1942 Joint Strike

1942 Joint Strike

12 Achievements



Xbox 360
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You completed the game on the Wing King difficulty setting.


How to unlock the Blitz achievement in 1942 Joint Strike - Definitive Guide

If you are having trouble getting to the final boss with enough lives, you can try not fighting any bosses. Dodge their bullets long enough, they will eventually leave and you will get a "Mission Failed" message, but you can continue on to the next stage regardless. The poseidon ship boss will also leave, and you do not have to get to the final gun, it just takes longer than the other bosses.

25 May 2009 21:59

I was just told about this today. This game would have been so much easier had I known about this earlier.
Mad props!
By SM Scorx on 02 Feb 2014 23:22
This is a great solution and even though I haven’t t completed the game on wing king I can definitely tell that doing this saves me lives.

You must kill the first boss but I’m struggling to get past the 4th using this method will keep trying +1 from me

EDIT: Achievement Unlocked
By Oliversuddenn on 21 Dec 2017 19:16
Oliversuddenn, what worked for you on the 4th boss? I am struggling with it.

Edit: I got it. I had to go from side to side shooting at the turrets and blowing up only one of the big guns missile barrels. Then I kept dodging the bullets and missiles until it ended.
By Mgd226921 on 17 Apr 2021 01:00
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Just to add one more point: If you manage to make to the final boss just stay in his "dead zone" right over the nose of the plane and none of the bullets will hit. Just wait until he retreats and you will have a failed mission but the achievement still pops!

14 Nov 2014 05:20

Just did it yesterday with Mosquito. Practice first on lower difficulties. If you can complete the game with more lifes than you begin with you are good to go. 1up lifes are on levels 2, 3 and 5. You will also get a bonus life every 500.000 points (if you can get S ranks on the boses go for it, you will earn some big points). Good luck!

13 May 2010 07:57

Probably the hardest achievement in the game. As the description states this must be done on the hardest difficulty. The rest of the achievements can be knocked out on Penguin but for this one, you are going to have to up the difficulty. If you haven't played it, Wing King drops your lives down to 1, versus 9 for Penguin, 5 for Slick Steve, and 3 for Dragon Fly.

This achievement is much easier if you are able to get at least an A Rating on all of the bosses. If you can manage an S Rating without dying, even better. Gaining a higher rating means higher points, and will result in Extra Lives at every 500,000 points.

In addition to Extra Lives gained through points, there are also 1Ups throughout the game. The first one is roughly about half way through Level 2 shortly before the Clocktower. This one seems to spawn depending on the amount of tanks and planes that you shoot in this section. If you kill enough of both, a single plane will spawn as red amongst the wave that crosses from right to left.

The second one is in Level 3 just before Poseidon and can be grabbed by killing a series of Red Planes that swoop in from the right side.

The third is right in the beginning of Level 5. A wide V of planes will dip down the top center and quickly swoop back up again. If you are quick enough you should be able to grab all of these.

Between the 1Ups and Extra Lives for every 500,000 points, this is a very doable achievement.