campaign Only] Defeat 5 opponents without losing in one session.

Thousand Dragon Class

Thousand Dragon Class

[Campaign Only] Defeat 9 opponents without losing in one session.

Dark Sage Class

Dark Sage Class

[Campaign Only] Defeat 12 opponents without losing in one session.



Collect 50 out of the 200 unique monsters in the game.

Avid Collector

Avid Collector

Collect 100 out of the 200 unique capsule monsters in the game.

Rare Hunter

Rare Hunter

Collect 150 out of the 200 unique capsule monsters in the game.

Gotta Catch ‘Em All!

Gotta Catch ‘Em All!

Collect all 200 unique capsule monsters in the game.