0 day Attack on Earth

0 day Attack on Earth

12 Achievements



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Ruler of the Universe

Ruler of the Universe

Earned every rank


How to unlock the Ruler of the Universe achievement in 0 day Attack on Earth - Definitive Guide

Just to add to Minioger's guide, I just wanted to put in the correct ranks in order so that you can see how much further you have to go.

Airman Basic
Airman First Class
Senior Airman
Staff Sergeant
Master Sergeant
Chief Master Sergeant
Second Lieutenant
First Lieutenant
Lieutenant Colonel
Brigadier General
Major General
Lieutenant General
General of the Air force
First Lady

22 Mar 2011 02:11

1 Comment
this list is awesome, thanks
By AGGT002 on 20 Jul 2016 18:47
Reach a rank of "First Lady"

First Lady is the rank AFTER you reach the rank of President. You have to go through 5 different general ranks before you get to President.

The easiest way to earn this achievement is to finish the game and then replay the last level (Paris Day 7) over and over again on easy. You can lose a rank (be demoted) so this way as long as you don't lose on the last boss (who is in my opinion the easiest in the game) you will slowly rank up. It took about 6 or 7 times on easy to rank up from President to First Lady.

29 Dec 2009 18:14

hey so my data was lost for this game and I had to start over, is the ranking POINT based or K/D based?
By G#2309 on 21 Mar 2011 00:32
I put it in the other solution for dying 256 times that you can die three times on the last boss and still rank up as long as you don't die the fourth time. So really I would say its based on completing levels....since you can't lose out after beating the last boss you will always be completing levels and never losing on levels allowing you to rank up.
By Minioger on 21 Mar 2011 04:47
On the hardest difficulty level (does that even matter?) and at the President level, it takes about 10 Paris boss kills to hit the next level. I kept track at the end and the number of kills it took to advance increased slowly as I went along.
By Cheese Touch on 15 May 2011 18:18
it feels so much longer than even 10 times
By Retrogress Pain on 18 Jun 2012 21:24
This glitched on me and didn't unlock.

If it happens to anyone else you can fix it by starting a new save on a different device. Demoting and going back up didn't work.
By DaOverUnder on 29 Jan 2015 06:43
it took 25 times dor one of the general ranks....
By EVIIL Alucard on 22 Sep 2012 09:41
Whats with the negative vote..

Honestly this guide is absolutely perfect!!!!!!
By SDREW44 on 04 Oct 2012 03:27
I finished the game twice on Normal (one without dying) and did the last level on hard for the achievement. After all of that, I was at the level of Major. So, I have to do a lot more grinding for the achievement. At least I can go for the deaths as well now.
By Rusty Nail zh on 20 Jul 2015 21:02
I think this actually might be based on your amount of deaths in the level. You'll gain more experience by not dying. It seems like if you're going for the 256 death cheevo and this one your progress will go much slower. It's taken me over 10 times to get to the general rank from lieutenant general. All this is speculation of course, but that's what it seems like cause no way should I rank up in 6-7 times playing the last boss from president to first lady if I've played it already more times at a lower rank just to rank up.
By x ShadoVV x on 02 Jan 2021 16:59
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You will need to reach the final rank of First Lady. Once you get to the general ranks you will not be too far off. You rank up based on your performance both offline and online. Note that you can be demoted as well as promoted. To avoid demotion, keep your kills up and deaths down. If you are farming deaths on the final stage you may even find that you will get to First Lady before being shot down 256 times.