7 Days to Die
43 Achievements
Dirty Larry
You feel lucky? Details for this achievement will be revealed once unlocked
How to unlock the Dirty Larry achievement in 7 Days to Die - Definitive Guide
- .44 Magnum Grip
- .44 Magnum Cylinder
- .44 Magnum Parts
- .44 Magnum Frame
- Flashlight (optional)
I found these parts randomly all over the map.
If you are just starting out and find any of these parts, I would take them and put them in a storage box just to keep for when you are able to fully assemble. You'll also need to read the .44 Magnum Assembly Book. You can find books almost anywhere, but the main locations are Crack-A-Books, Supply Drops, and other random loot places.
Once you have everything together you'll need to make bullets. In order to make those, you'll need to buy the (.44 Magnum Round Crafting) perk from your skill section which only costs 5 skill points. From here you'll need (bullet casings, bullet tips, and gun power) Unfortunately, to craft the bullets you'll need to have already found the 'Calipers' to add to the forge. I, for one could not find the Calipers at all, so I ended up just looting and keeping all bullet casings I could from bodies and other loot places. Gun power you can craft from coal and nitrate (crafting menu). Bullet tip is just clay and brass (forge).
Now you're ready to kill! Any zombie will do. All you need to do is kill 44 of any zombie (I did not try on the dogs) If you are limited on ammo, my suggestion would be to use your bow and arrows and shoot a zombie once to make it fall to the ground (or any other weapon that will make them fall and not kill them). Once on the ground use your .44 and finish them off with a headshot. I found some zombies take more than 1 bullet so this strategy helped me out a lot.
Hope this helps!
But I have a solution! Leave this achievement for later on in the game when you have a mini bike and a decent amount of gas.
What you will want to do is go to your game settings and change the in-game day to be 10 real life minutes, change the loot respawn to 5 in-game days and make supply drops appear every 24 in-game hours.
What this all will do, is make the gun crates in the Shotgun Messiah shops and the Bookshelves in the Crack-a-book shops have loot respawn in them, meaning they will have the Untouched thingy and you will be able to search them for new items. Now it will take 50 real minutes for 5 in-game days to pass, so when you search all the Gun and Book shops, just go somewhere away from them, preferably to your base and just put a rubber band on your sticks so you could leave your character in-game driving and go do something IRL for like 50 minutes, then come back and search the shops again. (These 50 mins riding the mini bike will count a little for your 1000km cheevo)
I dont have any screenshots to post the locations of the shops, so just go google them. But if you are good with a written guide for these locations then read this:
- There are 3 Shotgun Messiah stores. One in Perishton, another one is in the north-western part of the winter biome and the last one is in Gravestown.
The Crack-a-book store is located in Perishton and there is another big one found at these coordinates - 892 N, 457 W.
I did this little method of mine and in 4 hours (4 runs) I found the Enforcer magazine in one of the gun crates in the Shotgun Messiah shop.
When you do finally have the gun itself, then its just killing 44 zombies. Dogs and zombie bears count. Animals dont.
Also, the quickest way to get ammo is just go to a trader and buy some. For me he usually sells about 40-60 bullets per stock change. Alternatively you can craft ammo on your own, which is easy but might take a bit longer.
Important note - If you search a crate or a bookshelf and it has items you dont need inside, take those items out of the container so that new items may spawn after 5 in-game days and also since 10 real life minutes is 24 hours of the in-game time, you will have supply crates spawn and these little fellas also have a higher chance of the Enforcer magazine or the Magnum itself spawn in them.
This achievement is slightly luck based as to how fast you will unlock it. The achievement requires you to kill 44 zombies with the 44 magnum. First, you have to acquire a 44 magnum, which requires you to get lucky and find the Enforcer Magazine so that you unlock the blueprint to make the 44 magnum. After you have the blueprint, you then have to find all 4 parts (the frame, cylinder, parts, and grip). Once you have them, just go into your inventory, click on any of them to select the item, then click
to assemble the parts, doing so will bring up a different crafting menu which you will have to drag all the different parts into their respective spots.
After you have your gun, now you have to craft some bullets for it. To craft 44 magnum bullets you have to acquire the perk for crafting them which requires 40 gunsmithing. Crafting bullet tips requires you to have a forge with an anvil inside, and if you don’t have any bullet casings, then you also need calipers (which can’t be crafted, but have to be found in working stiff crates). Once you have some bullet tips and casings, you will need some gunpowder, it takes 1 bullet tip, 1 case, and 3 gunpowder to make 1 bullet. After you have made about 100 44 magnum bullets just go out and kill zombies. After you have killed 44 zombies with your 44 magnum, this achievement will unlock.
Note: If you're having trouble finding any parts for the .44 magnum make sure to change the loot abundance option up to 200 under the modded options menu.
Getting your hands on the .44 Magnum and enough bullets is a very lengthy process which is why you need to pay close attention to gathering the below materials and completing the tasks outlined below in order to get this done. It's best to pair this trophy with Nearly Immortal trophy as you'll have lots of time for scavenging and crafting during the twenty hour survival and most likely will have come across a few of the items accidentally. Now, the trophy description states "Kill 44 Punks with the .44 Magnum". When it refers to "punks" it means zombies, not players. Once you have shot and killed your 44th zombie with the Magnum you will be awarded this trophy.
Materials Needed:
- Enforcer Magazine
- 1x .44 Magnum Frame
- 1x .44 Magnum Cylinder
- 1x .44 Magnum Parts
- 1x .44 Magnum Grip
- Read the Enforcer Magazine
- Gun Smithing Skill "40" minimum
- Purchased the .44 Magnum round crafting skill
- Forge
- Anvil & Calipers for the Forge
Locations for looting and Crafting the .44 Magnum:
- Crack a Book N 924° W 441°
- Gun Store N 1845° E 615°
- Working Stiff N 719° E 733°
.44 Magnum pieces can be found in almost every lootable object. Corpses, cars, trash, gym bags literally anything. So don't pass anything up if you are still in a need of any of the above items. However, some places have higher chances then others such as army camps, gun stores, and the police station. Air drops also have a high chance and will come in every 24 hours depending on how you have your settings adjusted and they are great for any gun parts including the enforcer magazine which is needed before you can even assemble the .44 Magnum. Crack a Book is a bookstore that has a few locations around the Navezgane map and is the best place to look for this magazine if you're struggling to get one. Bookshelves can also be found in many different town houses and can also contain the book.
Once you have all the parts and have read the enforcer magazine you're ready to assemble your weapon. Open up your inventory with the and press
on any of the magnum pieces and then press
on the directional pad to assemble. This will open a new menu where you will need to drag and drop all the pieces of the magnum in the correct places. Once done just select the close option on the bottom and the .44 Magnum will appear in your inventory. Depending on the durability of each of your weapon parts you'll need repair kits to fix your magnum if it breaks. These repair kits are found in air drops or the hardware store Working Stiff.
Crafting .44 Magnum Rounds
Skills & Materials Needed:
- Purchased the .44 Magnum round crafting skill
- Anvil & Calipers for the forge
- Lead (in the forge)
- Brass (in the forge)
- Gunpowder
- Lumps of Coal
- Nitrate Powder
Now that you have your .44 Magnum you'll need some bullets. Hopefully you didn't pass up any lead or brass based items as these will be extremely handy in the forge to create bullet casings & bullet tips.
Firstly, you'll need an anvil and calipers (tools used in the forge) in order to craft the bullet tips and casings. Anvils can be crafted in the Forge using Iron and Clay. Calipers can only be looted from the hardware store known as Working Stiff. Inside these stores will be crates that may contain handy tools such as pick axes and or forge tools like calipers or dye sets. Once you've found one bring it back and place it in the tool spot in the forge. Now, like I've mentioned above, you are going to need to place some lead and brass items in the smelting section of the forge. Items like brass casino tokens found in cash registers or lead fishing weights normally found in trash piles will smelt down and become usable in the forge. You'll also need clay for both the casings and the tips so be sure to collect enough with your shovel when you find some. Clay is on the map marked as "dark" areas in the green forest biome. It's everywhere.
Cave Coordinates: N 1909° E 865°
Now it's time to craft gunpowder. You probably found some gunpowder previously by looting but it's most likely not enough to craft the .44 Magnum rounds needed for the trophy. This is where you'll need coal and Nitrate powder. Coal can be harvested in any biome in large chunks of black rock just laying around on the ground. However, these are quite rare to find so head over to the Burnt Forest biome and chop away at the smoldering wood on the ground and near old houses. This will net you some coal.
Nitrate powder is the only material in the game you will need to go into a cave for, so be extra careful. It will be all over the cave walls and roof. Use the appropriate mining tool (steel pick axe) to get the most out of it. If you harvest it all it should net you around 400-600 nitrate powder. Once you have enough you should be able to craft your gunpowder which is located under the resources tab in the crafting menu.