6Souls (UP)
14 Achievements
Sharp sword
Kill the first monster.
How to unlock the Sharp sword achievement in 6Souls - Definitive Guide
The boss is easy to fight, just walk towards the boss and smash A button, you should kill half of it's health bar and lost one heart (you have three heart in total) and smash A again should kill it before you die.
Use X to attack
Chapter 1: 1:05
Chapter 2: 5:10
Bacon 1: 8:30
Bacon 2: 9:30
Boss 1: 11:55
Chapter 3: 12:40
Bacon 3: 13:40
Boss 2: 19:00
Achievement Walkthrough:
Chapter 1: 1:05
Chapter 2: 5:10
Bacon 1: 8:30
Bacon 2: 9:30
Boss 1: 11:55
Chapter 3: 12:40
Bacon 3: 13:40
Boss 2: 19:00
Achievement Walkthrough: