1942 Joint Strike

1942 Joint Strike

12 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Shinden Striker

Shinden Striker

You completed the game with the Shinden.


How to unlock the Shinden Striker achievement in 1942 Joint Strike - Definitive Guide

I completed this achievement today. This was the hardest achievement for me. Below, I will explain how I earned this achievement.

First, I will assume you have played through the game already with the Lightning and Mosquito. They are the better planes and have more health and are stronger. The Shinden is faster but a lot weaker. So hopefully you are used to the stages and the way the bosses fight. There are five stages to get through, so be ready and there are 1UPs to be found on each level and earned by score.

Second, you should play this play through like how you would for the Wing King achievement. Do not kill all the bosses, just fail the mission. If you do not understand I will further explain or please leave a comment and I will get back to you.

Okay, play this on the easiest setting. You should not lose a life on the first mission. You should be able to make it to the first boss with all your bombs (3), full missiles (8), double weapon laser and full life. Use all of this on the first boss and hit him with the double lasers and he will come down pretty easily.

The second stage is a bit harder, but what I did is take health over the bombs. If you have full health, then take the bombs so you can clear out a screen if need be. I had maybe 1 or 2 bombs when I made it to the boss. With this boss, instead of beating him, just take out the small four guns on his sides. Then sit in the top right or top left corner and the boss will leave after 2-3 minutes. Mission failed, but no loss of life and we move on to the next stage.

You may or may not have 10 planes (lives) now. This third stage is a bit more challenging, but if you are used to the stage and how the enemies come out, you will know when best to use your missiles on the ships and save any bombs you earn for clearing the area if it becomes too crowded. You should be able to make it to the boss without losing a plane/life, but if you do, do not worry about it. Though you should refrain from losing more than 1. The third boss is a ship. You do not have to defeat all of it. All you have to do is take out the 2 mounted guns in the middle and 1 of the guns on the left or right of the first part of the battle. Then just sit in the left or right corner like you did against the tank. The bullets will not be able to hit you and you will just have to wait for 3-4 minutes and the ship will leave. Mission failed but we carry on to the next level.

The fourth stage is pretty difficult for those not used to these type of games. I died twice on this stage before encountering the boss. Just try to remember how the enemies spawn and their flight patterns, how when the train appears and just dodge his bullets (I found no point in attacking it), and just trying to keep my health up and good strategic uses of bombs and missiles. The fourth boss is another tank, but unlike the first one, you cannot just destroy the guns on the side of it and sit in the corner of the screen. Choose to either stay on the left or right of the screen. Keep forcing the guns back into their protective shells. Destroy the missile launcher on the side you choose to stay on and just avoid the bullets coming from the guns on the other side. Also, do not forget to avoid the main weapons cannon shots. Once you got the pattern down, the tank will leave in 2-3 minutes and it is another mission failure and you will continue on to the final stage.

This final stage is somewhat difficult. Again, try to remember how the planes will spawn in and how they will come at you. Just keep using your bombs if you get yourself in a tight position and your missiles strategically. I died twice on the way to the boss leaving with me about 6 lives/planes to deal with the final boss. Since I had 6 lives to spare, I just concentrated on the central area, bombed the living hell out of him every time I died. I probably died on him 3-4 times leaving me with 2 men left, a nice new achievement and completion.

If you have any questions, please feel free to message me or if you have a problem understanding what I wrote, please leave a comment. If you do leave a negative vote, let me know why so I can change the solution where the solution needs changing.

18 Nov 2012 09:00

I just did it with Lightning! Great guide!
By Linkx41 on 25 Nov 2012 19:54
Sweet. Glad this helped. I was having a really hard time.
By Ichya Paradise on 26 Nov 2012 00:23
I was playing today and got a bucnch of the achievments but struggled on completing the game on this plane, I made it to the last boss barely with it. I will try the sit in the corner tactics on 2,3 and 4 and see how that goes for me and let you know. I wonder if this method will help with the wing king achievment
By Blazing Noble on 20 Nov 2014 03:30
Glad it helped.
By Ichya Paradise on 23 Nov 2014 09:11
with the help of this guide I just completed the game with 3 lives to spare.
thanks for the help.
next up 'blitz' complete the game on wing king and
'padlocked' s rating all bosses in 1 playthrough
and then i am done with this game
By Blazing Noble on 21 Nov 2014 03:28
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I completed this achievement today. This was the hardest achievement for me. Below, I will explain how I earned this achievement.

First, I will assume you have played through the game already with the Lightning and Mosquito. They are the better planes and have more health and are stronger. The Shinden is faster but a lot weaker. So hopefully you are used to the stages and the way the bosses fight. There are five stages to get through, so be ready and there are 1UPs to be found on each level and earned by score.

Second, you should play this play through like how you would for the Wing King achievement. Do not kill all the bosses, just fail the mission. If you do not understand I will further explain or please leave a comment and I will get back to you.

Okay, play this on the easiest setting. You should not lose a life on the first mission. You should be able to make it to the first boss with all your bombs (3), full missiles (8), double weapon laser and full life. Use all of this on the first boss and hit him with the double lasers and he will come down pretty easily.

The second stage is a bit harder, but what I did is take health over the bombs. If you have full health, then take the bombs so you can clear out a screen if need be. I had maybe 1 or 2 bombs when I made it to the boss. With this boss, instead of beating him, just take out the small four guns on his sides. Then sit in the top right or top left corner and the boss will leave after 2-3 minutes. Mission failed, but no loss of life and we move on to the next stage.

You may or may not have 10 planes (lives) now. This third stage is a bit more challenging, but if you are used to the stage and how the enemies come out, you will know when best to use your missiles on the ships and save any bombs you earn for clearing the area if it becomes too crowded. You should be able to make it to the boss without losing a plane/life, but if you do, do not worry about it. Though you should refrain from losing more than 1. The third boss is a ship. You do not have to defeat all of it. All you have to do is take out the 2 mounted guns in the middle and 1 of the guns on the left or right of the first part of the battle. Then just sit in the left or right corner like you did against the tank. The bullets will not be able to hit you and you will just have to wait for 3-4 minutes and the ship will leave. Mission failed but we carry on to the next level.

The fourth stage is pretty difficult for those not used to these type of games. I died twice on this stage before encountering the boss. Just try to remember how the enemies spawn and their flight patterns, how when the train appears and just dodge his bullets (I found no point in attacking it), and just trying to keep my health up and good strategic uses of bombs and missiles. The fourth boss is another tank, but unlike the first one, you cannot just destroy the guns on the side of it and sit in the corner of the screen. Choose to either stay on the left or right of the screen. Keep forcing the guns back into their protective shells. Destroy the missile launcher on the side you choose to stay on and just avoid the bullets coming from the guns on the other side. Also, do not forget to avoid the main weapons cannon shots. Once you got the pattern down, the tank will leave in 2-3 minutes and it is another mission failure and you will continue on to the final stage.

This final stage is somewhat difficult. Again, try to remember how the planes will spawn in and how they will come at you. Just keep using your bombs if you get yourself in a tight position and your missiles strategically. I died twice on the way to the boss leaving with me about 6 lives/planes to deal with the final boss. Since I had 6 lives to spare, I just concentrated on the central area, bombed the living hell out of him every time I died. I probably died on him 3-4 times leaving me with 2 men left, a nice new achievement and completion.

If you have any questions, please feel free to message me or if you have a problem understanding what I wrote, please leave a comment. If you do leave a negative vote, let me know why so I can change the solution where the solution needs changing.

18 Nov 2012 09:00

I just did it with Lightning! Great guide!
By Linkx41 on 25 Nov 2012 19:54
Sweet. Glad this helped. I was having a really hard time.
By Ichya Paradise on 26 Nov 2012 00:23
I was playing today and got a bucnch of the achievments but struggled on completing the game on this plane, I made it to the last boss barely with it. I will try the sit in the corner tactics on 2,3 and 4 and see how that goes for me and let you know. I wonder if this method will help with the wing king achievment
By Blazing Noble on 20 Nov 2014 03:30
with the help of this guide I just completed the game with 3 lives to spare.
thanks for the help.
next up 'blitz' complete the game on wing king and
'padlocked' s rating all bosses in 1 playthrough
and then i am done with this game
By Blazing Noble on 21 Nov 2014 03:28
Glad it helped.
By Ichya Paradise on 23 Nov 2014 09:11
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The Shinden is by far the fastest plane in the game but is also the weakest in terms of Health and Power. Taking a single pink bullet can take away a good chunk of the Shinden's Health Bar. This plane manuvers really well and is great for grabbing medals and powerups but is really tough to beat the bosses with due to the low Power of its main weapon. An offset to this is that is posseses the strongest Missile/Joint Strike strength in the game.

I'd actually recommend not trying to get this achievement in co-op mode unless you have a really strong partner. Co-op is quite a bit more challenging and the Shinden takes a beating as a result. Again, only the host will get this achievement at the end of the game.