0 day Attack on Earth

0 day Attack on Earth

12 Achievements



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Gold Hammer

Gold Hammer

Cleared the game on Normal difficulty or harder without losing a life


How to unlock the Gold Hammer achievement in 0 day Attack on Earth - Definitive Guide

This achievement is for finishing the entire game on normal or hard difficulty without dying once.

Which means you must finish ALL 21 stages without dying once. Fun, yeah? There are five general types of enemies (named by the color of their blip on the radar :

Orange dot enemies that you need to kill to progress
Yellow dot enemies. These are special types (you get achievements for killing a certain amount) and typically have fairly powerful attacks
Green dot enemies (big) they have a good amount of health and some decent attacks
Green dot enemies (small) these usually spawn from the clouds, take one hit to kill, and may/may not have projectile attacks
Green dot enemies (spawned) these are enemies that are spawned from bigger enemies

Some general tips :

-The radar is the difference between who loses and who wins. It has a bigger radius then your screen, so it's an early warning system and unless you like redoing stages over and over again, learn to use it.

-Each type of aircraft has a different weapon. They all start out with a little machine gun, but as you get more of the green health orbs, it upgrades to something different :

Fighters gets 2 and then four missles that shoot out every couple of seconds, and they keep their machine gun. This is really good for smaller enemies, however the damage against bigger ones is small. Unless you get all four missles to hit, it does less damage then other types. The missles like to track enemy projectiles that can't be destroyed, further decreasing it's usefulness.

Helicopters shoot flames, and once you get enough orbs, it shoots both in front and behind you. The damage is decent, and the flame spread that shoots out the back can be nice, as well.

Reciprocating's machine gun turns into 3 and then 5 seperate shots. Again, works well against lots of smaller enemies, however against big enemies and bosses it is especially weak.

X-A gets a missle in place of the machine gun. It does really good damage, and is especially good for bosses. It shoots through armor, like the New York boss. My weapon of choice, same one I used for this achievement. Sucks against small enemies though

-Your allies are good for two things : meatshields, and using their guns on small enemies. Otherwise useless.

-Your nuke is more or less the panic button, use it when you are surrounded. You can also use a nuke to get the mosquito type enemy off you. The ally AI is basically useless for this, so keeping a nuke or two for mosquitoes is suggested.

With that, area by area :

New York

Orange : Octopus-like things. They have 8 tentacles that will take away two bars of health, avoid at all costs. If it pulls it's tentacles in it is about to shoot flame out of it's (mouth?) and then swing it's tentacles around. Get far away. If you stay away from the tentacles, he is fairly easy. In the last half of New York, the front two tentacles get closer to it's head, making the safe spot smaller. Beware.

Green : Mech-like things are the big enemies here. They shoot out some kind of missile that explodes into smaller enemies, these will make black clouds. Easy to kill.

Another green enemy is a type of pod...thing. It will release 5 UFO/ship/somethings. The UFOs have no missiles, and are easily dispatched.

Boss : a fortress type enemy with a bunch of walls that spin around it. It has a volcano eruption type of attack, which spills balls of death at you. When the shield walls drop, it will start shooting out projectiles in a circular manner. If you have the X-A you can just go crazy with missiles, otherwise you will have to shoot when you have an opening or the wall is down.


Orange : Big ships, with two forms. The first form has a core surrounded by barriers. You'll need to destroy all three so you can shoot inside. The X-A's missile very easily destroys the armor, and pierces through it as well. It will shoot out blue projectiles in a circular pattern out of the blue spots on the ship. When it stops, move in and blast it. Repeat. Once it dies, it explodes, flips over, and reveals it's (real?) core. When it's flipping it can damage you so back off. The second form has the same blue projectiles, however flames also come out of the four cannon type things sticking out of it. Again, wait till it stops, then move in and smash it.

Green : The main green types are mech type things with four legs that shoot 5 lasers out of it's cannon. The middle laser moves faster. Get behind it and blast away. I do not think the legs can damage you.

The second type is some kind of machine core with 4 "arms" around it. It can extend the arms to try and damage you. Does not actively try to engage you, so you can kill it fairly easily.

The small green enemies in this stage are jet fighters. They move fairly fast but have no projectile attack. Easy kill.

Boss : 3 spider mech type things. 4 legs. It's body moves up and down, when it is down, you can kill it. When it jumps in the air, RUN FAR AWAY. If it falls on you IT.IS.INSTANT.DEATH. Once it lands (you will hear a noise and see a shockwave) move in and attack it. While it is flying, and sometimes when it is on the ground, it will release mines. Destroy these, as they will be a pain if they stack up. It may also lower it's body and spam lasers everywhere, however if you stay in front of it's core/face, you will not get hit, and you can smash it.


The orange dot enemies here are animal type things. It's only method of attack is shooting out these orange/yellow projectiles that explode and shoot out smaller projectiles. It's head is the weak spot, so stay in front of it and shoot it, moving away when the projectiles show up.

Green dot enemies are where it gets crazy. The first type is a snake that pops out of the ground and shoots a bunch of projectiles in front of it. Get to it's side/back and shoot it. If it reburrows then watch the radar to see where it moves and chase it down.

The other big green type is probably the biggest pain in the game. It shoots projectiles out and moves at a decent pace. Once you kill it, it spawns 10-20 little maggots. They move, but have no projectile attack...until you kill them. When you do, they shoot out three bullets. EACH ONE WILL SHOOT BULLETS. Be careful.

The little enemies are ships that fly at you and can shoot projectiles. You have to stay on your toes, this stage is the hardest in my opinion.

Boss : The boss is a giant snake. It is so very easy. When you hear a noise and see a little flame animation appear on it's body it is about to shoot flames. Dodge it. The only other attack it has is trying to hit you with it's body. Smaller green enemies spawn, and yellow ones too. Watch the radar, and you will finish this stage easy.

Yellow Type Enemies

Mosquito : These orange balls will hunt you down and try to latch onto your ship. If it does, it will slowly drain health until someone kills it. You can't shoot when it's on you, so your only option is to hope an ally kills it, or nuke. Always nuke it while you are going for this achievement. You can't take chances with ally AI, it is dumb.

Sandwich : Two machines that will try to fly above you, and when they are above you, they will smash together, smashing you if you are in their path. Once they start to move down, move out of the way and shoot them. They will move away, just repeat. Fairly easy.

Worm : Long worm enemy that moves fairly quick. No projectile attack, so keep your distance and shoot it. Easy.

And that's that. Good luck!

24 May 2010 21:39

Just a question, friend...do you need to pass all 21 stages in one game to get this achievement? Anyway, good work.
By AMERICO74 on 15 Feb 2011 17:44
Yeah. You can't start from the last stage and finish it without a death or anything silly like that (I tried : P). You have to start from the first stage and play through the entire game without dying once,and if you DO die, you have to start from the first stage again.
By LV 1 Blue Slime on 15 Feb 2011 23:48
can you do it in co op?
By G#2309 on 17 Mar 2011 00:20
Uh...that's actually a very good question. I did it solo. By the time I sat down to wipe this game out there were very few people on. Finding someone for the MP achievements was hell, so I didn't even try to find someone for co-op.

Sorry : \
By LV 1 Blue Slime on 17 Mar 2011 05:53
No worries. I did it first try. Took me only 1.5 hours
By G#2309 on 18 Mar 2011 04:39
Me and two friends were doing this party co-op. (you all do it single player at the same time and exchange tips.)

I *HATED* the XA. The thing shot slow as shit. And did virtually no damage to the second phase of the enemies on toyko.

The fighter-A was a much, much better choice. It shoots a constant stream of bullets which can make killing the regular enemies much easier, especially face hugger and smasher.

I don't know where you are getting the idea it kills things slower. The damage is based from the distance from the enemy. If you get right up into there face they go down waaaaay quicker than the XA.

I did this first try.

You have to learn the patterns. For new york targets you just go right up into there face in between the tentacles and as soon as they start to move back up.

Toyko targets you can spin with the thing and shoot it. If you're spinning with it the blue bullets can't hit you

I'd like to say there's a risk/reward with having to get up close. But there isn't. This game is a joke, and you should never get hit.

I told both of my friends how good the guy was and they both switched over to it and liked it way better.

One of them even said, "Wow why didn't I use this sooner? I purposefully avoid picking up greenstuff at the start of the attempt to keep the machine gun anyway"
By DaOverUnder on 29 Jan 2015 09:42
To add. If I was forced to use the XA for this achievement I would have given up. I hate slow shooting bullets. I could not do it,
By DaOverUnder on 29 Jan 2015 09:43
Tumbs up from me! I am not sure but if you dont choose next level and exit. Can you continue another time? If so you can backup the save on cloud each time. Then if you fail copy the save back to hd from cloud. Just not sure as when i first attempted i dashboarded when i died at the first boss and also when i died twice on the second boss.

Now i try again and i do it all in one go and i am at the final boss so i should hopefully make it this time.
By MattiasAnderson on 22 Jul 2016 22:32
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This will take a lot of time, patience and practice. You need to clear the whole game, from start to finish, on at least normal, without losing a single life. Here is a video that may be helpful. If you haven't already unlocked it, Crucible can be unlocked at the same time.

Chris Clement has put together 6 videos to walk you through the different stages if you're having trouble with this.