7 Days to Die
43 Achievements
Meet Your Maker
Die 28 Times
How to unlock the Meet Your Maker achievement in 7 Days to Die - Definitive Guide
These will also unlock in the process, if not yet earned.
1. Create a Private Game of Navezgane. Single Player will not work for this method.
1a. In the Private Game Options, in the modded options, turn off enemy spawning. This is more of a precaution and probably negligible.
2. When you spawn, farm up 20 plant fibers and create a Bedroll. Set it on your toolbar.
3. Head to any part of the radiation zone, which is just the boundary of the playable area.
4. When you step into the radiation zone and start to take damage, set your Bedroll down.
5. Eventually when you die from radiation, press A to respawn on your bed and then turn off your controller.
What happens is that a loop is created where you'll die from radiation and respawn as long as the controller is off to repeat the process over and over.
This method won't work in Single player as the game will stay paused as long as your controller is off. There are ways around that too, but it's more effort than necessary.
Enjoy your free achievements.
This achievement is very self-explanatory. All you have to do is die 500 times. Your death can be caused by anything, from starving, zombies, other players, or falling from great heights. If you have a friend who is trying to get the "Alexander the Great" achievement, then you can simply just let them kill you and just watch TV while pressing the to make your character respawn.
Alternatively, if you don’t have a way of boosting with someone, then you can load up a map of your own, craft at least 50 wood frames, build a tower straight up, make a platform at the top with 2 blocks, place a bed down so you will respawn at the top, and then proceed to jump off the tower 500 times. The easiest way to do this method is to get a rubber band and wrap it around the to pull it to the left. This will cause your character to walk to the left every time you respawn, so all you have to do is hit the
to make him respawn after he dies.
This achievement is cumulative and will track across all of your characters, so you don’t have to attempt to get this all on one character. After you have died 500 times, the achievement will unlock.
Note: It's recommended you wait until you farm out player kills to get these death related trophies.
There are numerous ways you can kill your character in 7 Days To Die. It's heavily recommended to wait until you boost the 2500 player kills needed for the Alexander The Great trophy because if you are helping others boost this you will die more than 500 times so it will be wasted time to farm this out. Also either backup your save or do this on a new character before farming out your 500 deaths because you will be losing wellness and score. It's also worth noting that deaths will be tracked across multiple save files meaning you can die in a friends server 100 times and die the other 400 in single player games and still be awarded the trophy.
Dying and Respawning While AFK
Note: This will only work in online or split screen servers. Turning off your controller will result in your game pausing in single player.
The best and fastest way to die very quickly is by placing a bedroll in the radiation zones that border the worlds in 7 Days To Die. You can even turn off your controller and the game will automatically respawn your character on your bed each time and you'll keep dying over and over. You can only take 3 seconds out in the these zones before you will die so you get this trophy very quickly using this method. Thanks to furious_banana for confirming this works
Statistics are summarized from all your saves, including online ones.